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Kaos solo topic (P, solo, NK, IO) Empty Kaos solo topic (P, solo, NK, IO)

Sun Dec 02, 2018 3:39 pm
James Terumi stalks the streets of Hoshigakure; his mind, his madness whispering to him. He shakes his head, trying to clear his thoughts, and looks up. In his wandering, he hadn't realized he wandered close to home. He stops, his eyes widening in panic. He quickly turns away, muttering to himself, "Not them. Not them."
"I must learn some jutsu, so I can be useful, and I can go on missions and get out of this village." He thinks to himself. He begins to make his way towards the training grounds.  As soon as he arrives at the training grounds, he collapses against a tree, sliding down to the ground, and holding his head in his hands. 
"Okay, so my plan is to learn some basic jutsu to help build up my knowledge and strengthen my chakra pools. I might even work out my body in order to get stronger and faster." James thinks to himself. He pulls one of the several scrolls he borrowed from the library, pulling out one at random.
"Inner flame. A jutsu used to warm oneself up. This could work as a base." James says to himself as he stands up.  He begins working on going over the hand seal. He began simply by making the hand seal, getting use to the position of the hand seal. Hand seals were not his strongest suit, and flowing between several hand seals at a time would definitely take him awhile to get right, but luckily for him, it was just one simple hand seal.
After practicing moving his hands in and out of the tiger hand seal, he then became to apply his chakra. Several minutes passed, and James felt like nothing was happening.
"Stupid, stupid, stupid." James began to mutter to himself, as he kept up the practice of performing the hand seals, and releasing his chakra. He groaned in frustration as he couldn't feel anything taking in effect.
He begins to pace back and forth, his hands going to tiger hand seal, releasing his chakra, and then moving his hanger back into a neutral position. He paused in his pacing, and decided to rethink how he would release his chakra. He did the tiger hand seal, and began to slowly building his chakra up inside of him. Then he released it fast, letting the chakra quickly escape his body, and turn the chakra escaping his body into fire chakra.
"Eureka, that's how it's done." James thinks to himself, enjoying the small boost of warmth he was feeling. "Alright, time to make myself feel really warm."
James built up the chakra in his body again, putting up the hand seal Tiger , letting the chakra build up even more in his body. He keep it up, and up, letting the chakra build and flow all the way throughout his body. He releases the chakra in his body, changing it into fire chakra as soon as it left his body. 
"Boom, that's how it's done." James states, as the chakra warms up his body to beyond slightly warm and into very warm. He goes through the inner flame jutsu a few more times before deciding that it was time to move on to the next jutsu.
He pulls out the next scroll randomly, and reads the jutsu. 
"Fire stream, eh? Could be useful in a combat situation." James states to himself. He looks around, and walks away from the tree he had been practicing near. He finds a small pond, and decides that it would be the perfect place to work on his next jutsu as he could shoot the flame across the pond and not worry about setting anything on fire. And if anything happened, he could always try splashing water from the pond onto the flame he started. He rereads the scroll, sitting down next to the water, and letting his chakra rebuild up after his first chakra practice. After his chakra rebuilds, he stands, facing the water, and does a half tiger hand seal, thankful that he was working on the tiger hand seal from the last jutsu. He begins to thread chakra from his body, and breathe it out, turning it into fire chakra. All that it caused him to do was go into a coughing fit. 
After settling down from his coughing fit, he snickers to himself about the fact that a simple jutsu make his mouth and throat dry. He leaned down, and splashed some water down his throat. The water actually tasted refreshing, and he gulped down some more, before standing up. He throws up the half tiger hand seal, and begins to build up chakra in his body, guiding it all the way to his mouth. He releases the fire chakra out of his mouth. A thin, meager, line of fire streamed out, before sputtering out an inch from his nose.
"Dang, was hoping that would work." James stated, feeling actually somewhat humorous at the fact that the fire just sputtered out before him.
He began building up the chakra again, using the half tiger hand seal, and keep building up the chakra in his body, keeping his mouth closed, not evening breathing in or out. He let the chakra build and build, letting himself almost feel as if he was gonna burst. He opened his mouth, turning the chakra leaving his body through his mouth, threading it from non elemental chakra into fire chakra.
He groans as his efforts fizzle out a foot out, looking more impressive then his second attempt. He begins to pace back and forth, letting his chakra recover so his fourth attempt would be his last attempt.
He grins to himself, as he stops in front of the pond, facing the still waters, and notes his reflection in the water. Although he was grinning, he swears the reflection was sneering at him. He shakes his head, and uses the half tiger hand seal, and builds his chakra up. He releases the chakra, threading it into fire chakra, and as it flows out of his mouth, the fire stream jutsu flowed from his mouth to the full three meters, giving shape to a cone. The jutsu fades away, leaving behind nothing but a sense of accomplishment. James laughs to himself, and says, "Now that I'm on a roll, time to try an higher ranking jutsu."
He digs through the scrolls he had brought with him, reading the brief description of each one until finding one that he figured fit him. 
"Body Flicker, eh. This would work at getting around the village faster, and well, avoiding my family easier. One look, and I could just disappear in a blur. Or maybe a puff of smoke. That definitely works for me. Avoiding my family is my number one issue. My second issue is learning jutsu I can use in both combat situations and defensive situations." James says to himself, reading through the full description of the jutsu. 
"Huh, sounds simple enough, but I think I am going to have to push myself a little for it. I mean it is a higher ranking jutsu then the first two I just learned." James says, after reading the scroll through several times. "Maybe, I should warm up the old body first, run a few laps around this pond, then get into working body flicker."
He shrugs, and decides that it was a plan.  He does a series of small stretches, letting his body get nice and lumber. He then begins running around the pond, enjoying the scenery. He observed the birds flying in the sky, the squirrels running across the landscape, the occasionally bigger animal running around. He observed some fish swimming around in the pond, minding their own business. He laughs at that thought, as he completes his first lap around the pond. He decides to do it again several more times, to make sure his muscles were fully warmed up. He goes around, observing the same thing he had seen the first time. He decide to mix up the training, by running up one tree, jumping over to another, running down that tree, running on the water, and then running back to the dry land. He keeps running up and down trees, using the tree climbing technique, and enjoying the freedom that running around was giving him. He keep this up for another five minutes, before stopping at his original place where he practiced the fire stream jutsu. He picks up his stuff, and begins to move to an open area where he could run back and forth without running into a tree or something. 
"That would be a riot, running into a tree. Note to self, don't run to any trees while doing this jutsu." James notes to self. His madness laughs at him in response. He uses the hand seal ram, and sends chakra into his body to try and body flicker across the clear he found. As he begins to run, he hits a root and trips to the ground. He face planted into the ground, hard enough to taste dirt. He spits out the dirt, taking a few minutes to clear the dirt from his mouth. 
"Water taste good, dirt taste horrible. Go figure." James shakes his head, kicking the root out of his way, clearing his path. He did the sign for ram again, sending jutsu all the way down to his legs, letting it stimulate his muscles.  His legs begin to thrum, and he could almost hear a hum. As soon as he took his first step, he took off, but he knew right away that he was not body flickering. He sighs as he just realizes he was running at his normal speed. He tries to build up his chakra again, and realizes that those two attempts had wiped him. He trotted next to a tree at the edge of the clearing, and begin to rest, allowing his body to recover the chakra he was using up. He yawns as he leans against a tree. He pulls out the jutsu scroll again, and decides to reread the theory of the skill. He unrolls the scroll, and analyzing the jutsu word for word so he would be able to actually effectively use the jutsu in training. After reading it for the forth time, he realizes that he was not going to learn anything to new from this scroll. He spends another minute or two resting, before standing back up, and facing the opposite edge of the clearing. Making sure his feet was cleared from any tripping hazard, he did the ram hand seal, and begin sending chakra into his legs, letting his legs thrum with power. As soon as he released the chakra, a puff of smoke appeared around him, except he definitely did not move anyway. He experimentally takes a step forward to see it that would work, but as soon as he took a step forward, the body flicker jutsu ended. He paused, and cocked his head, pondering what was going on. He shrugged, and decided to try again. He did the hand seal ram, and built the chakra up into his legs again. As soon as he released the chakra, the puff of smoke appeared, as he took a step forward. He managed to move half way through the clearing before the jutsu ended. 
"Welp, I am definitely learning how to do this jutsu. I think after I finish learning this jutsu, I'm gonna call it, because I am definitely exhausted after working on these three jutsus." James thinks to himself, wondering about where he was going to go sleep tonight.
He trotted all the way across the clearing, turning back the way he came, and towards his stuff. He held ram, build the chakra, and released the chakra into his legs, and begin to move, disappearing into a puff of smoke. He clears the full clearing, and ends up running right into the tree he had been leaning against earlier.
"Ow. Running into a tree definitely hurts. Welp, that hurt my pride, but at least it's done." James stated, as he gather up his stuff. He begins to trot out of his training area, planning on returning the scrolls he borrowed to the library, like a good little genin ninja he was.  As he began his run back towards the main area of Hoshigakure, he begin alternating between using the inner flame jutsu to warm himself up, to shooting fire stream straight up into the air, to body flickering making sure to have enough clearing so he would not run into a tree again. He managed to make it into the village, as he began running, his mind began to wander, his body going on autopilot. He snapped back to reality five minutes later, as his family home appeared. He groaned, and prepared to body flicker, but realized that doing so would worry the civilians around here. Instead, he broke off to an alley, and ran up the side of the building, before jumping from rooftop to rooftop, until he was closer to the library. He dropped down to the street level again, and carefully made his way into the library. He turned the scrolls into the librarian, who thanked him. He thanked them back and he turned to leave, making sure to take a route that would keep him clear of his family home. His thoughts began to turn dark, as the madness whispered in his ears.

twc 2250
+11 stats gained
learning body flicker, inner flame, and fire stream

Last edited by Kaos on Sun Dec 02, 2018 9:36 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Kaos solo topic (P, solo, NK, IO) Empty Re: Kaos solo topic (P, solo, NK, IO)

Sun Dec 02, 2018 9:04 pm
Provide links to what's being learned please.
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Kaos solo topic (P, solo, NK, IO) Empty Re: Kaos solo topic (P, solo, NK, IO)

Sun Dec 02, 2018 9:36 pm
bump, edited added in the links to the jutsu
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Kaos solo topic (P, solo, NK, IO) Empty Re: Kaos solo topic (P, solo, NK, IO)

Mon Dec 03, 2018 4:46 pm
Bump, 24 hours
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

Kaos solo topic (P, solo, NK, IO) Empty Re: Kaos solo topic (P, solo, NK, IO)

Mon Dec 03, 2018 11:27 pm
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