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Build a Chuunin II

Jiro Uchiha
Akihana Akari
Hikari Namikaze
Ayato Hyuuga
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Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

Build a Chuunin II - Page 4 Empty Re: Build a Chuunin II

Wed Apr 19, 2017 1:17 am
Approved @ Hikari.
@Kenshin did you use swamp of the underworld? I may have missed it, if you did please copy/paste it. Approved for skin. Sorry, for the trouble.
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

Build a Chuunin II - Page 4 Empty Re: Build a Chuunin II

Wed Apr 19, 2017 4:49 am
Approved of edits.
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
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Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Build a Chuunin II - Page 4 Empty Re: Build a Chuunin II

Thu Apr 20, 2017 9:47 am
The 360-degree field view of the Byakugan allowed Ayato to watch Kenshin's struggle of exiting the field with that girl. No doubt she aimed to stalk the fight and get some information on the combat approach of her opponents. You didn’t have to be a telepath to understand that. It was as if Hikari’s actions were an open book so easily could anyone read her hopes. A lie comes to her suddenly that seems ever so right and she blurs it out just as she wants. Same as before, there was an illusion of quick wit but in fact, there was none. Hikari did not outplay, or out scheme anyone, at the last moment, she most likely realized she could forfeit and still get a pass and she essentially did that. Νο doubt she tried to sound intimidating while at it, but her poor performance had ruined any chances of that.

Bragging and whining are a sauces only fools spoon over failure to hide the flavor of their own incompetence.  Curiously enough, Ayato’s least favorite food popped into mind. Fish and Chips. With the double fried crust dipped in sauce, the dish looked just as miserable as someone who wouldn't stop pestering everyone till he got what he wanted – and yet, at the same time slightly smarter.

Back to the more serious matter, worthy of the Hyuuga's time and effort, he had read stories about dragons, and dragon slayers. Of course, there was no coherence in them whatsoever. In one story the dragon would be the size of the mountain, while on others no more than the shadow of a snake. Depending on the endgame message of the story, the dragon could be a wise sage living peacefully with humans, but more often than not he was the harbinger of the end. Sometimes both. Tales of their defeat at the hands of brave heroes were even worse. Other times it was with magic, others with sword and steel, and other times there was no way to stop them, at all. Once, Ayato remembered there had been a knight with the bold notion to fight a dragon by hiding behind a mirror shield as tall as he was. He had proudly proclaimed that the beast would be terrified at the sight of his own reflection. He was roasted in his own armor. 

Never the less all stories agreed on one thing – that you must always make target for the eyes, never the mouth.

Remaining on high alert, he glimpsed movement within the cloud of the soil, and as the dragon rose wisps of morning mist trailed behind the black sails made of flesh. He immediately made for his pouch with his right hand, securing four senbon needles in the chinks between his fingers. All of it was gone immediately after, even the cloud on the ground. Damn that priestess, she was not short on courage or wit. She had most likely immediately understood that Ayato wouldn’t risk jumping in guns blazing nor lack the patience to starve her out from the cloud. And fuck if Ayato wasn’t hoping to come up with a battle plan to deal with that dragon provided she would not move. Being able to feel the intelligence is scarier than not.

But Ayato Hyuuga would be brave even if he was afraid. Since fearless was not a thing he was. There was a thin line between the two that could make the difference in darksome situations, even though in the end he feared he may have just been a craven. In face of such threat, this seemed more likely every second. When dark colossal wings flapped in the sky, and a roar of terror followed, he could feel it, his heart pounding so quick and loud that even the Queen and her guards could hear it.

What men do when they are afraid. They pray. Protect me from my enemies, protect from the sickness, protect me from the shadow of the dragon that flies over my head. Still, even in this dreadful hour, this one would not find his faith. Gods so cruel that took his gentle mother away from him would receive no worship from Ayato Hyuuga.  “I promise…I will grow into a true man so you won’t have to worry about me anymore.” He had forgotten in the heat of battle, but now he remembered. The boy, no one had taught him how to cry till then, yet the sobs came all the same.  Now, he was almost there,  just a little bit further...till he could fulfill his promise.

He had already taken his stance as the dragon began to descend, throwing his needles when it came closer aiming for the eyes. He thought he couldn't waste that shot, but the very moment the dragon’s landing came to an immediate halt, the needles going for his lower belly. Provided they landed, what could four needles do against a dragon could you tell me, he had targeted no internal organs, and only a token his Gentle Fist effect would take place. Yet as long as that dragon was on the field – this mattered not.

Had the priestess seen through him again…Geni, where was she!?

Underneath the shadow of the dragon, where the world was dull and gray and rain droplets of chakra fell behind him, the ominous feeling of Deja Vu was too powerful. The water gardens, the werewolf using Ayato as a meat shield. Then he was lying on the ground broken and useless, only for Kenshin Uzumaki to come and save him, even though his attack put him in that position – how relieved he had felt…and helpless.

He was never going back to those days.

There were times - not many, where he was glad of the battle awareness that the Byakugan of the Hyuuga granted him. Just before Geni’s reformed arm reached Ayato, the Hyuuga would pivot with his right leg outside, the rest of his body following into 180-degree turn. This was not an evasive maneuver, however, his counter-attack, the Eight Trigrams: One Hundred Twenty-Eight Palms had already begun.  Spinning his body with so much force that felt like his lower back would snap,  the first shift, open palm hook strike with his dominant hand would be directed at his teammate’s exposed right ribcage, where her liver was. The second, a stiff-fingered strike in uppercut fashion would go on her coronal plane, below the chest where the solar plexus was approximately located.  [155 power| 160 speed]

If the landing of the strikes was successful, other than the Gentle Fist effect [-30 actions, -5 chakra] the following effects would apply. First blow would damage the lower ribs of her right ribcage and the hit her in the liver - center of blood circulation causing Geni to lose focus and drive, and the ability breath properly. The second strike would cause the diaphragm to spasm, resulting also in difficulty in breathing; but the Gentle Fist blow would affect the organ itself causing great pain.

Once again provided the attack connected, the strikes were precise enough and despite their power, they would bring no real harm to her slender figure. They would successfully neutralize her, however. Unless the priestess had trained her body to the extent where she could successfully “tank” them - or had a technique that could do that for her instead. 

WC: 1230

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Build a Chuunin II - Page 4 Empty Re: Build a Chuunin II

Mon Apr 24, 2017 8:20 pm
There was nothing to it. It was done and over.

Geni knew that, the split millisecond that her teammate whipped around- and the truth dawned on her; that she was defenseless. As the blows landed, she didn’t have anything.

No chance to react, no chance to breath, no chance to order anything to her summon that roared angrily from the needles piercing his underbelly, in the distorted and blurring surrounding about her person and on the edges of her vision. Of all the things he could have taken from her, Ayato had robbed her of any opportunity of retaliation or comeback she could have ever had.

The pain of his all-too-accurate blows clawed along her torso and spine with waves of pain she hadn’t felt before and she had to put her arms out to try and steady herself when his assault had ended. Had she slipped or not, she’d be gasping and choking on sand- but her summon had other plans.

“Move, Maggot.” The gargantuan lizard roared as it’s summoner gasped for her own much-needed-air, and slammed his tail between the two; cutting off access to his shy summoner  while he scooped her up in the coils of his tail and lifted her off the battlefield and out of the way of further harm, taking care to stay conscious of her condition as she gasped for breath. “Now, look what you have done.” He growled as he placed his summoner on his back and glared down at the young human, “Still you still continue, in her incapacitated state?” The creature growled warningly, lowering a claw to it’s underbelly where four annoying needles protruded, and ripped them out before tossing them aside with a hiss, and shifted its weight to prepare to actually attack should he continue with his attacks.

OOC: :

[ WC: 300 ]
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Build a Chuunin II - Page 4 Empty Re: Build a Chuunin II

Tue Apr 25, 2017 9:57 am
The counter landed and Geni stumbled backward, her steady breath turning into repeated gasps for air, into her pale face only pain could be defined. With the first opponent having yielded to him earlier, the day was his it would seem. The magical girl had flattered herself while at it to be sure, but Ayato barely worked a sweat. 
With Genevieve Oasis this route wasn’t an option. The priestess was too clever by half, and her combat approach was excellent from the beginning to the end. She hid within the defensive perimeter of her mist as the other combatants fought and wore each other out; then all she had to do was sweep in and wreck the weakened victor. She misdirected Ayato with a dragon attack from his front while she snuck on his rear and launched a tech that would have most likely turned his insides into a frappe. An excellent strategy and it would have worked, had not Ayato witnessed that dance once before. “Kenshin Uzumaki” He mumbled under his breath.
Against an opponent like that Ayato could truly lean back and savor victory he supposed. Genevieve Oasis stood properly from the begging to the end – classy and not trashy while at it. One might have argued that a woman’s greatest weapon is her charm, to seduce every fool she comes across and give her what she wants. Fools. A woman’s greatest weapon was her dignity. And any female who dared to discard this for face value was clearly not worth a single penny.
Just as he was about to congratulate her on a match well fought, he saw a shadow over his head that forced into a quick step back, the sole of his shoe brushing fiercely again the soft sad. The tail of the beast slammed in front of him kicking up dust from the ground. Now, look what you have done.” The creature growled as he placed his summoner on his back and glared down at him with those scary eyes, “Still you continue, in her incapacitated state?” When the cloud settled the thing talked, for fuck’s sake - this defied any scientific reasoning. He was soon to forget that when realized he being portrayed as bad guy once again - and by a dragon at that.

The Hyuuga clenched his jaw hard and his hand curled into a fist without him realizing. He found the courage to speak, fear abandoning him only for a moment. “Thank you, wise bald dragon sage. I know she cannot continue. I know because I have eyes to see, and common sense to understand as much.” He said with ice in his voice, at the same time ready to leap out of the way if the dragon decided to melt that ice with a fire breath. "I meant the girl no her further harm, only tell her that she did well." He explained to the lizard less disquiet this time, yet his shoulders remained stiffened. 

Ayato might have been a hard person to eyes of many, he knew. But he was no harder than he had to be. If you are gentle and amiable in a world like this others will mock you the moment they sniff that, hell even defy you openly. This was not an option for Ayato Hyuuga. It fell to him to restore his clan to its proper place – just as it fell to him to become a shinobi when he was no more than five years of age. He bore that burden for over ten years, and all it earned him was others mockery. Today would be no different, he figured.

"Some can piss in a cup and others will call it wine. I give them clear cold water and they squint at it with suspicion and mutter to each other about how queer it tastes." He thought bitterly as he waited for Tenhiyat to declare the victor. He had trained other shinobi in Kyousuke Snow’s absence, succeeded in every mission he took and remained at his post to fight in the Chuunin Exams while he already had a pass, all not to leave fellow shinobi hanging without someone to fill his post. Instead of what he deserved, he was made to suffer slights beyond count. Yet he gave this village his all – because he is a just man. 

WC: 716
TWC: 6889

Claiming Chuunin rank as this was the last remaining mission for Ayato.
Mission rewards for Build Chuunin II
Gentle Step: Twin Lion Fists [6400|6400] 20% discount
489 words Taijutsu Block A-rank [489|1000]
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Build a Chuunin II - Page 4 Empty Re: Build a Chuunin II

Tue Apr 25, 2017 12:53 pm
The fight was quick work after Hikari's departure, and the way Master Ayato handled it left little to the imagination. He could have done equal damage to the wind user had she gotten in close range, making the princess question how truthful the chestnut haired girl had been when proclaiming she would inevitably win.

A cunning streak, one that would definitely benefit her as a chunin.

The green eyed royal raised a slim hand, the gesture ringing louder than any voice could possibly have through the arena, immediately the fight stopped as Ledy Genosis fell, indicating that the match was done. Paramedics rushed to attend to the woman with hair of heavens while the few spectates that remained brought their hands together in both surprise and applause. When it seemed no one was in any danger, the match was called.

"Lady Hikari and Ser Ayato have proven themselves worthy of a pass by virtue of both battle expertise and the use of misinformation. All qualities that shinobi must possess. Lady Genosis has proven herself to be quite capable at summoning defenses, however she has displayed little independence and self sustainability in battle. She will not progress."

Even as the words were spoken, a messenger would be dispatched to find the priestess and deliver her a formal invitation to the royal palace and a personal meeting with the princess. The heiress would be making extensive notes on this battle, including on the surprise visitor who had came to Lady Genosis's aid.

"May the Gods forever smile down upon us and keep our skies alight with stars," the ceremony concluded. Princess Tehniyat left in a flurry of her own personal guards, Ser Lucian's bald head shining amongst the sea of helmets. This was her last royal presiding, and as melancholy as it made her, a princess never showed her feelings in public.

(Exit Tehniyat)
Kobayashi Senshi <3
Kobayashi Senshi <3
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Build a Chuunin II - Page 4 Empty Re: Build a Chuunin II

Tue Apr 25, 2017 3:10 pm
Ayato approved for: 3000 Ryo, 7 AP from Mission, B rank mission complete, Chuunin Rank (All associated free jutsu, AP and such from the Rules), Chuunin flak Jacket,  Bragging Rights, Gentle Step Twin Lions Fist, 489 words towards Taijutsu Style Block A Rank Version

Exit to Teniyat approved
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Ryo : 500

Build a Chuunin II - Page 4 Empty Re: Build a Chuunin II

Wed Apr 26, 2017 9:24 pm
The Dragon watched and listened to the blonde-haired woman who oversaw the battle. He didn’t know her role or her importance; just another worthless human that shone a little brighter than the other maggots. Unfortunately, she gave a declaration that the annoying female human and the one who had landed blows to his young summoner, had passed whatever test this battle had been-

And his little summoner had not.

He looked back at her sadly and huffed his disagreeance to the declaration, while she covered her face. “You performed fantastically, Child.” The leviathan voiced as medics came out to tend to her and the dragon growled at them unfavorably- the Medics nervously backing up, “You held your head high and performed with a queen’s grace-” “Please just put me down, Senpai.” The creature sighed and picked her up, catching some of her dress gently in his teeth, just enough to move her safely. He lifted her up and lowered her down to the finicky medics and into their waiting hands, letting them grab her and giving him the signal to release her. Though they moved away, the leviathan followed dutifully, dipping his head and nuzzling her before they took her inside the walls of the arena and his summoner dismissed him entirely.

As the medics ferried her on the stretcher to an area within the Arena walls where they could set her down and put their medical degrees to work, another figure approached her once she had been helped with her temporary but painful breathing problem. “Excuse me.” The figure said and the medics looked up at him questioningly before realizing who they were and pulling away, whole Geni focused on breathing properly- as a red envelope, etched with gilded gold edges, slipped into her line of vision. She lifted her head slightly and then looked up at the figure in front of her, and the figure kept their face emotionless. “You have been invited to the Royal Palace, by the extended hand of her highness, Princess Tehniyat; to have a private audience with her majesty.” The messenger said, “You know of the way to the palace, yes?” Genevieve frowned as she looked at them,

“I could find my way, but- would it not suit her better to extend this type of offer more qualified?” She asked, losing some of her confidence at the last part, “I apologize if I seem ungrateful for this invitation-” “It is mandatory.” The messenger clarified, and she blinked as he added on,

“She would not have asked me to give you think, had she not wanted to see you. Take some confidence from that.” They vocalized before bowing and departing before Geni could say anything else. She sat there, watching them fade into the darkened hallways, before looking at the elegant letter; Wondering if declining such an invitation would be in her favor.

{ Exit }

[ WC: 481 ]

[Total WC: 2600 (2000 used already), -1000 [Hidden Mist Jutsu Mastery]= 1,600]

[Remaining WC: 1,600]
[Claiming: Mission Rewards for Build A Chunnin II, Mastery for [ Hidden Mist  Jutsu ], Body Pathway Derangement, +10 Stat Points ]

Last edited by Genevieve Oasis on Thu Apr 27, 2017 7:56 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : 4600 words. Lemme get them 23 points tho)
Aryll Hyuuga
Aryll Hyuuga
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Build a Chuunin II - Page 4 Empty Re: Build a Chuunin II

Wed Apr 26, 2017 9:36 pm
Gen's exit is approved for the appropriate rewards
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Build a Chuunin II - Page 4 Empty Re: Build a Chuunin II

Thu Apr 27, 2017 4:29 am

Geni's training and stats are approved, her mission rewards are not as she didn't complete the mission. If you want, you can claim this fight as fully training and get more stats out of it. <3
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