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Tue Oct 31, 2017 3:05 pm
She paused a little. When she had finished her exam? Well that would take some time still but it was something to look forward to so she was happy to wait for it to happen. There was no need to rush it in any case so she was happy that he did not refuse to do so. But she nodded in agreement. There were things to be done before she could just go on like that. When he asked about how they coped with the aggression towards them she shrugged a little: "I don't know how others do it, but I have taught myself a defence that would only protect me and not hurt anyone and I try to just let words pass by. Since I am only doing good things and I protect any and everyone whatever they say cannot really be directed towards me. I got a black eye once because I forgot to cover my insignias", she pointed at her forehead and then smiled, "Oh and I wore my headband openly while bringing donations to a temple, but well that is okay I can deal with that."

She rubbed the back of her head. This indeed had never been reason enough to cause someone harm in any way so there was no need to do something stupid about it. Hoshi Shinobi needed to learn fast to be the so called greater human and just let it go. There was no sense in revenge after all. "And mhmm I have too already killed two people, I don't remember them much, because I did not take the time to do so. They were sneaking up on some visitors from another land, quite important ones, so well, I killed them. Maybe a little overreaction, but the danger from them was over immediately so I was not concerned with it."

WC: 309
TWC: 3497
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
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Tue Oct 31, 2017 3:29 pm
The words that the innocent girl struck down two lives caused xuba to blink as he observed her a moment. 

Surely not this cute little one.... well women are lethal still. Not the first time as it is. Who knows maybe she goes nuts and throws stuff in a blood rage? Ah the possibilities. 

"Well it is something that you  took a life. Lest you judgement was correct at the given moment. The fact being this dicipline you show. Much more savy than some induviduals. Note that by you hold yourself you dont seem too fierce.... although as they say. Women with gorgeous eyes tend to hold a deadly soul that dances.... dont you belive that could be the case?"

Xuba asked with a kind smile. Perhaps that was a honest jab but he was being himself for a falsified induvidual. The temptation of tale telling is that often times figments of honesty slips out.

"Well i say the gorgeous eyes because i dont see mine as nice. They remind me of the grey cross roads which one may cross. Apparently my father had the darker of the two eyes. Hence mine mixed to make em as they are today. The fact being is that how do you say for your eyes and soul? I once read that the eyes are the window in which one can gaze. I assume that the more conflicted one is the more hazled they become. However yours show a clarity behind them inwhich i can see my reflection clearly. Sanae what do you see when you look into your reflection?"

Xuba asked honestly as his speech was more the less directed towards the induvidual that stood before him as a question of honesty.
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Tue Oct 31, 2017 4:39 pm
She would look at him surprised of his judgement of her. A small chuckle rose from her throat and she smiled a little with a short blush to her face as he put her eyes with the adjective gorgeous together. She cleared her throat and said: "Well I am not pretty fierce at all well at least usually, but I am when it comes to giving it my all to protect the people I want to see safe and sound", she said and raised her arms a little rubbing over her cheeks. Then she looked at him a little more curious and tilted her head while he was talking about his own eyes.

Then he asked what she saw when she was looking at her reflection and she thought about it thoroughly. How did she see herself? She started to walk up and down while she was brainstorming about it. "I do see myself as a girl or maybe a young woman. I can see myself as part of my clan and as a shinobi of this village. I see what comes from my father and my mother and how they might have mixed together to form me. But I can also see fears I have, sometimes I wake up from dreams where I transform into a monster and everyone runs from me, but sometimes I see myself as a saving angel. It is not determined which of both I am really going to be. But usually the angel is stronger than the monster inside me and I can keep it contained inside of me, but I know my father wants me to set it free, because he sais true power sometimes needs a loose monster, but I disagree, power can come from many sources I suppose and I try to find another way." She scratches her head and shakes it lightly. The source of it still slept deep within her.

WC: 321
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Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
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Tue Oct 31, 2017 5:17 pm
Was that a blush? The sure caught sight of a woman fluttering was the concept of having the idea of a lady that barely knew him hug then melt before his very presence and at a single phrase. 

Ah she needs reassurance..... hm well i think i can help.

Xuba thought as loosend his shoulders and smiled a guienuen smile.

"If... well... thats of course up to you. Do you need another hug sanae?"

Xuba offered as  he offered and spoke softly.

" you are an angel with a devil. Neither nor the opposite. You make yourself just like i made me. My hand soaked in blood and sin as i walk the grey path seeking peace. For like me you will not falter nor shiver at the obsticals nor the burdens that stand or collect. As an angel you helped me go from the boy that hid in the darkness of his soul but emerged with a sliver of life. Your reflection is loyalty but you seek much more dont you.?"

Xuba stated as if she hugged him she would find that his arms seemed almost protective in a sense as he looked down towards sanae and spoke softly.

"Is that a spark of joy that shines in the georgeous sea of your eyes? The mere reflection reminds me of the  mountains i climbed over. It was the sight of the sun the very existance of light, that indeed emmits life through the land. That same beautiful light enhances your very beautiful eyes. I wonder what story they will tell if you hug tight?"

Xuba offered his very poetic nature showing with the martial arts he trained and honed. Still it was a rough  bit. Cheesy but he was honest.
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Tue Oct 31, 2017 6:38 pm
She was kind of surprised as he offered her another hug, or more asked if she needed another one so she took a step towards him and hugged around his waist with a loose grip and her hands touching his back. Gently nuzzling her face against his chest and relaxing while he was hugging around her in a rather protective manner his voice calming and almost sweet. She closed her eyes for a moment and then decided to look up to him. She did not quite remember when she last felt so weirdly connected to a stranger, but it did not bother her, no it felt nice. Slowly she nodded as he asked if she wanted more. "Yes that is right, I want to be a true protector of this village or land for the most part", she said almost whispering as if that was a secret. "And if it comes to that, I won't fear to sacrifice anything I can come up with to achieve my goal in keeping my promise to protect anyone. Well not by mindlessly giving my life but using it to its full extend and also putting my mind to things. That is why I want to learn from Kyosuke-sama. He knows powerful taijutsu that are traditionally only to people who do display this kind of character. When I found out about it, he became even more of an idol and I want to be like that, but well this might be a high goal, but if it was easy to achieve it would be boring, wouldn't it?" She smiled softly and buried her face against him again.

While she spoke her eyes indeed had this kind of joyful spark he mentioned. She was really captivated with her thought about the future that could unfold before her and she wanted to know more about it. But for now she just blushed again as he mentioned the spark in her eyes and how beautiful they were as it seemed. What odd things to say at least form her point of view? Like many girls she would not really dare to define herself as anything but average just to not be seen as arrogant, but to think that in the eyes of others she could indeed be made her kind of fell flattered but strange as well. Holding on tighter she would press her ear to his chest to listen to his heart again how it beat and she smiled gently.

"What an odd moment I am having in the arms of a stranger, at the middle of the day in an office and still it feels a little out of this world and safe. It is a good strange though, that makes me feel connected to you, although I don't know why, but I don't always need to know why, but thank you Tutamursa-san, I feel encouraged right now."

WC: 483
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Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
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Tue Oct 31, 2017 6:57 pm
Xuba smiled a real smile. Since losing the boy and well crippeling a girl into uselessness he felt that he had no way to offer his service of safety. In reality he was merely a man that taught to help and enhance a person, not a cold blooded man that he had to be at times. Yet as the girl spoke he noted a few more things. Seemed as if the leader had a knack for getting knuckles bruised. Which his heart beat pacend slightly in excitment. With the sanae he took alot of interest in which she disired to become proficent as well. 

Perhaps i can train her. 

Xuba thought slightly as he he took a breath and  flexed slightly as he noted the girl relaxing and then he let go. Holding her shoulders softly.

" well we should figure a way to get you there then. So how about i teach you one of my small little quirks.  Of course relax first as it shall enable you to see more in the world. A relaxed warrior is a prepared warrior. Think about what calms you and embody it. As it will enable you to remain focused for a long period of time. Naturally"

Of course as simple as it seemed it was one of xubas secret talents he posessed as it indeed enabled him to percive more things around him. Still it was a good thing to pass on.
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Tue Oct 31, 2017 7:46 pm
She looked up at him as he took a hold of her shoulders and smiled at him even before she knew what was next to come. As he then said he would teach her something he knew, right now right here her eyes would look at him with glowing anticipation. What would it be? Well he said the first thing was to calm down, so that was what she would do, clam herself and her heart. Although this was easier said than done, because everything today seemed a little bit unusual and this very specific visitor had kind of caught not only her interest but kind of also a part of her. Made himself some place in hear heart so to say, but she did not really know how it had been that easy. It almost was a frightening thought that she could not really describe her own feelings about this situation she had brought herself into. Slowly she put her hand to her heart and took a deep breath her heart beating fast but steady as she looked at her new companion or maybe teacher. She had seen many old shinobi take younger shinobi under their wing, but most times she had already counted as more advanced and a teacher had even walked out on her and she still did not know why.

Now there was someone standing right in front of her who did not know her and who was new to all of this but still he offered her advice. But maybe that was it he did not know anyone but her yet, so maybe this was why she had a chance to gain not only his attention but also his wisdom. She was kind of glad about this opportunity but also a bit scared. What would happen when he met everyone else? But maybe she could enjoy time until then. She took a deep breath and smiled at him now feeling calm and collected. "I am feeling a rest now", she said and looked at him with a clear look in her eyes that underlined her inner peace that had take over for now. Her heart had become silent again and worries had dulled down to make her even a little bit more relaxed. She swayed a little from side to side while she looked at him feeling kind of like a hypnotized snake that was dancing to the tune of her piper.

WC: 407
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Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
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Tue Oct 31, 2017 8:10 pm
Xuba gently turned her when she calmed herself and spoke slowly and soothingly like the whisper of the wind his voice flowed into her ear. A bathing of sorts that he specialized in and in rythm he joined her. 

"Breath in sanae, feel the wind around you. Breath out and hear my heart beat. Drop all sound except  us for but a moment. Feel your sorroundings. Breath in and take in with your eye and heart the peace of the breeze as one that wonders in the wind. The flowers will flow with the direction of wind. Breath out and feel the wind inside you sooth in rythm."

Xuba gently pulled sanae towards him like a protective sentinial that brings in the warmth of safety and shelter. 

"Breath in and feel the wind at it's purest. The very life blood which grants us breath and guides us towards the next instant. Breath out and feel all of the bad stuff. Clear your mind of follies and fog and only my voice and the wind. In the calmest storm you shall remain calmest of them all. The mind rules the body. And a calm mind see's further and clearer than an active one."

With ease he trusted sanae was calm as xuba with the grace of the wind and gentle as a touch of a baby swept the girl off her feet with a fluid motion. 

"If relaxed you go with the flow. Water is smooth and wind may rush. Open your eyes and look clearly into my eyes. Relaxed.... at peace, and with clearity. Open your eyes and shine the beautiful rays into my stormy eyes."

Yet xuba was calm. His eyes showed purpose as if he swept her off her feet his eyes would rest leveled to hers at peace and relaxed. 

"What does it feel like to hold the peace inside you and around you?"
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Tue Oct 31, 2017 8:53 pm
He turned her around to now look the other way and as it seemed he leaned in to whisper into her ear and she could feel a soft glance of his breath on her ear. Goosebumps rolled over her body and like a shiver down her spine it shook her lightly as she held her breath unsure of what to think of the actions he took and the way he now held her. Red once again struck her cheeks as she was standing with her back to his chest. Protective and kind of shielding to her and she would close her eyes for a moment to get back the focus she had before calming the heart that had begun to race again. Why was this so very irritating? His voice echoed in her ears soft and smoothly calming it seemed so wonderfully enchanting almost as if he whispered a secret only she was supposed to know, but still it was just to relax her although she was made so much fuller of energy and thoughts about this. Why and where did those feelings of warmth and confusion about what happened right now. Her heart was pounding a little less fast while she thought about calming herself in the end she rested at ease again. His words had reached her heart.

Then there was the next, she turned her head towards him then and only then she opened her eyes. Those clear blue mirrors were looking right at him. In them they showed the feeling of being protected and relaxed but also this spark of excitement that she held inside because she was not really sure how to react to all of this what was happening around her and with him right now. Smiling she searched for direct contact to his eyes deepening her look into them almost felt like she lost the grip to the ground as her kneed grew soft and she was losing herself in them. She opened her mouth a little she did not know if she wanted to say something, but if so she forgot it already and closed her mouth again.

WC: 356
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Tue Oct 31, 2017 9:09 pm
Xuba smiled as he eased her to the ground. She had no words which was expected. A sigh escaped as he let sanae relax after the quick instant.

"Like the wind it is a truely relaxing feeling that you hold now.  Perhaps you lost your breath a little sanae? The very lessons ones learn as time goes on may drive the mind to a state of excitement and giddiness. Perhaps even a sense of closeness. Which is what i want to teach you. The tingle of joy that rushes  through your veins like fire. Or wind."

Xuba spoke as  he looked down at the girl. 

"So what would you like to know from tatsuma sanae? Ask and i will teach"

He was half expecting  to hear tatsuma sama soon enough
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