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Fri Nov 03, 2017 6:28 am
Sanae would hear the steps as he walked into the room and smiled as he heard him first stepping into the tub and then the sign of relive. So he felt better inside the waters as it seemed. Slowly a, in the white bathrobe engulfed Sanae appeared beside the tube. "Is the water nice enough? Do you need something else Sensei?", she put one of her hands into the water and smiled, "This will stay warm for a bit so don't worry if it gets to cold I will have to do it over." For a moment her hand trailed up his arm her fingers painting the muscles she could see beneath her fingers. Then again she rose to her senses shying away a little but not much since her eyes became restless to catch a glimpse but the sight was kind of foggy.

Still she would not go but kind of rest beside the tub waiting if he wanted something while day dreaming about several instances of the day where she had been so fluttery and absent minded, that she did not even recognize herself. It was something inside her that he seemed to have much more control of than her and it amazed and scared her, but it was not the bad kind of scary, it was a good kind but how could a scare be good?

WC: 229
TWC: 15702
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
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Fri Nov 03, 2017 6:46 am
He flexed slightly working his muscles as he noted the scabs on his chest.

"If cold then we shall not catch an cold sanae" xuba whispered so only she could hear. Her fingers  being 
Bearly noticable as he felt alert.  As he relaxed and sighed.

"If you may you may sit by me and we can work on the cuts as they are." 

Xuba stated as he removed the bandage from hjs hurt arm and reached for her hand as reassurance.

"Its ok but i do need a hand as alone this is quiet painful"

Xuba whispered gently as he leaned against the fall of the tub his muscles much more apparent now as the steam dimmed and the various burns he suffered as a child.

"I am hideous i know. But i did say my world was not the freindliest sanae." His chest held a horrendius scar that spanned from one side to the other. No har was grown whstsoever. Then along his back a marker of a hot pan mark wad there. 

"I look as if i went to war. I am sorry sanae that my old wounds are a sore to see."

Xuba bowed his head as tears streamed down his face. Yet he remained stoic trying to fight back tears but failing.
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Fri Nov 03, 2017 7:13 am
She nodded as he said they could work on his cuts and was on her way to do her medical jutsu just to heal whatever of her attacks may have bruised him as he reached for her hand and she held onto it. Moving closer to put her face up against it while she was sitting beside the tube. Gently her lips slid along his finger as he was snuggling her face against his hand. "I will gladly lend you my hand", she then said quietly as he was stretching out the other hand. Gently trailing along the burn marks on his chest just as if a single touch could make it all better, well at least she wished for it to be that way, but it was not. "You are not hideous at least not in my eyes and you will never be and I don't mind your scars hence they tell a history about you, something that has left an impact on you just as they have onto your skin", she fell silent as she could see his tears rolling down his face. Bending over the tube she gently placed her hands on his cheeks moving his face to softly kiss those tears off his face and then whip it over with a thumb. "I will make it go away I will help you leave the hurting behind", she almost pleaded with him because it felt so unbearable to see him that hurting.

WC: 245
TWC: 15947
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
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Fri Nov 03, 2017 11:13 am
The god of woe and guilt had a strong hold on the heart of the man know  as xuba. The shame that  also held a deep hold yet even in his sadness sanae was there.

How! How after all of my sins! How after all of my footstep?! How after my years! She stands before me... her grace shows forgiveness that i never knew evisted. Even as i jold the vindication, of the gods! Above my  fate as a man. I am naught but flesh. In my  single eternal second...... i just... don... kn...

Suddenly his train of thought stopped as he relaxed. Her lips seemed to abscentmindedly kissed at his tears. Like the lips that were on his arms her soft voice stopped him. Like earlier in the day  her hand was on his chest and he stopped. His voice hardly a whisper as he watched her bend over the edge of the bath. All but her arms hands shown but he looked into her eyes. One question resonationg in them reflecting in his eyes.

"Sanae... how do you...."

He wondered how despite all he knew she could care for the man with not only a wounded body but a wounded soul. 

"I...Tatsuma sama.... thank you."

A single tear turned into many as he tilted his head to rest on her outstreched hand. He needed it as she would find that he closed into her and nuzzled up her arm to her nose and lingered fo a moment. It felt like 10 moments. But he relaxed. 

"Thank you sanae.... thank you.."
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Check in [P,NK, Xuba] - Page 10 Empty Re: Check in [P,NK, Xuba]

Fri Nov 03, 2017 3:08 pm
She looked at him and signed while she stroked her hands over his head and cheeks. Her hands caressing his head and then she shook her own head, what happened to him, that he was so defeated or more or less out of breath or life. It seemed like he was not only harmed in body but severely hurt in his soul. It would take so very long to heal it. But this was something she did not mind at all. She knew that hard things on the outside often were quit fragile on the inside. So she would let him take the time to ease up and rest his head against her hand. She lightly embraced him and stood there, silent for the moments that passed by without anything happening besides her trying to warm him or his heart for all she knew he had been out cold for so long.

The she would silently whisper: "How would I not care? You need healing and I will try to help you heal but some stuff is not so superficial so it and I will need time for you to get better Tatsuma-sama, I hope you don't mind the wait", she then performed her seals again gently sliding her hands that were now glowing green with healing power over his chest and face to make it all better. The mere cuts and bruises could be healed but the wound on the shoulder would remain. She signed as her tries to heal it were kind of in vain. But it was her best effort to help him with his pains at least the physical ones.

WC: 274
TWC: 16221
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
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Fri Nov 03, 2017 3:36 pm
Xuba stirred awake as he fell asleep to her breathing to her words and smiled.

"I mustve dozed off.... yes you can take as long as you want. I know some of the healing too which to avoid scarring mostly sanae. Use the herb and crush it in the hot water. It.... will sting me. Make sure to not have a cut on hand. Your first time using this herb this way. Then take a pinch of salt and apply it to each cut. Alternate up and down so that it is covered. The herb will numb my body for a moment or two but i will ease myself into the pool. I have more than once rolled into a natural hot spring for wound care. But join me. It will relax you."

Xuba stated as he took a breath and brushed his lips slightly on the top of her wrist. An accident, but he was groggy. Yet it may have part in the wounds too. His voice low under the sound of the splashing water.

"Keep up the healing jutsu but grab the stuff. As even out there you may not always have time... to keep it proper. In survival you must do everything in your power."

Xuba took a handful of the herb as a citris smell slightly emmited the water as he crushed the herb underwater. In an attempt he rolled over his bad shoulder and smiled despite the pain. Whispering to her softly.

"You learn a thing or two out there. To trust the world. Instead of fearing the world. I used to apply this when i had a moments rest. Amid the dark forests... the cliff tops... under waterfalls. To survive even in the slightest minute. A hour or two of rest. Because even if numb i could not afford a decent sleep. Still i avoided most scars. Although this shoulder. I am proud to say that i am glad to have it from you. Because i learned something. That i am not alone. You sanae helped me. And even my battered body. You see me... as a person. A person that no matter what we do good and bad. But nothing is as great a gift princess. To be called and accepted as your prince.... it makes all of the pain i went through in life... worth it"

If she kept healing xuba would slide back into the hot pool and smiled at her. 

"Your an angel"
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Fri Nov 03, 2017 4:29 pm
She smiled gently and shook her head: "It is more important to have you healed back to health I can still bathe afterwards don't worry about it so much." She mumbled a little yawning. The day had been quite exhausting for her taste but well it had been an exceptional day for her with training, meeting a master and a new friend. She was happy with it because one never got to know such people easily. No it was rather hard for her to seem to find someone who was willing to help her further her life towards her goal. Sometimes it seemed as if others were favoured more over her especially when some weird things were happening that would demolish the young girl's confidence.

While she continued to heal him she would listen to what he said. Once again she thought about what he said and it seemed like it was so like her that it was kind of scary. He was feeling lost and alone sometimes just as she did. She felt not like a human but sometimes just as a tool, a weapon or even kind of like a monster. Sometimes people in her presence would make her believe towards this a little too much. But as he had ended she smiled at him: "I am very happy to have you as my friend teacher and prince together we shall make a better tomorrow I am sure."

After his last word she chuckled and nodded: "I am loving that I can be an angel for once this feels so much nicer than what I usually am", she kept healing him for some time more and as her hands shivered with exhaustion she stopped. "I will need to regain strength as it seems I am sorry." She shook the water off her hands as she took them out of the water ad away from him.

WC: 317
TWC: 16538
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
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Fri Nov 03, 2017 5:13 pm
His wounds closed as both the water and the healing energies she utilized surged through the wounds. Although it was her best effort that counted  and mattered the most. His eyes hal closed as he envisioned a future where she spoke of. Him her freind and prince.

What was that? Must be both the herbs and the healing jutsu that surging through me. Ugh my arms and chest have gone numb. Still i can stand.

Xuba now looked in her eyes as she apologized in her greatest efforts to helping. Sure his shoulder was healing up and the chest where his wounds from their spar scabbed over. The salt kicking in as he chuckled.

"They say never rub salt in a wound, but salt allows one to stand up the next day. You have done amazingly sanae... i never asked you to go beyond what you wished to do. Instead."

Xuba reached for the towel and soaked some lotion in it toplace in her hands. 

"It is my turn to make sure you go well. Rest and relax a bit. Although tired after a day like this. You will too need to rest." 

His forearm was numb and his shoulder was numb toi still with his good hand he placed some lotion on his bad arm and smiled at sanae. 

"Are you feeling sore too?"

Xuba offered with a hand as he looked into her eyes. His eyes clearer than they were in years. Time was starting to go forward for the man as he knelt next to her covered and dried her hands and rubbed his hands through her hair. His thumbs softly massaged her temples as he whispered.

"Just relax and take but a moment"
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Fri Nov 03, 2017 6:05 pm
She was smiling at him a little bit tired as she had been keeping up her best efforts to stay focused on the task at hand. Now she was pulling back her hair and signed as her power began to dwindle down. "I understand, this will help you to get better much sooner and I am happy you feel well enough tomorrow", she smiled at him and took the towel he handed to her and looked at it kind of puzzled of what he wanted her to do with it. Her mind went blank there for a moment while she was staring down the towel as he said he thought she would need the rest. She nodded at him and smiled: "Yes I need some too even people like me do get worn out some times", she smiled at him softly and nodded as he asked if she felt sore. As he started to rub along her hands, stroke through her hair and massaged her temples she closed her eyes and relaxed as she was gently caressed and massaged. This felt very nice as he would do it and she would let out a sign: "Thank you this feels nice and I do think it is rejuvenating of some sort. I will feel best after some sleep." She said and smiled at him then stretching a little and yawns. "I will set up fuutons for us I hope you don't mind sharing a room, I did not have time to prepare the guests rooms." She smiled at him and seemed not so tens anymore.

WC: 264
TWC: 16802[/b][/color]

Last edited by Sanae on Fri Nov 03, 2017 6:29 pm; edited 1 time in total
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
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Fri Nov 03, 2017 6:25 pm
Xuba smiled and nodded. So there were fuuttons which xuba had a perplexed look as he smiled he was going to learn really quickly. As he took her hand. 

"Well then shall we set up for the night?"

Xuba stated as he stareted cleaning up and his leg slipped amid taking a step and fell to a knee.

"Its ok. Just the herbs as i will be numb in my arm and chest for awhile."

 xuba stated with a smile. As he eased himself to standing the towel firmly aroun him and kicking up his cloak and other necessities. Xuba was set.

"How long has your family been here to have such an amazing home?"
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