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Fri Nov 03, 2017 2:04 am
He was once again coming so close and whispering into her ears words that would make her smiles and make her think. He said she was strong and she felt strong sometimes hard as a rock and deadly as a silent arrow shot from a hidden spot. She remembered Hikaris words, that she did not know what to teach her, but this was a false sense. It was not because she had learned everything but maybe everything Hikari wanted to share with her. Slowly she nodded at him as he took of his cloak and stated that he wanted some juice. It was almost unbelievable to think he never had some. "Sure you can should I show...", she stopped as he went on his own. Slowly she shrugged and filled a glass with juice and brought both bottle and glass over to him. But as she saw that he seemed to be meditating she just set both things down silently to then walk away back to the kitchen and there she would start making the various things for tonight.

While the rice was starting to cook she prepared the Okonomiyaki who were but mere vegetable pancakes fried and then served with terriyaki sauce while having them fry in the pan she resorted to cutting the fish and ingredients for the sushi. She caught herself humming while she turned them over and then mixed the special mayonnaise to go inside the sushi. So then she places the appetizer in the oven to keep it warm, while she rolled the sushi to place it on three different trays. She was kind of proud that the outcome looked so very delicious. One portion of the prepared food, she brought upstairs to where her father resided silently putting it in front of him stating that they had a visitor. He shrugged it off and asked of her that she should be quite when playing with her friend. Well she could be okay with that now taking two plates of Okonomiyaki and walking to Xuba with them placing a plate and chop sticks in front of him. "Dinner is ready", she said softly speaking.

WC: 359
TWC: 14417
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
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Fri Nov 03, 2017 2:49 am
Xuba smiled as he smelled the fresh food being cooked. Eventually his concentration was broken as he smelled cooked fish, rice, still the cooking was of that delicious rice as he  was soon swerving in his seated position.  As sanae vanished for a couple minutes with three plates, and came back with two. An excited whisper burst from xuba.

"This looks like the best meal ever. With your skillful hand of course and smells divine!" 
Xuba stated as he with a bow waited for sanae to sit with him holding his chopsticks in his lap. As he looked up at sanae and whispered.

"A prince cannot eat without his princess of course."

Xuba offered his hand to sanae and would bow as she would if she accepted of course took a seat.

"Thank you so much i am so excited to try this sanae. Thank you so much!."

With that xuba with a slight dip of soy and a bite his face lit up as he tasted crab and the rice was sticky and chewy complimenting the crab and the okonomiyaki was like a delicious compliment. He sipped the apple juice and the fresh sweet taste of abble as liqud met his toungh. The mere taste alone was wonderful as he swallowed his fist sip and bite of the food. A half bitten sushi bit remained at the end of his chop sticks. 

"Give your work a try sanae this is amazing!"

He said offering his half bitten bit with abscent mindedly care. It was truely harmless as it seemed. But xuba took another bite and sip with love and grace. 

This... stuff is mind blowing. Delicious!
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Fri Nov 03, 2017 3:11 am
As he was expressing how good the food looked and how good he thought it would be, she kind of burst with pride since she was so very glad to see that her cooking was received very well and with good hopes for its outcome. So as he invited her she sat down with him and her own plate. "I am glad you are so happy about it. I hope it lives up to your expectations, but be aware of the green stuff it is spicy as hell", she warned hm as she herself wanted to start eating. But was stopped in her intentions as he seemed to overly active enjoy her meal and she once again had to stare at him for a moment, gently biting down on her lip while being in thought over something. Just to be once more woken from her day dream, she herself still chewing on the half bit of a salmon sashimi as he offered her a piece of sushi he had already bitten into. She blinked a little because she could have simply eaten hers, but he was offering this so no questions asked. "Sure if you will try what I have here", she said holding out her own halve eaten piece as she leaned forward eating it from his.

Her lips closed around the piece when she realized his lips had been here and if he agreed they would be on hers too. Was that counting as kind of lip contact like some did count shaking the hand of someone who shook the hand of someone a handshake with that person they never really touched? Another face flash of read and quick chewing later she found herself looking at him again, was he thinking about stuff like that?

WC: 297
TWC: 14714
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
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Fri Nov 03, 2017 3:21 am
He was well in the thought as the man took a bite of her offered peice. Only then did he realize that it was half and then how he casually took a bite out of her own peice and chopstick. Her mouth too took a bite. 

Hm? Ohhhhhh this tastes sooooooo gooooooood!

The thought vanished as he continued to chew and surely he noted sanae' was once more in thought of something. However there was the green stuff which after dumping the sushi in it and proceeding into the middle of his second peice of sushi. There was a burning sensation in which   xuba took a hastey sip of the apple juice. And noting that she did not have some herself xuba took her hand with his injured arm and held her fingers.

"Take some apple juice you were not joking that stuff is hot. But where did you cook like this sanae?"

Xuba asked as he with his uninjured arm leaned towards sanae and held her hand offering the apple juice.
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Fri Nov 03, 2017 3:50 am
As food washed away the thought she got of the fact as well. At least for the next bite. While she enjoyed her sushi with a little ginger or only soy sauce he seemed to be tempting with the devil even after she told him it was dangerous to take it lightly. So then she suffered from his mouth surly burning like the fires of hell and after he drank she could fell him taking her hand. Curiously she was looking at him: "Oh did it hurt much? I am sorry to even be putting that on there." But then she saw him holding out the glass of juice and thought about it. Putting down her sticks she took the glass with a smile at him. "Thank you Tatsuma-sama and well I cooked it over there in the kitchen", she gestured there while she was turning the glass so she could set her lips where she could make out the small marks his lips had left on there. Looking like someone who had just dared to do something outrageous. Afterwards she handed the glass back to him smiling almost innocent as she continued to eat. "I am happy you like it. I have met my father upstairs and he does not mind you being her, he just said we should not be too loud. I suppose he has to rise early again tomorrow so he might already be asleep", she looked upwards for a moment then back at him.

WC: 249
TWC: 14963
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
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Fri Nov 03, 2017 4:05 am
Xuba smiled then caught the unmistakeable. She sipped from his place where his mouth was. Perhaps it was a tear from the spicy stuff. Yet she took a drink as xuba wiped a tear from his eye.

Maybe it was the hot stuff but did she just touch her lips where mine were?

Xuba thought and finished the sushi while she spoke of talking with her father. He was fine as long as they were quiet. Although xuba slept like a dead animal. Yet alert.

"So we should stay nice and quiet for him."

Whispered xuba as he too looked up and back at sanae with a smile. Then he grimaced slightly. His wounds stung slightly yet he noted the almost innocent smile on the girl. Perhaps it was thebpain?
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Fri Nov 03, 2017 4:23 am
She looked at him observing as he spoke and her eyes grew a little worried. Did it hurt so much, did she cause him so much pain? Quickly she emptied her plate almost gulping everything down with no care for it anymore. She needed to get to the part where she helped him to get better. So as soon as she had eaten everything she swallowed it down and looked at him. "I will now get the herbs for your arm and mix them so as soon as we are done with the bath they can come onto your would with a new bandage okay? Ah while I am at it, I will draw the bath right away okay so that it is ready when we finish with the dessert, can you cope that much longer?", she asked a little worry swining in her voice as she was standing up already.

Taking her empty dishes she bowed down nuzzling her face against his hair. "Please be strong like you have been sensei", then she would turn to the kitchen where she made the dessert the baked banana pieces in honey and then took them to him. "I'll be back shortly feel free to start without me", she smiled at him rushing upstairs to turn on the water in the bathroom, it would need some time for the big family tub to fill up so she came done again sitting once again next to him.

WC: 244
TWC: 15207
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
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Fri Nov 03, 2017 4:36 am
If there was one thing better than a meal. Was desert. The baked banana's and honey. The pain subsided as she nuzzled his hair and he let escape a happy sigh as she nuzzeled his hair. 

Although the sigh couldve been disguised in the inhaling of the  mouthwatering desert that sanae set up for him. 

Princess defintley knows how to cook and is this sticky. Gooey, yum. Murmph

Xuba thought as he took a bite. The honey part she mustve picked up on really quick because this was delicious. The sweet taste was soon gone as he stared at the plate. Manybpeices remained as the room grew warmer and the crickets began to sound the water from above was defintley a trickle but he never had gone in a family bath since he wad little.  Still he stared at the bananas like they defintley had the effect. He downed a few more peices savoring each flavor as he ate. Not them all but enough for the pair to share.

"This is marvelous." Xuba whispered.
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Fri Nov 03, 2017 4:53 am
"I am glad you like them", she said softly as she herself took one of the lovely fruits and took them into her mouth savouring them with a pleasured sign. Gently leaning onto her teacher's good shoulder she ate another one while joyfully mumbling about it. Then as only two pieces of her part where still there she would look at him and ask: "Mind helping me with the last two. I am so full I can only eat one more", she took it and ate it to leave one out in the open. Sure she could have eaten it if she wanted, but she wanted him to have it. Then she looked at the time that was alarming her. "I need to get up there to stop the water. I will leave the door open so you can find the bath easier, feel free to come up whenever it fits you", she said rushing the stairs again since she did not want the bath to overflow.

While up there she would put beside the tub the herbal past to later go on his wounded shoulder. Two big towels and two small ones so that they could dry themselves and the most important after lotion, shampoo and a sponge were set up by her to accompany the bath. Now the only thing missing was the bather. Since she was waiting she just decided to get out of her trainings clothes and just put the bathrobe on top of it so she could put the other clothes into the bin for the clothes in need of cleaning.

WC: 266
TWC: 15473
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
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Fri Nov 03, 2017 5:11 am
a bath over flowing was not a good sign as her father wouldbpossibly be angry. He then chewed on her last two peiced of fruit as he thought for a moment  as he chewed. Perhaps he was alot older in heart and soul. 15 years on the run focing him to grow up. The lost days of youth long behind him as he thought on it and made a decision.

After eating and taking the dishes xuba proceeded upstairs. The snores of the father audible down the hall way as there was steam and the unmistakeable final drips of running water. The man felt his muscles stop aching as he ventured into the steam filled room. Cloak discarded and black shirt he ventured into the water as he was. And let loose a long sigh long since held in. Relaxation. 

Xuba was along the edges of the large bath as he was patient. Yet perhaps like earlier sanae mightve vanished as he did not see her.
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