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kirito takamoto
kirito takamoto
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training with kirito  Empty training with kirito

Tue Mar 08, 2016 8:20 pm
Kirito woke up and got dressed and headed out the door to get some training done. He walked all the way to the training grounds.Kirito walked to the dummy and started kicking and punching it. kirto heard people around him but he ignored them today was a training day for sure. kirito jumped and round house kicked the dummy and caught it right in the temple Kirito grinned on that fact and he aught his breath. Kirito headed to the fountain  to get some water and smiled as the water hit his lips  Kirito breathed f a minute and sat down.
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training with kirito  Empty Re: training with kirito

Tue Mar 08, 2016 9:00 pm
Daiko wakes up, his first instict to glare down at the mini calender pinned to the wall next to him, lying down and sighing. Sitting up and throwing the home-made blanket off of himself, he is fully dressed, ready to go for a full day of ninja stuff. "eh, I guess today is a training day."

Gathering his things, he sets them in a safe spot, or on him. Heading out into the village, he looks up and feels the sun on his skin, and cool breezes blowing from somewhere. He figures that the time is about eight in the morning. Continuing to walk toward the training grounds, he looks around for anything that would stand out. There were buildings, and he could see how the streets of the inside city seemed to all be going to a center area. He had to see what that was all about osme other time.

Finally, Daiko reached the training grounds just in time to see some student display some of his skills. At first, it looked as if he was doing basic punches and kicks, nothing really special. Daiko then noticed that the kid had jumped in the air, hitting the dummy in the temple with his kick. Impressive. Afterward the boy seemed a bit winded, as he went to go get a drink. Walking over to the boy, who was resting at this point, the genin waved. "That was a pretty sweet kick.. What other things do you know how to do?" Daiko smirked at him slightly, sliding a kunai into his hand. 

"Check this out."

Daiko then dashes over to the dummy, sending a left hook to the side of it's head, kunai in his right hand. As the body leans slightly to the right, Daiko sends a round house kick to the left of the dummy, causing it to wobble. Using his momentum from the kick to cut a dash from his kunai into the hard wood of the dummy, he regains his footing. Sliding his kunai away, he shrugs.

"I don't know very much about fighting hand to hand, though."

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