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Stat Page : Heroshi's stat page
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 4000

Helping those in need Empty Helping those in need

Thu Jun 16, 2022 12:40 pm
Heroshi was walking around the village on a warm afternoon when he realized just how different certain parts of it were. He assumed he hadn't noticed because of the fact that he had been training so hard, but now this new and more intense attention to his village he noticed not every part of the village was as accepting to shinobi as other parts. For example his home was in the shinobi quarters so everyone there was either shinobi, retired, or children of the two, so he grew up around his type his whole life. Then there was the market where shinobi and non shinobi gathered to trade, buy, sell, eat, gamble, and do whatever else. He had rarely ever gone to the part of town shinobi were barely if at all tolerated. He decided he would take off his headband and venture forth. Other than the Hoshigakure headband a lot of people would never guess this six year old was a shinobi trained in the ninja arts. As he passed through this part of town though it looked a lot more impoverished than the rest of the village, why though, surely the Hogokage would want his whole village to prosper, so Heroshi thought he would figure out what was going on. He found a few kids playing in the street, "Hey kid, why does it look like this here?" He would ask one of the kids playing. All the kids would look at each other and shrug, "Been like this for a long time, I think it's because we don't take help from those evil witches that use their ninja magic!" The kid said working himself up definitely something his family had taught him. "Thanks kid. I'll be seeing you around." Heroshi would say as he waved and left. 

Heroshi would return to the shinobi side of town and look on the mission board. At first glance he noticed a form with the title, "Help your neighbors" apparently the Hogokage was trying to get aid to the district that didn't like the shinobi by means of bringing them supplies. Heroshi would swing by the supply room and aquire a box with food, clothing, and medicine by flashing the voucher that he was on a mission to a temple. 

Heroshi would leave heading for a temple close to where he saw those kids playing, he really wished he could have been doing more, but for now this would do. "Hey kid!" Heroshi would hear coming from around his box of goods, Heroshi would set the box down and say. "What's up?" The kids he had seen earlier were about 3 meters away, "What do you have in that box?" The kid would ask. "Just some supplies I thought you guys could use, my dad is a merchant and we thought we would help." Heroshi lied to the boy. "Oh, cool, thanks. The temple door is on the other side of the building, can we help?" The boy asked. Heroshi would nod and give a few supplies to each kid and work with them into the temple. The temple staff greeted the children with a smile and excepted the provisions brought in by the children. "Thank you for this it'll help us very much." The temple staff told the children. With that Heroshi left the temple and went back to the supply room to get his mission ticket stamped. 
On his return trip Heroshi was so excited to finish this mission and move into the next one that in his haste and excitement he put on his Hoshigakure headband while he was still in the wrong part of the village. He was stopped by an older man who grabbed Heroshi by the arm and started screaming at him. Heroshi wasn't about to attack someone in his village the village he loves so much, so he quickly spun around and out of the man's grip and sped up to make it to the market district before anything else happened. He was highly vigilant and noticed that some of the groups of men started approaching Heroshi to cut him off from escape. Heroshi would just run up a wall and onto the roof and jump roof to roof in order to escape. Then the unthinkable happened, Heroshi ran out of roof to run on, so he had to jump down into the now escalated mob, but before he would he would create two shadow clones to run in opposite directions, as they disappeared with the mob breaking up to chase after the two impostors Heroshi would casually jump down and walk walk back into the market district. He knew his welcome had been worn for a few weeks, but he had other tricks up his sleeve that he would use if he needed to help them out again. 
Heroshi's walk back through the market district was marred with thoughts about those men attacking him, and the kids viewing ninjutsu as evil magic. He was perturbed by the fact that's how some people viewed him, he had now reach a second or a bonus objective to his protect the village goals, it was to bring the village together and make it whole, how he was going to do that, he wasn't quite sure, but he was going to figure out a way. He would ask his sensei if he knew of any ideas that might bring together the different ideologies of the village. Having been born and raised there he thought it was wild that a whole group of people would just hate him because he was a shinobi. They're all from the same village. 
He returned it back to where mission tickets get traded in for payment. Heroshi felt really good about himself, and now had a few more ideas what it meant to be a shinobi and he knew more about the village he would grow to serve. He left the office and headed to find his sensei, he had a lot of work to get done.

Wc: 1005

Claiming 1500 Ryo and 8ap

10 stat points

1005 wc to Singularity
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Helping those in need Empty Re: Helping those in need

Thu Jun 16, 2022 9:28 pm
Approved (Singularity may only be learned up to B-Rank for your current character)
Stat Page : Heroshi's stat page
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 4000

Helping those in need Empty Re: Helping those in need

Thu Jun 16, 2022 10:13 pm
Roger that
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