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Higuto Aburame
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 23500

Lessons Empty Lessons

Sun Jun 17, 2018 4:49 pm
The first rounds of the Chuunin exams were over. Unfortunately for the Nazar, two of his students had lost in the first round. One was bound to have lost since two of them were facing off against one another, something that still irked the Nazar. But there was nothing he could do about it now but move on and continue to help them. The other had lost because he underestimated his opponent and acted to rash, something Kinzoku blamed himself for. Had he better trained his student then this situation may not have occurred, which is why he found himself in the training grounds.

The sun was shinning brightly down onto the Nazar with leaves fluttering around with the occasional cool breeze. As per usual, he was dressed in his all black attire from head to toe with his top hat to finish off the ensemble. Leaning back against a single training log with Peacemaker resting on the ground beside him the Nazar went back and forth from removing a cigar from his mouth to putting it back, enjoying the little pleasantry as he waited for his guests. He was going to make amends on his past mistakes and help his student be better prepared which is why he was currently waiting for Higuto Aburame to arrive.

There were clearly lessons in which he had not given to his students and as a result they weren't as prepared for the exams as Kinzoku would have liked them to be. This lesson would be to make up for that mistake. Allegro had not received the invitation because he had moved on to the second round and thus need to recuperate more than he needed a lesson. Jason had also not received the invitation because Kinzoku felt the Senju already possessed what this lesson was going to teach Higuto. It wasn't necessarily because the Senju was the greater shinobi. He was just more experienced than his Aburame counter-part. At times experience can be the best teacher. So Kinzoku waited for his two guests to arrive to help Higuto gain the much needed experience.
Higuto Aburame
Higuto Aburame
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Lessons Empty Re: Lessons

Sun Jun 17, 2018 5:49 pm
Higuto was currently walking along the dirt path that lead through the multiple trees of the Leaf forest straight to the training field with his hood up and head down in self shame. He had been summoned by his sensei out to the training field for "lessons" as the letter had said. What these lessons were to be he didn't exactly know as he was under the assumption that he might be set up to fight against another ninja. More than likely these lessons were necessary due to his premature loss in the exams and his sensei wasn't at all happy with his performance. He wasn't happy with himself either. Not since the exams has Higuto actually cracked any kind of smile as his heart had truly taken a huge nosedive when it came to his self esteem. He used to have such confidence in himself but if there was anything the exams had taught him it was that overestimation in his abilities could lead him to lose and lose big. Now he didn't know what to believe in anymore. He didn't have any confidence at all in what he could do and he couldn't help but feel that whatever Kinzoku had set up, whatever was planned for him in the training field, he was going to fail at that too.

He entered the field through the threshold, his black jacket covering his body and hoodie up to cover his hair, as he had even gone so far as pocket his headband in his jacket pocket rather than wear it as he usually always did. He had vowed he wouldn't do so until he had proven to himself that he was good enough to wear it proudly and show he had what it took to be a ninja. He looked around the field upon entering as he saw his sensei leaning against one of the tree stumps that served to train up and coming ninja in the ways of taijutsu as he stepped forward to stand in front of his sensei and gave a quick bow without looking into his sensei's eyes due to the shame he felt.

"Reporting, sensei."
Uchiha Kisuke
Uchiha Kisuke
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Lessons Empty Re: Lessons

Sun Jun 17, 2018 6:48 pm
"You've got to be fuckin kiddin me! What kind of bullshit assignment is this?" Crumpling the paper he held in his right hand and tossing it off to the side, the Uchiha would glare at the official sitting behind the desk before, grinding his teeth together as he leant forward and slammed his hands onto a desk. "You've been out of commission for quite some time now young Kisuke, only right after achieving the rank of Chuunin oddly enough. By my estimation your no different from Genin Kisuke." The elder man, unfazed by the raging youth before him would continue as he slid another copy of the assignment across the table towards the Uchiha. "You have not demonstrated you can be trusted on a mission therefore this is your assignment. Perform this task admirably, prove to us you can take on the responsibilities of a Chuunin and then we will treat you as one. You are dismissed."

Before Kisuke could let out his rage in the form of shouting and cussing, the man slipped out of his chair and out the back door. Angrily, Kisuke snatched up the paper on the desk and bolted out the front door of the office. As much as everything that old grump said in the room was true, Kisuke would not admit to it. It had been months now since the young Uchiha had become a Chuunin and simultaneously given up on his shinobi aspirations. He had learnt that hard truth of this world, he had learnt that his view of the world was wrong. After the Kiri invasion and what he was forced to do, his outlook had changed completely and after Kotz had been taken, his only real friend, and after Xyxer refused his request for power, Kisuke lost all motivation to continue moving on. The world as he knew it had been destroyed. However, he was an Uchiha. He was too prideful to simply give up because the world was not what he once that it was. It was in his DNA to be the best and the best never gave up. Kisuke would take this new frame of mind of his and use it to achieve unyielding power and with this overwhelming power he would shape the world the way he wanted it.

However before any of that happened, he needed to shake the rust off of his limbs. Having been out of it for what felt like an eternity, Kisuke had requested to go on a mission, to get back into the shinobi game. But instead he got some crap baby sitting job. Some kid needed to be taught a lesson or something blablabla. He didnt fully read the paper that was now crumbled up in the pocket of his black leather jacket. Briskly making his way towards the training grounds Kisuke would take a tiny white cylinder shaped object out of his jacket pocket and a pack of matches from one of the pockets in his sweatpants. Slipping the bud of his cigarette into his mouth, Kisuke would light the match and then cup his hands over his mouth the simultaneously light the cigarette.

Putting out the match, Kisuke would throw it off to the side just as he stepped into the training grounds. Pulling out the paper from his pocket, with both hands Kisuke would rub the paper against his thigh in an attempt to get out all the wrinkles in order to actually be able to read the thing. "Kinzoku Nazar and Higuto Aburame." Mumbled the Uchiha, making sure the cigarette didnt fall from his mouth as he lightly spoke to himself. Throwing the paper off to the side as well, Kisuke would spread his jacket before slipping his hands into his pant pockets, clearly revealing the white t-shirt he wore underneath. His unnaturally red colored hair was tied back in a pony tail by his Konoha head guard, which was usually used as a belt but seeing as he was wearing sweats, he found a new use for it. Walking forward deeper into the training ground, Kisuke would walk up to the first two individuals he spotted. Slipping the cigarette to the right edge of his mouth he would ask, unknowing that these two were the ones waiting for you "You fuckers Kinzoku and Higoto?"
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 23500

Lessons Empty Re: Lessons

Sun Jun 17, 2018 7:38 pm
Kinzoku slipped the cigar in between two of his fingers when he picked up on the chakra signature of Higuto approaching. Adjusting his hat with his free hand, he turned his head in the direction of the Aburame and awaited for his arrival. As he watched his student approach his eyes studied the kid picking up on a lot of ques. The confident Higuto that Kinzoku had been in charge of before the exams was gone. Now he was a ghost of his former self. It would be Kinzoku's job as a sensei to get Higuto back to where he was before, physically, mentally, and spiritually. "Good to see you made it" Kinzoku replied as he met the kid's bow with a nod and the slight tipping of his hat. 

"I've asked you here because there are things I failed to properly teach you before the exams which I intended on doing so now." He let his cigar rest between his fingers as he spoke, letting the small stream of smoke slowly move its way up and away. "After watching your fight, there were two things I picked up on that we're going to work on. The first is that you underestimated your opponent. You assumed because you were physically more gifted than him that you had the upper hand. In some ways you did, but you acted to rash and didn't think things through. Which leads to the second thing I noticed. As far as I'm concerned you weren't fully aware of the capabilities of your opponent other than the fact he was a Senju. When you don't know what your opponent is capable of it's best to get a good feel for him. Read how they react, see how they initiate an attack or choose to defend from one. Rushing in only increases the risk of failure."

With that he took a slight pause to take a smoke but also to ensure Higuto understood what he was saying. Then he went on. "In order to properly reenact the same situation as your Chuunin exam match, I'm going to have you train with someone you know nothing about. It couldn't be either of your teammate because you know them too well and it couldn't be me because you already know I'm a long ranged shinobi." At that moment Kinzoku picked up on the chakra signature of an approaching man, one he only hoped was the person he had called. "Just in time" he thought. "So meet your sparring mate, Kisuke" he added as he turned to the approaching red head.

"No lack for brashness, but he'll do" he thought as looked over the smoking Uchiha. "That is us. Thank you for coming. I asked for you to come here to help my student out. It's pretty simple what you need to do. Fight him. I needed someone he had no prior knowledge of, and you're the perfect candidate. From what I hear, you could use the practice too. Win win if you ask me" he said with a smile before smoking his cigar. "Now, I'll be right here watching. Remember the purpose of this Higuto" he added. "The purpose of this is not to see whether you can win or not. Rather, can you learn from your mistakes and adapt. That will be the true indicator to see if you've passed or failed." With that he would pick Peacemaker up off of the ground and begin tinkering with it.

"Whenever y'all are ready."
Higuto Aburame
Higuto Aburame
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Lessons Empty Re: Lessons

Sun Jun 17, 2018 8:36 pm
Higuto had arrived and stood before Kinzoku, his eyes down staring at a patch of dirt in front of Kinzoku's feet and not a trace of any emotion in his face, as he listened to his sensei's lecture unquestioningly. The issue with Higuto, as Higuto knew full well, was not that he underestimated his opponent but overestimated his own abilities. He believed himself to be so good that he could breeze right along through the whole exams like they were a flight of stairs rather than 1v1 matches with his fellow ninja who were also in the exams to win. He had always acted like this, making brash decisions when with his fellow teammates as he would try to run ahead and be the first one to attack rather than attack as a team, and right now, standing before Kinzoku, it was clear he hadn't learned anything. Ever since he first woke up from his time in the hospital he had lost all will to continue fighting as a ninja of the Leaf. Even now he didn't feel as though this lesson would really teach him anything for he feared he'd go back to his stupid ways while fighting whoever he was set to fight. 

All the while he thought this and Kinzoku continued to explain to Higuto what he had witnessed in the match Higuto said no words. Gave no reactions other than a few nods of the head. He had listened to what Kinzoku had to say but the lecture had proven to just serve as a dagger that would slowly drive itself deeper into Higuto's heart and make him even more skeptical at the concept of continuing as a ninja. It wasn't until Higuto heard the gruff voice of another that he would react by looking over to where the voice had come from to see someone approaching them. This was someone Higuto had never met before and also someone Higuto had not been made aware would be his opponent so he had no idea this man was an Uchiha until he had seen his necklace that hung at his neck as he watched him smoke a cigarette in front of them both. The only portion of Higuto's face that was visible, thanks to his hood was the bangs of black hair that resided over his forehead and his eyes that observed the newcomer for a moment before he turned his head back to face Kinzoku as he continued to explain what the purpose of the fight was and what was expected of Higuto.

Upon Kinzoku finishing Higuto would nod slightly before turning towards Kisuke. All he knew about his opponent so far was that he was a smoker and seemed to be an avid user of vulgar language. Not at all helpful hints to Higuto unless he used his cigarette in conjunction with techniques in some way as Higuto stepped closer to Kisuke and stopped as he got within 10 meters away from Kisuke. The whole time his eyes would trail along the ground and his hands remaining in his pockets until making it to his spot as he would then slowly look up to the ninja's eyes. The 11 year old Genin would then give a slight bow before his opponent.

"I hope to not prove too much of a waste of your time, sir."

He would say this sentence blankly, no excitement for what was to happen within his voice, as he had practically already submitted to the fact that this was going to be yet another thing to add to his list of failures. Upon giving his bow he would stand back up straight with hands still in pockets while making a note of his surroundings. The fields, the trees, the training stumps, the birds, the insects. Everything he took in with great detail as two kikaichu skittered out from his collar to rest upon his cheeks while he stood and watched the Uchiha blankly and motionless.
Uchiha Kisuke
Uchiha Kisuke
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Lessons Empty Re: Lessons

Tue Jun 19, 2018 7:52 pm
The Uchiha would give a nod to the Jounin after he thanked him for coming. Quite honestly he did not want to be here but this was what he needed to do to get back up on the shinobi horse so he would fucking kill it. "Fight him?" Thought the Chuunin. Who exactly was him? Shifting his gaze over towards the Aburame, Kisuke would peer through the hazy white smoke slowly drifting off the end of his cigarette to catch a glimps of his opponent. "What the fucks wrong with this kid?" thought Kisuke, quite disgusted by what he saw but never showing it in his facial expression. The kid looked like a joke, a former shell of who he probably once was. His visage was almost entirely hidden by both his hood and his hair, all of it jet black as if he were trying to hide in a darkness that he could not find. His hands were sunken deep within his pockets, but not like Kisuke. Kisuke's hands were in his pockets in a manner and posture that showed confidence, pride, perhaps even arrogance, as if he were too cool for school. This kid was trying to hide himself, hide out of sight from everyones gaze. Quite frankly, it was pathetic to see and it made Kisuke sick. He wanted to smash this kid right in the face. He didnt care why he was like this or what triggered his depressed state, but to see a shinobi like this aggravated the young Uchiha.

Turning back to face Kinzoku, Kisuke would response after taking the cigarette away from his mouth "Yeah, after the Kiri invasion and the subsequent tournament, I took a leave of absence. So I guess you could say Im a little rusty." Turning away from the cowboy, Kisuke would slip the cigarette back into his mouth to enjoy the last bit of it before he got to work. Midway into his inhale he would pause as he watched the Genin step backwards, his eyes locked on the ground bellow like some defeat mutt. Kisuke's gaze would shift over to Kinzoku, giving him a look that said "Is this kid serious?"

Kisuke would slightly chuckle and shook his head in response to Higuto's words. He couldnt believe this kid. "Alright, listen up kid." Kisuke confidently exclaimed, whipping his cigarette onto the ground and crushing it beneath the boot strapped to his right foot. Locking his piercing, infuriated gaze with the deflated, empty gaze of Higuto's, Kisuke spoke. "Sounds like you got your ass handed to you. You made some mistakes and now youre acting like a little pussy. You're a fucking shinobi for christ sake, stand up and grow a pair. No one is going to feel sorry for you, the world doesnt care about your failure. The world doesnt care about you. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, its pathetic. Maybe your sensei and your friends arent going to tell you this but I dont give a shit. You're being a cunt and the only place thats going to get you is 6ft under and if you dont take your damn hood off stand up straight and face me like a man I'll put you there myself."

In all honesty, Kisuke had been out of action for quite some time now. Quite frankly, he was still just as skilled and strong or as unskilled and weak as he was when he was a Genin. For all he knew, this kid could actually beat him. However, the pathetic state this kid was in was truly aggravating him. If he got this kid so riled up that he ended getting his ass kicked, Kisuke would have to live with that. But for now, Kisuke crossed his arms along his chest and faced the Aburame with a stern gaze. He would not start the training until the kid did what he asked him to do.
Higuto Aburame
Higuto Aburame
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Lessons Empty Re: Lessons

Wed Jun 20, 2018 7:32 pm
Higuto remained still within his spot 10 meters away from Kisuke as he held his head down a bit. For what he knew this guy was an Uchiha and apparently one who had been out of action for quite a while. He didn't know, however, that this guy was a Chuunin. For all he knew this guy was a Genin same as him. Though it was quite obvious the guy was much older than him so Higuto thought that, once he started to speak, what came from his lips would be the wisdom of someone who spoke with the experience of more years being a ninja than Higuto did. However, being surprised that the ninja's first impressions didn't clue him in, the way he stated his message was rude and hurtful. It made Higuto not wish to look at the ninja as he spoke as his head faced the ground and his eyes were closed. This didn't stop Higuto from trying to pick the smart bits of his message, since he could tell it was also meant to be something of a wake up call for him, as he could feel a little bit of his life returning to him.

However something else also came up from Higuto's heart, something with a bit of darkness which clouded his psyche, as a light chuckle would escape his mouth as he looked back up to Kisuke as his two insects moved to just behind his ears. His hands remained in his pockets as he opened his eyes to look into Kisuke's.

"You have a very colorful way of talking to a fellow member of your peers, shinobi, but your message rings loud and clear I assure you. However there are a few premature presumptions that you've directed towards me that I'd like to clear up. The first is that I do not wallow in my sorrow to get the attention and pity of those around me. I know that the universe does not revolve around me and everyone goes through their own painful struggles of life with each passing day. My pain is my own and I couldn't give any less of a damn whether or not it attracts the attention of my peers to the point where they may wish to soothe and comfort me. Second... I'm eleven years old. I hardly have met the age requirement to be considered a man. I haven't even known puberty yet so I don't exactly have a pair TO drop. Third this is meant to be a simple lesson, as I take it for the both of us, which means I very highly doubt that the Jounin present will allow either of us to go so far that we end up killing the other and drive anyone 'six feet under.' I can assure you, though, I have absolutely no intention on trying to land fatal blows. And fourth there's a reason why I have my hood up..."

As he spoke the word 'up' Higuto's left hand, still within his pocket, would start to form some seals at his top speed of 125 as Higuto looked up to the sky due to how it was suddenly becoming dark.

"There's a chance of rain in the forecast."

Upon finishing his statement rain drops would slowly begin to fall, increasing in number and weight, as what started as a drizzle would slowly become a downpour as the three ninja and the field would start to become soaked in rain drenched in Higuto's chakra. This would cause Higuto's own chakra signature to become invisible for sensory abilities as he looked to Kisuke.

"I'm ready when you are, Uchiha."

He spoke in the friendly manner that he usually always did before his match in the Chuunin Exams with a small smile upon his lips. If he was going to fight he might as well put a bit of effort into it.

(Jutsu used: Rain Tiger at Will: 40 AP; 407 remaining
Skill used: One Handed Seals)
Uchiha Kisuke
Uchiha Kisuke
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Lessons Empty Re: Lessons

Mon Jun 25, 2018 12:24 pm
Apparently the Aburame understood Kisuke's words 'Loud and Clear'. If that were the case, Kisuke was expecting the kid to get his act together so that their training could start. But instead, he went on to explain how the Uchiha had a few presuppositions about the kid that were wrong. As the kid spoke, the longer he went on for the more it annoyed the Uchiha. The sound of his voice was irritating him. In all honesty, the Uchiha couldnt care less about what the kid had to say. "I dont think this kid understood a single fucking word I said." Thought the Uchiha. It appeared that the Aburame took everything the Uchiha said to be technically true. "Shut the fuck up." Shouted Kisuke after Higuto went through his 3 or 4 point explanation, however many it was didnt really matter because Kisuke didnt really care. "I dont give a fuck if you're eleven or four years old. You chose the path of a shinobi and when your out in the field, no one is going to give two shits about how old you are. So grow the fuck up before youre immaturity gets yourself and those around you killed." Kisuke knew for sure, that at Higuto's current state, he was not someone he would want watching his back out in the field. "And can't you tell when someone is exaggerating. Obviously I'm not going to fucking kill you, jesus christ." Sighing in disbelief as he shook his head, he would think to himself "What the hell have I gotten my self into?"

The Uchiha would squint his eyes at the Aburame after mentioning that there was a chance of rain in the forecast. "Dont you fucking dare." mumbled Kisuke just loud enough for Higuto to hear. But it was already too late for the rain had begun to fall. Kisuke knew this jutsu all too well and he fucking hated it. Slipping off his leather jacket, Kisuke would toss it off towards the side where Kinzoku said. Whether the Jounin caught the jacket or not did not matter, all he wanted was the jacket to be under the cover of the tree so his cigarettes would not get ruined. The more time Kisuke spent in this kids presence, the more he hated him.

Just as the Aburame looked up and began saying "Im ready..." Kisuke would activate his clan's famed Dojutsu. The Aburame would now know Kisuke was an Uchiha after laying eyes upon his Sharingan since he was in fact not wearing an Uchiha crest necklace. His crimson three tomow Sharingan would pierce through the the darkened training ground as his chakra simultaneously flared. Gazing right into Higuto's soul, Kisuke would say with a hint of frustration in his voice "You're in for a world of pain." As he spoke those words, Kisuke would go invisible to all of Higuto's senses. To his eyes, he withered away in the rain, the outlines of his silhouette not visible under the shower of rain, his ears were deaf to any sound he made, his rain nor his flesh would feel Kisuke, his sensory could not detect his chakra. For all intents and purposes, Kisuke did not exists to Higuto's senses even thought he was standing exactly at the same spot.

Clapping his hands into the Tiger - Ox - Rat - Bird - Tiger seals and from his mouth he would spit forth 4 balls of chakra. Not wanting to make this impossible, Kisuke only limited the Genjutsu to himself. The fireballs would be visible to Higuto's senses. The four fire balls would hurl through the air, each one aimed for one of his limbs. However, when the fireballs got to within two meters of him, they would each explode right in front of Higuto. Now having deliberately given away his position, while the fireballs were 5 meters away from Higuto, Kisuke would swiftly move 10 meters to his right, keeping the original 10 meters of distance between the two of them. It was time to see if this Aburame had ever contended with the visual prowess of an Uchiha.


AP: 651 - 1(Sharingan) - 40(Sharingan Genjutsu) - 12(Exploding Flame Shot)
598 remaining

Sharingan Genjutsu Power: 50 + 35(chakra) + 25(charm of chakra) = 110
Exploding Flame Shot Power: 15 + 15(chakra) + 25(charm of chakra) = 55
Exoplding Flame Shot Speed: 15 + 15(chakra) = 30
Higuto Aburame
Higuto Aburame
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Lessons Empty Re: Lessons

Mon Jun 25, 2018 9:08 pm
Higuto had been looking directly into the eyes of the man the entire time he talked as upon speaking just the words "I'm ready" he was looking into the eyes of the Sharingan. Immediately it became apparent to Higuto that this guy was an Uchiha. He had fought against another who had eyes like these before, albeit they only had two tomoe at the time, but this time things felt... different. Not only due to the fact that he was looking into Kisuke's Sharingan which had one extra notch within them but he could feel his insects within him grow restless as the two that had crawled along his neck had reached his ears and warned Higuto that he had been caught in a Genjutsu. This made Higuto freeze due to the shock of the revelation as he didn't even see the Uchiha do much of anything except look him in the eyes. He had known of one ninjutsu that allowed you to be able to paralyze a person by looking in their eyes but a Genjutsu? Was it something only one that had the Sharingan could use?

He wouldn't have long to think this through as Kisuke suddenly melted into the rain. No doubt about it. Higuto was now within a Genjutsu due to the fact that he had knowledge of jutsus that one could use as camouflage when it came to rain and his rain technique, being that it was drenched within his chakra, barred anyone else from being able to use it. What made matters worse was that Higuto could no longer sense his opponents chakra which meant his opponent had completely vanished! Higuto would become nervous upon seeing this but would be calmed by his insects as, while his vision of Kisuke was indeed blinded, his insects could see him through the rain clear as day. This made Higuto calm down as thoughts of what to do crept along his mind. He'd never been caught in a Genjutsu before and the things he had learned from his teachers told him of two possible ways out of Genjutsus: Using another's chakra flow to break him out or using Genjutsu Release. Just as Higuto was about to commence GR, however, he soon noticed fireballs coming at him from the direction of where Kisuke had been standing. These fireballs were moving quite slowly due to Higuto's high RT and, thanks to Higuto's encyclopedia knowledge, were Ninjutsu. Something that he trained himself in combating with. Upon reaching eight meters away from where Higuto stood his left hand, still within his pocket, formed the seals of Tiger, Snake, Rat, Snake, and Tiger. He would form these seals at his top speed of 125 as, by the time the balls of fire reached seven meters away, Higuto would use the rain around him to his advantage.

"Suiton: Water Wall."

On all sides of Higuto a wall of pure water would form quickly out of the rain, with a radius of five meters all around, and catch the balls of fire. After the wall's erection Higuto would go to work in trying to make his chakra flow through himself rapidly in order to get himself ready to use the Genjutsu Release. Due to being behind a wall of water, being in the center of rain drenched in his chakra, and having his chakra masked by the rain he was hoping the Uchiha wouldn't be able to catch on to what he was doing as he would focus his chakra.


Of course being that he had no way of knowing how powerful the Genjutsu he was caught inside was he would perform this action on the hope that it would work. Being that his chakra wasn't high enough to do so, however, would cause him to still remain trapped in the Genjutsu as he remained within his wall of protective water and waited to see what would happen. The Water Wall would remain active throughout whatever action the Uchiha next took.

Uchiha Kisuke
Uchiha Kisuke
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Lessons Empty Re: Lessons

Thu Jul 05, 2018 10:28 pm
The fire balls seared through the air heading strait for their target only to be met by a wall of water that formed out of the falling rain. The fireballs would crash into the liquid structure and erupt to no avail, being too far from their target to hit him. Knowing he was still invisible to the Aburame's senses, Kisuke would gaze at the flowing wall of water with his crimson eyes, waiting to see what would happen next. Mere moments passed where absolutely nothing happened. "Think I'm going to just let you sit there and hide, you fucker?" Kisuke spoke out loud because he knew Higuto wouldnt hear a single word he said thanks to his Genjutsu. Higuto taking up a defensive position was smart, considering he had no idea where Kisuke was. Perhaps his best plan of action was to remain defensive. However Kisuke knew how to fight people who turtled behind their defenses quite well. "I told you I was going to kick your ass didnt I?"

Clapping his hands together, Kisuke would kneel down onto his right knee and slap the palms of both his hands onto the drenched grass beneath him. Once this action was completed, he would simultaneously disperse his chakra into the surrounding area, free from Higuto's senses. Due too having clapped his hands on the ground, 2 meters of earth around Higuto, with the Aburame at the center would begin to lift. A thin column of the ground itself would slowly being to raise as if it had a mind of its own, pushing Higuto into the air and out from under the protection of his water wall. However, Higuto would be completely unaware of this, for to his eyes the terrain would remain exactly as it were. The rain would still be falling, the water wall would still be flowing around him and the ground would never have shifted, remaining perfectly flat and still beneath his feet for Kisuke had activated another Genjutsu on the Aburame mere seconds after he clapped his hands on the ground. The Genjutsu would once again make Higuto's sense betray him as the surroundings he saw were false. To him they were normal, but to Kisuke, Kinzoku and any other potential passerby, he was being risen into the air by a thin column of earth beneath his feet.  

Now 10 meters in the air and out from behind the protection of his water wall, Higuto was ripe for the picking. From his kneeling position Kisuke would swiftly clap his hands together once more, elegantly performing the Horse and Tiger seal in quick succession. With chakra building up in his chest, he would bring it forth up through his throat and expel it through his mouth, releasing a dense stream of flame that quickly took the form of a ball. The rushing ball of embers and flame 2 meters in diameter would cauterize its way through the raining sky right towards the Aburame suspended in the air. Because Higuto's mind betrayed him, he would see the fireball being shot right above his head and into the air, heading towards no one. But if his bugs did not inform him that he was actually standing 10 meters in the air and right in the path of the fire ball, it would come crashing right into him.

AP: 598 - 1(Sharingan) - 10(Moving Earth Core) - 20 (False Surroundings) - 20(Great Fireball)
547 remaining

False Surroundings Power: 20 + 20(chakra) +25(charm of chakra) = 65
Great Fireball Power: 20 + 20(chakra) + 25(charm of chakra) = 65
Great Fireball Speed: 20 + 20(chakra) = 40

Duration: SG(2/6)

CD: EFS(1/2)
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