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C - Rank Mission: Storm That Build (M, P, NK) Empty C - Rank Mission: Storm That Build (M, P, NK)

Wed Jun 13, 2018 2:59 pm
mission log:

Kari arrived at the village gate. The conversation with the two Secretary still filled her head. They applauded her on her previous success, noting that had the cookies fell they would have failed her. Kari disliked how they tried to take away the praise she deserved, but still, that reward was worth it. With that they gave her permission to take on more dangerous missions. Little did she know that just meant they would assign her to serve duty as a first responder. It was not a social mission, not like guiding families around the city, but it was not what she was expecting. Still, it had a higher pay rate so she would just have to do her best. One that did not sit well with her was the fact that she had to work with another ninja. This would be someone she never met before but the secretaries insisted that she had a partner. The mentioned something about having to be able to work well with others for other high paying missions. It did not change the fact that she still had terrible people skills. She sighed and waited for her partner for the day to appear. She was told he was a higher ranking ninja so that meant he was smart and probably a nicer person. The two chunnins she met prior have had those traits. They also taught her a lot so maybe this mission would not be too bad.

Kari stood at the gate with an Orange cloak. She wore a brown T-shirt and brown shorts. On her back was a object wrapped in bandages which was about half her size. Inside of her cloak were pockets, one of which held her stagehand puppet. The other pocket held her scroll with the wolf puppet sealed inside. The girl doubted she would need her puppets but if her prior experiences proved anything, it was you could never be too prepared.
Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Ryo : 2700

C - Rank Mission: Storm That Build (M, P, NK) Empty Re: C - Rank Mission: Storm That Build (M, P, NK)

Wed Jun 13, 2018 3:59 pm
orokana woke up early in the morning, something he doesnt do often. he was told he needed to do a mission since he hasnt done one in a long time, and since this place was still new to him so he wanted to make sure he wouldnt get into trouble and kicked out. he grabbed his cloak and his book, never leaving either alone. he then walked to a cafe since he still had a long time before he was suppose to meet up with someone. he quickly ordered coffee and some food. then he walked and ate to the spot he was going to meet up with someone. he would take a slow walk to where it was. his black hair moving around in the wind as he walked. he wore his black shirt and black jeans. as he walked he held his coffee and book in different hands. he also made sure he lowered his chakra (1) just to hid in the masses so ninjas that could sense him couldnt. he would show up to see the girl with red hair. he could sense her chakra so he knew that was her, it wasnt a strong chakra but he could feel it none the less. he walked up to her and sighed before saying "hello im guessing it is you who i am meeting up with right? i dont know if i know your name, i didnt really read anything." he would say in his normal monotone voice, his deep green eyes looking bored. he looked down at his book and started to read it some more as the girl talked, she should start to notice s ink smell coming from the book, fresh ink. "i dont think you know who i am but im orokana, pleasure to meet you." he said trying to sound nice but as always it sounded like a fake tone. his eyes never leaving the book. he signed deeply. he wanted to go back to bed, or work on his genjutsu, or something. he hope nothing that he had to do would dirty his clothes. 

wc 352
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C - Rank Mission: Storm That Build (M, P, NK) Empty Re: C - Rank Mission: Storm That Build (M, P, NK)

Wed Jun 13, 2018 4:36 pm
Kari waited. She fiddled with her red pigtails unsure what to do since her partner was not here. She reached into her cloak and grabbed her notebook but then something caught her eye. A teenager with black hair walking up to the village gate with coffee and some food. He was the only person to come to the village gate since Kari took up her post here. Still, did not know and since she was wearing her headband symbol as the clasp for her cloak, she tried to minimize communication with the populous. It just made life easier. However as he walked up to her he opened with a monotone voice. She looked up at him unsure of what to make out. He seemed to lake energy that most people had. His voice was stagnant. He also seemed to not care much about the mission. All of this obviously meant he was a calm person who had an easy time complementing these missions. He was not loud or super spontaneous so his actions would be predictable or at least tame. He also probably was not social. Kari liked him.

"Uh... yes. I think... I am Kari Tsukami." Kari responded in her normal dreary voice and gave a small bow, raising her head after he introduced his name. While her head was down, she smelled fresh ink. When her eyes returned to him, she saw a book which seemed to be the center of his attention. Still, she would not let it interrupt her. She had to make a good impression for her sempai.
"It is a pleasure to meet you Sempai."
Everything that came out of his mouth was in that empty tone. While it would hinder her already pathetic attempt to determine emotion, Kari decided to take it in stride. If he wanted to hide his emotion or if he just did not care, then Kari would not try. It was most logical.

"Today we will be first responders. I believe the orders require us to roam the square and assist the public services with anything they are having trouble with."

Shortly after sirens ran off in the village. These sirens were the signal for a fire, something that was listed in the first responders' manual. Kari sighed and started running towards the area that was on fire. It was not an optimal time to fight a fire but at least it would make the time go by faster.
"Come on Sempai, I don't want to fail my first C rank mission"

The fire would come from a newer sushi bar Nami's. It was a sushi bar that recently opened a barque grill for some of their tables. The bar was two stories and had the kitchen and the tables with the grills on the first floor. It was a closed building with a couple windows in the front. The only ways inside was through the front and through the back. The second floor held the rooms for the owner and some employees. It also held most of the supplies for the store. when the two get their, they would see that the fire started from a grill and was spreading into the kitchen. It also blocked off the stairs to the second floor.

WC: 545
Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Ryo : 2700

C - Rank Mission: Storm That Build (M, P, NK) Empty Re: C - Rank Mission: Storm That Build (M, P, NK)

Wed Jun 13, 2018 5:17 pm
introductions seemed to go well. girl seemed to be quiet, this was good, should be a quiet evening. only issues was the roar of the streets and people nearby. then he heard sirens, the girl was already on the move. he sighed deeply before he caught up with her and followed her to the sushi bar. he studied it. normally he would think fighting fire with fire would be good but this seem more dangerous. he didnt sense any chakra around so he knew it was just a normal fire. good it should be an easy thing to do. just make sure people dont die till someone can take care of the fire. oro closed his book and took off his cloak. setting it aside. he needed to act fast. he would say to kari before he did anything. "im going to make sure no one is stuck up stairs, be back in a bit." he would yawn and run inside, he saw the fire on the stairs heat wouldnt be an issue if he wasnt standing in it. he would do the hand seals for body flicker as fast as he could and quick go through the fire. if anything it felt like a warm breeze. after that he would run upstairs and looked around. there was a couple of rooms, a total of 5, one being a bathroom. he started at the back two rooms. one looked like it had the office in for the area, there was a older woman scared. oro sighed and grabbed her before she could say or do anything. pulling her into the open hall with the stairs. he would then say "is anyone else in here do you know?" she would take a moment to process what is happening and shook her head no. he didnt know if he believed her but none the less he was going to look in the other rooms anyway. 

he would use ventriloquism he learned long ago at the bottom of the stairs and yelled "kari is you can put out the fire at the stairs, i have people up here." of course if she already had put out the fire he would tell the women to run outside. he then ran in the bathroom and looked around. it was empty and no one was around. it also smelled bad, but he was in a sushi bar on fire so he didnt think it was weird. he ran to the next room. as he did he noticed the fire was breaking the floor of the room he was in, he sighed and used shadow clone justu to make a clone and had it run to the other rooms to make this go by faster. in the room he entered there was a pet cat. he thought about leaving it behind but he grabbed it anyways, the cat hissed at him and bit him as he ran to the next room. it was probably panicked or it didnt like him. he hoped it wasnt ungrateful. the clone found a girl crying, look liked she lived here since it was a bedroom. the clone said nothing and grabbed her. the clone looked back into the door way and saw the fire was in the hallway with the stairs, so instead of walking into the fire with the girl he would carry her and jump out the window, once he landed the clone told her to get to safety and poofed, having done its job. the real oro found two young boys in the last room, looked like another room for people to stay at. they looked at oro as he looked behind him at the fire. he would grab one of the boys, he wasnt strong enough to carry both and said "wait here" as he jumped out a window in the room to the street, he let the boy free as he ran out of his grip. he looked back and ran inside. he would look at kari as he ran upstairs, he didnt think she needed help. as he turned the corner to the room he came from the doorway fell and was on fire the kid inside staring at the fire in horror. oro side and took out his katana, the only weapon he carried that wasnt his brain. and cut the broken door way down to make room for oro to go in. once he was in he would grab the boy and jump out the window again. thankfully that was the 2nd floor done. he would then check on the people he saved and any others that might have ran out to make sure they werent injured, if they were he would try to help them the best he could but he didnt have any medical training so it wasnt much. he was waiting to see if kari needed help before doing anything else. thankfully oro had high speed to run around like a chicken. 

twc 1184
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C - Rank Mission: Storm That Build (M, P, NK) Empty Re: C - Rank Mission: Storm That Build (M, P, NK)

Wed Jun 13, 2018 10:31 pm
When they arrived, Kari's eyes went wide. She could not believe what was happening. How could her favorite store catch fire. She had to do something. However, Orokana dashed in at a speed she could barely keep up with. She had no way of following him through the fire. Also she did not think he was going to combat the fire, so it was up to her to do something about it. Kari back into the fountain. Lucky for her, it was still working. Now she just needed a way to collect the water.
"I need buckets."
The crowd around her just stood there and watched. Most of them had scrunched up faces but they all had a burning glare in their eyes.
"There is a fire. I need buckets"
Still everyone just stared. Kari turned away from them and looked around. She saw a cart that looked like it could hold a lot of water. So she ran to it and wheeled it over to the fountain when she arrived, a rock slammed against her head, knocking the small girl into the fountain.
"Dirty kunoichi you probably started the fire."

This treatment was harsh. However he had a mission to do. No matter how ungrateful they were, what lies they spread, she would not let them stop her. She needed that money, she needed this success. She pulled herself out of the water and returned to the cart. Dipping it into the water as more rocks flew at her. She did not budge, clenching her teeth as she was pummeled with more rocks. After a few seconds, she managed to fill the crate with water. It was not a lot but it was something. Then she wheeled it through the crowd and back to the sushi bar. The fire completely blocked the stairwell and she heard Orokana voice call her to clear the fire at the stair well so the people could escape. Blood dripped from her head which forced to stop for a second. Clearing her head, she activated her chakra threads and lifted the cart over the burning floor. Slowly she walked it through the flames, avoiding the tables which were burning. Her skin turned pink as the heat scratched her skin and face. smoke fanned hot air into her hair. Still, she maintain focus and then dropped the water over the stairwell. Water pushed away the flames and opened a path to the back door.

Kari coughed but she managed to push out some commands to the few people trapped on the stairwell. "Quick... *cough* This way!" Her voice grew horse from the smoke but the people understood and everyone rushed to the back door. However, one person did not run down. "Sempai" Kari yelled, The flames roared in anger as they retook their ground. Kari had a choice to make. Run out freely or check for her teammate. Her head throbbed but she could not risk losing the mission. The secretaries would surely failed her if the the chuunin died so she ran upstairs. "Sempai, Are you okay?"
There were 5 rooms and a piece of the floor was missing. Smoke was everywhere so she pulled her cloak closer to her face. It was hard to breath but failure was not an option. She slammed open a door, then another door. Both empty with a fire raging in one. The floor cracked as she took another step twisting her ankle. "Ahh," Her head hit the ground. She was not out, but the hot floor was biting her skin. She had to get out. Her head stopped throbbing long enough for her to realize how stupid of a move she made. Still, she could not return to the stairs. So she crawled down the hall. The two rooms next to her were empty as well. Another relief if there was any with the burning floor. She continued to push forward, inch by inch until she entered the last room. Everything was dark. She was trapped, nowhere to move. That was until she heard a sound.

"Where is the little girl, everyone else got out.

The air was cooler as she moved towards the noise. Then she saw a light. The wall in front of her was broken. It probably lead outside. She continued inching forward until she poked her head out the hole. She saw the crowd and Orokana. So he did make it out. She pulled herself up to an unbroken part of the wall. She could see the fire creeping towards her. With her foot, she knew she could not jump out but she did have one more tool at her side. She grabbed her puppet kumo off her back and removed it from the bandage. Then she tossed the puppet out the window. It was durable but she knew it would take some damage. hopefully nobody would scream and freak-out. She did not need anymore noise. Then she wrapped the bandage around her arm and around a piece of metal in the room.

"I hope this holds."

She took a deep breath and rolled out the window. This was If Orokana did not jump up here to save her as well. By now the actually firefighters should be just arriving as well and also tending to the other victims of the fire. One would even offer to look at Orokana and thank him for his work. Water cannons would blast into the sushi bar, killing the fire from the bottom floor slowly. Unless something halted their assault, the building would hold up and the bar would be repairable. That was if the owner wish to continue her business. The rest of the buildings on the left and right would have some burn marks and damages but other wise they would be safe to open in the morning.

Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Ryo : 2700

C - Rank Mission: Storm That Build (M, P, NK) Empty Re: C - Rank Mission: Storm That Build (M, P, NK)

Wed Jun 13, 2018 11:26 pm
orokana was growing impatient not seeing the ninja. he sighed deeply looking around. but he decided to make sure she wasnt in the building. he would active his chakra sensory to do that. then he felt her on the second floor. he sighed. he just came from there but he needed her out. he would wipe sweat from his brow and start to run inside, running up the stairs, almost tripping on the hole she made. then seeing her crawling, he noted the blood coming from her head as well as he grabbed her and jumped out the hole in the wall to the street below. that would make the place clear and everyone safe. but one thing that bugged oro about all this was that the girl was bleeding. he would sit her down near a wall and take out his hand, using a medical jutsu to stop the bleeding. he was not doctor but it was clear these were because of the fire inside. he stood up and looked around. he saw people glare at him. oro never wore his headband. not even when he was in the leaf. but he kept it with him just in case. he would walk towards where he put down his cloak and book grabbing it and putting it on yawning. as he cleaned himself from ash and dirt he heard people talk. "do you think these two started the fire? to make themselves look good?" "i cant believe they would profit from peoples misery." "well they ruined my favorite place to eat... fucking ninjas should die." he would sigh. just like the cat they hated him. well it wasnt anything he wasnt use to. he would walk back to the girl. since she was crawling he bet she couldnt walk. but she might be embarrassed if he picked her up and started to walk around with her. so he picked her up and had her lean on him. "good job on saving the people, some of them could have died if we didnt come." he said loud enough for people to hear. "i dont know how you got those cuts but if someone hurt you let me know ok?" he looked back at the people, staring intently at them. technically he had to save the people from the fire, but if they openly attack someone he could help out, he couldnt harm them physically but he didnt do that normally anyways. before the girl could answer a man spoke up. this would be exciting. "yeah i threw a rock at her, so what? its obvious she started the fire." oro would look at the man and lift the brow. the fire fighters got to the scene as oro spoke. "oh i see, do you have proof or are you just angry this girl saved peoples lives?" he would say. he hoped the girl wouldnt talk. she didnt need to. as the man was about to talk oro took out his book with his free hand. he sighed. "you know normally the genjutsu called bringer of darkness needs handseals to be used, and it is an interesting genjutsu to learn, stealing sight from someone can be useful but... if someones already blind... they shouldnt be affected by this kind of thing... say care to test it out?" he would lift his eyes from his book. he was testing the man talking. he just stared at oro. "no i suppose not, you seem like the guy that would do the easy stuff and when someone does the hard thing you make fun of them or harass them. ignorant is the word i would use." he sighed and slid his book in his pocket turning around and started to walk away with the girl. he barely took two steps before a rock missed him. he would stop. he could take action. might get into trouble, might not. he shrugged. and kept walking. not another rock was thrown. 

once they were away from the place and oro found a bench for them to sit on he would let the girl go. "he would yawn and lean back in his seat, closing his eyes. "why couldnt i get a job less physical. let the brutes do the jobs not me." he was tired and the day wasnt even close to being over. he would wait to see what the girl would do or say. he would yawn and take out his book again. looking at it, studying it. this place wasnt as different from the leaf, in his eyes anyway. he wasnt treated the best since he wasnt born in the leaf. just people here didnt like ninjas at all. which was weird since all ninjas do is try and protect them. if she didnt say anything oro would say "good work today um kari, nice to be working with someone quiet." he would say standing up fixing his cloak. it was about time for him to be done and she would probably want to rest. 

twc 2023
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C - Rank Mission: Storm That Build (M, P, NK) Empty Re: C - Rank Mission: Storm That Build (M, P, NK)

Thu Jun 14, 2018 12:12 am
Suddenly she felt someone pick her up. She was saved, not only from the burning floor but from from failing her mission by death. You cant pass if you die. She let out a sigh and closed her eyes as the pain forced it's way through the relief she felt. A few seconds later, the wind was flying through her hair. The blinding light hid behind the shade of a building. A loud thump would signal her that they were on the ground. He lied her on a bench and started applying medical jutsu to her head. The throbbing lessened though she wish he could do the same for her ankle. He was not the best at it, but maybe he could help soothe the agitation. After his quick patch up, he helped her to her feet and allowed her to use him as support so she could limp away. Then he praised her on her performance.

Then the voices from that crowd that stoned her spoke up. They tried to pin everything on both of them, stealing what little praise the two of them earned. Then Oro spoke up defending both of them. Kari remained quiet. It was the only answer to though who bullied her for being different. Even now, she could feel the torment of years pasted. People were selfish, all of them. They needed the help of ninjas, yet they spit on the name every chance they get. Kari would take a deep breath. Even though the people did not see the good in her job, the reward would was proof, the only proof she needed. They just had to make it out without anyone else getting hurt. However one of the men foolishly admitted to throwing a rock. Kari clenched her teeth.

Oro was already on the mans case. Kari did not know if she could stop him but she gripped his shirt tugging it hoping he would get the message. She really did not want to fail. Luckily for both of them, a firefighter stepped in the way. Her mission was saved. Oro let the man go and they left for a bench in one of the more quiet areas of the square. Once again the boy praised her. It was nice to hear, like bandages on the dagger words of the stoners.
"Thank you." She turned her head to properly greet him but quickly lowered it back down. She felt like He did most of the work. She just got hurt.

The boy stood up but before he could do anything else the bar owner, Nami, walked over.
"Thank you both so much. I know some of the people here foolishly hate the ninja but I love them. You both saved my family and I am sure we will open up stronger than ever. Here."

Here, she offered them both a golden card.
"If either of you ever come by after the bar reopens, show this card and I will give you both a special discount." The woman chuckled and walked off.

Not long after some queen's men showed up and thanked the two ninja, handing them the reward.
WC: 526
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C - Rank Mission: Storm That Build (M, P, NK) Empty Re: C - Rank Mission: Storm That Build (M, P, NK)

Thu Jun 14, 2018 12:25 am
Mission Successful
TWC: 2369 + 2023(oro)
2, 000 Ryo for Kari and Oro
5 AP For Kari and Oro
2000 -> Chakra Suppression
369 ->Paralysis Tech
Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Ryo : 2700

C - Rank Mission: Storm That Build (M, P, NK) Empty Re: C - Rank Mission: Storm That Build (M, P, NK)

Thu Jun 14, 2018 12:30 am

2000 words towards Katon Creation: Phoenix
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

C - Rank Mission: Storm That Build (M, P, NK) Empty Re: C - Rank Mission: Storm That Build (M, P, NK)

Thu Jun 14, 2018 12:42 am
Approved, but Oro, in the future could you please link what you are training?

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