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Princess Love
Princess Love
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Fri Jul 29, 2016 12:48 pm
Love rubbed her forehead and stuck her tongue out at him. She whispered "Loser" under her breath while listening to the words he was saying. "Well I guess I can agree to that." She replied and went back to reading the book. She turned to face him when he started speaking again. "Yea, I understand." Love stood up like he had asked her to. "Is there something in the genjutsu that I should look for to help me escape? Or do I need to focus on something outside of it?" She asked as she stood before the older ninja with her hands at her sides, holding his closed notebook in her right hand.

Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Fri Jul 29, 2016 1:12 pm
"your not going to escape, your going to see what is possible of genjutsu should you go deeper with your training or even fight one." he said and he pointed his finger towards the sky in her face so she could see it, activating Ephemeral (power 40) which will make her world she sees into nothing but darkness. then he started doing his work. he weaved the world she saw around her, making her see and think she was in a forest. almost dusk. he made it so she couldnt move outside of the illusion but she can move freely in it. he made his words echo in her mind. "this will be simple, try to get out of the forest, there will be things that will try to stop you, like traps, dead ends. you have one hour." he said and then went quiet, she was all alone in her illusion. a chilling breeze hit her, and tress moved with the wind. the air had a soft sent of apples and pine. there was a path in front of her and a smaller one to her left. he waited and see what she did. 

twc 2428
Princess Love
Princess Love
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Fri Jul 29, 2016 2:21 pm
"Ok." She replied then Oro pointed his finger to the sky. Her face was painted confused, was he telling her to wait for something or to look up? Love decided to do the latter and looked up. When she did everything around her became black. "Seriously?" She said complaining about him using darkness again. Love looked around as her surroundings now became a forest. Better. She thought as waited to see what else he would do. "You mean it seems simple." She corrected him still wary of the things in his head that would soon be in her's. "Wait I only get an hour? ...Hello?" Love waited for a reply but got none. Great I guess I'm on my own now. She thought as two paths appeared. Love shrugged and started walking down the path on the left.

Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Fri Jul 29, 2016 3:15 pm
the path was start forward enough, some turns here and there and after a bit of time, a small bunny peaked its head out of a bush and saw love. it looked at her and pawed its head. oro watched loved and questioned every one of her moves. oro knew what she would do. he wanted to see what she could handle mentally. everyone could handle some mental attacks to a point. oro studies and tries to find the limit of everyones. he never failed this task. but he would test things out. see how smart she is. would she remain focus or get stop to pet the bunny. he remained quiet and watched her. studied her. 

twc 2545
Princess Love
Princess Love
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Fri Jul 29, 2016 4:51 pm
How cute. Love thought and started to walk towards the animal, temporarily forgetting that she was in a genjutsu. As much as she wanted to pet it something told her not to. Love stopped walking to evaluate the feeling and decided to go with her gut. She waved to the adorable little bunny but kept walking, she had a task to complete. "Can't get distracted." She told herself but sighed. I think I should get a pet rabbit... She began to let herself get lost in the daydream of what it would be like to have a pet.

Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Fri Jul 29, 2016 5:30 pm
the bunny watched her walk away then it walked on the path behind love. it was a creature of many bunny heads and paws, but its body was a flashy lion with not tail. the hundred bunny eyes watched love and a gross flash ripping sound was heard as the demon creature opened its mouth, some heads being ripped to form it. drool flowed from the creatures mouth as well as blood, and its teeth where like millions of needles. the creature growled. and the eyes from the bunnies bled. oro made his voice heard. "i hope you didn't like bunnies." he said as he watched her moment.

twc 2663
Princess Love
Princess Love
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Fri Jul 29, 2016 6:17 pm
Love heard the sound of tearing flesh and felt a chill run up her spine. "Don't turn around, don't turn around, don't turn around." She whispered to herself as she could hear the thing following her. Love stiffly continued to walk until she heard the thing growl. "I know I shouldn't but I'm going to anyway." Love slowly turned around to see what was behind her. She stood in disbelief of the hideous creature that stood before her. You have got to be kidding me!? When Love heard Oro's voice she clinched her fist but kept her remarks to herself, she didn't want him to make things worse than they already were. After taking some time to look over the beast Love took a deep breath and started slowly walking backwards. Even if it attacked she could fight it, she was a ninja after all.

Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Fri Jul 29, 2016 6:50 pm
"this is my reality, fighting isn't smart, you will die." he said as the beast roared and slowly got closer to her. making no sudden movements. oro made a ram sign and love could not move. "i control your brain with this genjutsu, I can make you see, feel, taste, anything. and making you not move is a simple thing to do." he said as he watched. "nothing you do will make this any less painful." he said as the beast got closer. the smell of blood filled the air and it suddenly turned night. the beast unhinged its jaw and its tong licked loves face and then coil around her neck slowly. making her barely able to breath. as it dragged her towards her mouth. blood dripped on her face and the needle teeth pinched against her body oro watched her.
(I want to say this now, I love you love)

twc 2807
Princess Love
Princess Love
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Sun Jul 31, 2016 7:01 pm
Love tried to continue backing away from the beast but suddenly she couldn't move. "Ugh." She groaned in complaint as Oro spoke again. There was nothing she could do ask she stood frozen with the beast approaching. When it licked her face it almost made her gag. "Oh my god this is so disgusting." The beast then rapped it's tonuge around her neck. As it became harder for her to breathe Love began saying curses in her head. The smell of blood didn't bother her and the now night setting was only appropriate. The blood dripping on her face was so revolting but she couldn't fight it, as Love felt the teeth of the beast pushing into her skin she closed her eyes. Love prayed that her mental tears didn't manifest on her face.

Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Tue Aug 02, 2016 1:22 pm
orokana ended the genjutsu and looked at love. only with disappointment in his eyes. "you do know that was only an illusion. it cant kill you, if it harms you its just fake pain, none of it is real, i could see you about to cry, about to feel like this is the end for you." he said as he sighed. he started mumbling. "why is this so hard." then he looked at love. "finish reading the pages." he said as he sat down looking at the sky. ignoring anything she said. his mind was quiet. he listened to the madness the stone left him with. he could hear it whisper. he could feel how his chakra was stained. how it didnt feel like it was his anymore. he picked up his sword and unsheathed it. as he used chakra infusion. the sword glowed black, like how the stone did. he stopped and closed his eyes. this made him think. made him wounder if he sinned. if he was going to hell. if hell was a real place. well it didnt matter. what happened happened. his fate was sealed. he looked at the ground. then at love. he told yen what he would do. it has sealed oros fate. it made him think. will he ever be someone from the leaf, or will he be a outsider forever. will people remember him, or will he fade forever when he died. for people like love its easy. having a family, a place they belong. she will be remember. but this wasnt him to determine. he made his choices, if people will never remember him then thats that, if they did, good job. then he thought about his family. what his father and mother would be like, what they would look that. 

twc 3107
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