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Build a Chuunin II

Jiro Uchiha
Akihana Akari
Hikari Namikaze
Ayato Hyuuga
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Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
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Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Build a Chuunin II Empty Build a Chuunin II

Sun Mar 12, 2017 6:19 pm

Someone would most likely be able to compose one or two good books describing this majestic jewel of architecture that served as the village arena. Ayato was positive that it was a location that held a special meaning in the hearts of the locals, and also to that of the travelers.

The streets were desolate and calm, where otherwise they would be brimming with people. Especially with the Chuunin Exam ready to take place – or at least Hoshigakure versions of them- in your typical shinobi village you would have to push and squeeze and curse amidst the baffling crowd if you wanted to reach the stadium. Hoshi, however, was not your typical shinobi village. In here they believed shinobi to be the offsprings of demons, and chakra the manifestation of evil. The citizens always made sure to keep to their lore and more importantly let the shinobi know as well. 

Alas, the whole desolation on the streets did no matter. Ayato was not individual to enjoy population; he valued his personal space a great deal and being surrounded by a lot of people always made him uncomfortable. Other than the opaque circles beneath those chestnut brown eyes of his, nothing seemed to wrong on the outside. But on the inside, the teenage had seen better days. The hours dedicated to sleep were reduced, the linen sheets of his featherbed did not need any fixing this morning or the one before that. 

Being born with a white skin that turned even paler with the lack of sleep could be considered rather dull. The clothes he wore fit his disposition like a glove, a plain black attire, with the upper part being the only worth mentioning, a high collar jacket with silver buttons. Underneath it, and clipped to his belt, the two weapon pouches and the tanto slid into the sheath.

The teen was surprisingly calm, he did trust his own skills, after all, the work he had put into training, both under with Kyousuke Snow, but more so to his personal efforts. But it was more than that, he understood that sometimes to be full you have to be empty. There would be those that would tremble like a leaf and count days, minutes, even seconds for this day - while blabbering to every single person around them about it, seeking words to pump them up. What good this kind of mentality would do, Ayato wondered. Only drag you down and mess up, if you didn't end up chewing your own fingers out of anxiety first. 

Without sparing any more thoughts, he walked on the desolate street, wind brushing gently against his face and lifting his brown hair. A line of Queensmen formed from one end of the street to the other. Apparently part of the perimeter built around the stadium. This suggested Tenhiyat the millionth of her name would be the guest attending today's event. Shinobi's only friend in this village it would seem. And who could blame the honor guard - arena battles were proven just as dangerous as the battlefield through history. With evil schemes manifesting with unexpected plot twists. 

The line opened up to let him pass, without uttering a single word or halt him as if they knew his face on sight, but most likely it was the headband tied on his forehead that did it. The moment he walked past them, the line reformed, and Ayato went on to entered the gates of the stadium.  The world within the walls was dark and only the dims light of lanterns on the walls were there to show him the way, before long he could see the white end of the tunnel calling out to him. 

"And now it begins." He said to no one in particular, as his figure was engulfed into the morning sunlight and stepped out into the arena.

WC: 660

Last edited by Ayato Hyuuga <3 on Mon Mar 13, 2017 6:14 am; edited 1 time in total
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Build a Chuunin II Empty Re: Build a Chuunin II

Sun Mar 12, 2017 7:27 pm
Sixteen-year-old Hikari Namikaze would take a deep breath as she put the cloak on to cover her face and body. Today was finally the day she competed in order to become a chunin. While this wasn’t the final step for her, it was the first big one, the one she had been waiting on for so long, and she was finally able to grab it, different from her normal white combat attire that she sported, she was putting on a cloak with a hood that hid her face and body shape from anyone looking from a far, but wouldn’t hide it from her competitors, this was because the battle today was going to be open to the public. Shinobi were hated in this country by the locals, and as such the young Hikari liked to try to hide herself being a shinobi as much as possible. This wasn’t due to the fact that she wasn’t proud of her career choice, quite the contrary, she loved being a kunochi! However, in the past, she had been able to use the fact that people didn’t know she was a shinobi as an advantage in order to solve problems, and she would prefer to not give up that luxury if possible.

(OOC: The Cloak is a cosmetic Item and gives no other effect. Ayato and Gemi will both be able to see and recognize Hikari)

Putting her sword on her left hip, and her weapon pouches on her right hip, the teen would leave her apartment and head out toward the arena she was supposed to do battle in. As she made her way to the arena, she could feel her heart throb, picking up speed, If this was just a few weeks ago, Hikari might of thought that this throb in her chest was due to fear. However, after her training with Shiroi, she found that sudden racing of the heart was actually excitement. She wasn’t at any point scared of death or the fact that she might loose, she was now just happy that she finally got the ability to show all of her hard earned training off!

Speaking of training, the chestnut-haired girl knew she was at a slight disadvantage going in. One small problem she had with her training was that the only time she ever got to be trained by a high-level shinobi was when she sparred with Shiroi. Besides that, the only people she learned from was fellow genin, which she was happy for the help, but in this sort of combat, those who received training from high leveled shinobi who have had on the battle field experience would give them a key edge.

That being said, Hikari wasn’t scared of her lack of professional training, she knew she had put days of training in, practicing her kunai throwing, practicing her ninjutsu, practicing how to do combat with Shiroi and Miyamoto. She wasn’t scared at all. She was going in, and she was going for the win!

Making her way on the empty street toward the arena, the young girl would enter the arena in her designated entrance, the tunnel leading the arena was dark and only lit by small flames. Usually, the dark room and the fear of combat would scare a young woman like Hikari, but her fears and nerves were drowned out by the excitement of the exam. Eventualy, she would hear a signal which would order her to enter the arena, and the young girl would comply.
Stepping out of the hallway and into the arena, Hikari would take a deep breath, hoping that the best will come of this situation, and no one would get to badly hurt.

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Ryo : 500

Build a Chuunin II Empty Re: Build a Chuunin II

Sun Mar 12, 2017 9:17 pm
As Genevieve was in her home, preparing, she did so calmly. When she had left her home and departed down the silent streets, circlet in her hair that held the ceremonial veil that covered her hair and lower half of her face, she kept her head down. She spirit was light and her mind was clear; she had a purpose given to her and she was taking it to the extent that she needed to.

She bore the mantle for her Church. She bared the colors of her faith. She carried upon her, the hidden markings of her pact to something much bigger than just her. Thus, she bore quite a lot of responsibility to ensuring that she did not disappoint or offend herself, her summon, or her church, with a bad display.

She stood in the flanks of the arena, in her assigned area; waiting. Praying to the goddess she followed, the High Lady, for more courage and believe in her own abilities that she could ever muster. Though she had spent the night before with her summon, she could not overcome the fact that this was a trial she was not prepared for. The fight was not what she thought of; it was the test of transference of faith, that was her Fate-Designed trial.

“I didn’t select you because of what you lacked, Water Child.” She remembered from her talking with her summon as the Nameless One stared down at her.

As he extended a long talon to poke her lightly in the chest, he purred darkly with a toothy grin, “You selected me, Daughter of Man. I responded because you have what my kind needs to live- Fire.”

Genevieve sat in her ceremonial robes, closing her eyes as the golden-creme of her religious article fluttered around her and moved with her own steps; as if she was to be some embodiment of her own Goddess. Though- was that what she really wanted? How much did she want to give to the Church? She had planned to offer up her whole life span to them but now… this was different. As she stood up, the gate opened and she looked to her left- down the hallway she had taken to enter the arena in the first place. To her right, toe door rose to allow her entry into the belly of that very arena, but this was the moment. The one that would turn this event completely for both her and everything on her.

To the left; The Past. The Life of a Priestess.

To her right; The unwritten Future, the life of a Shinobi for this country.

She clapped her hands and gave a small prayer before turned and kicking up the flowing nature of her ceremonial garb and veils, and walking towards the brighter light between the two pathways as she exhaled and held herself with the grace and height of a queen.

“This will be the morning.” She spoke as she walked into the arena.

As she entered the arena, she recognized the two others who were meant to be her opponents; Ayato Hyuuga, her teammate. The girl looked familiar but she hadn't spared a moment to catch her name, but she walked a bit further into the area and stopped. Geni clasped her hand about her waist and held her head high as her parents would expect her too and waited for what was to come next.

[WC: 500]
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Build a Chuunin II Empty Re: Build a Chuunin II

Sun Mar 12, 2017 9:39 pm

There had not been a chunin battle in months. Whether this was because not many people had made it this far or because the number of shinobi wanting the rank had dwindled since Lady Akihana's disappearance, the princess did not know. All the young woman could hope was that soon, the activity would pick up once more. In her short career as Queen Regent, the green eyed royal had presided over two battles and both had been interesting to say the least.

She wondered if her third - and final one - would prove the same.

She had made no public announcements of leaving, there was no point until Prince Arashi and Ser Kyousuke returned. But the packing had begun, leading many a rumor to take hold of the palace staff and spreading outword. But today was not the day to ponder on that. As the princess took her seat in the balcony overlooking the 300 meter round arena, her focus was on the combatants. She knew both the gentleman involved with the business partitioning to Ser Axwel and Lady Hikari who had helped the crown out of a dire situation. Lady Genosis she had only heard of but what she heard was always good.

Behind the princess, Atem stood rigid and silent as a shadow, too used to his position by now. However on this particular day, another presence took its place by the Princess. Lucian Nazar was always unassuming, but his presence reassured Tehniyat nonetheless.

"Combatants, take your positions," the voice blared throughout the arena, and a moment later, the three ninja would appear from various entranced, all an equal 100 meters away from each other in the round arena, the traditional two player positions forgone for the moment. if they chose to change positions, they could do so later.

"May the Gods bless this battle, and the odds be ever in your favor. Begin."
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Build a Chuunin II Empty Re: Build a Chuunin II

Mon Mar 13, 2017 3:39 pm
Ayato activated the Byakugan as the 300-meter arena grew still around him. In this quiet moment – he could hear it all – far off yet moving close, the voices of those who fought here before him. The rattle of sword and spear and armor, murmurs of human voices, with here a laugh, there a shouted command and now a curse. Men shouted and begged for mercy – and got it (or not) and lived (or died).The sounds seemed to go through Ayato Hyuuga and he found himself shivering. These were terrible sounds, frightening sounds, yet there was music in it too. “So, this is what death sounds like.

On his front was the balcony where the golden-haired lioness peered at them from above. If there was a prettier woman in this world than Tenhiyat for certain he did not know her. The white pupils of Ayato’s eyes seemed to be captivated solely by the beautiful image of the succubus, but this wasn’t the case. The 360 view of the Byakugan allowed him to see both his opponents and their chakra pathway system. This wasn’t a time to cast a jutsu or throw cheap shots, but nothing blocked you from seizing your options.

To his left, beautiful Genevieve Oasis with a hair of thousands of hues and chakra reserves that might give a vague estimation in regards to her abilities of a shinobi as a whole. Was this her shameful weakness or her greatest strength, the Hyuuga could not tell.

The oldest and most powerful emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is the fear of the unknown.

To his right, a person covering the face, the only hint had about the identity was the surplus supply of chakra and the sword on the left hip, which hinted he had practiced kenjutsu and a close quarter’s combatant. But a Hyuuga must learn to see first. Ayato knew that chakra and the person who cast it, they had trained together once. Hikari Namikaze, self-proclaimed ninjutsu specialist with the Fire Release and Wind Release. 

Ayato had told her about the legacy of his clan, but not how it functioned in battle – and she wouldn't know since in this place of the world Byakugan is foreign and queer. A wise person ought to choose his words carefully when he speaks to someone, especially one who might become your opponent in a future battle.

May the Gods bless this battle, and the odds be ever in your favor. Begin.” She raised her voice to be heard on all ends of the 300-meter arena, 

Ayato wasted no time provided that everyone was still in place. Executing the Ram hand seal with a speed of 105, again not turning to look to where Geni or Hikari was located he would disappear in a blur. Neither of them would be able to anticipate who he was going for since he didn't meet either's gaze which might have hinted it - and more importantly, they didn't know he could see them all the same, courtesy of the Byakugan. With a speed of 235, Ayato would materialize in the physical world the next moment, one meter behind the person who thought a white veil was a good glamor, shame. All this allowed to him thanks to the arena specιfications. The gap closed so quickly because it was 100 meters, and through evidently a long distance, it was less than half of what he could afford in this regard. (100 meters, Ayato can cover 235 with BF)

Even if one of the two managed to activate chakra sensory, it would be extremely unlikely that they could keep track of him at nearly 240 speed and the appearance on Hikari's rear. She might have been able to react, to the two consecutive swift strikes to Ayato was about to set up the chain required for the Eight Trigrams: Sixty-Four Palms. However, it is one thing understanding an attack is coming, and a different blocking it or dodging. 

First, with a drive of his left foot forward he would throw a stiff open right palm thrust [155|140] to Hikari's exposed back targeting her right rhomboid major, sending a mediocre numbness through her body, then the next strike would follow immediately after, coming from Ayato’s dominant hand on the right rhomboid minor, severing completely the muscles that held the right shoulder blade together with the vertebra of the spinal column.  The sudden jerk of force (155) and without the muscle to support it properly the shoulder would dislocate. The pain would come all at once then.

If everything worked as expected, Ayato would halt the next strike but not without holding his guard up or keeping Geni's position in check at the other end of the arena with those white eyes of his. "Dislocation of the shoulder is extremely painful and may require surgical repair or even cause permanent damage. Your arm is done for, the dominant one if I were to make an estimated guess from how you placed the blade on your left hip. You won't be able to cast hand seals to use what you told me once was your specialty either. " Ayato gave a bitter pause, his face coming uncomfortably close to what appeared to be frustration. "My lady, I have no desire to hurt you, yield.

WC: 854

AP usage:
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Build a Chuunin II Empty Re: Build a Chuunin II

Mon Mar 13, 2017 10:10 pm
Hikari would look at the surrounding arena, it was huge! She felt like that she had a good shot of getting away from keeping her distance here and moving around. The problem was she had to stay with close enough to her opponents while at the same time not being close enough to her opponents so that they couldn’t hit her. A very weird circumstance. She knew she would have to close the gaps

As the match started, Hikari raise her hands in order to form a jutsu and try to wish the competitors best of luck, (not wanting to just instantly start with the fighting,, she was excited, but hey, this wasn’t real combat, her opponents were human beings as well) when she instead saw Ayato disappear! Body flicker, it was the only jutsu Hikari knew of that allowed someone to disappear like that, and it probably ment she was coming for someone. She wasn’t sure who he was going after for sure, but Hikari had a feeling it was her because of how the two had left off before. She also wasn’t aware of any problems that the other two had with each other, so it seemed like the logical choice. Hikari quickly formed the hand signs required to use the body flicker and dashed away. She would head to her right, the direction away from where the rainbow haired girl is, she would move 145 meters away, so she is 5 meters away from the wall, she would have to turn around to face her opponents and as she turned, she would put her hands together and take a deep breath, (Speed of 125) activating her wind style, wind rejuvenation technique. When she had finished turning, she would look to see Ayato was right where she was before. Wow, that was a little bit insane, I mean, taking a girl out of the competition immediately? Well, this is a battle, so, it was legal.

When she was finished, she would form the hand sign and would create 2 exploding clones. As she did, she would run away from her two opponents, running along the wall, and at the same time turn her head so that she would be able to see her opponent. The clones would appear and run along the side of her, one on each side of her. They would stay close enough to her that if someone suddenly appeared close to her, they could help, but not close enough that if they decided to explode, that they would catch Hikari in the explosion.

AP: 645- 10 (Body flicker) – 40 for wind rejuvination – 40 for exploding clone = 555 Remaining
/3 Each clone has 185 Ap left

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Ryo : 500

Build a Chuunin II Empty Re: Build a Chuunin II

Tue Mar 14, 2017 7:00 pm
Geni kept her eyes forward and watched the blonde-haired female address them, taking note of how unearthly she was; she hair shimmered like rays of sunlight upon the darkened ground, and her eyes were a shade of green that Geni would have loved to have the name of. Her beauty made Genevieve subtly self-conscious about her own looks. Perhaps there were others who thought this woman beautiful… like perhaps, Kenshin.

“May the Gods bless this battle, and the odds be ever in your favor. Begin.” The woman spoke with a voice loud enough to echo in the arena, to showcase her own presence and power; something that struck a cord in Geni. The woman was the perfect of example of how Geni should be holding herself- she had one of the few who had the contracted summon she did- and she needed to take that as the honor it was.

When the woman spoke, Geni instantaneously made the needed hand seal, Tiger, to begin the Hidden Mist Jutsu that she expelled from her mouth and into the arena. As she added to it and it gained volume and girth, growing to it’s full 5-meter height and 50-meter radius, she spent a fraction of a second cutting the pads of her thumbs with her nails and sliding them into the insides of her wrist, flaring to life the quietly hidden summoning tattoos within her wrists. With her left hand she formed the one-handed seal for the Ram and her right hand made the seal of confrontation; meeting the requirements for her contract and flaring to life her tattoos, to open the portal needed to fulfil her call for assistance. She then spent another fraction of a second, chaining another summon with the blood upon her thumbs, and made the one-handed seals for the monkey and the ram with her left and right hands, before slapping a hand to the ground- as something much larger and much more ferocious than her, moved about in the cover of the mist; a dark voice letting out a sinister chuckle as another “assistant” was brought to the field by Genevieve’s blood offering.

“The itsy bitsy spider, crawled up the water spout.” The voice was dark, drenched with venom and dark humor, as a pair of neon green eyes flickered into existence within the mist; the creature crouching as it moved forward to keep it’s own size and girth as hidden as it could.

A sneer pulled apart in the mist, as the voice chuckled darkly before continuing with huge, darkness black and plum-purple wings slowly arose above the cover of the mist, “Down came the God and FLUSHED the spiders out.” As the creature continued it’s sinister and agonizingly-drawn out little song, to emphasise its own personality, a huge scaled talon moved forward from the cover of the mist, slamming into the ground. With a slight tug upon the appendage and a taunt pull of muscles that writhed and worked under heavy scales, the Nameless One pulled himself out with a vile sneer.

“Come to me, little Spiders; Make this easier upon all of us.” The Nameless One sneered as he pulled himself to his full-height; well-aware how he towered over the Mist.

Behind him and within the mist, during her summon’s taunt, Geni hand her hands upon the back of another summon, leaning forward and bowing her head respectfully as she felt something squirm and writhe under her palms. “I ask forgiveness for the short notice… but I ask for your assistance in my time of need…” She said just loud enough for the figure in front of her to hear, as they glanced back at her with familiar eyes, while she slowly pulled her hands away to clasp them at her waist, “I request your guidance.” She said respectfully and waited for response, as the figure gave a small smirk and looked forward.

[WC: 650]

[ AP Usage: 10 (Hidden Mist Technique), 20 (Summoning Technique: Human Being), 30 (Summoning Technique: Nameless One) ] [ 50- 214 (Available AP)= 164 AP]
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Build a Chuunin II Empty Re: Build a Chuunin II

Tue Mar 14, 2017 7:17 pm
It was with a rather heavy sigh that the silver haired Chunin of Hoshigakure, Kenshin Uzumaki, would leave the safety of Hoshigakure’s walls, beginning his trek into the harsh and arid land that made up most of the surrounding country of Haven. The pale skinned teen knew from personal experience that whilst Hoshigakure itself appeared to be a rather safe and idyllic place, the rest of the country was very different, why was this the case, well Hoshigakure had one thing that the rest of the country did not had shinobi. It was well known to everybody that the country of Haven was a deeply religious place, and the particular religions that most of the country's residents followed depicted chakra as a force of evil, and as such they believed the shinobi who wielded the energies to be naught but fiends and demons. It was due to these beliefs that they refused to accept the shinobi as protectors in the same way that the capital had, and without the shinobi there to defend them the rest of the country was completely overrun with bandits and rogues that prayed on the weak and powerless civilians of the country. Now; if he was perfectly honest with himself, he would be willing to admit that he truly did not care that the bandits were harassing these people, as they were the ones who had rejected the shinobi who could defend them during situations like this and as such they brought it upon themselves, but that did not change the fact that he had decided to go hunting, with his prey of choice being bandits.

But why had the stitched and scarred albino chosen to go hunting if he did not really care about what they were doing, well, he was actually in an absolutely foul mood and he wished to blow off some steam, and what better way to blow off some steam than to go out and slaughter some bandits, not only was it a good form of stress relief, but it also helped the people of Haven Country, it truly was a win win situation. Why was he in such a foul mood you ask, well, it was Hoshigakure as a whole, don’t get him wrong he truly did love the village and the people who lived within, it was his home, but that did not change the fact that he was a very dark and twisted individual, one who took...a rather surprising amount of joy at the death and suffering of others. Just because his darker side had not shown its face once during the time he had been living in Hoshi did not mean that it had ceased to exist, oh no, it was still there, constantly gnawing at the already twisted psyche of Kenshin, he was simply good at both acting and reigning in this darker side, and while he knew that he could never truly lock it away...he was able to direct he did, and now he had chosen to direct it at the bandits who called Haven Country home. Any bandit or rogue stupid enough to attempt to rob him would be cut down without the slightest bit of mercy or hesitation, would they suffer before they died? Well...that would depend entirely on just how much they managed to either annoy or anger him.

As the scar faced teen walked down one of the roads of Haven Country his mind was running wild, imagining what he was going to do to the first person stupid enough to attempt to rob him, just like the bandits that lived within Waterfall Country these rogues would learn the fear of being hunted by an apex predator. The harsh midday sun shone down upon Kenshin as he continued to walk down one of the various roads of Haven Country, there was nary a cloud in the sky to provide some relief from the harsh rays that the celestial body sent down towards the planet. While this would indeed be a problem for most people whilst out in the arid desert landscape of Haven, Kenshin was anything but ordinary, he conditioned both his body and his mind each and every day in order to ignore trivial things such as discomfort and pain. Not to mention the fact that even before he had begun conditioning his body he had been all but desensitized to things such as pain and discomfort, due in no small part to the experiments that had been performed on him in the past at the hands of Mayuri and Szayel. Even now, years after he had left their corpses to rot in what remained of their base, those two remained a constant source of frustration, because while most of him completely despised the two scientists for using him as a human guinea pig for two long and torturous years, the rest of him felt like he owed them both a debt of gratitude. It mattered not what he felt of the two men anyway, the two of them were dead whilst he was alive, and he simply would not allow their spirits to haunt him

Why did he feel this way about his captors you may find yourself asking, well it is actually quite simple, and before you start thinking it is simply a case of Stockholm syndrome let me explain just why it was simple. You see, despite the methods that the two men had used, they had actually managed to live up to their end of the bargain, as they had indeed made him a great deal stronger than he had been before he met them. In fact, had he not met them, he would be nowhere near as strong as he was today, as they were the ones that gave him the most deadly weapon in his arsenal, the Earth Grudge Fear, so, from a certain point of view, one could say that all of the strength that he had gained since receiving the Kekkei Genkai could be attributed to them. Of course Kenshin himself did not see it from this point of view, the way he saw it was yes, they had indeed given him the tools needed to gain the strength that he had, but he was the one who had worked for it, the one who had trained day in and day out, the one who had EARNED the strength that he now possessed. Besides, the power granted by the Earth Grudge Fear did not come without its downsides, because of the changes that had been made to his body he had completely lost the ability to develop chakra elements naturally, instead he had to steal hearts from others in order to gain those chakra natures. But in Kenshin’s mind that was a very reasonable price to pay, sure he lost the ability to naturally develop any elemental affinities, but in exchange he had been given semi-immortality.

The Earth Grudge Fear user allowed his eyes to flick down to look at his new attire as he continued to walk down the roads, his silver pupils traced over the new fabric as he wondered if today had really been a good day to begin wearing this attire, after-all, he was looking to find some bandits for the sole purpose of slaughtering them. He doubted that any of the bandits would be skilled enough to actually damage the clothing whilst he was wearing it, and he had no plans to use the threads of Earth Grudge Fear against them, as that would simply be overkill, but what he did think had a good chance of happening, was that the bandits would end up staining his nice new clothes with their filthy blood. What was he wearing you ask, well his new clothes consisted of a pair dark grey dress pants along with a pure white dress shirt, worn with a black tie around his neck, and over this rather fanciful clothing he wore a long, black trench coat, on his hands he wore a pair of finger-less black leather gloves, and on his feet he wore a pair of black dress shoes. All in all the attire was not really something that one would expect to see a battle hardened shinobi like Kenshin wearing out in the field, and Kenshin himself would have agreed with that assessment, at least until he had decided to try the clothes out on a whim during his training earlier in the week. That day he had discovered that the clothes actually had a surprising amount of practicality to them, as not only did the attire not restrict his movement like he had thought they would, instead they allowed him to move in a rather fluid, almost graceful fashion.

His silver mane was mostly the same, save the single braid on the right side of his face, he knew not why he had decided to do such a thing with his hair, as usually simple aesthetics meant less than nothing to the Chunin of Hoshi, but there had just been something within him that told him to give styling his hair like that a try, so he had decided to give it a shot. What did he think of it, well, honestly he felt completely indifferent towards the change, sure he felt that the extremely simple change actually looked quite a bit better than his normal hairstyle, but at the same time it, as was said earlier, aesthetics means less than nothing to him. Other than the changes to his clothing and the minor change to his hairstyle Kenshin looked almost exactly the same as he did before, his skin was still the same snow white colour, upon first glance appearing to be unblemished and free of any marks or scars, save the large one across his face and the one that went around his throat. But if one were to look closely enough at his skin, in just the right amount of light, they would see that his skin was the farthest thing from unblemished, it was just that he had used his knowledge of medical ninjutsu to heal the scars that covered almost every inch of his body. He had healed the scars himself using the same jutsu taught to him by Akihana when he had first become a Genin of Hoshi, the Mystical Palm Technique, the scars were not completely healed of course, as that was simply impossible to do, but what he had done was reduced their severity to the point that they could blend in almost flawlessly to his pigment free skin.

Just like everything else his eyes remained the same rather unsightly looking things that they had been since the experiments performed by Mayuri and Szayel, most people found his silver irises to be rather exotic and intriguing, but there was nothing that could make up for the fact that his sclerae were blood red. This was the result of a special type of poison that the two bastards had injected directly into his eyes whilst he was their guinea pig, and absolutely nothing that he had tried was able to fix the condition, not even applying the Mystical Palm technique directly to his eyes was able to fix the orbs. Thankfully there was absolutely nothing wrong with his vision, with it appearing to be more of a cosmetic change than anything else, but at the same time he disliked them for the simple reason that they reminded him of what Mayuri and Szayel had put him through in the past. Right as Kenshin felt a tiny blip appear at the edge of his chakra sensory he would stop, feeling something else in the back of his felt like...a small tug, a pull, as if something was calling him...he had never felt such a thing before, but at the same time he was curious to find out what was happening.

So, the silver haired teen simply allowed himself to be ‘pulled’ and much to his suprise, he appeared within what appeared to be...Mist...with three very familiar chakra signatures here, Genevieve, who was standing directly behind him, with both of her hands upon his back. The other familiar chakra signature, why that one belonged to Ayato Hyuuga, the boy he had saved from the Lycan in the Water Gardens, there was a signature that he did not recognize, but he could feel that this person actually had larger reserves than he did...very interesting. The fourth and final chakra signature was also quite familiar to him, it belonged to the dragon that Genevieve had summoned in her fight against him...hmm, he had never gotten the creature’s name the last time they had at the moment the creature was nameless to him, but that left one problem, what would he call it...dragon, what else would he call the beast. It was now obvious what had happened, Genevieve had summoned him using the Mark Seal that she he placed on him during their training, and due to the fact that she had summoned both him AND the beast she more than likely needed their help in combat. Based on the fact that one of the chakra signatures was that of Ayato he guessed that it was not a fight against enemies, but rather one against allies, 2 powerful allies, leaving only one thing in his mind, the second round of the Chunin Missions.

This was indeed an interesting turn of events, he had read up on the rules of the exam both before and after he passed and knew that anything within the participants arsenal was allowed, including summons, and there was not a single thing in the rules that said they were not allowed to use HUMAN summons in any of the rounds. It was only now, mere seconds after he had first arrived, that the overgrown lizard would give a dark chuckle “The itsy bitsy spider, crawled up the water spout.” it would say, it’s voice the same dark and gravelly voice that he remembered from the last time they had met...after the beast had slapped him through a boulder, although to be fair he also filled it’s tail with holes for that little attack.  “Down came the God and FLUSHED the spiders out.” the creature would sing, drawing out each and every syllable to try to terrify Genevieve’s opponents as much as he could with but a children's song, and surprisingly it actually came out as both creepy and unnerving. It was only then that the beast would slam it’s massive talons down on the ground, using said limb to pull himself free of the mist that covered a large portion of the arena “Come to me, little Spiders; Make this easier upon all of us.” he would say, getting the smallest hint of a smirk from Kenshin, if there was one thing he could freely say about this beast, it had style.

“I ask forgiveness for the short notice… but I ask for your assistance in my time of need…” Genevieve would say, her melodious voice being soft and light, a mere whisper in the wind, the words said for his ears only, and in response he would look back over his shoulder, meeting her gaze with one of his own. “I request your guidance.” the galaxy haired woman would say in the exact same tone, but at the same time there was something there that had not been there the last time they had spoken, a fire, there was a fire burning deep in her eyes and her voice, and it brought a small smirk to his face. “Leave it to me…” he would say simply, pure confidence in his voice. With his chakra focused and ready Kenshin would kneel down and place his hand upon the still slightly sandy earth, and as soon as the limb came into contact with the small grains of earth the supernatural energy in his hand would begin to react in the way he knew it would. In an instant the chakra of the silver haired Chunin would begin to spread throughout his body at a speed of 80, converting his flesh and threads to sand as it went, but rather than killing the silver haired youth this process only made him stronger. As he looked down at his body he could only smirk when he saw that it was composed purely of sand, ever since the first time he had pulled off the full body transformation he was not able to get over how much more powerful he felt in these forms.

At a speed of 170 his hands would form the Ram seal and activate the Body Flicker technique, causing him to seemingly vanish in a blur of pure speed (260 speed), appearing only 2 feet in front of his veiled target, right as she formed a hand seal that Kenshin had only ever seen used in books, the Clone Seal. Before she could react Kenshin would shoot his arm forward to grab hold of her arm (170 speed), his hand glowing blue as it did so, signalling his use of the Chakra Absorption technique (40 power), but it did not end there, with 40 strength Kenshin would give a spin and throw Hikari in the direction of Ayato, not enough to be anywhere near him of course, as he only threw her a grand total of 5 meters. Unfortunately, as he had not acted quickly enough to prevent the girl from forming her clones, they would have formed on either side of him, each one but half a meter away from his position. At the same speed as he had grabbed the girl earlier he would lash his hands outwards and grab both of the clones, his hands still glowing blue to signify the continued use of the chakra absorption technique, he would grab each clone by the hair. Then, at 40 strength (which is enough strength to crush a concrete wall) he would slam the faces of the two copies together, the force of which was more than enough to shatter the bones of the nose in each clone, which in turn would more than likely force the two clones to dispel. Although if for some reason the two clones did not dispel from the force of the impact or the broken noses the silver haired Chunin would harshly yank each clones head to the side, the force of which would quite easily snap the necks of each clone. Now, all of this would have happened over the course of 2 seconds, so there was very little chance of Hikari or her clones managing to dodge any of these attacks, it was still possible mind you, just very unlikely.

With his display of might done Kenshin face the direction in which he had thrown the girl and give a rather dark chuckle, meant to intimidate the young woman more than anything else, but then again after what he had just done to her, well, she would be intimidated either way. He had managed to steal some chakra from her before throwing her aside with next to no effort on his part, drain even more chakra from her clones, before executing the two of them in a very brutal manner, and seeing as the clones themselves were perfect copies of the girl herself, well, she would have a very good reason to be worried. Of course this is all provided that Hikari had not managed to avoid his attacks in some way, shape or form, but then again with his unexpected appearance and even more unexpected attack there was very little chance of that happening. If she did manage to avoid any of the attacks then Kenshin would react accordingly in his next post.

WC: 3320

AP Usage:
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Build a Chuunin II Empty Re: Build a Chuunin II

Thu Mar 16, 2017 6:29 pm
Ayato realizing he was about to hit air instead of an exposed back, started running forward (62 speed), since he saw no use staying there wondering and also assuming that Hikari did this with an attempt to get away from him. He kept the arena in check, which he had a clear view of; to look out for where Hikari would emerge and at the same time take a deep breath to activate the first stage of the seven heavens breathing method which would lead up to his immediate action.

To his right, he noticed a veil of white mist surrounding Genevieve Oasis – who most likely started her own course of action when the Queen Regent gave the signal. It was rather reserved compared to Ayato’s own, but in one go she had managed to secure her position and at the same time also block her opponents eyesight in case Ayato appeared behind her – not that she knew he could see her anyway.

Regardless he confirmed where Hikari re-appeared 45 meters away from Geni and a total of 136 meters from his current location. Not far enough apparently. With a spring of his heels, Ayato would jump (125+55/2 = 90 speed) a total of 45 meters. (125+55/4= 45)

As he pivoted his feet to absorb the impact of the landing, and jump for the second time his eyes would catch glimpse of Hikari finishing two hand seals… and then…then within the mist, something terrifying emerged. Dark wings, heavy and tattered that seemingly made the atmosphere around them darken. Was this an illusion? No his Byakugan could see it, a surplus supply of chakra and the massive skull that hunched down in the mist but as two scaled trapezoids expanded it towered over everything.  And when it opened the terrifying jaws it possessed, it spoke. The terror spoke. Not breathing fire like in the storybooks, but a poem. A grim one, so grim it would give everyone who heard it goose bumps as he pissed himself to sleep.

A dragon…. He thought as he was ascending in the air. Everything that happened the seconds felt like a lifetime. As Hikari placed the indexes of both of her hands together, the sand around her took a human’s shape and grabbed her arm with a shimmering blue light, throwing her 5 meters to the side and towards the direction that Ayato landed.

She had left a couple of clones in the aftermath, not the illusionary ones used in the academy, no. These two had a real substance, evident from how the sand monster grabbed their scalps and smashed them against the other, real blood trickled from their nose and then, breaking them apart so forcefully that the jerk gave a grotesque sound that it could only be their necks snapping.  

A dragon for defense and a sandman for the attack. Genevieve Oasis was the true threat after all. His previous choice to attack Hikari, a person whom by all accounts he had a clearer picture of what she could do, was the correct one. If he had chosen to Body Flicker at Geni instead, just because she had a weaker chakra signature, while knowing nothing about her power - the dragon’s jaws would have been in his path, to tear him apart. On the other end, what Ayato assumed could only be her second summon had capitalized on Hikari’s error, which in her haste to avoid a potential attack jumped into unmarked territory without a plan, or simply messed up the distance. Both were just as bad, and since you cannot change actions already taken it was pretty much established where the rest of the battle would likely take place. 

There was no other way. Ayato had to react accordingly to this - Having landed 41 meters away from the skirmish to see it unfold, the Hyuuga put the palm of his right hand in front of his chest (125 speed) and slammed his left fist down on it to form a blast of pressurized air in the shape of a tiger that engulfed his pale figure. Unleashing it (85 speed) towards the location of Hikari and the Sand figure, the air blast kicked up dust and sand as it traveled. Both creature and maiden a mere 5 meters distance from each other thus they would both be caught in the 10-meter diameter air blast.  

Cruel of him perhaps, taking his teammate's ally out of the game, but whatever whoever the sandman was, he was no friend of Ayato, no more than the dragon that emerged from the mist. When you duel your only ally is yourself and everyone who isn’t you is the enemy. 

The wall was only ten meters behind from where Hikari stood. A shame really, Ayato never believed a country could be lavished by such beautiful architecture, yet it was bound to be caught in the 50 - meter explosion that would follow - provided the hit connected - all the same. 

WC: 858

Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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Ryo : 500

Build a Chuunin II Empty Re: Build a Chuunin II

Sat Mar 18, 2017 5:30 pm
Sorry, Daylight saving time had me vastly confused given my extreme inexperience with dealing with it.

Last edited by Genevieve Oasis on Sat Mar 18, 2017 11:05 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Daylight Savings Time)
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