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Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Letter received (P, Solo) Empty Letter received (P, Solo)

Sun Sep 03, 2017 5:19 am
It was dark in Hikari's house as the girl was rereading a few things, from Genin applications trying to attempt the chunin exam, from reports on other village's from other chunin, and some more about her space time ninjutsu. The entire concept bothered the girl, perhaps learning how to punch with Taijutsu would of been better, or perhaps learning medical ninjutsu would of been cool, but honestly? Space time was challenging! When it came to Ninjutsu, all of that came to her pretty easily, Fuinjutsu? Save the two jutsu the queen had given to her, were all pretty simple, so for now, the girl just wanted to have something that would be challenging. Punching things seemed more like brute work, and same thing  when it came to using weapons. Medical while useful seemed to simple (Or at least, that is the reason the young doe (Young buck reference) gave so she didn't have to do stuff with blood.) Space time proved to be a challenge for the smart mark. I mean, just look at the stuff she was reading!

There are various formulas that can used to find the force of gravity. The main one is the following formula:  F = G * ( (m sub1 *m sub2) /r^2),.... or for a normal person that isn't an insane math wizard, the force of gravity is equal to object one's mass times object two's mass, all of which devided by the distance between the two objects to the second power, all of which times by a the Gravity constant. That is just one of the many formulas that can be used to find gravity's power. More continues like this....

Well, if that wasn't difficult then Hikari didn't know what was!

Usually, with how dark it was in the room, it would be beyond the light capability for anyone to be able to see, but thanks to the girl's Golden eyes,  she was able to see in the dark. It was quite a good bit of strain on her eyes in order keep up the jutsu for so long, so it was good training.

That being said, as the chestnut haired girl laied on her couch, she would here a knock on her door.

'Huh, I wonder what that could be?' The Chestnut haired girl would say to herself, and would walk to the door and open it,

Out side it was a mail man with an envelop and a pay check, (Or whatever the heck Shinobi use to get paid now and days.)

"Letter and mission payment for Hikari Namikaze"

'Mission payment?' Hikari would think to herself, 'I haven't gone on a mission recently.....'

The girl would take the payment, figuring she could sort it out later and looked down at it, the mail. It came from Shiroi! The chestnut haired Jounin would quickly open the letter and read it. So the first part of it was how Hikari was supposed to hold on to the money for her, and there was an extra 1k Ryo for continueing to water the plant. Hikari would roll her eyes, how many times did she have to tell Shiroi that She didn't need to pay her for that! Either way, the money was in her possession now, so she would have to hold onto it for a while.

The second part was.... that her mission was complete? Then why wasn't she back yet? Hikari would continue to read to see that Shiroi was faking an ankle injury and she had something else she had to do and as such she would not be able to return to the village for a while.


What was going on?

Hikari's first instinct was to go after her friend, but stopped, Hikari didn't have a reason to leave the village currently, so if she left, she would be branded a Missing ninja. Her second thought was to rush to the village elders and get permission to leave the village to find out what was going on, but would think twice about it. What Shiroi said was true, if the village elders had found out that Shiroi had left the village and faked an injury, They would presume that she had gone Rouge and add her name to the bingo books. After all, Shiroi was the kind of person who didn't really follow the rules. The Chestnut haired jounin could see the village elders ordering her execution because of this. However, Hikari knew that Shiroi would never abandon hoshigakure, and that she truly loved the village hidden among the stars. All of that being said, it meant Hikari had only once choice now.

She was going to have to sit and do nothing.

It was so annoying, but at the same time, this was really the only option. If Hikari even acted strange, there was a possibility that someone might try to force entrance into her mind and figure out what was wrong, and as such would put shiroi in some real trouble.

So, waiting was all Hikari could do right now. Making the proper hand signs, Hikari would spit a very small (Phenoix flower) fireball on to the paper, and catch a tip of it on fire and brought it over to the sink and threw it in there, letting the paper burn in it. After making sure the paper was gone and turning on the water to douse the flame and not burn down her house with it, she would turn around and go back to her couch where she would continue to do some reading.

Sitting down, the girl needed something to distract herself from her thoughts of Shiroi, and would open the book and continue to read more about alternate realities. An alternate dimension is a hypothetical self contained reality, co-existing with another dimension. Basically, it is another world similar to our own, but where certain other events happened, and as such, the possibility of an entirely different world from our own existing is a possibility. Or perhaps a dimension where everything was destroyed, and the world is completely empty.

Hikari would look down and think more about this theory, and entire reality.... all to herself.... wow, just the thought of that is amazing. She could be free and alone, where no one could bother her.

Either way, Hikari would close up the book and all the other files and put it back on her book case, her thougts still on Shiroi who she feared she might not meet again.

WC: 1099

10 AP
1099 WC to Space time, (Combinded with the 2920 I had before this, this is enough for me to claim it)
3k Ryo from this thread

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Letter received (P, Solo) Empty Re: Letter received (P, Solo)

Sun Sep 03, 2017 9:52 am
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