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Ash & Rei Sun
Ash & Rei Sun
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Sewer Showdown! [Mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sewer Showdown! [Mission]

Wed Jan 27, 2016 2:32 am
"I agree. Tayio you take Ashareial. I'll go with Meowth. " She gave him a look subtle enough that her air headed sister wouldn't notice, but strong enough to say please take care of her. As much as she hated the little shit.... SHe supposed she needed the girl, and plus, It was important that if anyone killed her sister it would be her. The way she saw it her skills both in puppetry and as a ninja in general was more then sufficient to ensure she would be fine by herself. If thigns got harry of course she still had the mechanism with which to protect herself.

You two go quickly. Remember call out if you see something, I'll do the same. " With that she'd take off to the left, her chakra strings quickly wrapping around the Meowth puppet to take control of it. A few meters from their starting point she'd stop, slowing her pace as she searched about, looking and listening intently for any signs of movement to tell her of an oncoming attack. The puppet took point, for obvious reasons, about ten meters ahead, it's head swiveling back and forth to seem humaniod, as if it too were searching for the unknown threat.

"Well. I geuss that leaves us hm? You... Should probably take lead." As quickly as ash had spoken she too took off the direction opposite her sister, looking for any signs of light, and assumably with her team mate in tow.

Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Summoning Contract : Salamanders of Rain Country
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Ryo : 10650

Sewer Showdown! [Mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sewer Showdown! [Mission]

Wed Jan 27, 2016 3:31 pm
Taiyo nods towards Rei and turns his back, facing down his hallway with Ash, assumably by his side.

He begins sprinting quietly down the large tube, whispering to Ash as they continue in an attempt to evade being heard my the enemy. Unless they have a sensory type." Taiyo thinks. "In which case, they'll probably have the jump on us. Further reason to stay alert."

"In case you don't smell it, this sewer line has methane gas in it. Because of that, I'm handicapped as to the jutsu that I can use. If I light the gas, I could cause significant damage to Hoshigakure's foundation. Fortunately, Taijutsu and my kekkei genkei are usable." He begins. "What about you? Anything important I should know about the relationship between our environment and yourself battle-wise?"

(1,283/2,000 towards mission completion)
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Sewer Showdown! [Mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sewer Showdown! [Mission]

Fri Jan 29, 2016 7:27 pm
Maya and Lucille waited, hidden, but ears peeled for the echoes that would carry in the vast underground. Lucille had sensed someone coming and now they could hear them. It seemed there was an entire group and Lucielle began to tremble sightly. they had expected confrontation but from the sounds of it, a whole platoon had been dispatched. For a moment, Lucille's dark eyes wavered to ehr partner's, the question clear in her gaze?

Should we abandon the mission and get back.

In reply, Maya reached over and squeezed her hand reassuringly.

I got you

And with that, Leaving lucille hiden, Maya jumped out in front of the approaching party, a couple of kids who looked to be youngee than her, giving ehr slight confidence.

"Halt," she called out, raising a hand in front of her. "Turn your feet and leave or I will hurt you," seh warned, raising her hands in front of them.


Health: 15
Chakra: 30
Stamina: 14
Speed: 25
Strength: 14

Spec: Genjutsu
Element: Water

Used Ephermal - 30 AP
Ash & Rei Sun
Ash & Rei Sun
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Sewer Showdown! [Mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sewer Showdown! [Mission]

Fri Jan 29, 2016 7:45 pm
From absolutely nowhere.... someone seemed to jump out! Well ok, Naturally it wasn't from nowhere. We could all see that the girl had jumped out from their hiding place as made clear by the post before but i mean come on. I kind of need to at least try to make it seem like im reacting as the girls would. Thank you. Well, When this girl jumped out Ash gave a loud, almost blood curdling scream, Which just so happened to be exactly the sign Reial expected to hear. She felt her muscles lock up for a moment before the power of her chakra released her, The paralysis effect of ephemeral not quite enough to gain control over the girl's body. As she continued to scream She would release the chakra strings on instinct, invisible threads of her own chakra flowing from her hand to hit the ground with little to nothing to actually control. She turned to her partner, worry gripping her. Would he be able to help? What if he couldn't and Ash didn't get out in time.

Instinctively a set of her threads flowed towards her partner who was likewise feeling the effects of the genjutsu without truely being sure what exactly was going on. If he failed to move well.... She would do what seemed natural and use a puppet! The puppet strings would wrap around his limbs, coaxing muscles he assumed to be frozen into movement towards the girl.

Rei heard the scream and cursed slightly under her breath. Why couldn't it have just been me, she thought as she and the puppet rushed quickly the opposite direction as quickly as they could, crossing the fifteen meters or so that the two groups had split and the short distance after that in order to catch up to her team.

Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Summoning Contract : Salamanders of Rain Country
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Ryo : 10650

Sewer Showdown! [Mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sewer Showdown! [Mission]

Fri Jan 29, 2016 8:23 pm
(OOC: I'm sorry, I'm very susceptible to Genjutsu XD. Need to fix that. But, in the mean time...)

Immobility, it scares Taiyo. It's his third greatest fear. In order the three are spiders, large bodies of water, and immobility. The feeling of having nothing to do in the face of an enemy frightens him. He understands this perpetrator must be strategic, she must be smart. Smarter than Taiyo?

"No, not smarter than I. I won't accept that." Taiyo thinks. "But... I will admit that she had caught me off guard. Our startled state was perfect for her to cast he genjutsu. That was welled planned. What are the odds that my opponent would be a genjutsu user? It's my deadliest weakness! Damn..."

He stands, paralyzed by the attack when he notices that Ash has broken free of it.

"You know, I'm not surprised. She's a puppet master, chakra is essential. She probably has a good amount of it. In fact..." Taiyo's thoughts are interrupted by Ash's quick thinking. He, currently, is her human puppet. "This isn't what I was thinking. But it's good improvising. She may not even have the time to perform a genjutsu release on me; the enemy is right before us."

Taiyo, now, can only trust in Ash's puppetry abilities to keep him alive. But he itches to move; he wants to fight. Their power would double, he knows, if he could use his jutsu.

(1,523/2,000 towards mission completion)
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Sewer Showdown! [Mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sewer Showdown! [Mission]

Fri Jan 29, 2016 8:45 pm
While Maya was out doing her thing - and with some success it would seem, she had managed to subdue the scarier looking of the two - Lucille go to work quietly, covering the area of twenty meters all around them with the starch syrup technique that would ensure any targets who stepped into the sewage area were basically stuck. it was how Maya and Lucille worked, Maya targeted them with the genjutsu while Lucille made sure they stayed put, or the other way around. Their combination had proven deadly in the past.

The starch syrup disguised expertly as sticky sewage muck would spread out around the two as the blonde girl screamed her head off, sticking her to the muck and grime so that while she tried to move her partner, she would only be able to move her hands and the threads attached to his upper limbs, both their feet now glued solidly to the liquid she'd been exuding from her mouth while hiding quietly.

If any more back up arrived, they too would be caught in the sticky sryup trap seeing as the grow all around them in a twenty meter circumference.


Health: 5
Chakra: 50
Stamina: 5
Speed: 53
Strength: 5

Spec: Ninjutsu
Element: Lightning

Used starch syrup technique - 20 AP
Ash & Rei Sun
Ash & Rei Sun
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Sewer Showdown! [Mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sewer Showdown! [Mission]

Fri Jan 29, 2016 9:21 pm
"what do I do what do I do what do i do....." She stepped forward, immediately feeling her feet stick in place due to some unknown substance. What even were these two?! As she continued to freak out she could hear the footsteps behind her signaling what she hoped would be help. With a shift of her fingers she would pull Taiyo free of the muck, pushing him forward towards the girl. She... Wasn't sure what to do after of course, but She knew for now him moving towards their opponents and between herself and them was the best plan.

"Taiyo can you move? I could use some help you know... Oh goddess.... I wish miss Aki were here. She'd know what to do." Her eyes studied the boy's form, and if she saw a ninja pouch or weapon of some sort she'd have him draw it. Otherwise with her free hand she'd draw out a single kunai, releasing it at a speed of sixety nine and sharpness of sixety five, the small weapon soaring through the air aimed at the girls head, though that wasn't the true purpose. Attached to the weapon were five more of her chakra strings, allowing her to do a few things depending on what happens next. As she released the weapon the small puppet got into range.

"Took you long enough." She said, using another two strings to take control of the puppet, which barelly even stopped before its fourty nine strength pushed it through the odd viscous liquid. With Rei's hands free she could strategize exactly what to do next, given the chance to get into sight of her opponents, due to moving slower then the puppet actually moved.

Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Summoning Contract : Salamanders of Rain Country
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Ryo : 10650

Sewer Showdown! [Mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sewer Showdown! [Mission]

Sat Jan 30, 2016 1:10 pm
(OOC: Still holding my kunai in my right hand from my fifth post.)

Taiyo hears the splashing of footsteps behind him and, if he could move of speak, would warn the other two of the syrup she had seen the second kunoichi spew onto the floor.

"The situation's changed... I didn't anticipate this. I need to think." Taiyo tells himself. The kunai which Ash throws flies past him, catching his eye. Quickly, he dismisses it, getting back to his planning. "Okay, what do I know? The one in front of us uses genjutsu, I'll need to avoid her if I get free. The one in the back does not seem to use genjutsu, in fact, it would be a tactical mistake for her to specialize in it. She has one team member efficient in it already, she must be the striker of the group. One to freeze the enemy, the other to take them down. It's a good combo. But every combo can be broken. I need to focus on their weak points... The one in the back must not be a close-range fighter. Otherwise, she would run at us right now. She's scared, maybe the genjutsu user is the brawn of the group as well. In any case, I will need to take care of the first one. Her genjutsu will get annoying if she is allowed to continue casting it. And I can't guard against it. But the one in the back... if we could get free of this syrup, Ash and Rei may be able to take care of her. In any case, I must move. And what do I have in my arsenal? Even if I can move, it will be no good if I don't have a game plan. Never mind, there it is! Alright, I'm ready to get loose!" Taiyo's eyes widen; he has a plan, a good one.

His chakra is not sufficient enough to break the genjutsu but Ash's is more than enough. And even though he is physically paralyzed, his chakra network flows. Through contact between Ash's chakra strings and his skin (he wears a red short-sleeved v-neck under his ninja vest), Taiyo send a reverse current. Hopefully, it reaches the puppet master and notifies her of his plan. Having enough chakra to break the genjutsu, she can break Taiyo's as well. Even though physical contact is the typical method of breaking an ally's genjutsu, chakra must be passed. This can be done through her chakra threads if she runs a current through his chakra system by making contact with his spinal cord.

"What I need to do is interrupt their combination. Take out the most valuable part of their tag-team style. Once I can move, I'll be able to put my plan into action. But I'll need Ash to pull me up one more time if I am to make this work."

(1,992/2,000 towards mission completion)
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Sewer Showdown! [Mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sewer Showdown! [Mission]

Mon Feb 01, 2016 1:07 am
It seemed back up was coming, and they were going to do a lot more than scream. When it became apparent that the viscus liquid would not be enough to hold back the new comers, Lucille knew it was time to bolt. Maya deemed to have the time idea. One of the reasons the two young women made such good partners was because they had learned to rely on each other in their time together. Lucille knew that once she cast the syrup jutsu, her own strength would not be enough to release her from it. Maya's would though. Just as the blonde girl was trying to help the boy, Maya too was ready. just as Lucille finished the final seal for Jibashi, Maya leapt up off the syrupyy sludgy concoction, using her sixteenth to pull Lucille up with her. Both girls soared in the air for a moment, only Lucille's crackling fingertips routeing the liquid and infecting it with lightning before both girl's somersaulting feet found purchase on the sewer walls, leaving them to surface walk freely away from the jolting water, syrup concoction where all four of the opponents stood.

Jibashi - 20 AP
Surface walking - 5


Surface walking - 5
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

Sewer Showdown! [Mission] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sewer Showdown! [Mission]

Mon Feb 01, 2016 4:19 pm
As described before because apparently im the most embaracting of all narrators and my inability to pay attention has lead the poor girl to fail in her attack by me not directly stating it would happen, for this i appologize Ash would grab the kunai from her pouch as the puppet came into the fray, now past her and moving towards their opponents. Taiyo also would continue to move towards them, Ash's inability to plan putting the boy between herself and the lightning jutsu as it came out, without thinking. As the girl formed seals for the jutsu two things would happen. The puppet would release two shuuriken aimed at the front most enemy's chest, the weapons flying at a speed of sixety nine to cut into the ninja's chest, I believe the one who uses genjutsu because she was up front but.... Honestly I've not been paying too much attention to the goings on.

As the Narrator watched in interest, not at the battle he was to explain in vivid detail but to the second screen, on which flashed the bright rainbow title screen to the new episode of my little pony....

WE'VE TALKED ABOUT THIS. STOP. NARRATING. THE. NARRATOR. also it is important to point out I am NOT in fact watching my little pony um... it's just best if we move on.

Rei released her own strings, wrapping them around her sister at a speed of seventy to wrap around her sister. Thankfully she'd stood just far enough back that the viscous liquid had not quite reached her, granting her free movement, a stroke of luck only noticed as she saw her sisters knees pull and shift to free herself. WIth a soft slosh the chakra strings would pull her sister free, using her own ability in puppetry to use the same jutsu Ash had used on Taiyo on her sister to control her movements and give her the strength needed.

The puppet, reacting at it's masters subconscious command pulled another set of shuuriken from it's bag, releasing them as the two girls leapt into the air in order to take advantage of their inability to move. It went airborn with them, dodging the lightning that was now solely on course to cause trouble for the taijutsu user taiyo, following their path at about the same speed from only a short distance away it would release the weapons, aimed to intercept them about half way into their leap, taking into account the direction they were jumping. These two however werent exactly aimed at the two girls. No No. Instead Meowth sent them to crash into the wall/ceiling above, revealing their true purpose. With them trapped in a direction the weapons would bring their gift far too close to the two girls, it's potency openly displayed. Two explosive tags would seem to hand in the air attached to nothing at all behind the two shuuriken, Ash's Chakra threads carrying them with the weapon as well as allowing her to manipulate the direction her ninja tools flew just in case. As the two groups intersected the strings would release, bringing the two tags out as the strings attempted to wrap around their opponents, the tags within range that if they tried to defend it was clear it would cause quite a few problems.

"Good. You two. Do no move or the tags go off. " As son as the tags were displayed and within range that the two opponents would be within the blast radius Rei would spoke, allowing their tag team to work magic. "Come with us quietly or We explode the tags and your life is forfeit. I'm sure a few nights in a jail cell and some explanation is far better then death by fire. " Taiyo was removed from the dangerous situation along with ash, both jumping over the jibashi towards the wall to allow it to float harmlessly beneath them, Rei too far back for it to cause fear. The two ninja would use hopefully use surface walking, at least ash would.... Taiyo actually due to the genjutsu paralysis would most likely just dodge the lightning expertly and then.... bounce off the wall due to inability to move.... and kinda lay there looking sad. I appologize for this deeply. Ash has never been the best at strategy.

"Now. If we're quite done.... Lets go talk to some queens guard." Rei's tone would command respect as she watched, kunai slipping from her side pocket defensively, and her control over her sister ensuring they would be safe. Her strings would follow her sisters, the two entwining, and if thigns went as explained the invisible lines of chakra would land on the two girls, ash on the lightning user and Rei's on the water style user, taking control of their bodies if needed with the same jutsu they'd used on allies. If this all went as planned the two would nod to their team, committing to a good job, and head off to collect their reward.

(twc 2427 i'm done so as long as taiyo can clean up claiming the 2k ryo, 5 ap, and wc towards skillful art with a human body)
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