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The Final Stand

Nuraihyon Shinkou
Ida The Lost
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The Final Stand Empty The Final Stand

Fri Mar 01, 2019 11:05 pm
The Immortal had given a light chuckle at the childish delight that his fellow EGF carrier had expressed after his slaughter, and while chuckling had allowed himself to show the slightest bit of care for the girl by ruffling her hair lightly. The act hadn’t exactly been an act on his part either, as he did feel a certain attachment to the child that reminded him so much of himself when he was younger… but in the end the naive girl was still but a pawn to him, nothing more and nothing less. Perhaps that would end up changing in the future, or perhaps it wouldn’t… the albino knew not what the future held and he also knew better than most that everything could change in an instant. Neither Toshizou or Amaterasu had done anything of note, although he had taken note of the smile that graced the face of Toshi when he had mentioned his test… and he began to wonder whether she would still be smiling when she discovered what this test would entail. The stranger had introduced himself as Kutari and in return the scar faced had given his own, although he had taken a note out of the tanned mans book and had introduced himself solely as Kenshin.

As The Ragdoll walked back towards the gates, this time followed through the carnage of his slaughter by his four companions, he would open his Mind's Eye and use it to scan the path ahead for any hiding Shinobi. The stitched and scarred teen couldn’t feel anyone atop the walls, nor could he sense anyone hiding within the entrance itself… but he could feel hundreds waiting for the five of them within the village proper, all surrounding the entrance itself. The Hunter could practically smell the fear and desperation of his prey from here, and it was obvious to him that this effort was a desperate last stand from men that already knew their fate. Their numbers meant nothing, as evidenced by the outposts that he had annihilated and the droves of defenders that he had butchered only moments ago… but regardless, he could respect that they were fighting to the very end. For their bravery in the face of certain death he wouldn’t draw out their suffering as he had those that fled from him, but that didn’t mean that their deaths would be painless… it would simply be over quickly.

As Kenshin emerged from the crevice a dark smile would form upon his face, his mismatched eyes scanning over the veritable crowd of shinobi that had been waiting for him within. The scar faced teen was surprised that they had yet to actually launch any attacks yet… but then again, he could all but smell the fear that was rolling off the shinobi that stood before him in waves. There were definitely a few amongst the crowd that stood out to the former commander of the Nova Corps, and unlike the rest of the mindless masses that surrounded him these select few seemed to be immune to the fear that the rest of their comrades felt. He wondered if these ones would end up being a challenge to kill… he HOPED that they would be, slaughtering sheep got old quick and he had been hoping for a challenge since his brief stop in Rain Country.

Eventually his mismatched eyes would come to rest solely upon one of the five that he had taken note of, if only because the older looking man had stepped out of the crowd and started glaring daggers at the one who had been slaughtering his comrades.

“So you’re the one that’s been slaughtering the conquerors… to think that the monster was but a boy… how pathetic” The lightly wrinkled man would say, his voice harsh and guttural as he continued to glare at the abomination.

“Tell me… if Kumogakure is pathetic what exactly does that make your village?” the young man would ask with a light chuckle, his amusement only amplified as he watched the older shinobi bristle in anger.

“Come now, prove just how pathetic the village that enslaved yours is… or are you all talk?” Kenshin would then say, goading the prideful shinobi of Suna with a smug smirk fixed firmly upon his pale and scarred face.

As the man roared in rage Kenshin’s smug smirk would turn into a deranged grin, and that grin would only grow as he heard the mans comrades roar alongside him. The albino was quite surprised when the entirety of the veritable army began to charge alongside the older shinobi, but he decided not to question the rather idiotic decision and simply began his own charge.

This was it… the final stand of Sunagakure.

WC: 791
Ida The Lost
Ida The Lost
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The Final Stand Empty Re: The Final Stand

Sat Mar 02, 2019 11:15 am
The journey through the desert was short and sweet, with the party gaining a fresh sand hobbit party member who had exchanged names with the beast. Kenshin. It had been the first time Ida had heard the name said aloud, mouthing it back to herself silently so as to memorize the designation of the beast. The exchange between Kenshin and she was met with a smile as they worked their way to the city. Truthfully, it was ill-advised to act such a way to someone so dangerous. But Ida had little experience dealing in a strict hierarchy, having had a very loose leash as a child and forming a rather noisesome free spirit. And the beast was the closest thing she had to the big brother that she had followed for so long, though she knew that, despite what Kenshin might show her, that one name should not be forgotten. The thought was more sobering than the display of carnage as they passed through the gates. Bodies strewed here and there, some missing pieces or chunks all together while others were strewn and inhuman length across the stained dirt. Golden eyes looked beyond the mask to the testament of the power that walked before them. It was complete and absolute. It was that same feeling she got from being a predator. Clothes rippled as tendrils excited danced under thin layers of skin. Here and there as the climb went, Ida would elicit a giggle or a laugh at some unseen joke or connection. Still carrying Francis' head in her hands, she pointed the jack-o-lantern painted face at gruesome scenes of brutality and comment on the color or funny position of the body, adding a child-like but sinister commentary to the group as they ascended to their newly obtained throne. Something about the casual whimsy that came amongst the scenes might cause concern for the more well-minded sorts. If any had been nearby, or alive.

As the group enters the courtyard to their fate, they are greeted with the remaining opponents of the story. Once within sight, Ida would smile beneath her mask and offer an energetic wave to the group. No one returned the wave. There was no talking Ida could do to matter more than anything the beast could say. This was it shows, after all, and they were here to learn a lesson. Or pass a test. Or a quiz? Ida idly wondered if Kenshin would use the same testing method as Ms. Krenshaw, and give people different tests based on age or experience. Or would she have to pass a test that was uniform to the others? The thought caused her head to turn slightly with an intent to look at the floating one with the umbrella who was too good to walk, but a flash of movement out of the corner of her eye made her freeze. Momo flailed beneath her skin, recognizing the sudden flash of a hunter who hid quickly upon being discovered. Above them, to their right. An archer who was resting behind the roof. No doubt, they were doing their best to wait for an opportune moment to strike with a well-placed arrow. Golden eyes looked back to Kenshin, who had begun talking to their opposition. She couldn't interrupt him now; he was having a cool-guy monologue. But she couldn't let the archer simply have a free shot. Thankfully, she was easily the weakest person within the group, so when the young girl slowly began to shift back to the back of the group, she had a doubt anyone who mattered would take notice.

Strings tied into the hair of Francis' head. Slowly, ever so slowly, the girl would lower the head from her grasp to the ground, and began to move it steadily towards the archer's position- well within the range of her threads, and Francis' flying head. Unfortunately, the two sides were amped up and ready to fight, so there was a little delay before the brawl would begin with a mighty battle cry from one end. Not the winning end. This meant the archer was ready faster than she had anticipated, stepping up onto the roof of the house and knocking an arrow, aiming first to the rushing silver-haired youth before slowly turning to train on the group of watchers instead. The archer had a reliable plan, a steady aim, and a sharp arrow. Everything needed to make a quick kill. What he didn't have, however, was an expectancy for a flying puppet head with a dagger for a neck to come flying from just beneath the wall. For an experienced shinobi, such a move might have easily been traceable, but thanks to the distraction, and being the lowest value target, she was able to make a quick strike into the neck of the archer with a gurgled cry as a fountain of crimson sprout briefly from the back of their neck. A choked death cry sounded as the man fell forward, bow tumbling along with arrows and quiver down ten meters to the ground beneath with a heavy thud, like a sack of meat hitting the ground. "Ha-ha!" Ida laughed, calling Francis back to her palm, his head twirling on her hand like a top on a plate without piercing her skin with the dagger. "You thought you were sneaky, but not sneaky enough!" She taunted the dead or dying soldier, laughing once more before turning back to cheer after the silver-haired dasher. "Whoa! Get them! Show them who is king of the hay!" A rural colloquial, but Kenshin probably didn't even hear the cheering anyway so it was okay.

WC - 942
Ida The Lost
Ida The Lost
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The Final Stand Empty Re: The Final Stand

Tue Mar 05, 2019 6:30 am
At some point within the following skirmish, Ida vanishes without a trace. She does not resurface once the raid has concluded.

[Exit, no claims.]
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Ryo : 500

The Final Stand Empty Re: The Final Stand

Fri Mar 08, 2019 6:04 pm
Amaterasu stood far behind the ragdoll man, acid yellow eyes and saccharine smile as she took in the carnage in front of her. Men were capable of great good and great evil- but acts like this? Were necessary. Cutting off an infected limb to prevent the death of the larger body, if you will. A wrinkled man spoke to him, though her untrained ears couldn't hear him from this far away. She twisted her fingers painfully, crystalline blue flames writhing at her command. With a twitch of her fingers, she could kill a man- incinerate his living body in an instant until nothing but ashes and a charred husk remained. Her alliance with Kenshin was one of convenience- she intended to leave once she had reached her desired level of power from under his tutelage. Yet she couldn't help but find a kindred spirit in the man. They were both defects- without remorse or empathy, and yet it was people like them who triumphed in the now nearly conquered village of Sunagakure. Dark brown strands of hair fluttered by her face but didn't obscure her steely gaze. One day, she decided. That would be her standing over the ruins of a village. She had no desire for wealth or authority or friendship- Amaterasu just wanted to reduce the world to ash. Not out of a silly reason like hate. She simply wanted to do it to prove that she could. Because it was THERE. Because she. was. better. than. them.

WC: 250
Total WC: 250
Nuraihyon Shinkou
Nuraihyon Shinkou
Stat Page : The Red Shadow
Mission Record : Cookbook
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 159

The Final Stand Empty Re: The Final Stand

Sun Mar 10, 2019 3:47 pm
There was something to be said about a final stand. Like many eras before them they were determined by an army and in some cases by one man. The wind blew past the pale female's frame and took the bells of her hair into its embrace passing them around before setting them back in place. As it would have it the small would slowly fall from their face as she took a more serious stance, the parasol that she had in her hands idly turning counterclockwise and clockwise as she looked at what was probably the last remnant of a once proud village. The elder male that stood in the forefront spoke for them, the rest rallying behind him. It almost reminded her of a story that had been told to her in the past. The story was simply about a band of samurai who made their last stand against a ninja opposition, the ninja being responsible for the death of their Shogun. The battle lasted days before the samurai had won, but at the cost of their own lives. This wasn't that story however.

These villagers were no samurai and in the face of a monster like Kenshin there would be no victory. Unless someone came to their aid and that wasn't going to happen. Toshi's eyes slowly glanced over to Amaterasu before going back to the final display of the Sunagakure ninja. In the back of her mind she knew that this would end in their defeat, but what would a display of power be if it wasn't going to be the end of something. As their words began to exchange, Toshi offered up a prayer for those killed in this massacre," Let whatever Gods be present take pity on the souls slain on this day. For whatever destination shall be their resting place be of peace and not strife," Toshi was not a religious person by any means. She did believe in a final resting place, but as for a singular God? Not so much.

As the roar of a dead man filled the air, Toshi couldn't help but feel their body ache in anticipation. Would the final stand of Suna become Kenshin's requiem? While the answer was obvious one could only believe in the 1% happening. As the group began their charge and the monster began his, the final battle for the village was finally upon them. A last testament to show just who this world would soon fall under or so she thought. Whatever blood flowed today would simply only pave the way for a world that would know fear, or whatever Kenshin's true motive was.
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The Final Stand Empty Re: The Final Stand

Mon Mar 11, 2019 7:19 am
The entrance into the village known as Sunagakure would involve a leisurely stroll as the makings of a tempered beast led the outing. Despite the abundance of bloodshed which recently surfaced along the baking sand, the inaudible desert carried on it’s will amongst the great wall of Suna as the entry provided an almost tranquil sensation as Kutari returned from his inner monologue to greet this feeling. The desecrated state of this village’s after such a bewildering defeat was a common accompaniment after chaos ensues, the deafened atmosphere with minimal activity of life a beautiful construct of destroyers such as himself, a proper way to gauge just how successful they are in their endeavors. Kenshin was a man worth admiring in such a skillset, and as he followed the man in curiosity as to his purpose regarding the efforts he made Kutari could only discover satisfaction and glee in finding such an individual within this dull world. He had little interest in becoming a disciple of this devilish entity, harboring a concrete foundation and comprehension of Jutsu and how to apply his expertise to further along his development, happening upon this figure simply refreshing the teen to reach greater feats that he believed could only be found within his imagination, looking forward to the hard fought journey that would surely come in time, pleading that the new discoveries in these vast lands would wield greater difficulties and challenges for him which dwarfs the previous events in his confined realm.

As they came in contact with the remaining inhabitants of the village that fell to one sole man, the ideology which mended together such a vast resistance held strong through the pillars of a few unique subjects, these central structures holding the brittle army together as they rallied their forces for one final push tainted with an overwhelming stench of pride and ignorance to the superior existence, such insolence in the face of a fellow figure in regards to influence needing to be corrected. Though not in possession of such flashy combative prowess as Kenshin, the weapon artist intended to exercise the same level of lethality and tact with his movements as he retrieved the katana by his waist - the previous display at the gates showing the katana would be all he needed in this endeavor - darting forward passing the stitched beast and his companions as he took the initiative before Kenshin had the chance to match the charge before him. The calculating killer would jump into the pending frey as his movements remained fluid and elusive, his blade a superficial extension of himself as he intended to lay a hand upon the many Shinobi before him in need of punishment. The condensed forces would assume their overwhelming numbers stood a chance against the boy, though such means of deployment in regards to their reserves amounted to nothing in the face of Kutari, reliance in numbers simply more ammunition to prioritize his sustainability while simultaneously culling the insects present.

The cunning King intended to straighten his peers’ subjects as swiftly as he could, a sea of blood soon erupting in the sky as he rammed the forces before him, his bloodlust housing no discrimination as it reached to envelop the masses around, the nimble swordsman taking advantage of the bundled numbers as he used their own brethren against them, beheading a band of shinobi side by side before kicking their frantic bodies ahead as he planted his feet reminiscing of walking to knock down the surrounding wave of Shinobi like bowling pins, simultaneously blinding the immediate direction as the blood gushed from the decapitated masses coated their eyes; propelling himself with the same flurry of kicks to stab an auburn haired Kunoichi nearby in the abdomen, utilizing the dull side of the katana to keep her positioned and avoid cutting the girl as he hurled her body with a grand swing to slam the rows of Shinobi to the ground before tucking his blade and releasing the girl from her captivity as she flew into the wave of Shinobi with his arc and collided with the various bodies, the Kunoichi departing with her handheld blade as she flew in shock, the sand beginning to grow saturated with a crimson hue. Though the cold specter failed to be done with his assault, any remaining Shinobi attempting to corner him as he was surrounded in his immediate vicinity the victims of an attack thanks to his arcing blade as he spun with the momentum accumulated with his previous swing, a gust of razor sharp wind projecting itself following his arc as he danced with the momentum to unleash a devastating array of compacted wind chakra that aimed to sever the heads of those in vicinity of his five meter grasp, the ones close enough to reach his extended arm’s blade already maimed as the unexpected masses would follow their predecessors teachings, their grand numbers bunched together failing to give them the cues to know such a hazardous attack until the wave of blood erupted, in which case they’d soon tumble in synchrony.

As his dance came to a swift end, in actuality it would only be the opening ceremony as the audience demanded an encore, the mindful Uchiha keeping up with the free falling blade of the previous Kunoichi as he looked onwards to his next target, the red rain only obstructing his foes view as the bodies tumbled backwards which would only tilt the rain in the direction which is least desired of the enemy forces, finding an enemy as he kicked the spinning blade still in the air towards them as he watched the applied force project forward and impale the foe in his forehead, dumbstruck at his sudden demise as the panicked wrinkled man soon regretted his outburst from earlier as he fell backwards; the perpetrating katana loosening its grip upon the skull as a result of the the man’s dying actions. Now possessing more leg room with the various bodies scattered across the floor, the berserker would speed forward as he continued his operation to teach the dense forces what they needed to comprehend, grabbing the katana that stood out of the man’s skull as he collided with the remaining forces, several dozens of bodies already fallen as he continued his killing spree, diminishing the numbers of such unworthy subjects. The bloodshed would be music to his ears as he entered a pleasant trance while running through the Shinobi, carrying out his tactics and extremity focusing his intent upon his movements, a slight boredom overcoming the youth as the difficulty reminded him of his most recent adventures, at least wishing to be forced to utilize his kekkei genkai that hadn’t been called upon for so long, though such riff-raff didn’t even deserve to witness his crimson iris.

Soon as he continued his operation to cull the forces what once looked to be well in several hundreds of forces dwindled down to only a mere hundred or so, the battlefield with bloodied tools and weaponry all but missing their intended target, instead being manipulated to target their own allies in the interest of the grand puppeteer. It was clear the morality amongst the Shinobi was nowhere near the amount that was artificially embedded by the majority of leaders that laid lifeless in the sand, seeing they were no match to the lone man before them as the swordsman towered them in such skills, his stamina unmatched as the confident teen would look upon them with a steel will. His cloak now drenched in blood, Kutari would eye the various people that surrounded him as they were much less in numbers and might compared to beforehand, seeing that their previous ignorance had finally been dispelled now comprehending the difference between them, the remaining forces stood around Kutari mimicking his idleness, the two forces watching one another as an eerie quiet would take over the battlefield, the morality of his enemies seeming to suggest they lacked anymore heart to fight, instead wishing to throw away their weapons and plead for their lives. Just as Kutari would begin to speak what he initially planned to say, he’d a full 180 degrees meeting eyes with a young boy kunai in hand attempting to run at him to take advantage of the lack of battle, tears streaming down his face as it was clear he acted upon emotions rather than intellect and logic, the same reason why he was acting in such a manner this entire time, the Uchiha easily paralyzing the child as his chakra bound the boy in place only some feet ahead of him. Kutari would lazily look the boy over, eyeing the child at most 12 years old as he towered over him easily despite the distance between the two, the cruelty he harbored written along the apathetic gaze he possessed, the murder and savagery he commenced in the past few minutes only blossoming a meek expression, such an individual excruciatingly worse than a sadistic beast or psychotic person as he failed to act on any sort of emotion or personal interests, simply operating in such a fashion just for the sake of it all.

The cold ambar eyes he held would clearly reach the people around as he began to slowly walk towards the child, lacking little interest in those around as he knew the tamed animals would stay in their place, though it seemed the tension grew denser as the realization of his relaxed approach to the child could only mean an intent to do much more harm than what’s already been done, however the trembling Shinobi could do nothing more than grunt as they looked away from the approaching teen, unable to handle their overseer’s justice. Just as Kutari got within arm’s reach of the boy, he’d hear a cry ahead of him, looking up to see a woman hunched over a dead man’s body pleading with streams of tears, “ Please don’t touch him! We’ll do anything, you’ve already won just don’t take anyone else away from me, you’ve already taken his father,” the woman would continue to whimper as she incorporated broken speech hidden behind her breakdown. He’d stare at the woman blankly with a troubled aloofness, a computer trying to comprehend human emotion and its purpose in this situation, fixating his gaze upon the boy as he witnessed the enveloping rage and animosity which lightly coated his oculars, a sight he’d seen countless times before and even possess in his own youth, though by his age over saturated with such hatred as it oozed out of his being. A slight annoyance and disappointment would rest upon his face as he beckoned the woman over, calling her to their side as he wished to see her in a closer proximity, as she neared him hesitantly she’d stand beside the two in anticipation, in which case Kutari would begin to speak to the child as his mother was able to hear ignoring her entirely as he focused on the child, “ The hatred you wield for me is satisfying to witness, in this corrupt world such emotions and intent would take you far along the quest  for strength, though it’s important to understand this is purely satisfying to see, in amount overwhelmingly disappointing and lacking, boy. The idiocy and absence of tact you portrayed bringing you to these circumstances is pathetic; the clothes you wear on your back tell me you were born to a loving family which raised you with admiration and care, thinking you could compare to a mere tenth of the hatred I possess by simply witnessing the death of a sole parent is abysmal. I’d have a mind to cut down your mother this instance solely to help you comprehend the beginning of the abhorrence you try to reflect upon your senior in such a field, however I could tell by the lack of volume you already hold it’d be a waste to tax my arm muscles by raising the blade. The ignorance you people portray to the true darkness of this world if an unsightly construct, incapable of understanding just how vast and powerful it’s occupants truly are; Now Mother, allow me the pleasures of ridding myself of such trash, maybe an incompetent person as yourself could heed my words and wield a greater potential then your son ever could.

As he finished his words, Kutari would take a final step to the boy before he bent down to meet the child eye to eye, listening in on his surroundings as he always does to make sure no one made any funny movements, the woman beside her dumbstruck at what he just said and the reality in which her weakness brought her, slowly reaching for and grasping the kunai from the boys hand as he looked over the tool like an experienced appraiser, a moment of appreciation for the blade before he took an interest to the child’s neck, “This is quite a nice kunai you have, the lack of scratches or marks tells me it’s never seen a day of training or excessive usage, the idea of one child attempting to best me without a speck of dirt on his clothing is quite the sight. Now let’s see where was it again...Ah there we are.” His voice would incorporate a pleasant lighthearted tone as if he was genuinely enjoying the moments as the boy looked at him with a crazed look as he was unable to move, seemingly abandoned by his mother as Kutari did as he so pleased, attempting to find the proper area to impale the kunai in order to pierce the cervical vertebrae, having discovered the location as he quickly stabbed the child in said area and sank it deep within as the boy coughed up blood which landed on Kutari’s cheek, though this failed to faze him as he grabbed the end of the kunai now protruding out from the other side, twisting viciously as a loud crack rang through the quiet air as Kutari disintegrated the boy’s neck with one quick movement, the now limp body all that remained as the soul seemed to move on.

Kutari would rise from his crouched position as he raised the body with his continued grasp of the kunai as if showcasing a cherished prize of hunting, just as the mother fell to the ground and began to weep and yell at the top of her lungs, the Shinobi around utterly shocked at the display that was just made; the boy would rise up above with Kutari’s outstretched head like a symbolic piece of the triumphant victory of the village within. He’d hold this position for a moment before letting go of the kunai, consequently causing the body to fall to the ground with a noisy thud as the disfigured adolescence bathed in the blood below; it seemed as if that final act would finally neutralize any sign of resistance for the village Shinobi, defeated by the one who hadn’t even began the initial assault outside of the gates. As his hands began to rest by his side after their previous outstretched position, Kutari reasoned that the punishment he to dish out neared its end, the tamed individuals knowing their place as they were beat right into shape, now it’d be time to speak with the remaining amount before turning the attention back to Kenshin, acting to show them the difference in their power and futile efforts from one King to another, if anything his excessive cruelty a mercy that they could never comprehend.

He’d turn to face the remaining Shinobi and Kenshin’s group despite the former scattered around him, as he gained a bit of distance from the groups original position due to the battle, though not far enough to where they were incapable of hearing or seeing what all transpired, however beforehand he’d kick the woman that was beginning to become a headache with her cries in the face, his strengthful kick causing her to tumble back quite some feet away as her nose produced continuous surges of blood, though it seemed she was unconscious from the blow to do any good and he wouldn’t be surprised if she somehow drowned in her own blood. Wiping the liquid that dare touch his skin as he retrieved the unworthy substance from his face before quickly splattering it on the ground, he’d now intend to speak to the entirety of the forces, his katana still in hand as his weaponized body began to come to a close as a result of his training, stretching the katana out for the remaining few to catch a good look of what the blade had to offer. He’d project his voice so it can be heard through the remains and traces of the once army as he spoke harshly, “Allow me to enlighten you inadequate swine of the current demise you face, as it’s clear you lack the aptitude to decipher the difference between a ravaging beast and the futile resistance of an appetizer that could only hope to be of relevance occupying the space between the monster’s teeth, nothing more than an unsightly green speck that he picks at with your unworthy bones.” He’d begin to sway his sword hand left and right slowly as he intended for even those in his blind spot to have some idea of what he was referring to, surely remembering the spectacle which succeeded in cutting down the various amounts of people as he continued cruelly, “Gaze at this blade, a lone agent which effortlessly culled your already diminished forces. This mundane katana wields no special prowess or capabilities, no legend or calling of greatness to be had, the product of a measly blacksmith boy in a poor and inferior criminal town harboring average quality. This same blade succeeded in painting your meager clothing with the blood of your ignorant allies only moments ago, the rest of you still breathing out of pity, your inadequate blood unworthy of coating this lowborn blade. Now, allow me to ask: If something as monotonous as this blade inflicted such vast amounts of damage to you people, in what sane mind do you believe you could even touch that man over there, who single handedly annihilated the captors of this village which you all failed to resist and reclaim your freedom with nothing more then the power of his Jutsu; such prideful ignorance deserves to be treated as nothing more than cattle, and since it’s clear not a single one of you seems to possess any sense greater than an insect, you’ll be harvested to the one that conquered your village captors so easily. Now, draw your attention to your new master in hopes of avoiding the unmistakable fate you all deserve and appreciate the remaining moments you’ve been allowed to live.

As Kutari ended his speech, he’d begin to sheath his sword after allowing the words he spewed to take shape in the atmosphere around, the metallic clash of his blade and sheath ringing clearly as he began to make his way towards the group he entered with and inhabit the space behind them all, enjoying the lack of attention as he directed it towards Kenshin as he could hide within the shadows. Hopefully now his time there would go by quicker and he could go on his own travels and feats to accomplish the tasks he’s meant to do up until this point, though he intended to share a bit of dialogue with Kenshin before his departure, a reality of which could only come after handling the business of the remaining Shinobi in the village. How he wished to deal with them or torture the people he could care less, though the boy having itched earlier to partake in the conflict alongside the idiocy of the various Shinobi before him made the teen have to act just for his own sanity, now likely going smoother as he could listen in for any sudden movements and take value in the other Shinobi villages. So far his experience of them has been underwhelming at most, though hopefully they’ll prove to be of greater interest in the future.

WC: 3383
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The Final Stand Empty Re: The Final Stand

Thu Mar 14, 2019 9:49 am
The mismatched eyes of The Ragdoll would narrow on the form of Kutari as the man shot past him and towards the oncoming force with sword in hand. Either he had a personal grudge against these shinobi or he was simply sick of sitting on the sidelines and watching as Kenshin had all the fun… and honestly, either of those answers suited the young man just fine. He didn’t exactly need help against a group as pathetic as this, but it would make the inevitable slaughter all the faster. While The Immortal wasn’t exactly bored of butchering these weaklings he had been growing a little tired of it, as by this point his one man assault upon the country had been going on for around a month, and none of the shinobi here had proven themselves to be even the slightest bit of a challenge to him. He would allow the other Missing-nin to have his fun, simply coming to a stop and admiring the carnage that the man wrought upon the fools that dared to stand against him… or would it be more accurate to say against them now?

The other man moved with a grace that Kenshin knew he would be unable to replicate, the man an artist with his blade, painting the canvas of sand beneath them red with the blood of his slain foes. Of course there were more than a few that continued towards him, but when they got close he would simply call forth the abominations that he housed within his body, and this time, rather than using their elemental techniques the Masked Beasts used the threads that their bodies were formed from to tear the fools apart. Their screams a brief yet powerful music that soothed his soul as he watched the artist before him work, his canvas becoming all the more beautiful with every new piece that was added to it. As his abominations finished with their gruesome work they simply moved to stand on either side of their creator, the twisted and nightmarish bird that was his Fire Heart on the left, and the equally horrifying form of his Water Heart on the left, the massive bipedal beast hunched forward as it stared at the battle happening before it.

He enjoyed watching as the other rogue toyed with his prey, and a dark grin would form upon his face as one of the Kunoichi began to beg for the life of a child that he could only assume was her son. Her wails of anguish were like the sweetest of music to him, the sheer heartbreak within them putting the tortured screams of his abominations earlier victims to shame. He was quite annoyed when she was silenced by the other attacker, but he supposed that for the time being these ants were his to do with as they pleased. He would listen to the speech that Kutari gave to the formerly brave shinobi of Sunagakure, and as he watched their reaction to his words it became clear just how truly pathetic these ingrates were. There were still hundreds of them alive, and any one of them of the lot could theoretically kill the two of them… yet they were simply giving up. They were simply rolling over and allowing the two to do whatever they wanted rather than fighting… just as they had done when Kumo had invaded them the first time.  The Yamaguchi boy from Kumo was but a child, not even a teen… yet when he had been in a much worse position than these cowards, bound by his chains and having his chakra sapped at an alarming rate, the boy had continued to fight.

It seemed that their will to fight had died along with the boy that the dark skinned youth had executed… or perhaps it was before that, when the less powerful shinobi had effectively demolished their army and cut down their leader. In the end it mattered not…. but the word disappointed did not even begin to describe how Kenshin felt upon seeing this pathetic display. But yet again he had to admire the work of the artist… despite how pathetic he found these shinobi to be he admired just how effectively the rogue had destroyed their spirits.

“It’s clear to me now… just how pathetic you people truly are.” Kenshin would finally say, his eyes locked on what remained of the defenders as Kutari’s bloodstained figure passed by.

With but a thought Kenshin would activate his Cell Enhancement, something that was felt by all as his monstrous chakra signature broke through the palty barrier of his ring. Seemingly out of nowhere a deep and dark swamp would appear beneath the army, the mud gripping onto the feet of all that were caught within… and considering the massive size of the swamp, it was most of those that remained.

“I only allowed one of the Kumogakure shinobi that I encountered to live… I don’t even know his name.” The half-blood would say as he gazed over the desperate shinobi that stood before him, his fire Mask allowing its mouth to click open as a small orb of intense orange began to form within.

“He was but a child, no stronger than any of the other shinobi that I have encountered in this pathetic country… but he had something that the lot of you lack.” He would then say, a dark glare forming on his face as the orb before his abomination grew larger and began to glow more intensely.

“His situation was completely hopeless, much worse than the one that you were in moments ago and possibly even worse than the one that you find yourselves in now… but the difference between him and the lot of you? He didn’t try begging for his life, he didn’t beg me to leave his comrades alone… he just kept fighting, determined to either end me or die trying. Unlike you lot, he possessed a true will to live… and for that I allowed him to keep his life.” Kenshin would then say as what seemed like a veritable wall of flames was expelled by his Fire Heart, hungry to consume the flesh of those that Kenshin had deemed to be unworthy of life.

“You can run, you can hide… in the end I will find you, and I will ensure that you all DIE SCREAMING!” Kenshin would exclaim as he watched the few that weren’t trapped flee deeper into the village as their comrades were consumed by his flames.

The Uzumaki would create a pair of Shadow Clones, and without a word between the trio the shades set about the tasks that the original had wished them to undertake. One was to do as the original had promised and track down those that had fled, while the other was to both guard the village entrance and do some light redecoration. He did wish to send a message to Kumogakure after-all, and what better message than making a copy of their little corpse field on the walls of Suna with the corpses of their Shinobi.

WC: 1187


TWC: 1978

411 words towards Nature Chakra Proficiency, claiming (25% max stat discount)

750 words towards Chakra Enhanced Skin Cells, claiming (25% max stat discount)

500 words towards enhancing Absorption Chains with Nature Chakra Proficiency, claiming

300 words towards enhancing Assimilating Aura with Nature Chakra Proficiency, 200 words remaining

Last edited by Kenshin Uzumaki on Sun Mar 24, 2019 5:05 am; edited 2 times in total
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The Final Stand Empty Re: The Final Stand

Wed Mar 20, 2019 2:09 pm
Another Kumogakure shinobi had lived? The thoughts burned quickly through her head. Who was it? She wondered. Who was brave enough to look death in the eye and refuse? Her eyes narrowed slightly. Sunagakure had all but fallen. What they were watching now were the last vestiges of their forces, morale broken and knowing that they were watching the fall of their home. After the last man died, Kenshin created two shadow clones- they quickly went off to do their own things, and quite frankly she didn't care. She turned over to Toshizou, who appeared lost in thought. Was her travelling partner... praying...? Her head tilted to the side. Amaterasu didn't believe in an afterlife- which was why it was important that she made the most of her time now. What was it like to die? Was it gentle, slowly fading away? Was it painful?

A small frown graced her lips. The actions she was taking- were they wrong? Ultimately, she was indifferent. They didn't help or hurt her. She couldn't pretend to understand what these men and women were going through- much less what Toshizou was. But for a moment, one small, private moment, she wished that she could.

A gentle breeze blew by, the smell of ash and dust and charcoal on the wind caressing her skin. Was this her future? Sure, burning the world was one thing- but maybe there was something else as well. She knew she could never tell anyone else of these revelations, much less Kenshin or Toshizou. They lingered on her mind long after the cinders settled on the sandy desert floor. Maybe in the future she'd understand better. An uncomfortable feeling settled in her gut, something new. After all was said and done, it wasn't the screams that lingered in her mind. It was the silence.

WC: 304
Total WC: 554
(not exit, want to get one more post up after everyone else is done >.>)

Last edited by Amaterasu on Wed Mar 20, 2019 2:53 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Final Stand Empty Re: The Final Stand

Thu Mar 21, 2019 3:27 am
Kutari would watch as the evident leader of the terrorist group laid waste to the remaining forces that he had only spared moments ago, a hefty sum of words spewed from the albino as he carried out his intended decree amongst those of his realm. The chaos would ensue as passionate flames erupted in everlasting joy to claim the abundance of frantic souls pleading for their lives, their twisted methods of entertainment an extension of Kenshin’s persona. Kutari would simply watch with a neutral expression as his peculiar ambar eyes gleamed brilliantly with the presence of the flames, the extensive heat soothing his umber skin as it provided a delicate shell of warmth thanks to the distance he was from the flame source. He had little to add upon what Kenshin said moments ago, agreeing whole heartedly with the thoughts he projected with clear disdain; his words also aided in alleviating some of the questions he had for the man, such as his purpose at this village carrying out his destructive tendencies: a form of conquest throughout the land he resided within, though the reason behind his movements and hatred towards the forces remained unclear to the Uchiha. 

Though it was clear Kutari had a sort of admiration and respect for the man despite only sharing a few words with him, a product in which few have ever succeeded in obtaining, especially in such a manner as this. He knew few that held such an immense power, and the methods in which he utilized his reserves were a refreshing sight to behold, the man would prove to be a valuable ally, if not for his strength at the very least for their seemingly similar opinions and willingness to do harm to others for their own goals, such an ideal surprisingly quite a rarity for the world they inhabit, the majority still believing in some form of humanity in Shinobi despite the various abominations which would destroy any home or life in the name of their cultivated idea of “righteousness”.

As the clones began to carry out their purpose in order to satisfy their creator, silence would settle upon the group as screams of terror could be heard in the distance, the contrasting natures almost poetic as the morale of both sides were of a similar quality yet manifested in a different manner; gloom, distress and what seemed to be shock would overwash the remaining members outside of Kenshin and Kutari as they stayed true to their lack of animation. Petrified by the stake, Kutari would begin to further question their presence on the battlefield now that the dust finally settled, having gained no insight alongside their relatively absent encounters about the reason they even were at Sunagakure, if anything they were just taking up space and oxygen. He’d wonder if they were in a similar position as Kutari, though such a coincidence seemed unlikely given the nature of these lands and the lack of people who’d spontaneously travel to Sunagakure with little to no business with the officials present, furthermore upon having a closer inspection they looked to lack strength and might in an array of  sections, wondering if they were even able to detect Kutari while he was in the midst of his own battle. For a moments time he thought maybe to question their place in this whole situation, though after thinking it through retracted his intent and became interested in seeking out Kenshin, wishing to learn the true purpose in which the entire group was in Sunagakure and why they took such action.

 Sensing that the silence would continue as the more feeble members were trying to stomach all that just transpired, Kutari would rise from his position of using his back to lean on the Sunagakure wall as he dusted off the sand particles that formulated on his shoulder. The blood that found itself riddled upon his cloak would continue to dry and stain the garment as his efforts of cleaning the clothing was overall futile, though at the very least he’d avoid any sand particles spreading around his body in the most illogical areas to further irritate him along his travels, soon capable of relinquishing himself of the black cloak and go about embracing refreshing breezes once again. As he rose from his rested settlement, he’d project his voice to pierce through the inaudible air like a dagger, it’s target remaining true to his words, “Kenshin, if I may have a word,” of which he’d beckon over to a secluded area some meters away within the village, in front of an abandoned building charred and disintegrated thanks to the force and intensity of the flames his black beast formed, it’s field being wide and ferocious. He’d walk past the group of timid statues as if they were simply in the way, pest that deserved nothing more than a swat across the face before continuing on ones purpose as he ignored their existence entirely, leading the way towards the intended area before he took attempted to carry out some dialogue with the malevolent being.

WC: 849
TWC: 4232


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Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
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Stat Page : The Demon Hunter

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The Final Stand Empty Re: The Final Stand

Thu Mar 21, 2019 7:12 pm
The opera that would be this final battle of fate soon came to its requiem as the final stand of Sunagakure was now complete. Its actors had tried their best to uphold their final moments as warriors and ninja, but they were a pale light in comparison of the main actor of this staged production. Toshi found herself in awe and honestly felt compelled to applaud those men and women who stood for what they believed in. However, when one should have embraced the noblest of ninja tradition, they instead stood their ground. As their blood filled the sands she wanted to ponder on if she should have entered the fray, but chose against it for this was a display of power for their leader and her time to shine had not came yet. For this reason she continued to twirl the parasol until the curtain had finally closed.

When it had all been said and done, Toshizou found herself befuddled at what to do now since most of the village militia had been slaughtered by Kenshin, but instead she found herself a new goal. Walking forward after the shades of the Uzumaki had been dispatched to handle their tasks, she went on to find those that had still rallied under the banner of Suna and either conform them under the flag of the new conqueror of  Suna or fall just the same. It was said that when one took over the home of another in ancient times, they left one alive to tell the tale. While she did not know if Kenshin had wanted this done it did make as a reminder to learn as much about this place as she could while they were here. Unless stopped she would begin her trek into the inner echelon of the village for a little learning experiment.



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