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Mako Mitsurugi
Mako Mitsurugi
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Grey's Anatomy (solo,p,Nk) Empty Grey's Anatomy (solo,p,Nk)

Tue May 10, 2016 10:21 am
Yazu would exit the earth that he had been moving through just in front of his shanty.  The white haired boy would hoist the body over his shoulder and enter through the decrepit door, into the condemned building.  After entering he would throw back the burlap that covered the small trap door that led to his laboratory, his secret oasis where he would develop jutsu and other such things.  He spent more and more time down there, and despite the dusty and sandy location it was relatively clean and sterile knowing he would eventually have to do some form of medical experiments.  Additionally, his research on food pills required a clean environment, ultimately making this the perfect location for Yazu.    He would throw the trap back and slip down into the  basement.  There were shelves lined with scrolls on both sides of a hallway setting that came out into a circular room.  In the center of the room was a table with several trays holding medical tools.  At the back of the room was a door that led into a kitchen with various cooking supplies and a large oven.  Yazu would place the tall boy's body down on the table and begin unwrapping it.   Examining the body Yazu would note the sizes in comparison to his own body, noting all of the choice parts that would graft well, placing marks on them with a marker.  He would then go to the true prize, Yazu would use a device to wrench the eye's open as he would investigate the still active sharingan, They were truly a beautiful creation, glorious to behold, Yazu would think to himself.  He looked at the interesting red color and would note the heaven marks on the three tomoe, the eyes that would soon be his.  Yazu would then proceed to drawing a line in front of the boy's heart, he would need to replace his current elemental heart with the heart the boy has in the hopes of acquiring the Uchiha bloodline so that he could use the eyes without the added strain to his body.  He assumed that only the Uchiha could use the eyes, so anyone who did not have Uchiha strains of DNA would not be able to bond with the eyes at their maximum potential.
He would take a sharp scalpel in his hands, not having learnt the chakra scalpel as of yet, and would draw a line directly down the center of the boy's chest.  After wards, his back would open as the fire mask would exit from his back and stand beside him.  Yazu could feel the heat from the boy's heart and knew instantly it would replace his current fire heart well enough.  Yazu would remove Keito's heart from the dead body and would walk over to the fire mask beast.  The white haired boy would reach up and quickly switch the two hearts inserting the uchiha heart and holding the terumi heart in his hands.  He would quickly think back to the moment he was gifted the heart from his closest friend, Kozata Shinkou.  He hadn't seen him in a while, with Kozata leaving on a journey to investigate his bloodline.  The last time Yazu had seen him was when Kozata dropped off the heart of the twins to him, giving him access to using lightning.
The fire beast would then reenter his body, the large mass of threads entering through a large seam on his back.  Yazu would take the fire heart given to him and place it inside of a jar of preserving fluid and set it on a chest.  Now to continue the procedure, he didn't think the fire heart would be enough tissue to graft the Uchiha bloodline into his system so to be sure Yazu would need to move more over into him.  The boy would then begin removing each and every organ the boy had aside from the more unpleasant ones like the bowels, and place them each within a jar and set them aside, Yazu could not benefit well from those organs since they were no longer necessary in his own body, but he was sure that they may come in useful at some point.  Luckily their sizes were not to different, being nearly the same, about 5'7 with lanky yet lean muscular structure, Yazu knew that he could safely replace his own arm with the boy's without it looking awkward though, Keito's complexion was quite a bit darker than his own.  Yazu would cleanly remove the boy's right arm, right above the bicep at the shoulder.  Yazu would activate his own thread using jutsu and detach his own arm at the shoulder holding it with his left hand and letting it drop limply.  He would then hold Keito's arm up to his shoulder and leth the threads' take the arm into his own organic make up.  The threads would move through the center of it shifting the arm into his shoulder where Yazu would activate mystical palms to heal the transfer and make it cleanly attach healing it.  Then the threads would burst through the Keito arm halfway through the forearm.  The threads in the arm writhed with the arm in 2 separate pieces, while he finished the mystical palms healing taking in the transplant.  Once complete Yazu would hold the hand in front of his face and clench his fist, controlling it perfectly.  He would proceed to place his old arm in a jar as well not allowing any body parts to go to waste.  He would proceed to viscously hack the remaining parts of the boy into pieces and save them for later until he came to the head.  Placing his hands into Keito's eye sockets and tug out the sharingan, hopefully the DNA would take to his body so that he could use them as they were intended.  Yazu would prepare the anesthetic technique and slam his hand into his chest, feeling the numbing effect flow over him.  Next he would activate mystic Palms and remove his left eye, placing it in a jar that was prepared on the table.  Then he would insert the first sharingan, letting the palms heal the eye into place.  He could feel the power of the eye flow through him, the whites of the eyes slowly turning black due to his EGF nature.  Until the only thing visible was the red.  Yazu would again repeat the same process with the right eye.  He felt more power flow through him.  After a very tiring and chakra exhausting process Yazu would lock the door and go to sleep,his dreams of power finally coming to fruition.
claiming Uchiha DN, and sharingan.  Thanks to mystic palms i should get to overlook healing posts, though going to apply the 1112 wc toward becoming accustomed to the eyes and using their power.

Last edited by Yazu <3333 on Tue May 10, 2016 10:36 am; edited 1 time in total
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Grey's Anatomy (solo,p,Nk) Empty Re: Grey's Anatomy (solo,p,Nk)

Tue May 10, 2016 10:26 am

Currently, we dont require a roll for DNA's without BLs (dojutsu are exempt as per transplant rules so unless overturned, you can simply claim it. <3
Mako Mitsurugi
Mako Mitsurugi
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Grey's Anatomy (solo,p,Nk) Empty Re: Grey's Anatomy (solo,p,Nk)

Tue May 10, 2016 10:35 am
ok then just claiming it
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Grey's Anatomy (solo,p,Nk) Empty Re: Grey's Anatomy (solo,p,Nk)

Tue May 10, 2016 10:37 am

Approved unless overturned <3
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