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kirito takamoto
kirito takamoto
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kiritos seal  Empty kiritos seal

Tue Mar 08, 2016 2:07 pm
Kirito woke up and walked into town and sat on a bench and decided to get some ramen. he ordered spicy shrimp ramen. kirito was sitting there eating and looking at the people coming in and out of the shop. Kirito finally finished eating and started wandering around the village and some how ended up next to the royal palace  where the leader lives he sat down on a bench under a tree near the entrance.
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Living Clones : Isamu
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 271700

kiritos seal  Empty Re: kiritos seal

Tue Mar 08, 2016 10:58 pm
(There's a link to Tomoya's stat page in my signature, it also has picture of his face claim)

Tomoya was walking the grounds outside of the palace, observing the civilians aand making sure nothing was amiss. He wore a very casual outfit, a simple grey -shirt as well as some shorts. None of his shinobi equipment was on him, Tomoya had learned quickly that the people of Hoshigakure were sometimes untrustworthy of shinobi.

The yellow eyed mans gaze fell upon a chakra signature that was only just slightly higher than the average, if Tomoya hadn't been actively searching for signature he wouldn't have detected this one at all.  

Approaching the signature, which turned out to be a young man about the same height as Tomoya, Den's creation would wave in order to try and get his attention. He'd look to see if the man was wearing anything that'd mark him as a shinobi of the village. If he didn't have a headband or anything Tomoya would ask him, "Are you a shinobi of this village?"

If the man was wearing a headband or something Tomoya would instead say, "Greetings fellow shinobi, what brings you so close to the palace?"
kirito takamoto
kirito takamoto
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kiritos seal  Empty Re: kiritos seal

Wed Mar 09, 2016 3:17 am
Kirito saw the man waving at him so Kirito instinctively adjusted the ad band on his arm." hello im just trying to find a way to get stronger."kirito had noticed the man had no shinobi gear on was e a fellow shinobi or just a villager asking questions anyway Kirito had answered his question. " wouldn't happen to know of a way would you maybe some scrolls or something else to make me stronger." kirito very intrigued by this man so he waited for him to respond.
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Living Clones : Isamu
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 271700

kiritos seal  Empty Re: kiritos seal

Thu Mar 10, 2016 8:53 pm
As he got closer Tomoya noticed the man adjust a headband on his arm. So he was a shinobi, he just wasn't that powerful yet. The genin seemed aware of that as he asked Tomoya if he could assist him in becoming stronger.

"Well I could possibly help you. My name's Tomoya, of the Hayato clan. What's your elemental affinity, and are you by change a practitioner of Fuinjutsu or Ninjutsu?" Tomoya hoped he had some techniques he could teach the genin. If not he had another way he could help the young man become more powerful but he wasn't sure if he'd be interested in the costs that came with such power.
kirito takamoto
kirito takamoto
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kiritos seal  Empty Re: kiritos seal

Thu Mar 10, 2016 9:19 pm
KIrito anwsered "im sorry but i am a taijutsu user and my element is fire. kirito was very intrigued by the ma. hopefully he would be able to learn something from him. if not kirito would have to keep looking but he didnt want to look for long but maybe this guy would have something for him kirito is really open to anything to make him self stronger
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