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Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Learning ninjutsu [Training,p,nk] Empty Learning ninjutsu [Training,p,nk]

Sat Jul 30, 2016 4:43 pm
Another day dawned as Miyamot woke up just like any other.  The air smelled as usual, very much like fresh cut grass, as he dressed himself.  His family had recently proven that they were able to progress greatly in their lines of work and as such were permitted to move a bit farther into the village. 

After the move Miyamoto's mother, much to his surprise was able to buy new clothes for him as well as school supplies.  Miyamoto dressed in a new garb, much more fitting of a child, and suitable by a shinobi standard.  

He told everyone goodbye as he set off to explore the actual training grounds where the shinobi and queens-guard like to take up residence and train.

Soon he arrived as he looked around to see if anyone from his class was there, or if by chance any of the other shinobi he had met were around.

[WC: N/A]
Lucien Chasseur
Lucien Chasseur
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Sat Jul 30, 2016 8:57 pm
Lucien, as he often did, was traveling about his village of Hoshigakure. For a while, he hadn't seen Atem and thus he wouldn't have any particular goals after their past mission. 

As he went from roof to roof flying lacking of a direction, he thought to himself. "Seems I'll need to train again at some point... aside from that. I also need to increase my battle capability in terms of knowledge and know-how." 

He stopped himself abruptly on a rooftop, it was one of the higher ones that would likely keep him out of view of those that weren't specifically looking in his direction. The x-hunter would grip his Galaken from its sheath with his right hand at 100 speed. In a swift motion, smooth another to dazzle even Jounins, he quickly positioned the sword horizontally in front of himself allowing a mirror reflection of his eyes against the gray metal blade. 

"Heh... I'm a hunter, born to branch into the highest forces of espionage ninja in my village of Hoshi. But I've been slacking..." Lucien said to himself, only loud enough for one of his own clan to hear. 

His head darted to his left in some strange shameful way. "In time." He finished, re-sheathing his blade at his top speed before starting to make his way to the training grounds. 200 Meters from reaching it, he'd hide his chakra trace and sneak in through the trees specifically. Once there, he saw someone below, it was the boy he had talked to previously... Miyamoto... From the trees 20 meter high trees, Lucien would hop down, making his position know to the kid dressed in now normal shinobi attire. There was a 20 meter gap between them. Lucien came geared as usual. 

"Heh... let's see then. I don't really care to talk that much. But if he needs something, I should be of assistance. However, I won't initiate the conversation." Lucien thought to himself as he landed before swiftly going off to his right and leaning on a nearby fence 2 meters away. 

He would appear blankly looking into the sky as if he hadn't noticed Miyamoto. 

WC: 357
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
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Learning ninjutsu [Training,p,nk] Empty Re: Learning ninjutsu [Training,p,nk]

Sun Jul 31, 2016 10:30 pm
Miyamoto was in aye as he usually found himself now as he walked around Hoshikagure everyday.  He awas not paying attention as he began kept to studying, and without even the wind changing or giving any sort of indication, he noticed that the same geared up shinobi appeared before him. He noticed the shinobi to be Lucien Chasseur from the other day as he leaned against the fence of the training area. This caught Miyamoto off guard as he took a small step back, but he did take mental note that he gave up ground...something he would have to remedy in the near future if he wanted to become a master of the shinobi arts.  He approached Lucien at a speed of 4 hoping to catch him before anything of importance happened.

"Woah, hello Lucien-Kohai, sorry I was taken back when you appeared you startled me..."

Miyamoto said with a bow before continuing.

"I would like to learn ninjutsu so I can become genin."

Miyamoto said as he knew that his performance the previous encounter was not his absolute best, but he looked to become better, and this was the first step.

"Please Lucien-Kohai...teach me how to use the transformation jutsu."

He finally asked, not knowing at all whether Lucien actually looked down at him or not. As he finished he bowed awaiting an answer, he felt as if he was weak, but he knew in his head that this cannot be done alone.

[WC:241(not much going on yet, so character development with Lucien)]
Lucien Chasseur
Lucien Chasseur
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Sun Jul 31, 2016 11:18 pm
Lucien did enjoy gazing at the empty yet filled sky above, it consisted of the clouds, blue sky, birds passing by, obvious winds since leaves don't normally float like that, and trees. Granted his vision was extended, he could say basically anything around him, even the stuff behind him using reflective surfaces.

He could tell that Miyamoto was making his way towards him. "Well, looks like I won't have to break my comfort zone that much like yesterday." He thought. Lucien's left eyebrow quickly rose. "Score for me." He echoed in his head once more. 

That's when he heard Miyamoto speak to him. He could already see him easily, however Lucien preferred making eye contact as it was what most people expected of anyone. Physically, that was no necessity for his vision. 

"Woah, hello Lucien-Kohai, sorry I was taken back when you appeared you startled me..."

Lucien listened, "Good thing you noticed, from my understanding, noticing and knowing are half the fight in the world of shinobi and hunters." Lucien responded casually before glancing back to Miyamoto. "So what's up?" 

"Here he goes with the bow thing. Didn't I tell him he doesn't need to be so formal e.e?" Lucien wondered. 

Miyamoto explained that he wanted to learn ninjutsu and the transformation jutsu in order to become a genin. 

"Well sure thing but that's pretty odd... If I recall only Genin can be specialized in a style yet so... But anyways, I've got a bunch of time on my hands currently with Atem not around. Let's get to it." 
Lucien explained as he gestured Miyamoto to examine closely. 

"Chakra, as you know, is the source of all the techniques of ninja. However, you best know the importance of visualization. Especially for a technique such as the transformation technique, go ahead and focus on the image that you want to become. Like a game, imagine yourself reading every surface in detail until you fully know the object in all 3 of its dimensions. And then... simply utilize your chakra. It's like walking in a maze to find the right path, but, there's luckily only one path for each technique so you just have to memorize the path and you'll find it easier and easier each time." Lucien said, low-key as he often did, while he prepared his own hand signs for the technique. 

"Here's the example, now focus on an image and boom." He outlet as he suddenly looked just like Miyamoto. "Now you can try and I'll examine."
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Learning ninjutsu [Training,p,nk] Empty Re: Learning ninjutsu [Training,p,nk]

Tue Aug 02, 2016 12:48 am
Miyamoto listened as he remained in a bowing position.  He knew that Lucien had told him in a previous encounter to not be so uptight, and that he was a friend of the young ninja...not an enemy.

"Well sure thing but that's pretty odd... If I recall only Genin can be specialized in a style yet so... But anyways, I've got a bunch of time on my hands currently with Atem not around. Let's get to it."

With these words, Miyamoto almost jumped into the air, but there was little time to celebrate even this small victory.  Without even a second thought Lucien began to speak, instructing young Miyamoto on exactly what it was he was doing and how he did it.

"Chakra, as you know, is the source of all the techniques of ninja. However, you best know the importance of visualization. Especially for a technique such as the transformation technique, go ahead and focus on the image that you want to become. Like a game, imagine yourself reading every surface in detail until you fully know the object in all 3 of its dimensions. And then... simply utilize your chakra. It's like walking in a maze to find the right path, but, there's luckily only one path for each technique so you just have to memorize the path and you'll find it easier and easier each time."

Miyamoto watched as the transformation was swift, and just like that it was if Miyamoto was standing in front of a mirror as he was still just so shocked at how easy the shinobi made this ninjutsu work.  Lucien was no exception as he talked, he was calm and knew exactly what to say as if he had done this exact thing one hundred times before.  

Miyamoto prepared himself by spreading his legs in a defensive stance, much like the Ox stance he learned in martial arts training.

Miyamoto began to think back, he thought of what his mother and family had told him about his father.  He was a strong, fair leader of the people...Talented beyond his age, and also a bit too foolish for the age that he was.  They spoke  of him having shaggy blue, almost black hair, a strong body like that of a true warrior, and a if he were carved from the face of a volcano.  

To young Miyamoto he could see the image in his head now, he began to focus his chakra into the center of his chest near his base chakra point.  It was hard to keep a firm grasp of this made up image of someone whom he had never met while trying to focus his chakra.  A few times he nearly lost the image only to have it brought back to the front of his mind.  He continued to focus for several minutes as he began to feel the chakra itself inside of him, tangible as if he could easily grasp it if he reached out with his physical being.  He took a few deep breaths as he remembered the hand signs he learned in class as he originally watched his instructor perform the jutsu.  He began to form his hands slowly at first without much confidence; Dog, Boar, Ram. Then with a small poof, a bit of him would change.  It was not anything really noticable at first, maybe his hair changing, or his facial structure becoming distorted.

He then began to put some more effort into it as he knew he was being watched.  He knew that the pressure was on and that this was a test for him personally, first he had to come up with some sort of mental image strong enough to become tangible and usable to correctly be passable, and secondly to see if he was truly strong enough to be able to use ninjutsu correctly in the real world.  He performed the hand signs again, this time yelling out with all his might...


There was a large plume of smoke that appeared as *poof*  he began to believe that he had finally did it.


He opened his eyes and looked at himself, from his point of view nothing had really changed...he still felt small and as he looked at himself he began to notice significant changes in his body...

"Did...did I do it..."

He began to question himself...and Lucien as he looked at him dead in the face. Not thinking to himself that maybe Lucien actually read history to know just who Miyamoto was mimicking.

(transformation is the same height as Miyamoto and roughly same build, like a young Gray Fullbuster...haha...without the tattoo)

[Transformation Jutsu WC achieved]

(not the end of topic)
Lucien Chasseur
Lucien Chasseur
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Learning ninjutsu [Training,p,nk] Empty Re: Learning ninjutsu [Training,p,nk]

Tue Aug 02, 2016 1:45 am
Lucien would then watch as the ninja was surely paying attention to his words. 

"He's assuming a stance for this as well, what an enthusiastic one. That does go a long way so I've heard, if one can keep it up anyway." He thought to himself. 

After a while, Miyamoto would then continue onto performing the hand signs required for the technique which Lucien had quickly recognized.

Lucien would then have another puff of smoke wrap around him until he returned to his casual form. Which would he'd now keep for the rest of the boy's training. 

"Just go with the flow.."
Lucien added in. 

The ninja would then burst into a mass of smoke that revealed a new character to Lucien, one he had never seen before. He noticed Miyamoto's surprise at his own craft. 

He asked if he had done it, in a self questioning manner. "Yep, you've got it down nicely." Lucien said with a mild death stare. "Oh, excuse the death stare, I forget I'm not looking at people ironically, long story." 

"Anyways... anything else that you need to practice? I'm here all day to my knowledge."  Lucien would ask.
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

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Tue Aug 02, 2016 11:19 am
Miyamoto let the jutsu fall as there was another *poof* of smoke and then he was back to himself.  He brought his hands up to his face just to check them over, and after a few minutes he finally came to the conclusion that he did release the jutsu and that there was no lingering effects. He heard Lucien ask if there was anything else in that same mono-toned honestly made Miyamoto wonder if he bored the shinobi...Then he noticed the glare he was getting, like daggers aimed for Miyamoto's face.

"Actually there is, at the academy we also learned about the clone jutsu...perhaps you could give me a few pointers on actually performing the jutsu correctly. I would appreciate it."

He waited for a response, he did not bow this time.
[WC: 133]
Lucien Chasseur
Lucien Chasseur
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Tue Aug 02, 2016 7:37 pm
"Clone jutsu?" Lucien said in a slightly different voice that seemed to give a feeling of himself questioning something on being logical or not.  "Guessing you meant the clone technique? Sure thing." 

Lucien stopped for a moment to take a quick glance around the surrounding area. Just in case Atem would have been trying to sneak up on him. 

"Just watching out for Atem, anyways. You're going to be utilizing the same method of visualization in order to create the clones. This one requires a bit more attention to detail as they have to look especially like yourself in order to be effective in battle. I'll assume you already know the hand signs, the quickest way to getting the image entirely correct is by envisioning yourself looking into a mirror and take that reflective image then copy and paste it over to yourself."

Lucien said as he gave a demonstration by doing the technique focusing as a clone appeared on his left side. "This is also me, however this me is just an illusion. Shadow clones are the higher level clones that consist of a physical body which can be interacted with. Now let's see your attempt."
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Learning ninjutsu [Training,p,nk] Empty Re: Learning ninjutsu [Training,p,nk]

Tue Aug 02, 2016 9:41 pm
Miyamoto had used the wrong words again as he scratched his head. He was not the best of speakers in his family, but nonetheless...another hurdle to overcome. It was then that Lucien agreed and then looked around for someone by the name of Atem, Miyamoto did not put any thought behind it...putting it off that it was simply another shinobi friend of Lucien's. Miyamoto took a few breaths to slow down his heart rate as he hadused a lot of energy and chakra just within practicing the Transformation Technique. As he did so LKucien explained that the transformation technique was just a step needed for the clone jutsu, because it required precise knowledge of ones body in order to do it correctly.

Miyamoto then watched Lucien perform the hand signs; Ram, Snake, Tiger. as a perfect copy of Lucien appeared beside him as if it had been hiding behind Lucien the entire time. It really was a sight to behold for the young Miyamoto as his eyes grew wide, the two Lucien spoke in perfect voice. Miyamoto took this time to begin thinking for himself.

"A perfect copy of a mirror."

It was then that Miyamoto had a sudden idea/flashback to this morning as he remembered dressing in front of the mirror in his new clothes. He took the image in his head and thought real had on it as he felt the chakra move within his body to the base chakra again...This time it felt easier to Miyamoto, as if he was getting the hang of this already.

"I think I have it..."

Miyamoto said as he focused the chakra, and centered his mind. The hand signes he now had to remember, he knew that they were easy as he watched his instructor and Lucien perform the same signs countless times so that he could learn. He kept his eyes open this time as he dug into his chakra welling at his base chakra point. It was no easy task, but soon Miyamoto began to feel his body tingle as he himself smiled, taking great pleassure in the fact that he was learning ninjutsu. The feeling of course was purely in his head and had no effect on his chakra or mind. This was a big step for him.

He performed the hand signs wiuth confidence at a speed of 5; Ram, Snake, Tiger. As he held the last hand sign in front of him and he let lose a mighty roar as he could no longer contain the pent up energy inside of him.


Just like that, another Miyamoto appeared beside him as his chakra of 5 produced a mirror image of Miyamoto, wearing identical clothing to the original, and now holding the same hand sign of the tiger. Miyamoto stopped holding the tiger hand sign as he looked beside him to his left to see his clone looking to its right directly into Miyamoto's eyes...the same goofy grin on its face that Miyamoto was now sporting.

They both jumped up in unison and in victory for the days training. It took almost the entire morning and afternoon, but Lucien-Kohai had led him on to learning to techniques he needed to hopefully get into the Genin exams soon.

He looked at Lucien as he and his clone began to speak at the same time.

"I DID IT!!! Lucien-Kohai did you see that, I DID IT!!! I DID IT!!!"

He said right before his technique gave up and Miyamoto fell onto his butt. He was worn out...not knocked out, but breathing heavy, sweat pouring down his well as tears.

He still had that same goofy grin on his face.

[WC: 616/1226]
[WC: 374 Character Development with Lucien]
[Clone Technique learned]
Lucien Chasseur
Lucien Chasseur
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Wed Aug 03, 2016 10:42 pm
[God my posting was horrible today, my bad bro.]

Lucien was rather impressed still with the enthusiasm of the boy. He seemed to have a knack for trying to get stronger which was something Lucien had alike. With how well he was doing, He was surprised he didn't already have then down by then. Either way, he'd help since he could. 

Nearing the ending of his attempt, Miyamoto had succeeded. Hyper to the maximum, he yelled I did it time again and again in a burst. 

"Did you see that!?" The young ninja asked. 

"Sure did, however there's a ways to go from here. But if you keep that attitude, I'm sure it'll be rather easy for you. Then again, nothing's great if it's easily achieved so work hard-" Lucien was saying with a slight smile on his face before Miyamoto fell.

"Hmm, seems that much mental focus held a toll on him. That's to be expected I suppose. Regardless, he did well." He thought to himself. 

"You alright?" Lucien asked as he reached his right hand out at 20 speed for the boy to pull up on. 
"If you're tired, I suppose I can take you back to your house. But it's up to you, one can always train." Lucien continued waiting for the boy's response. 

Secretly, Lucien hoped he'd answer to train more as he wanted what Miyamoto's will power was like. In terms of jutsu success and chakra control, what was needed was so far there. However, those weren't the only components of a ninja obviously.
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