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Mon Oct 30, 2017 12:28 pm
Continued from here:

Sanae had been walking with the strange visitor from the gates towards the cities centre without any interruption. It was a nice and quiet day for the most part of it. They passed by some people most of them did not take notice of her or him at all. The ones that were taking note of them one could here mumbling about how there was one of this dreaded Shinobi. "Look over there one of those shinobi, so young still but set on such an unholy path."  "Children should not wield so much power, why don't they try to control them better?" This was kind of the usual gossip to be heard amongst the people so Sanae was used to those words and she did not mind them anymore, well at least not so much. What they said still hurt somewhere but who was she to say something about that. Since it where shinobi who could do the most damage to people in general or at least she knew how bad one wrong move, a word or even just a gesture could be especially with minds as self cantered as human ones. Even when you were only trying to do the best you could for them it could lead to a reaction that was negative, because they did not understand that no one wanted to do them harm.

So no she was walking beside this stranger crossing the marketplace and walking towards the Unseen University where offices about shinobi were set up. Once and again she looked over at the one she was walking next to. The restless wanderer as it seemed at least or what was he all about? She slightly turned her head a little to look at him more carefully. Remembering his face, the shape of it was quite nice to be honest, but who was she to be the judge of that. She did not really have an understanding of those things up to know. As they were now walking closer to the entrance she smiled  a little more: "We will be there shortly, I am sorry it is taking us so long", she said while taking notes on the papers she had taken with her to get him registered in this town as a visitor for the time being. This was the most for now, everything else had to be decided by others but it still felt a little weird at times, that so much of the Shinobi work was dealing with paper and forms.

WC: 419

Last edited by Sanae on Mon Oct 30, 2017 1:00 pm; edited 1 time in total
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
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Mon Oct 30, 2017 12:54 pm
xuba followed the girl as he looked more the less normal in appearance as he heard the whispers from the group of people. yet he was used to this as it rarely occurred due to his skills in remaining descreet. still he noted that the girl payed close attention to the group. A slower pace to over hear the words being uttered yet he had to admit it meant more to sanae then himself. 

her addressing to him was expected as he smiled and spoke up still using his slight accent he picked up as a practice. 

"you slow down to enjoy the world. but your ears only seem to be your focus. pay no mind, as you risk your life day in and out. you remind me of the talented child i took care of.. he was killed by bandits. i threw its leader off a cliff for the murder. but the boy was self conscious. even as i found him cold and fearful of death, i held him because i was a big brother figure to the boy. he knew my words  were true as he closed his eyes he spoke my name. you do not need to be the one to be self conscious of those who ridicule your actions for others. stay true to your colors, and be yourself. they may show hatred, and may nnot understand your intentions. but in the end they will heed your deeds. especially if you give your all to save them. i tried my best to save the boy...."

xuba went silent as tears welled up in his eyes. the boy was truly like a little brother. but in fact he never knew where he went, but it was assumed little Azeith rolled over in a ditch.

"ah mind me... it hard to be alone so long. i honed my art alone. He had so much promise as a child, but to save his enemy the trouble i had no choice but to lay justice on the wrong doer. Out there there is a single unspoken law. you find your line and kill any who try to cross it. i protect and teach, but thoes who try to go past such a line.... learned in their eternal rest. you may call the trained wanders missing ninja, but we had to merely adapt to having no home, or room to board. I have eaten more deer that i may as well open my own shop and hunt. even in the land of Ice i lived alone training and honing my body and mind without avail.  this is only one part of life one learns."

xuba wiped his tears as he spoke and took a breath.

"i do hope it gets a tad bit easier. but i will say it is much easier on your life when you do not have to sleep not knowing if your camp will be lined with explosives in morning"
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Mon Oct 30, 2017 1:57 pm
A little bit confused was she as he started on rambling about enjoying the world with her ears ad what not. She had to think a little bit about what was said and to what it connected in the end. Did he fear she was slowing down to hear all that mean jibber jabber? Maybe a little, she would not deny it, but mainly she was because she was now and then writing on these papers so they would be ready on their arrival. But while she thought about if or how she could clear up this whole problem she did not want to break his flow on words either, because it seemed as if he was talking about something quite dear to him. A boy who passed before time and whom he avenged in cold blood, at least this was what she figured from him talking while she was casually strolling beside him while he was still talking and were those tears? Did he just start to cry? This was a little bit irritating because she was not sure what was up with him right now. Was he really that close to the waters or had it only happened recently and that was why he was so easy to cry even in public in front of someone he did not know.

Then he said something that struck her interest. He protected and taught? What did he teach and who did he protect? Curiously she was looking closer at him. Were they somehow alike? He and her at least in her wishes to how their life was going to lead out she wandered while she was still walking beside him. And what was that again, had he not seen himself as a skilled or at least well trained person and did he just imply those persons or wanderers were the quite infamous missing nin? Was he one too? Well what did it matter? Hoshi was welcoming to everyone who wanted to play by the rules and there was nothing wrong with it, not really seemed like he was here to stir up trouble.

Still he seemed so sad and restless and as he wiped his tears away she moved a tad bit faster getting in front of him to stand in his way, not really to prevent him from going any further, but to just hold out her arms, inviting him offering him a hug: "Do you want a hug?" She made big eyes at him, maybe imitating a puppy but well she was still just a girl with a clipboard in her hand so not much of a puppy so far. But she smiled at him: "Don't worry anyone will try to set fire or explosions to your bed here, it never happened to mine", she smiled at him as inviting at she could since she wanted him to feel better, she wanted him to feel welcome here in this village still so strange to him, but he had made it here and he wanted at least for a while for this to be his safe haven and she kind of set her mind on it to make that happen.

WC: 531
WC: 950
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
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Mon Oct 30, 2017 2:28 pm
xuba stopped as the girl quickened her pace  and stopped an inch from the girl. his grey eyes looked down into hers with a sign of concern. as he spoke.

"i would take a hug... if i recalled what one was like. my mother died at a young age beating me. i unfortunately had to defend myself..... till she moved no more. i protect thoe who need protection and payed tribute to the mother i once had. but if you can see as much you may hug me if you feel comfortable. only a lady gets the honor to go first in my defense. i mind you i recently skinned this bear several weeks ago in the frozen lands.....but i..... guess...i can have a hug please?"

xuba fumbled as there was more tears in his eyes as he did not loose his accent, but his composure was crushed. his shoulders slumped slightly as he bowed his head tears streaming down his face. a slight whisper escaping his lips.

"im sorry mother the last hug as i held your cold body when i was but a boy. still i have grown, committed sins, and released the sins."

xuba spoke in a religious voice as it may have been heard of in a religion in the area. although it may have been a fluke. stiill he waited ashamed for the hug. 

"some people run for life not facing a truth you see sanae. but the truth is alway's a question. as my mother was my only family. a wee village in the lands of the tornadoes. still i had no choice but to travel. my home gone, my mother dead. the little boy gone. i dove myself into practice. never offered a hug nor a freindly smile none the lesss alive, but bleeding from the soul. understand i am no good man built of imperfections and weaknesses. but i fought as much as i could."

xuba went quiet as he looked down deep inside of himself. his guise was not gone but the girl pierced his very soul to the depths of the child that alway's fled in the darkness and killed in the night to eliminate the threats.

" im tired of fleeing... please sanae let me call this home and rest as tatsuma for blood has stained my hands more to protect the young parentless children of the land"

that was the honest truth of course as he never killed for no reason.
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Mon Oct 30, 2017 3:10 pm
He stopped his walk so very close to her that she almost feared he would just run her over, but he did not. But maybe this was not such a brilliant idea to cheer him up after all since he seemed to remember more of the sad and tearful things in his life that made him more miserable by the moment that was going by. Telling about a mother that had been beating him her face flinched a bit. Her smile broke for a moment, she could not believe. Sometimes she could not even believe that her mother had left her, but a mother hitting her child, how could that be? Weren't they supposed to be like an endless well of love and comfort? But as it seems even this could be a lie or at least an illusion when those mothers children worshiped turned into normal humans or even small devils so n the end he asked for the hug she just offered and he got it. The girl would tightly embrace him leaning her face against his chest and her arms crossed on his back. She felt a little tiny in this moment, there was no way to fight something like this with pure strength it could not be done.

At least it was now confirmed he had a heart or at least something was beating in his chest while she listened in to what he said about holding his mother one last time. She did not know about death so very much, had she herself not really been touched by it. With grandparents who were dead long before she was born she had yet to wait for someone close to her to pass away, at least this was, what she thought, but since no one told her, how would she now. Gently the face was rubbing against him, like an affectionate pet would try to console his owner because they could not share words of comfort. She could speak, but she would not know words to say so this was the second best she could think of right now. But she was sure that he needed more so she dared to look up at him. He asked her to be able to call this a home. A little confusing was it though bit alright after all it seemed something had been damaged inside of him and needed healing to get better but it would never be the same again, but no one would ever be who he was before, not even seconds ago.

So as she looked up again and looked to his face she tried the smile as happy as she could. She wanted to encourage him to feel safe. "Don't worry about it. You can call this home you can rest your heavy soul. If it helps hold onto me, my shoulders can carry the weight and if something happens, even when you might not need it that much, I will still be there to also protect you, because this is what I do, protect the people of Hoshi as good as I can", she had gotten a little energetic while talking but then buried her face again against his chest. "I have lost my mother too, but mine did not die, she ran away because she could not take life with me and father anymore, but it still feels like I have lost her in some way. I cannot compare the loss, but this empty feeling maybe just a little", gently her hands rubbed over his back in an effort to calm him.

WC: 599
WC: 1649
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
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Mon Oct 30, 2017 5:50 pm
The girl hugged him as the grey cloak hid a well muscular dark skinned body but could be felt through the cloak. All to save her from being knocked unconcious by the fram of xuba. Yet he with uncertaincy and loss of words wrapped his arms around her. Listenimg to her speak he looked down at her and despite tears he smiled for once a more realistic smile.

"Thank you. But im sorry for your loss. My father abbandoned my mother and was in a marked ditch. For gambeling and drinking....we loose more then we gain, but strength will pull us forward. Knowing we can do better. At least i can leave that behind. "

Xuba spoke quiely  and walked on after she finished their hug. 

"How do i go about living here?"
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Mon Oct 30, 2017 7:14 pm
He hugged her back and she felt kind of safe with it and his smile would kind of spark hope everything could become better. Then soon they would let go and continue their walk. While they did so he asked of her what he should to do about living here. She thought about it. She did not really know about the how because she had always lived her. Then she would turn to the papers she would hold onto and smiled: "Well you need to sign this form here that will enable you to get a hold of a visitors pass with that you can go around town like any normal person would and you can start the integration process, find work, get a home. Hoshi is kind of welcoming", she thought out loud. "Mhmm I am not sure about where you will stay. Young people who come here and apply to be a Shinobi they get to stay in the dormitories of the academy but", she looked at him kind of curious, "You do seem a bit too grown up for it, mhmm but I bet there are some households who would maybe rent you a room or something, I mean we do have a lot of space as well so why should not others too", she nodded talking to herself.

WC: 222
TWC: 1871
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
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Mon Oct 30, 2017 7:23 pm
Xuba took a thought at the shinobi jib although if that was the case he felt that he would need a moment with the leader.  

"Hm there should be a head of the shinobi around here then"

Xuba stated signing the document without hesitation with the false name of tatsuma uneo.

"In that case we should find your leader soon as can be i would like a word with them"
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Mon Oct 30, 2017 7:47 pm
"Oh yes there is, Kyosuke Snow, he is the current Hogokage, one day I want to become as strong as him", she smiled brightly, "I hope that one day I will be able to learn from him. But as head of shinobi he is quite busy", she signs but then lifts her head again smiling at the man beside her. "But he is known to take his time for new people in the village, so I bet if you make an appointment he will get to you eventually", she said nodding and opened the door to the University for him to pass through. Then she handed him the papers she had filled out: "You will need to sign this for your Visitors pass and after that it should all come easy to you."

WC: 133
TWC: 2004
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
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Mon Oct 30, 2017 8:04 pm
Kyoske snow hm? It was an interesting name. But xuba then considered the girl. Although he never figured her combative status and to be a leader required some leadership. Which her knowledge of policy gave xuba an honest mental nodd. 

"Hm well due to my  case we should make a visit. Surely it should not hurt. If i join i can perhaps teach a thing or two. That i know. But step at time i should sign this."

Xuba stated as he read the visitor pass and  carefully. A missing ninja as they called xuba's kind were quiet adapt to swindling and knows to read any fine print. 

"Nothing concealed or on purposely made confusing right sanae? If one document is done that way. Trust me you never sign it."

Xuba spoke as he read each thing and kept his own advise well. He had a dead cold case trail. So he was pretty safe.
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