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Build a Chuunin II

Jiro Uchiha
Akihana Akari
Hikari Namikaze
Ayato Hyuuga
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Build a Chuunin II - Page 2 Empty Re: Build a Chuunin II

Sat Mar 18, 2017 5:48 pm

According to my calculations, Hikari still had about an hour to post at the time of Geni skipping her. <3

Last edited by Akihana Akari on Sat Mar 18, 2017 5:51 pm; edited 1 time in total
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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Build a Chuunin II - Page 2 Empty Re: Build a Chuunin II

Sat Mar 18, 2017 5:50 pm
(I do, thank you)
As Hikari started to make her clones, she saw something dart out from a fog of mist that her rainbow haired opponent was had come from. Hikari was barely able to see it, it was some sort of blur, what was that? Before she had time to react, the creature appeared in front of her, grabbed her and just chucked her at Ayato’s direction. The sand monster… what was that? A summon? A jutsu? The young girl didn’t know, but the force of creature throwing the young girl made her spin while she was being thrown. As she was spinning in the air, she could get a full view of the battle field, a dragon roar coming from the mist that the sand monster came from. The sand monster brutally executing her clones, if this was a few days ago, that would of bothered her and kept her awake at night, but after her training with Shiroi, Hikari learned that she couldn’t spend time worrying about the What ifs. Right now, she was in fight or flight mode, and she needed to do what she could to survive. What she also saw was Ayato, coming at her, trying to get close enough to perform an attack. Hikari spun around so she could land on her feet, it was a good thing she was nimble and that she wasn’t thrown to hard. As she landed, she saw Ayato do something with his hands, throw a punch out at her, and suddenly, a massive tiger made from energy would be shot at her. What was that? It didn’t appear to be chakra, but the pure force of energy from an attack. Either way, Hikari had no time to stop. She had a monster behind her, and some sort of 10-meter-tall tiger coming at her from the front. This wasn’t good, She had to get away from the monster, and at the same time get away from her opponent the tiger that was coming from her. She would need to start to run, Hikari would start to run diagonally, right and slightly forward, to the right to escape the tiger that was coming at her, and forward, or toward Ayato, in order to escape whatever that sand thing was behind her. (She is running 10 meters to her right, and 5 meters forward, so that one would be wear of the angle)

Once she had gotten enough distance to avoid the tiger, (Moving at a speed of 88, and the distance she moved was 10 meters to her right and 5 ahead of her) She would proceed to pull out a kunai as she ran and would throw it at Ayato, she had to take him out of the picture so she would be able focus on the dragon and the sand man. However, that wasn’t all she was going to do, the moment she finished the throw, she would perform the proper hand seals and use her wind gale force palm, in order to boost up the throwing speed and power for her throw. Not wasting any time, she would also form the proper hand signs to use the Shadow shuriken clone jutsu, and create 1000 clones of the said kunai and send them flying at Ayato, with a speed and power of 193, each with a sharpness of 102 and would go for 96 meters, which Ayato was more than close enough for that. The Kunai was spread out enough that Ayato couldn’t just move and dodge them, but was condesnsed enough that he couldn’t just block all of them.

AP: 555-60 – 40 – 20 – 15= 420 AP remaining
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Build a Chuunin II - Page 2 Empty Re: Build a Chuunin II

Sun Mar 19, 2017 12:36 pm
Genevieve had tried to keep track of everything, but found it a bit difficult, perhaps from her inexperience with this type of situation. She was used to being in a group, or being in one-on-one events within her Church; but fighting was different. It was much more intense and it seemed that her senses dulled and slowed, as if primal instincts she long forgot, began to brew to the surface and make themselves known once more. Her steel-blue eyes tracked glances; here after-image phantoms of Kenshin’s movements, too fast for ever her to keep track of, which left her to wonder if Nameless’s vantage point provided him with the ability to watch the shinobi better. She did see his devastatingly brash attacks; but she also saw the underlying context which brought a faint blush to her own cheeks and she gracefully moved closer to her largest summon.

The moves had been quick, precise, and calculated to show his meaning better than words could tell it; “Stay away. Don’t come near.”

She didn’t need any other action besides that one, to silently and mentally confirm that maybe somewhere within himself- there was a reciprocation that she had hoped for, outside of this battle. Whether it held validity or not, she liked to allow herself ot think it make her beliefs in him more concrete; knowing that what she hoped for wasn’t some ruse of her own generation’s flippant and whimsical ‘day-dreaming’. However, now was not the time for such things; now was the time for action. To show the Queen she answered to, that Genevieve could hold her own in this Shinobi World that she had been sheltered from; to showcase that she too, had some promise in their ways, as much as she did within her own Church and religion. Though quietly, she hoped none of her religion would be there, nor of her particular Church, would hold witness to the things she had done and the actions she would be doing, lest she wish to be exiled from the own life she had known up until a few months ago. Regrettably, she hadn’t thought that far until today, when she had made her decision to participate in this event, that was weighted with meaning that those of her Church couldn’t comprehend.

This was her decision, not as a Priestess, but as a Kunoichi- as a female ninja. And she needed to respect herself and her abilities enough, to stick to the decision she had made.

She moved to stand under her summon, as the huge creature watched the others while Ayato moved forward to attack Kenshin, after Kenshin had disposed of Hikari's clones and taken his own damage. The young woman reached up and put her hands to the underbelly of the heavy lizard and perhaps it spared a moment to glance at her- perhaps not- but that was not the point. The statement was to let her will be known to her summon, and to allow herself the chance to be cruel- and to open the connection between her and her summon to allow the creature to carry out her order. “Now...You’re being assertive, I see.” The Dragon growled before giving a chuckle as she moved back to stay within the cover of the mist, while the dragon brandished its own wings. The dark collections of leathery skin and bones flared out to their maximum length as a vibrant green ooze began to seek from underneath his scales; as if the creature was being eaten from the inside out by some jutsu; however the truth was quite the opposite. As the creature creeped closer towards the other three, moving to corral them towards the closest wall, a hefty drop of the ooze hit the sand-

As it bit into the sand, a loud sizzling sound began to fill the air, and the smell of burning began to waft into the area, as all beneath the drop of ooze began to dissolve, this sickeningly dark action enunciated by the creatures dark chuckling,

“Come now, Spiders; I don’t have all day.”

Even after the wind blast from Ayato had done it’s damage, the dragon merely angled itself and began to trot towards the three as it deemed the 35 meter-remaining distance to bee too vast for it’s cruel little tactic; however, the trotting action left a following trail of dissolving, acidic drops in the sand, behind the dragon’s massive wake. The Nameless One closed the distance until he was 10 meters away from the three younger and smaller prey, and lowered down, before creeping closer with giddy, darkened excitement; as if it were a cat, stalking and cornering 3 mice. However, being a rather malicious and unfriendly creature, even for those of its species, the dragon struggled to contain its own excitement about attacking 3 ‘lesser creatures’- but perhaps it was struggling with the excitement it drew upon, this it’s own summoner had authorized and ordered such a cruel tactic.

While the diversion was made, Genevieve spared a few fractions of a second as she decided what her next move was to be. Would she hide and cower, perhaps cast another jutsu to keep herself safe? Or would she attack herself? As she watched her own summons, she noted that both had showed much more boldness and assertiveness than she had. So, instead, she took a step forward and moved forward upon the sand and walked with purpose and poise; unhindered and uncaring whether the sand was flat or curved as she strode forward towards the scene of her allies fighting against those she needed to win against. Even if one of those people was her own teammate, she needed to showcase more confidence than she had and she strode forward without the slightest hint of hesitation. Not towards her summon that dripped a vicious and vicarious substance, and not by the ensuing battle before her. Perhaps her opponents would run; but she would get there eventually. She needed to let it be know that she had something that she really couldn’t afford in a fight like this; patience. To show that she took this as seriously as it was meant to be taken but she was going to take her time.

However, in the meantime, as she walked closer, her summon glanced back her, pausing in its motions, before she calmly rose her hand and swished it dismissively to the side; a sign that the creature conveyed as a ‘go-ahead’ signal to close-in upon her opponents. Thought she was of a nicer demeanor normally, this fight was something different and had brought out perhaps the ‘worst’ in her - something that was debatable, as Geni would refrain from calling it that, just as she was refraining from correcting her summon’s translation of her hand gesture. She would argue that it brought out the quiet and assertive ‘tactician’ in her.

In response to her hand motion, the Nameless One grinned and moved much closer- closing the distance to 1 meter away from the others, however, he was mindful enough to stay would of the way of any possible attacks towards his being. And mindful enough to keep his wings out, curving them slightly as his summoner walked forward; making she that him and his enormous girth were well-in an opponent’s range before she was. Also, to ensure that, should something happen, he could quickly dispel his jutsu to provide what ever cover he could for Genevieve, should she need it.

[ Nameless One: 300 AP- 40 (Summoning Jutsu: Caustic Armor, Activation)= 260 AP ]
[WC: 1250 ]
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Build a Chuunin II - Page 2 Empty Re: Build a Chuunin II

Tue Mar 21, 2017 10:46 am
As soon as Kenshin turned to face the girl whose clones he had just brutally executed he became aware of the fact that Ayato had just landed upon the ground, 41 meters away from the girl and 46 meters away from him. He had to admit, he was more than a little curious to see just what the young Hyuuga was able to do, he had been unable to see him in action during their little tussle with Ser Axwell back in the Water Gardens, but the boy himself had proven to be quite interesting during their meeting with the golden haired princess who oversaw this match. In fact, Ayato had intrigued him enough that the silver haired Chunin himself had offered to let the younger Genin train with him, something that was a rather large deal to Kenshin, as he did not allow just anyone to train with him. Unfortunately the young Hyuuga had yet to actually take him up on his offer, but it seemed that he had indeed gotten quite a bit stronger since their last encounter, but then again...Ayato had not gotten much of a chance to show off his strength the last time that the two of them had crossed paths.

At this point he would see Ayato move his right hand in front of his chest, he appeared to be pointing the palm of it in the direction of himself and the unidentified female whom he had attacked mere moments ago...although to be perfectly honest it had not been a true attack, as if it had indeed been a true attack from him then the girl simply would not be breathing, as he could very well have snapped her neck just as easily as he her clones. He had simply been testing the strength of the one unidentified young woman in the match, her chakra signature alone had been enough to tell her that she could be a threat, but in the end she had proven to be quite easy to disable. The biggest source of chakra in the arena came from one whom he had not been expecting,one Ayato Hyuuga, the young brown haired boy's chakra reserves alone had grown to extreme levels, now far surpassing even his own reserves, and rivaling the reserves that he had felt from Akihana during their first meeting. That alone had been what had revealed to him that Ayato had indeed grown stronger since their last meeting, but then again, as he had just proved with the girl, chakra reserves were not everything.

Mere moments after Ayato had moved his right hand in front of his chest, palm facing both he and the still unidentified young woman whom he had thrown earlier, he would see the Hyuuga move his left hand to punch at the right, but the result of it was...unexpected, to say the least. Somehow the extremely simple maneuver had been used to launch what Kenshin took to be some form of Wind Release technique, a wind release technique that took the form of a ten meter large tiger, moving towards him at rather high speeds. What intrigued him the most about this technique was not the strange way in which it had been utilised, as he could quite easily see that he had not used any hand seals, and he had indeed simply punched his right hand, no, what intrigued him the most was the lack of chakra in the technique...something that suggested it was not actually what it appeared to be. No matter, the makeup of the technique flying towards him did not matter...for now anyway, what mattered now was getting out of the general area before the rather dangerous looking technique managed to hit him, and luckily it seemed that the young woman he had thrown mere moments before had the same idea.

‘At least she seems to possess some common sense’ the albino would think to himself as he began to run to the left at his full speed, which due to the fact that he was in his Sand Form was a lot faster than normal (85 speed). He ran to the left specifically due to the fact that Genevieve was 45 meters in that direction, still hidden within her mist, which extended to the point that it was only 20 meters to the left of his position, Nameless was still clearly visible within the Mist, unknowingly giving Genevieve’s own position away. As Kenshin reached the edge of the mist he would leap into the air at the highest speed he could (210/2=105), although he would keep the height of the jump relatively low, only jumping ten meters into the air despite him being able to jump much higher, the reason simply to reach Genevieve and Nameless despite them being within the Mist. He used the dragon itself as his target, as he knew that the great beast had yet to actually begin moving despite it being summoned even before he had, meaning that right beneath said overgrown lizard was Genevieve herself. As he sailed through the air he knew that usually he would end up soaring right over the scaled head of the relatively large dragon, but that was his goal, because right as he was about to sail over the head of the Nameless one he would reach down and grab one of the large horns that sat atop the head of the overgrown lizard.

His momentum would come to a complete stop due to this maneuver, and once it stopped he would allow himself to drop down into the mist, no doubt the dragon was going to be annoyed with him due to that little stunt of his, but honestly he could not care less about what that oversized lizard right at this moment. As soon as his form was hidden within the mist Kenshin would allow himself to go back into his human form, he still had his Assimilate All Creation activated in case he needed to utilize it again, but right at this very moment he was allowing himself to stay within his human form, just in case he needed to use a form other than his Sand Form. By this point Genevieve would have her hands firmly situated upon the dragons abdomen, but due to the thickness of the mist Kenshin was unable to see that, and due to the chakra saturated mist he was also unable to sense her position either. Honestly she could be anywhere in the mist, but he figured that she would at least stay near the position of the dragon, if only for the protection that the large reptilian creature offered. “Genevieve, I have returned” the silver haired heart thief would say in a relatively soft tone, speaking in such a way so that only she would be able to hear him speak, as he did not wish to give away their position in the mist....even if the dragon was already doing that.

“Listen closely...I cannot get too involved within this fight, as doing so would more than likely prevent you from being promoted...but I can still help you out in one way...I can teach you a technique, a medical technique that you can use to disable Ayato and...the other female” Kenshin would explain, his voice still soft and low as he spoke. “Let’s hope your skill in learning techniques continues to hold up, because you will need to learn this fast if you wish to have a chance in this fight. In order to perform this technique you must channel your medical chakra into your hands, and once there you need to convert it into a form of electricity, try to focus on your nerves as you do so, as they conduct electricity throughout your body to send nerve signals back to the brain, and your chakra should take the properties naturally if you do this right. Once this is done you simply have to touch your opponent somewhere along their spinal cord, doing so will transfer the electricity within your hand into their body, and from there it will begin to scramble the signals that their brain sends, effectively disabling them.” Kenshin would explain, ensuring that he gave as much detail as possible just to give Genevieve a better chance of learning the technique on her first try.

WC: 1401

AP Usage:

OOC: I have permission from both Ayato and Hikari to teach Genevieve this tech mid thread
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
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Build a Chuunin II - Page 2 Empty Re: Build a Chuunin II

Thu Mar 23, 2017 10:35 am
Ayato executed the unique hand seals immediately after the technique was unleashed, his hands barely moving as they were already in front of his chest (125) speed, to tap into Seven Heavens Breathing method. Ayato who had never stopped running (85) was exactly behind the 10 meter in diameter tiger (88 Speed), closing the distance while at the same time screening his movements, as such Hikari and Geni’s summon would not be able to see him doing so.

This might have been truth for him as well, but a Hyuuga must first learn to see then watch.  However, it clearly would not have been so easy to define their chakra pathway systems, if he had used javelins made of lightning or gigantic blaze balls – to block his eyesight with their massive amounts of elemental chakra within. Not that he had any; Ayato, unfortunately, lacked the talent for ninjutsu. And perhaps due to being a taijutsu build some thought that made him brash and foolish. They would soon realize, that deception sometimes is much more important than speed or theatrics.

Regardless Ayato's technique had not a hint of chakra within it and thus through the feline made of air, he could see their chakra pathway system clear as morning sunlight – keeping every movement they might make in check. Speaking of which, the sandman’s chakra pathway system was quite a peculiar one, it seemed to belong to that of the human, yet at the same time, it was so different, down to the bone structure itself. Yet you cannot process a billion things in a split second, especially when your tactic begins to unfold.

The moment Hikari moved diagonally to Ayato's left and 5 meters towards his - clearly to avoid the tiger that moved in linear motion and was 20 meters away from her at this point, the Hyuuga shifted from his current position which was right behind the tiger, unleashing the momentum he had built up and now running at full speed (145) matched her movements accordingly covering double the distance. The sand-summon jumped, and for a second there Ayato even considered changing his course, since jumping is widely regarded as the bread and butter of projectiles. But the sandman was but a monster summons of an opponent while Hikari was his actual opponent, besides the human factor was important to what he had in store next.

Now 20 meters away from Hikari, Ayato put his right hand into his weapon pouch that was clipped into his waist to bring out two senbon needles.The needles took flight from Ayato’s ha and travelled towards Hikari’s current location (160 speed), the second, slightly above the first. Ayato had utilized his skill Gente Fist Art Senbon Needle, which not only increased the throwing speed of the projectiles + 10 but also calculated the average between speed and chakra instead of speed and strength. (145+130= 275/4 = 69 +50 = 119 sharpness).

Hikari on the other side pulled a kunai and threw it. Steel clashed against steel, as the first, visible needle met Hikari’s kunai which appeared to be moving a little faster. She had executed a clap that very moment, that must have something to do with it. But when two weapons clash this matters not – it is sharpness that does. And Ayato’s had beaten her there, it would seem. Unless the kunai was made of Valyrian steel, not that they existed in this universe…last time he checked at least. 

Regardless this caused 17 (119-102) damage to Hikari’s kunai, removing it from the total 50’s health. However since he didn’t destroy it, yet another force would come into play then…and that would be the force of impact. The average of strength and speed of the user, divided by two – here Ayato’s Senbon Needle skill, that changed the sharpness booster for the needles had no power unless he missed something. Ayato’s needle impact force was 55 (145+75/4), beating Hikari’s 52 (175+31/4), thus knocking the kunai off its course, and pinning it on the ground.  However, due to the difference in impact force being relatively small, Ayato’s first needle was knocked off course as well, not enough to make it hit the ground like the kunai, but enough to make it miss Hikari by a mile.

The second needle, however, was 12 meters away from the maiden who had started executing what appeared to be a series of hand seals. For what Ayato could only suspect to be a ninjutsu. Supposedly, the stronger a technique was, the more hand seals it required. Ayato wondered how men shinobi and kunoichi were out there who never truly understood that speed and power are completely different a thing from efficiency. 

The Needle pierced through the pale flesh of Hikari's neck and just below the middle of the cervical spine where the C5- C6 vertebrae disk were located. Key to the neck mobility and supports, the C5 – C6 vertebrae allowed the nerve roots branches to travel down the arm and enable the elbows to flex and rotate and the wrist to extend…and the legs to stand straight. This did all the damage required to put Hikari out of the fight without causing any damage to her - which was the point of this exam, to subdue your opponents.

WC: 850

AP usage:
-30 Seven Heavens
Akihana Akari
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Build a Chuunin II - Page 2 Empty Re: Build a Chuunin II

Sat Mar 25, 2017 10:36 am
Ayato edited his post about 15 hours ago, resetting the timer. Hikari now has 48 - 15 = 33 hours left to post from this point. <3
Hikari Namikaze
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Build a Chuunin II - Page 2 Empty Re: Build a Chuunin II

Sun Mar 26, 2017 9:51 am
As Hikari ran away from the tiger attack, she saw out of the corner of her eyes that Ayato had chosen to follow his tiger, and he was a lot closer then she thought he was to her. The moment she saw this she thought that she should probably try to get some distance on him rather then try to go on the offence. Hikari wouldn't throw her kunai and would instead duck to avoid the senbon on reflex, but she wasn't planing on waiting until the projectiles were to her to get ou of there. As she ducked, the young chestnut haired girl would begin to move her slender fingers, forming the familiar ram hand seal in order to use one of her favored jutsu, the Body Flicker. As soon as it was activated, with the senbon still 7 meters from her position, she would vanish in a blur of pure speed (300). Hikari would continue on her path. With this, the chestnut-haired girl (Who would end the Body flicker at about 10 meters away from the wall,) Would find herself 130 meters away from where she was originally, a fair distance away from Ayato. Hikari would then turn around and face Ayato, seeing what he would do. Ayato was closer to the group of opponents then to her right now, so it would make more sense if he went after them. Somehow, Hikari doubted that Ayato would do that however and would probably come after the young girl.

AP: 420+60 because of the two jutsu being time lined and avoided, - 10 (Body flicker) – 15 for wind rejuvenation = 455

Last edited by Hikari Namikaze <3 on Sat Apr 01, 2017 9:26 am; edited 2 times in total
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Build a Chuunin II - Page 2 Empty Re: Build a Chuunin II

Sun Mar 26, 2017 3:40 pm
As the Nameless One moved closer, she continued to stay by him for her own protection, before the lizard growled in irritation somewhere far above her and she stopped. The Dragon bucked slightly and tossed its head from side to side to toss off anything else that might have tried the same stunt the other ‘assistant’ had just done, before standing still once more and hissing. As it turned its head to follow the  train of whatever had used its horn as a ‘quick-stop’, the thing has already vanished into the mist and the creature crouched down once more, into its shelter. However, his summoner looked around the mist were her own chakra fluttered about to disorient any opponents that could be dwelling within it; it also left her blind to anything outside of the mist.

“Genevieve, I have returned.” The sound of a familiar voice reached her ears, somewhere in the mist, making her look about to find it’s originator; not our of fear, but of curiosity as to where they were.

“Listen closely...I cannot get too involved within this fight, as doing so would more than likely prevent you from being promoted...but I can still help you out in one way...I can teach you a technique, a medical technique that you can use to disable Ayato and...the other female.” Kenshin’s soft voice, echoed within the mist as he spoke and Genevieve relaxed and once more, gave him her full attention as she had in their training session. She knew that it was the most effective way to successfully learn anything he was willing to teach her; and frankly, she could use the help in expanding her own abilities. “Let’s hope your skill in learning techniques continues to hold up, because you will need to learn this fast if you wish to have a chance in this fight.” The more experiences shinobi vocalized, and she gave a determined and affirmative nod. “In order to perform this technique you must channel your medical chakra into your hands, and once there you need to convert it into a form of electricity. Try to focus on your nerves as you do so, as they conduct electricity throughout your body to send nerve signals back to the brain, and your chakra should take the properties naturally if you do this right. Once this is done you simply have to touch your opponent somewhere along their spinal cord- doing so will transfer the electricity within your hand into their body, and from there it will begin to scramble the signals that their brain sends, effectively disabling them.” Genevieve listened to his explanation and kept her own thoughts to herself as she moved a little closer to her much larger summon. She would rather be safe than sorry, using her much more ornery companion as an effective ‘shield’, but she didn’t move close enough for the acid to hard her in anyway.

She tried to recall his words and the process of how the jutsu was to work. It first needed to be channeled into her hands- no, she needed to start to react and imagine this electricity within herself. It needed to start on a base and primal level of her being, no just ‘in her hands’. It needed to begin within her and extend to her nerves, before moving to her hands.

Something deeper inside her, reacted to this information and these internal thoughts. As if it was awoken as well by this fight and this call for assistance- and the Fire she had, devoured this echo into itself and grew.

It moved to her veins of it’s own accord, slipping out of whatever Pandora’s Box it had been hiding and sleeping it with no qualms. The heat seemed to nudge and urge her less active nerves into a furious frenzy- as if forcing them to reciprocate any misguided attempt to assist they could muster; but it also created sparks. One by one Genevieve listened to her inner workings as her nerves- from the farthest and most ostracized cousin to the most influential parental nerves along her spine, all began to thrum with electricity and little charges. Sparks crackled within her blood from her inside out, and she mentally willed their flow, perhaps even their heated angers combined, to go to her arms, then to her hands. “Do you feel that, child?” The darkened voice of her dragon summon questioned, turning his attention of her as Genevieve opened her eyes to see her medical chakra take physical form within her palms.

This chakra was darkened, and chaotic, unlike what she knew. And it unnerved her.

She wasn’t sure if she had even even done the jutsu right, but she was sure that it would perhaps be one in her arsenal that would be as restricted as it was useful; though it’s restriction would be more of a self-paced once that she would only feel comfortable with. Perhaps if she even trained herself a little better, she could control this savage and hungry new chakra… Though she was still barely grasping that she could make something so...seemingly evil. However, perhaps she should not base all of her decisions on appearances alone, as she had refrained from for so long- perhaps this was something different.

Maybe it was a sign that she was destined for something outside of her passive attitude and open-minded teachings of acceptance.

Perhaps this was the nail in the coffin that this path she had chosen was the path meant for her; the Shinobi life, this test, the contract with the dragons and this chakra. A path, though seemingly derailing her form her faith, one that could have been chosen for her by the High Lady herself… Though… Genevieve wished that this fight would be less damaging to it’s occupants and more beneficial to all of them. Not for the sake of winning, but for the sake of growth and confidence in their abilities for all- especially the young priestess.

“I believe- I am ready now.”

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Build a Chuunin II - Page 2 Empty Re: Build a Chuunin II

Thu Mar 30, 2017 12:37 pm
After the words left his mouth the silver haired youth would simply wait within the darkness of Genevieve’s Hidden Mist, ever since he had landed within the mist he had been unable to see more than a couple of feet. Another annoyance was the fact that the mist itself was completely saturated with the chakra of the former priestess, rendering his normal chakra sensory useless, he could probably sense her if he decided to open his Minds Eye, but he did not wish to do such a thing just yet. These two factors combined meant that Kenshin would be completely and utterly clueless about Genevieve’s position within the mist, meaning he didn’t even know whether or not she had heard his instructions on how to perform the jutsu that he had described. Honestly, if she had not heard that he would be more than a little annoyed with this situation, he had gone to the effort of thinking up that incredibly detailed description on the spot, even though all the technique itself said to do was generate electricity, as if everybody knew how to do such a thing.

The overgrown lizard had most definitely heard the explanation that he had provided due to his position right next to one of it’s massive scaled legs, but as for Genevieve...he simply had to hope that she had not moved from her position within the mist since the match had started, especially seeing as she gave no verbal confirmation of having heard his words. Thankfully the Chunin was still able to feel the chakra signatures of Ayato and the unnamed young lady nearing each other with each passing second, but once again, due to him being hidden within the mist he was unable to SEE anything that was going on, and without his Minds Eye active he was unable to accurately track exactly what each of them was doing. It was at this point that he would once more kneel down on the ground and allow his fingers to come into contact with the sandy earth, his jutsu once more taking effect and converting his flesh into the same sandy substance that his hand was laid upon. He had only left this form earlier in case he needed to utilize one of the other forms, but in the moments since he had entered the mist he had come to realize that the speed boost provided by this form was probably the most useful boost he could receive from any of his this particular situation anyway, due mostly to the fact that both Ayato and the mystery woman outclassed him in the speed department.

No matter, speed was not everything, as he had demonstrated when he had so effortlessly dismantled both the young woman and her clones earlier...and even if such a display had only managed to take place due to him catching both the girl and her clones off guard it was still his win. At this point the young albino would hear the deep and gravelly rumbling of the dragon, “Do you feel that child?” the beast would ask, obviously knowing something that he did not. It was more than clear that the dragon was not referring to him but to Genevieve, as he only ever heard the beast refer to the galaxy haired former priestess by that word...besides, having the beast refer to him as child would simply be disturbing for the both of them. Thankfully though, the next words to come from within the mist were from Genevieve herself, her soft and dulcet tone being a polar opposite to the voice of her summon. “I believe- I am ready now” she would simply say, causing a small smirk to appear upon the now sandy lips of the heart thief, this was it, this was the fight that would either make or break her, but he was more than willing to put his money on the former, the young woman's spirit was far too strong to allow her to break so simply here.

WC: 677

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Build a Chuunin II - Page 2 Empty Re: Build a Chuunin II

Sat Apr 01, 2017 9:37 am
Hikari edited 10 minutes ago so Ayato now has 47 hours 50 minutes to post. <3
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