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Build a Chuunin II

Jiro Uchiha
Akihana Akari
Hikari Namikaze
Ayato Hyuuga
10 posters
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Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Build a Chuunin II - Page 3 Empty Re: Build a Chuunin II

Mon Apr 03, 2017 9:13 am
Ayato turned off the Seven Heavens as soon as the needles took flight and then kept the fingers of his hands ready. Now that the projectiles had taken the speed and power they required Ayato no longer had use of that technique. Every single of his moves had a part to play in this battle – all of them to neutralize the opponent with the minimal harm of course. Ayato made an attempt to end the fight with a clean strike showcasing his strength in close quarters and perhaps hinting a disadvantage in medium to long range. The Daytime Tiger that he threw immediately after, ferocious and enormous had all the making of a secret technique and would prove that long range was not much of an issue to the Hyuuga. But really, if he intended to finish the fight with such a monstrosity of a tech he would have thrown when the Chuunin – Pardons the Sandman - had his tight grip around Hikari’s arm and both would be too occupied to dodge.  Not when both of them had enough time to dodge. Putting all hope in a random explosion, even if it could remotely detonate would be ludicrous.

Precision was what he required not raw power that is why he had used the tiger to screen his movement to attempt to outmaneuver Hikari – who when dodged the Daytime tiger believed to have found an opening – only to be cornered by Ayato’s needles. But Ayato knew there is no more dangerous creature than a cornered one, as such his Byakugan would be wary of what Hikari might try to pull off this time.

The moment Hikari moved both her arms Ayato assumed it would be the hand seal for Body Flicker - a plausible and perhaps her only option at this point. He knew where Hikari would go to, and this was more than an estimated guess. The options were so scarce that they did not need to be narrowed down. Certainly not try to speed blitz Ayato, since the last place she would want to be was close to him. On the other hand, the lesson she received from stepping into unmarked territory would make her thinking twice before going into the mist and where Geni and her summons were located. What did that leave? the direction she was running of course. That or she planned on slamming her head on the wall behind them – ironically enough what Ayato had in store for her would not be that much different. 

This was her original plan after all get away from everyone – basically what Ayato thought it would a run and gun strategy – dance around have the others waste their stamina, then leap in for the kill, she was doing great till now. The thing is a simple misstep costs heavily on such strategy. Body Flicker is a good method to take distance, however, you must cause a distraction for the opponent(s), or build a defensive perimeter around yourself at least. She did none of those things.

As the young woman went to form her hand seal Ayato would have vanished in a blur of speed to appear 10 meters from her current position with a speed of 230, right in the middle of where Hikari was running and flickering towards also 10 meters from the shadow of the wall. Then immediately he would activate a technique that required no hand seals, not even to turn to look at an opponent - Hikari with her 300 speed was too fast for him to keep track and he couldn’t risk colliding with her after all - not directly at least. The Gentle Fist One-Blow Body, expelling chakra from the tenketsu (105 speed) creating a projectile with 115 power as soon as Ayato felt the wind and dust behind him, and Hikari smashed head on to the technique 2 meters away from Ayato.  She suffered chest and lower limb injuries. Additionally severe head and facial injuries and more severe damage to her chest and lower extremities (this includes the pelvis, legs, and feet).

Spamming the Body Flicker is terrible mistake to make. As you are unable to cancel or react to anything as you move from point A to Point B - A double edged sword more than anything.  Of course, it was different knowing a technique and another using it for its full functionality. He had to thank Kyousuke Snow for that, but then again not many had the opportunity to study under a man of that caliber. But was it luck that deprived them of this chance, or the incompetence of others he had to wonder. See Kyousuke Snow, as far as Ayato knew he was the only one who remained true to his vows and captained a Team of 3. Kyousuke Snow, thick as a castle wall, but combat he knew and kept true to his duty.

If I am ever deemed worthy to become a Jounin, I won’t leave anyone without proper training." Everyone does it all on face value - Ayato knew, holding all their knowledge close to their chest, for the day - that will most likely never come - that they’ll have to fight to the death and surprise everyone with their techs. Till then they would sit around looking cool, and speak words of wisdom. That was the sum of high ranked people who fancied themselves, great warriors.

Some share the common misconception that promotion in the ranks is their right, but I for one know it is my duty. Keep this in mind, when you make Chuunin.” He said as he walked over Hikari, indeed that tech had not the Gentle Fist Tech effect, where internal organs would implode and the victim would be spilling acids from the mouth, then again you cannot be that mobile when your bones are broken.

"We have great medics in Hoshi you'll be astonished by what they can stitch back in place," Ayato said with his dry tone, it was almost apologetic yet he raised his voice to be heard through the arena and as such, this would be hard to define. He gingerly touched his neck and looked towards the mist. Perhaps he had made a mistake to not throw the projectiles when the man was air-bone, a big mistake indeed....had he realized sooner it would be an entirely different matter - he had suspected but, all of it made sense then. "Past the time you showed yourself." Ayato proclaimed, with his voice careful not to crack. "Kenshin Uzumaki."

AP - 40 Gentle Fist One Blow Body, - 15 Body Flicker - 1 Byakugan

WC: 1016
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Build a Chuunin II - Page 3 Empty Re: Build a Chuunin II

Wed Apr 05, 2017 4:48 am
(OOC: So I talked to Mrs. Aki, who talked with Naoki, and they agree that there is no way that Ayato’s attack would catch Hikari during this point, unless he somehow has handless body flicker, and even then probably not. Just a basic summery, he notices that she is using a hand sign (Which is above his RT, however, to say that he notices the hands move is physical possible), and Ayato is claiming that he could notice it, complete his own hand sign, and use his body flicker first, even though Hikari out speeds him by 70 and started before he did. So I got the ok to just say the attack missed.)

As Hikari ended her Body flicker she would turn around. During her movement, she sensed that Ayato had tried to cut her off from using her Body Flicker and end the match. *She would finish and turn around, to see the end of Ayato’s attack, a powerful strike which easily could of killed her. Hikari sighed, and new what she had to do. Hikari would pull out her sword, the one winged angel, and would begin to walk towards her opponent, but not straight, she would walk towards them, but also use her ability to walk up into the air, as if there were invisible steps. She would rise into the air, (Lets say a speed of 10, not very fast.) And would start forming hand signs with a single hand once she was 100 meters away from the young teen and 10 meters in the air. She would do this at a speed of 175, faster then what any one in the stands or Ayato could see, but probably slow enough that they could understand that she was moving her hand, using only a single hand to form hand signs. The first thing she would do would be to move her hands as if she was clapping them together, however, because she was only using one hand no noise would be made. As she did, a burst of wind would blast out of Namikaze, a burst of wind that was going at a power of 50. Once that was done, she would go into her weapon pouch and throw A kunai and start forming the proper hand signs needed for her next technique, Ram → Rat → Bird → Boar → Tiger. As she did, the weapon, which was thrown at a speed and power of 143, would be grabbed by the wind, and would increase its speed and power, increasing it from the 143, to 193, faster then anyone in the arena (Save Hikari and I belive Kenshin) could see. Once the weapon was about 15 meters away from Hikari, she would activate her second technique, the shuriken Shadow clone technique. The single Kunai, which was going at a speed of 193, would multiply, cloning itself until there were 1000 of them. (The rules has been changed since the last time I used this tech, and this is the proper way to do it now.)

Due to the fact that Hikari was up in the air and throwing downward, the Kunai would be going a little bit further then what they normally could (Let’s say an extra 3 meters because of the way that Hikari angled it) As such, the weapons would travel 99.5 meters, all to land right in front of Ayato’s feet. The Hyuga most likely would be shocked when he saw that the single Kunai that the chestnut-haired girl threw, somehow changed into 1000 Kunai, they would land in the ground in front of Ayato with a *THUNK* the closest of which landing a mere inches away from Ayato’s feet.

Presuming that this all happened without interruption, the young girl would look up to the onlooker, Tehniyat and would sigh. “Your Grace,” Hikari would call out to the princess, “If I may be so bold, Ayato and myself cannot continue fighting this way without either of us killing the other. As you saw with my last strike, by moving closer by another couple of feet I could of easily killed him, and as you saw with his last strike, if he had been just a few seconds faster, I would be dead right now. At the very beginning, I Predicted his movement to the point that I could of shot a fire ball at him and turned him into ash right at the start of the fight. (This was a slight lie, She had predicted the body flicker and where he was going, however she wasn’t confident to the point that she was willing to waste the time and energy on using a fireball on it.) Bottom line is, Myself and the young Hyuga here is beyond the level that we can continue this fight without endangering our lives. If it is acceptable to you, I would wish to withdraw from this fight, saving myself and Ayato from any injury or death. If it is your will, I will continue to fight, however, I can no longer make any promise that the two of us will both make it out of this fight alive.”

The young Namikaze would say this while looking at the princess, however, the young woman would keep an eye on Ayato as to make sure he wasn’t going to move any closer to her during this time. If he did, she would stop her speech and be prepared to defend herself. At the same time, she would also keep an eye out towards the mist, making sure that nothing came from that direction. If Hikari was given permission to surrender, she would give a curtsy and say, “Thank you, Your Grace.” And would give a curtsy before heading off into the stands. Deactivating her jutsu so she could take a break. Hikari might have been talking calmly, but she was super nervous about that, that was an insane adrenaline rush!

AP: 455 – 10 (Walk on air) – 20 (Wind gale force) – 40 (Shadow shuriken clone) -15 (Wind rejuvenation)
AP: 370 remaining
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Build a Chuunin II - Page 3 Empty Re: Build a Chuunin II

Fri Apr 07, 2017 10:10 am
Throughout the battle, Princess Tehniyat had witnessed things that would have left a lesser person agape in astonishment. Dragons, human materialization, vengeful showers of weaponry and the elements. For a moment, she could absolutely understand why the natives of her city and country despised the ninja. The hatred stemmed from fear for these being truly were no different from the Gods her people worshiped and lived in fear of. The very lievs of civilians rested on shinobi and their beliefs challenged by the same shinobi every day. Trust was a hard thing to gain in the best of times let alone the circumstances in which the ninja forces had been integrated into Haven.

She sometimes wondered why she wasn't more afraid of them. Was it because her Aunt Shiera trusted the ninja to defend those that needed it most? Perhaps. Was it because she had never been afraid of her own life, never having placed any particular value in it save for the duty it must perform to her people? More likely. No matter the reason, the blonde was not afraid, she was also not comforted by the sense of any false knowledge that she controlled this power. In fact, from the display in front of her, it seemed even the shinobi who wielded such awesome power had little control over it.

As Lady Hikari rose from the arena like the angels of lore, addressing her directly, the blonde realized that this should be the more publicized image of a shinobi. Not of their great power but of their unwillingness to kill with it. As the young Genin pleaded for a withdrawal from the battle, Tehniyat from her balcony looked to her right, green eyes meting Ser Lucian's in silent communication. The man nodded. He of all people understood the value of giving up before hurting Camoens beyond repair, having applied much the same reasoning for his own battle so long ago.

"Very well," the heiress nodded, the announcer carrying her decree forth to echo across the arena. "Lady Hikari Namkaze is excused from further combat at her own wish. The battle will continue with the remaining combatants. The decision as to whether she passes or fails will be decided at the end of the fight."

With that, the princess returned to gazing upon the arena, cautious of what else the fight had in store for her.
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Build a Chuunin II - Page 3 Empty Re: Build a Chuunin II

Mon Apr 10, 2017 1:06 pm
Kenshin would continue to wait from his position within the mist, his chakra sensory giving him a pretty accurate look at what was going on outside, but at the same time, not enough of a picture for his liking, so he decided that it was time for him to make his next move. With not a sound or movement on his part the Chunin of Hoshigakure would begin to channel his chakra through his feet and into the ground beneath him, using said chakra to turn the earth into an extremely fine sand, the very same type of sand that his body was currently composed of. His sandy body would simply sink down into the sand he had created at a speed of 40, until there was naught left but a small sandy mound upon the ground, all of this taking place within the mist and thus rendering it impossible for anyone to see. Kenshin had used the very same technique that he had used in his own Chunin exams, the Hiding Like a Mole technique, and with it he had gone exactly five meters beneath the surface of the earth.

Once there he would begin to make his way towards the chakra signature of Ayato, which was somewhere around fifty meters from his previous position, the chakra signature of the unknown woman was also rather close to the signature of Ayato. This made sense seeing as he had retreated after Ayato launched a rather large attack at the two of them, so it made sense that if the Hyuuga had no chased after him then he had decided to press his advantage on the woman. A good strategy seeing as he had no clue who or what Kenshin was due to him being in his sand form when he had attacked, that and the woman was actually his opponent for these exams, so he stood to gain more from defeating her than he would for defeating the unknown sandman. As the silver haired youth got within thirty meters of Ayato’s position he would feel the chakra signature of the unknown Genin vanish, but then again, through the sensory provided to him by the jutsu he was using he was able to sense her form a hand seal, meaning she had more than likely ended up using the Body Flicker technique. With but a thought Kenshin would open his Minds Eye so that he could once more pick up the chakra signature of the unnamed woman, which he was now able to feel around 130 meters away from his position 5 meters beneath the feet of Ayato.

As Hikari began to walk back towards Ayato at a speed of 10, Kenshin would begin moving towards her at a speed of 40, but as he did so he became aware of a fact that confused him more than a little...somehow this unknown woman possessed the ability to walk on solid air. That...was an ability that interested the scarred albino quite a bit, and he would be finding out how she had performed such a feat one way or another, either so that he could find out how to do so himself, or more likely so that he could find a way to replicate the ability. As he felt her pull a kunai from her weapon pouch Kenshin would begin to surface, his position directly beneath the young woman, his resurfacing completely silent, but to Ayato, who stood opposite, it would simply look as if the sandy form of Kenshin had formed from the earth beneath the unnamed woman. But then again, he knew not if the Byakugan was able to see through the earth, if it could then no doubt he had been aware of him being down there this entire time...hmm, he would have to ask Ayato which of the two it was when this was actually over.

He could only give an amused chuckle as he saw the woman's attempt at intimidation, using a technique that created what appeared to be thousands of kunai alongside some form of wind release technique in order to increase the speed of the thrown weapons, all of which hit the ground in front of Ayato. Kenshin had to admit, while the technique did indeed look to be useful it was not something that he would ever be caught using, it was all power, no finesse, turning one kunai into a thousand, creating a literal wall of steel to be sent at one's opponent, there was simply no way to ensure that one would survive being hit by such a barrage, as there was always the chance that one of the kunai could hit somewhere lethal. “Your Grace” he would hear the young maiden call out “If I may be so bold, Ayato and myself cannot continue fighting this way without on of us killing the other. As you saw with my last strike, by moving closed by another couple of feet I could have easily killed him, and as you with his last strike if he had been just a few seconds faster, I would be dead right now. At the very beginning, I predicted his movement to the point that I could have shot a fireball right at him and turned him to ash.” The girl would explain, her words causing Kenshin to resist the urge to chuckle, he could feel the fluctuations in the girls chakra as she said these words, informing him that she being anything but truthful, no doubt in order to make herself appear to be better than Ayato in the eyes of the examiners.

It was a rather dirty strategy in the mind of the Chunin, as this lie would make it seem as if she had held the upper hand the entire time and make it seem like she had simply taken pity on Ayato by not striking and ending his life at the start of the match, when she supposedly had ample opportunity. But he was not one to judge using such a strategy in order to ensure a promotion, in fact it actually seemed like something that he would do, from her line of speech she was about to forfeit, no doubt give some bullshit excuse saying that she did not wish for them to kill each other, but in reality was simply to stop Ayato from proving that her words had been but a lit to make her seem better than he. “Bottom line is, myself and the young hyuuga here are beyond the level that we can continue this fight without endangering our lives. If it is acceptable to you, I would wish to withdraw from this fight, saving myself and Ayato from any injury or death. If it is your will, I will continue to fight, however, I can no longer make any promise that the two of us will make it out of the fight alive.” she would the say as Kenshin’s silver eyes twinkled in mirth, exactly as he had expected, in fact, she surpassed his expectations, she had all but forced the princess to allow her to surrender so that her claims could not be proven wrong, because if the princess denied her surrender then she would look like a despot who wished to see two young shinobi fight to the death.

It seemed that the princess herself knew that as well, at least if her answer was any indication “Very well” she would say, her melodious voice carrying across the entirity of the arena “Lady Hikari Namikaze is excused from further combat at her own wish. The battle will continue with the remaining combatants. The decision as to whether she passes or fails will be decided at the end of the fight” the blonde royal would say in a seemingly calm tone. “Thank you, your grace” the newly dubbed Hikari would say, before moving to walk off, but as she did so Kenshin would open his mouth “Namikaze, down here” he would call in a slightly amused tone, his body turning from sand to flesh before the eyes of both her and Ayato (provided of course that she managed to look down at him in time). “I would like a word with you” he would say, motioning with his head towards the exit of the arena, so as to ensure that the two of them were not just standing in the arena as they spoke. Once more, this was provided that she actually accepted his offer to speak...if she did not, well then he would end up looking like a bit of a chump in front of everyone here.

WC: 1446

(OOC: I'm not gonna include my AP from here since I won't be taking place in any combat from here on out)
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Build a Chuunin II - Page 3 Empty Re: Build a Chuunin II

Wed Apr 12, 2017 2:36 pm
Hikari with the momentum of a snail proceeded to elevate herself in the sky. Ignoring what little sense that made, Ayato had a vague idea of what was coming next, Hikari would pull out a magic pen, then start chanting of made up words and transform into a magical girl with a blinding light. It seemed likely.  Then again “She is definitely not an angel, nor a magical girl, barely human...and truth is I don’t want to watch anymore.“ Ayato let out wanting to spare his eyes from any atrocity that would most likely follow. Actually no, the "young Hyuuga"  fell asleep during that scene, so I don’t know anything that happened afterward.

Remembering he was in the middle of combat quickly back at it, there was a wall of kunai on the ground - But he decided to ignore it and turned his attention towards was everyone’s favorite room in all of Planetos, The Party Room! Where the Queen had taken up herself to make a verdict! But who cared about that, Ayato loved that room he seriously couldn’t get enough of it, he even wished his entire storyline took place there. Anyways, the Queen Regent who was 145 meters away surprisingly heard everything and announced she accepts Hikari’s forfeit.

Ayato would have called the QR’s actions of rising from a chair and spelling a sentence admirable. Then again, had she showed them the contents of her chamber pot, he would likely have to call that admirable as well. See, when someone of higher authority whose her notions and goodwill are a crucial element in the development of your future career regardless of path, you cannot do otherwise.

In dialogue everyone can present himself the greatest fighter that ever lived, but alas words are wind. It is real time that matters...and perhaps he should be thankful for that. If Hikari’s could execute jutsu as fast as that mouth of hers seemingly moved, this battle would have been over five turns ago.

Anyways, he figured it was the perfect moment to make an ironic statement of sorts of or congratulate his opponent on a match well fought, despite the latter being clearly a lie. But instead, lyrics and music flashed in his head and suddenly there it was, Ayato was humming a song!

"We don't have to talk
We don't have to dance
We don't have to smile
We don't have to make friends
It's so nice to meet you,
Let's never meet again"

He had little taste in music if truth be told, yet the parallels were simply too many to ignore. The magical girl had earned that song, and we give credits where credit is due. After all, civilized people could take insults for so long, meaning that Ayato had little patience for those who thought that the world some happy go lucky story where you overcome your foes and turn them into lifelong allies. On the other hand, it was their right he could not deny that, but they better stay clear of his path. Didn’t matter now, the humming of the song would be the last thing Hikari would get from Ayato.

Turning his attention away from the party room and the Queen Regent he saw Kenshin Uzumaki whose disguise, by the way, was as good as Clark Kent’s, about to follow the magical girl to the locker room. Perhaps Ayato should feel relieved of that one leaving. He could fight Kenshin, at best overperform and be a decent match before he was knocked out. Not that he could do anything against his appearance in the first place - it didn't seem to be against the rules. He might have added more here but since he got the feeling that some may break posting order, just to make a mid-thread claim - he had to be fast. Taking care of your actions - attempting to add quality, fuck that, just grind shit together and be done with it, you stupid slow Genin. 

Ayato turns around and wonders if the match will continue. See, Genevieve Oasis was the most dangerous element of all because her eyes never gave any intention what she was about to do or what she was thinking. But right Ayato was positive -despite the fact that she was playing her cards very carefully- that she was trying to bide her time, let the other two combatants wore each other out; the sweep in and fight out the weakened victor. Regardless now with one of the fighter’s exiting prematurely, Genevieve Oasis’s combat approach was ruined. So, arigato Hikari Namikaze. Begone with you now, begone.

WC: 710 

[On a more serious note: Ayato did not do the things in the order Hikari presented them during her post on April 5th. That was the second time in this topic she failed to sufficiently calculate my actions and react accordingly. The first time I pointed it out and let her make the appropriate edits instead of keeping her move locked. Doing it a second time means that she was either purposely deflecting the point or wasn't reading carefully enough, in any case, I didn't press on with this was because she forfeited in the same post.]

Last edited by Ayato Hyuuga <3 on Fri Jun 16, 2017 3:06 pm; edited 3 times in total
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Build a Chuunin II - Page 3 Empty Re: Build a Chuunin II

Wed Apr 12, 2017 2:43 pm

As Hikari’s blades landed by Ayato’s feet, she would look up at the princess and give her surrendering speech, and the princess would surrender. The chestnut haired girl would thank the officiator, take a deep breath and was about to head out, when from under her, she heard something. “Namikaze. Down here, I would like a word with you.”
The new loser would look down, dropping her wind style, wind rejuvenation and would signal over to the stadium bleachers. While she doubted that the two remaining combatants would need the entire arena to fight, she also didn’t want to take any risk, as such, siting in the bleachers was probably the best idea available. The girl would walk over to the stadium seats and sit down sheathing her one winged angel blade, waiting for Kenshin to come join her. Presuming he did, this would make Hikari a little nervous, as just seconds ago, she thought this person was some sort of evil sand summoning monster, and about minute ago, she saw this man crushed two of Hikari’s clone’s heads together. While her fight or flight mood which Shiroi helped her develop kept her sane at that point, it was a little bit unnerving to be talking to the man who just did that. She would nervously say as he approached her, “Hey….. so…. You wanted to speak to me?”

[mid thread claim, claiming 2nd exam complete, collecting mission rewards and permission to continue on to the next exam. I was already given permission from Mrs. Aki over skype that once my surrender went through, I can go ahead and make the claim]
Jiro Uchiha
Jiro Uchiha
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Thu Apr 13, 2017 3:33 am
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Ryo : 500

Build a Chuunin II - Page 3 Empty Re: Build a Chuunin II

Mon Apr 17, 2017 12:42 am
As Genevieve stayed close to her summon for the security, resting her hand on one of his legs, the Nameless One was much wiser. And his eyes were much better than hers were, or could ever be, whether the statement was true or not. The reptile stayed lower and pulled a wing over his younger summoner as she moved under him while he watched the other two fighting outside of the ever thinning cloud of mist. He watched as the other female rose up and talked to the blonde female reigning over the battle, sucking in a low breath and exhaling from his nose, as he listened and watched while his summoner was wrapped up in her own thoughts and feelings.

This was her chance to show herself, and what had she done so far? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. She had made some mist, learned a new technique from Kenshin, and hidden behind her two summons; the dragon that had as much tolerance for her shyness as he did for other humans besides her, and the man whose back she didn’t mind hiding behind. What did that make her? Who could have any type of feelings for a woman who hid behind others to solve her problems?

No one could love a coward. And these exams were to help her become something more than that.

What was happening outside the mist didn’t really pertain to her as she tried to overcome this inner turmoil of hers. Even as the shinobi she summoned pulled away, the looming problem slowly lowered upon her like clouds descending upon the ground. She’d have to actually fight her own teammate, and with a sigh she tried to think up something to close the distance between them. She wasn’t on par with Ayato; she had known that from the start. The difference was that she wasn’t going to just stand down because of the gap between their abilities; that’s not what a shinobi was. A shinobi was someone that worked and stood, even when they couldn’t stand anymore, against an enemy whether or not they were stronger or weaker. She needed to have that type of attitudes, and stop letting her reservations about her church looking down upon her, be her restricting chains. If they couldn’t respect her for doing her best and wanting to be strong enough to protect those weaker then her- well, then they could- well- shove it. She put a hand on her dragon companion that lowered its head back into the mist and looked at her; neon green eyes glowing almost menacingly in the mist.  

“Please give me assistance once more, Senpai.” She requested and started to climb up the Dragon’s leg, to attempt to get on the leviathan’s back, and the creature chuckled darkly. It moved it’s muzzle under one of her feet and helped her to her destination, laying low as it waited for further instruction, “Hear me.” She murmured as Geni situated herself between the sharp, jagged spines along the creature’s back, The dragon poked it’s head inquisitively out of the mist cloud, as she voiced, “How far is Ayato-san?”

“I dunno, like- 50 meters maybe, child?” The Dragon answered vaguely, and she gripped one of his spines,

“Then close the distance.” Geni ordered and the dragon crouched once more before unfurling its wings with a dark, ominous laugh, and sprang into the air (35 Speed, going up 30 meters) . With a few heavy beats of its wings, the sand and the mist below it brashly moved away from it as the dragon hover. A few fluttering seconds of a world stopping around it, before the leviathan shot upwards and out of the arena, flying higher than it’s walls allowed, as Geni held on. When the creature’s shadow covered the arena, the creature roared to the heavens as it gracefully swirled into a dive, tucking in it’s wings as it aimed directly for the location of the last remaining opponent in it’s summoner's way- Ayato. (70 Speed)

As the creature approached the ground, Geni weakened the bond between a solid, physical form and her natural, liquid-like state as a Hozuki. As the creature came within 5 meters of crashing down and impacting the ground, if Ayato didn’t go out of his way to stop the creature’s brash descent, the beast would unfurl its wings at the last second to let the air currents cushion it’s almost cataclysmic crash- the speed of the stop shattering geni’s form and making her liquid body crash down upon Ayato and the sand like rain-

And should he not move, to avoid the rain or the beast roaring at him ferociously to try and ignite some fear of “god” within the younger male- Geni would reform behind him, the artificial electricity of the technique taught to her by Kenshin filling her hands with a tingling sensation. As she rose from water on the ground she would shoot her hands forward to hit Ayato directly in the center of his spine, something that, if successful, would end up reducing him to nothing more than a twitching mess on the ground if he did not have a health higher than the power of the jutsu, which was 70. If this worked, they would see.

[ 164 AP= 5 AP to Reform, 40 AP for Body Pathway Derangement = 119 AP]

[ WC: 879 ]
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Build a Chuunin II - Page 3 Empty Re: Build a Chuunin II

Tue Apr 18, 2017 5:05 am
Unfortunately due to the distance between the scar faced albino and the chocolate haired member of the Hyuuga clan he had been unable to hear any of the young man's mutterings, nor was he able to hear the humming or the lyrics that were leaving his mouth, and that was simply a damned shame. If only he had actually managed to hear the song that left the young Hyuuga’s lips, perhaps the two of them could have had an impromptu song and dance routine, but then again, such a thing would no doubt have seemed extremely out of character for the two of them, so alas, there would be none of that...this time, maybe next time they would get the chance...maybe. Meh, it mattered not in the end, what mattered was the fact that he wished to congratulate Hikari for her deviousness, and maybe learn just how she managed to do that neat little walking on air trick, as that would be a VERY useful skill to have in the future. His thoughts turned to the former priestess hidden within her mist, sure she had her dragon, but he knew from experience that while the beast was indeed very intimidating to most people, it was actually relatively weak, or rather, it was weak by his extremely high standards.

But then again he knew through years of experience in the criminal underworld that there were very few things or people in this world that could be considered truly strong, after-all, there was nothing stopping weaklings from learning powerful techniques, but in the end, a weakling with a powerful technique was still a weakling, and no amount of posturing could change that fact. As he thought this he had to resist the urge to look upwards at the girl standing on the air above him, she seemed to be the very embodiment of that thought, she had indeed proved to have a few powerful techniques, those solid clones that she had made earlier along with the weapon multiplication technique. But what had happened when he got within melee distance of the girl, despite himself being outnumbered three to one he had managed to effectively ‘kill’ the girl three times in the space of a couple of seconds, he had snapped the clones necks with little effort before throwing the girl herself away, but had this been a real fight then she would have instead shared the same fate as her two clones. But then what had she done, she had gone and shattered shattered the image that he had crafted of her when she began to manipulate the queen regent in the way that she had, and he had to admit, doing something like that took balls of steel...well either that or complete and utter idiocy, but he chose to hope that she was just incredibly ballsy.

All in all, today had been a good day, very eventful compared to most, first, during his usual morning training he had managed to learn two very useful earth release techniques, these two techniques were the Earth Release: Added-Weight Rock Technique, and the improved version, Earth Release: Super Added-Weight Rock Technique. Why had he not mentioned learning these techniques in any of his previous posts you may find yourself asking, well it had simply slipped his mind, and he had chosen not to use them during his brief scuffle with Hikari because he knew that using either of those would have ended the fight for the girl, and that simply would not have been fair for him to use, seeing as he was already a Chunin of Hoshigakure while she was simply a Genin working towards Chunin rank. Back to the two techniques though, even with the incredible chakra control that the medical specialist possessed they had been quite difficult to learn due to the sheer complexity of what the techniques actually accomplished, using an earth release technique to enhance the effects of gravity on the target. It had taken him a few hours in order to properly understand the theory behind the technique, and only once he had a firm grasp of said theory did he give the techniques themselves a try, thankfully for him, the two of them were basically the same technique, only difference being just how much the effect of gravity was enhanced. The regular technique allowed him to make one so heavy that they were rendered completely unable to move, the enhanced version though...that one allowed him to increase the effect of gravity so much that those affected could be crushed by the weight of their own bodies, a rather terrifying prospect. It was no wonder that the young heart thief had chosen not to use either of these new techniques on his 'enemies' in this arena, they would have ended the match in one fell swoop.

He was a little disappointed due to the fact that he had not gotten much of a chance to see Ayato in action, nor had he really been able to test the young Hyuuga in action the same way that he had with Hikari, so as it stood he had not gained much information about the types of skills that he actually possessed. He had of course seen the massive tiger head that had seemed to be made up of pressurised air that was sent at both he and Hikari. That attack had possessed no chakra in it either, meaning that it had to be either a taijutsu or weaponry technique of some kind, but based solely upon the clan that he belonged to the silver haired Chunin chose to label it as a taijutsu technique. Either way though, his time in this arena had reached it’s end, if he and Hikari stayed here any longer then they would only end up slowing down the fight between Ayato and Genevieve, something that he did not want to happen as it may end up interfering with their promotion to Chunin rank. As he noted in his last post he would motion his head towards the entrance of the arena, so that the two of them could get out of here and leave the other two to their fight, but when she instead began to walk towards the bleachers of the arena his silver and red eyes would narrow in annoyance. Perhaps he should have worn his Chunin flak jacket, maybe then she would have shown some respect and heeded his unsaid instruction...actually...perhaps he should have claimed a flak jacket when he made Chunin so that he could wear it...that would probably help...yeah, he would need to get on that sometime soon.

“Namikaze, this way, we’re leaving the arena so that the two of them can fight without interruption, I’m sure you don’t wish to be caught in the middle of their fight” The stitched and scarred Chunin of Hoshigakure would say before calmly walking towards the entrance of the arena, which was actually relatively close to his current position, well how about that, talk about convenience. It seemed that Hikari chose to fall in line and follow him as he left, rather than once more attempting to lead him over to the bleachers, something that was no doubt done so that she would be able to further gauge the skills of Ayato, and find out more about how Genevieve herself fought. And unfortunately for the scheming young woman the scar faced youth would not allow her to get a good gauge on the level of strength possessed by his galaxy haired friend. Hmm, how curious, how long had it been since he had started to think of Genevieve as his friend? Just how had she managed to worm her way so far into his cold hearts that he actually found himself caring about her well being. The last person that he had begun to think of as a true friend had actually been Keito, the young Uchiha that had tried ambushing him on his journey through Waterfall Country, and even that ‘friendship’ had not managed to go very far before the foolish boy walked willingly to his doom within the village of Kirigakure

Well, in the end it mattered not just how she had managed to do such a thing, the damage was already done, and now he simply had to heal it and fix whatever holes existed in his carefully crafted defenses...but that in itself raised a very important and confusing question to him...did he truly wish to sever his bond with the girl...did he wish to go back to caring for nobody but himself. Surely it would be best for him to sever the connection now, before she managed to burrow her way in even deeper and become a true weakness for him...but why did the very thought of doing such a thing hurt was a pain he had not felt in a long time...since that fateful morning all those years ago...when he discovered his father’s corpse sitting at their kitchen table. Thankfully his face would betray none of these thoughts, his eyes still cold as ice and his face completely devoid of any feeling, not allowing anyone to get a glimpse of the war going on within him, the war between his mind and his emotions. This was a war that he could not see ending anytime soon, and he knew that it could only spell trouble for him in the future.

WC: 1587

[Exiting with Hikari]

TWC: 8461

2250 words towards Earth Release: Added-Weight Rock Technique, Claiming (25% max stat discount)

3750 words towards Earth Release: Super Added-Weight Rock Technique, claiming (25% max stat discount)

2450 words towards Kenshin's Improved Skin, 7550 words remaining

Discarding remaining 11 words

Last edited by Kenshin Uzumaki <3 on Wed Apr 19, 2017 4:46 am; edited 3 times in total
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Hikari Namikaze
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Build a Chuunin II - Page 3 Empty Re: Build a Chuunin II

Tue Apr 18, 2017 11:52 pm
WC: 2921
(Claiming Gen release mastery: Handless 375/375
Claiming: Paralysis Jutsu: 750/750
Double mastery for Paralysis jusu 1500/1500
Mastery: Wind gale force palm mastery: 346/1500
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