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Segri & Neku Synui
Segri & Neku Synui
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to stand before a kage Empty to stand before a kage

Tue Nov 10, 2015 6:56 am
The twins segri and Neku gazed at the large monument of the mizukage known only as xyxer the fact his name inspired great fear and grand respect among the village ninja and further himself was amid the many amazing things that drove the twins hunger and further their thirst of power. Even if for a mere moment to stand in his shadow was like sunlight. Yet the twins were hungry and thirsting for a challenge to their value as not only a singularity but as individuals. As they approached the office or better known as the perch where there was a Willy of one would assume a woman or what's mentally left of one as through the mere thought of the lady muttered something about blood. Obviously she must've gone a few more rounds with the kage himself as she sporadically jerked to life with a little screech "blood on the monumental staff of the- names!"

Neku and segri merely blinked and spoke up. "The twins segri and Neku here to see Lord xyxer for business" the two spoke simotaniously as the woman glanced through a weirdly stacked up papers and toppled into the pile. As they were both on file as expected the twins nodded as the woman screeched and they walked up to the two anbu guards now if the lady was weird the guards were from a nightmare in a sense as the two merely nearing them their chakra senses went on the Fritz as the silent legion merely stood before them with soulless eyes seeming to eat their own souls in the process. As they opened the door the air of the outdoors from which Lord xyxer stayed were shone to the twins like the lights of heaven. Well a heaven that would kill them of course. Walking into the room the twins split in two as the dogs that were known as mere puppies but to an outsider the hellish dogs were merely a harbringer of doom as the doom in itself sat in the chair.

The two knelt before Lord xyxer their noses touching the ground as their submittance to knowing their place to the man and knowing their own place as genin they spoke. "Lord xyxer perhaps we came too late but we have arrived to have a audience with you and further envelope and seek an assignment. Who's head do you belive the mist shall consume in the redness of its veil and body shall become an offering to your collection? A unique talent or bloodline? Or worthy opponents? Tell us your wish and we can claim it in your name. Or forever be devoured into the mist as an offering as we showed you once before. While not as strong as we dusired we wish to show our worth. What shall we do in your request?"
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to stand before a kage Empty Re: to stand before a kage

Thu Nov 19, 2015 7:08 pm
Naturally, the secretary's absence of professionalism caught the sight of one of the ANBU guards in one of the various positions in the entrance. Whispering to his partner, they both temporarily left their spot and moved towards her after the twins had made their way off. Once they arrived, terror washed over her face.

Now, I assume the two take the elevator or stairs up to the floor his office is on and then make the way down the hall. It was still not decorated, simple exposed stone. Soon, he'd find artifacts to decorate it with. Soon, he'd prop the bodies of the fallen on the gates. When the boys entered, Wraith and Jester gazed down at them for a few seconds before closing the door, Xyxer simply sat on his stone throne with Samehada propped against the window. Watching them show the correct fealty gesture. Words escaped their mouth, yet they lacked any true impact on him. The only thing he had seen from them is when they were both brutally defeated, resulting in a trip to A&E. Now they wished to carry out an assassination contract? A smile formed upon his lips and a faint, short laugh escaped his lips. "You are not yet strong enough to leave the village." He addressed the twins as a single entity, as after all, they pretty much were, "The only bloody mist I have seen you participate in was your own loss. I am not willing to sacrifice my assets like petty lambs. You will stay within my village, and if need be, kill any intruders. Since there will most likely be none, you will train with others. You will bleed, and you will make them bleed. When I deem you fit for a mission that results the removal of a cretin, you will be called for. Is that all?" He stared down at the male, analysing them briefly to see how their wounds had healed.
Segri & Neku Synui
Segri & Neku Synui
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to stand before a kage Empty Re: to stand before a kage

Thu Nov 19, 2015 11:15 pm
intreiging it was to hear their own idol speak to them or barely sprae words enough to take note of them. as the two looked up at his decree. what wouldve been dissapointment in the eyes of another being told a no would mean well they would fret and cry or pout. as for assasinations to the point the twins were more then estatic to hear his decree at his word of no to their request to go rampant in the world. within the recesses of his mind neku chuckled though as he considered his point of leaving would be to plant an additional two bodies for their count for a promotion as a die hard kiri ninja. death would be pointless if two did not match the said ammount. but still on the game afoot the twins were curious in their estatic adoration was stopped by a mere bow and a raised. "Understood lord xyxer," the fact remained that while he would normally observe upon them as they suspected the mere dynamics in their intensive training spoke as slight bits of the matter on hand as they nodded up to lord xyxer and took off the cloaks as they remained kneeled before the mizukage and looked up glassy eyed and with smiles they spoke loud enough for all to hear in a monotonous voice as one speaking simotaniously as if in a trance slightly creepy in a sense to thoes who cannot handle such things. a poem of the twins that they finally came up with connecting their alligence to their call to xyxer. the omen in their voices were apparent as they spoke evenly.

"our dear lord lord xyxer. may we please suggest a fun game of ours. Four kunai 40 strikes,as its been over 400 years since we bared our name as the true bloody mist. Endure what pain may gain. Endure and embody the mist an no name for sake. Be like the mist in its name as the pain game of the mist. as that is our dedication to the village and further our blood to your monument. bare to the scars on us but know that they may heal becasue our old scars mean nothing as each pledge must be as grand as the first for each time they come and go they will only show ones true conviction and sake. unless one is willing to give their body and soul to the village as we do with the pain game that shows no other true conviction to our village as we bleed for you and the village. so if you may lord xyxer. the pain game we extend it to you lord xyxer. at our request after a test of our acomplishments by your lordship a deal of combat for we shall use no weapons only our fists, shall the weak that bear an armor not flee but understand that to serve is to bleed as much as the other not for weakness but kinship. As our guide and our goal to even be able to stand before you. as we are to you loyal subjects of the mist shall empower it amid our blood and sake for its cry. This was our resolve before leaving the academy, and so lord xyxer. We ask, beg, and offer our hand. teach us as we are in obidience, and play the pain gameas you saw before. we shall not resist, and will not cry, but we fight as one and bleed as one. Test our might and play our game, as this is nothing compared to what other games we shall release on thoes we hunt and kill under your name and to forever make the mist bleed forever more red. may our enemies fear the pain game should their families heed its lone call, the four knives that fule the mist for eternity shall they dread our names when we appear the demon twins of kiri. let us play lord xyxer for we must give our lord the honor to taste the pain game. "

the twins at thoes words bowed once more awaiting his decree to their words
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to stand before a kage Empty Re: to stand before a kage

Fri Nov 20, 2015 10:53 am
How much did Xyxer hear the words 'Pain Game' within the last speech of the twins? He was unsure, but he knew it was at least half of every sentence.Around about half way through his attention started to wane from the male's words and he instead focused on the clothing of his ANBU operatives. They seemed pretty sharp. Nice masks, too. Then the male finished speaking, wanting Xyxer to play.. the 'Pain Game'. Naturally, it sounded extremely peculiar to him and as if depraved minds had conjured the very existance of it. "Despite how.. 'fun' that sounds, I'll have to refrain from making it an official event as well as participating in it. If you wish to try engage in this delirious activity with your friends, so be it."
Segri & Neku Synui
Segri & Neku Synui
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to stand before a kage Empty Re: to stand before a kage

Sat Nov 21, 2015 3:55 pm
The twins looked up and nodded quietly as they reached out for their scarlet robes and doned them over their shoulders. A wicked smile emerged from their faces as they bowed once more in respect and spoke as they fused together "As you wish Lord xyxer we shall train with others and improve till we are in your eyes deemed worthy of hunting down our prey." Standing before the mighty kage made their blood rush not in fear but admiration and further the starvation of a beast must be sated under the leash as one they were not quiet ready yet But as their hunger grows they lie and wait in waiting for the time to strike and carve their enemies or their scource of food. Nevertheless the twins at the kages gester would bow to the kage and the anbu. As they would back out of the kages office as if xyxer wouldn't need anything else from them.

(Exit unless xyxer disires more)
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to stand before a kage Empty Re: to stand before a kage

Sat Nov 21, 2015 6:15 pm
Upon the boys exit, they would notice the secretary from earlier looking far more orderly, her papers neat and barely stacked. Although a few bruises did adorn her porcelain cheeks. Small price to pay within Kirigakure.

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