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kirito takamoto
kirito takamoto
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kirito learns leaf whirlwind  Empty kirito learns leaf whirlwind

Tue Mar 08, 2016 3:20 pm
kirito woke up and decided to go look thru the taijutsu scrolls to try and learn a new technic. kirito opened a few scrolls and found leaf whirl wind in one of the scrolls. so he memorized the scroll and went to the training grounds and decided to practice on the dummies there. he started with a high kick followed by a low kick and the landed  but did a little less damage than he wanted. so he tried to move faster and hit the dummies harder but when that failed kirito started running and kicking at the air he ran and kicked around the training grounds. he then decided to stop kicking and ran out of the training grounds and ran out into the village jumping in between buildings and roof tops. sliding between railings and flipping over crates on the ground kirito landed on his feet. he ran over to a stone wall and looked at it he started kicking the wall high and low. when he saw there wasn't a scratch on the wall kirito kicked harder and faster. kirito  looked at the was seeing a crack he left off running again. Kirito ran thru the village and finally stopped to catch his breath
Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Summoning Contract : Salamanders of Rain Country
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Ryo : 10650

kirito learns leaf whirlwind  Empty Re: kirito learns leaf whirlwind

Tue Mar 08, 2016 3:57 pm
"I am Taiyo Kaguya and I am speaking."
"I am Taiyo Kaguya and I am thinking."
"I am a side character and I am speaking."
"I am a side character and I am thinking."

"Yes, I'll have two Fuma Shuriken, please." Taiyo points into the back of the medium sized stand in Hoshigakure square. "How much?"

As he reaches for his wallet in his left ninja pouch, the storekeeper responds. "Those are 700 ryo each. It'll come out to 1,400 ryo for two."

"I'll take them." The amount is whipped out of the leather wallet in Taiyo's hand and he gives the currency to the shop keeper.

Taking the money from Taiyo's fingers, the shop keeper pushes the two fuma shuriken towards the purchaser. "Thank you, come again. And enjoy the shuriken."

[color=orange"I will, and thank you very much."[/color]

Coming upon the academy student known as Kirito, Taiyo decides to introduce himself.

"It looks like he's trying to learn a taijutsu. I should help him, it would be the right thing to do." He thinks. "Unless he wants to do this on his own. And such a decision is respectable. After all, the harder something is for someone, the more they grow when it's been done."

After a few steps, he enters ear shot of the academy student. The pants of his breath are audible, proof that he has been working hard.

"Good afternoon." Taiyo begins, smiling, though the boy most likely cannot see his expression because he is looking down with his hands on his knees to catch his breath. "It is a fine day to train isn't it? Tomorrow, I'll be going on an expedition myself. When I come back, I should be much stronger. But what about you? Do you need any help learning that taijutsu?"

Taiyo would wait for the fellow to answer.


(OOC: Just incase you didn't know: (My words in the post/my total words in the thread) )
kirito takamoto
kirito takamoto
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kirito learns leaf whirlwind  Empty Re: kirito learns leaf whirlwind

Tue Mar 08, 2016 4:32 pm
kirito finally caught his breath and smile saying " my name is kirito uzumaki and im a genin and yes id love help training and it is a nice day " kirito looked at the man in front of him and thought to him self" god why cannt I be tronger I just want to be faster and stronger than every ninja in ths village" kirito was about to head back to the training grounds. " im heading back to the training grounds  "im abut to head back to the training grounds care to join me "kirito waited on the mans response and was looking around the village square. taking in the view. kirito was in the process of trying to be the ninja he needed to become in order to be able to carry out his plan. kirrito was just trying to get stronger and become a better ninja and be the strongest in the village it was going to be a hard job but he wanted to do it no matter what. kirito has been waiting on a response from the man he wanted to get this jutsu learned and then move on to the next one on his list he was so ready to be the strongest in this village
Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Summoning Contract : Salamanders of Rain Country
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Ryo : 10650

kirito learns leaf whirlwind  Empty Re: kirito learns leaf whirlwind

Fri Mar 11, 2016 3:38 pm
"Sure, I can join you. There, we can find a wooden post. If you would like, I can demonstrate the jutsu." Taiyo offers, walking behind the fellow. He straps the previously purchased fuma shuriken to his waist. "By the way, my name is Taiyo Kaguya."

(OOC: If you want, you can time skip to the training grounds, there aren't not many words left counting your first post as going towards training)
kirito takamoto
kirito takamoto
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kirito learns leaf whirlwind  Empty Re: kirito learns leaf whirlwind

Fri Mar 11, 2016 11:03 pm
kirito smiled and walked with him and said "sweet and im Kirito uzumaki." Kirito walked to the wooden post and stood and watched the young man get prepared  to use the jutsu he wants to learn  badly. Kirito is  tired of not being able to fight properly. he was ready to learn.
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