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Mitako Raicho
Mitako Raicho
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Helping the fishermen Empty Helping the fishermen

Sat Jul 25, 2015 9:41 am
mission specs:

As per his agreement with the captain/leader of the fishermen for the Mizukage's hound's meat, Mitako found his way back to the docks, where loads of fish needed to be transported from the docks to the various food stores throughout the village. Also as per his agreement with the captain/leader, Mitako only had the help of two of the fishermen. Two whole boat fulls of fish and other sea food needed to be transported between three people. Great. Mitako sighed and hoisted a barrel over his head, taking steps toward the first market stall. The barrels were marked with paint, labeling the destination of each barrel. As he was walking, he noticed that the stall was empty, and that he really had no place to put the barrel of fish. For now, he just plopped it down in front of the store, and made his way back to the boat. 

Hoisting another barrel with a white strip on one plank, he made his way back to the same shop, and plopped the barrel down next to the one he placed down earlier. After that, he went back to the boat. Mitako counted the barrels quickly, and counted thirty on this boat. Since the other two fishermen had the other boat being unloaded, he didn't worry about that one. He counted three more white striped barrels, six red striped ones, six blue striped ones, and four crates marked with a red stripe. The colors corresponded with the shops, as they had different color signs and text. Anyway, he hoisted another white barrel over his head and started for the shop again. It started drizzling on his way there, and he almost slipped as he stepped off of the docks. Once he found his way to the shop he, again, plopped this barrel down next to the other two. 

With a short time skip later, Mitako had delivered all but the blue barrels. The rain had also picked up a bit, which began to fill the buckets with water, making them heavier than normal. Anyway, Mitako started on the last group of cargo, the blue barrels, and started walking down the dock. He heard a scuttling noise in the barrel, and some weird clacking sounds. Did this barrel have crabs in it? As he neared the destined shop, he plopped it down and peered inside the barrel, placing his hand on the rim. Almost immediately, one of the little crustaceans snipped his finger, and caused some blood to flow from the cut. 

Another short time skip later, and Mitako had succesfully transferred all the cargo to where it needed to be. He was rewarded by the captain with ryo, who then asked him if he would be willing to do any quick repairs on the boats for the crew, he would be reimbursed for his actions. Mitako agreed. 

[478 words towards Sand Mastery
claiming mission rewards]
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Helping the fishermen Empty Re: Helping the fishermen

Sat Jul 25, 2015 9:44 am
Approved. You also get 3 AP for a D rank mission
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