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Kratos learning Basic Medical Ninjutsu Empty Kratos learning Basic Medical Ninjutsu

Wed Mar 15, 2017 12:54 pm
It was 7.00 am. The day was beautiful and Kratos is prepared for his long and hard day. Today Kratos is planning to learn the Basic Medical Ninjutsu. Kratos get out of his home early, going toward the academy, thinking about how he should learn the Basic Medical Ninjutsu. On the road, he is thinking if he should learn the Basic Medical Ninjutsu or not. He is thinking that will it be worth to learn the Basic Medical Ninjutsu or not. As he going toward the academy he saw a puppy. The puppy was injured, Kratos see the puppy but ignore him and go for the academy because Kratos was already late and he has to learn the Basic Medical Ninjutsu. He covers a small distance After seeing the puppy. Kratos stop and thinking about what is the meaning if Kratos can't able to save someone, what is the meaning learning the Basic Medical Ninjutsu if he can not able to help anyone with it. He goes back to the puppy, see the puppy and find out that his wound is killing him. If he doesn't be healed he will die tomorrow.Kratos first think about giving the puppy to hospital but they will charge for it and Kratos don't have any money left. Kratos make his decision that he is going to learn the Basic Medical Ninjutsu and heal the puppy today. Kratos run toward the academy thinking about the puppy that if Kratos can not able to learn Basic Medical Ninjutsu, what will happen to the puppy. will the puppy die because Kratos can not able to save the puppy?

Kratos finally reach the academy and run toward the bookshelf of Basic Medical Ninjutsu and starts searching for the Basic Medical Ninjutsu book. As he finds the book, he takes it to the desk, open it and start reading thinking about the puppy. Kratos just read important information and closed the book in 5 min. Kratos Quickly goes to the Medical Ninjutsu teacher and request him to let Kratos practice the Basic Medical Ninjutsu on a dead fish. the Medical Ninjutsu teacher gives the permission to learn the Basic Medical Ninjutsu without knowing the reason. As Kratos got dead fish he quickly starts doing the practice of Basic Medical Ninjutsu. After 15 to 20 min Kratos cant able to progress a little, the reason was he can not able to concentrate on the training and thinking about the puppy. Kratos closed his eyes and clearing his mind. After 2 min he opens his eyes and starts doing the practice again and this time Kratos was making some progress. After trying 4 to 5 times Kratos finally able to heal the fish wounds.

Kratos quickly run to the puppy, thinking about the puppy is alive or dead. Kratos thinking that is he going to make it to the puppy or Kratos found the puppy dead?
As he thinking that he reached the puppy and found that puppy was still in critical condition. Kratos quickly started to use Basic Medical Ninjutsu on puppy and healing his wound but Kratos can not able to heal puppy all wound. Kratos can not able to heal all wound but the puppy will survive because Kratos learned the Basic Medical Ninjutsu.

WC:546, requesting learning of Basic Medical Ninjutsu and +2 stat for my work

Last edited by KRATOSzs on Wed Mar 15, 2017 1:23 pm; edited 1 time in total
Akihana Akari
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Kratos learning Basic Medical Ninjutsu Empty Re: Kratos learning Basic Medical Ninjutsu

Wed Mar 15, 2017 1:10 pm

Approved - and its heartwarming to see people saving puppies in Kiri. Hope Master Tsubasa doesn't make you kill it. <3
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Kratos learning Basic Medical Ninjutsu Empty Re: Kratos learning Basic Medical Ninjutsu

Wed Mar 15, 2017 1:24 pm
lol, Thank you very much for approval Akihana Akari
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