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Akira Namikaze
Akira Namikaze
Stat Page : The Kage's Shadow
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Growing Tales - Page 2 Empty Re: Growing Tales

Sun Mar 17, 2024 6:49 pm
When he approached the table, his darling Asuka could already tell that he wasn't enjoying himself. He felt bad because he wanted to love this place as much as she did, but he just felt so inadequate here. There were few things that he was truly insecure about, so few that it was almost negligible. But here, he just felt so out of place and lesser than the others due to his lack of knowledge. She would accept the books that he brought to her, and she would place a reassuring hand on his lap. He would smile to her and place his hand over hers, holding it gently.

The woman across would look at them for a moment before speaking about possibly changing the scenery of this conversation. She then looked directly to him, which caused him to get a little on edge. But his concerns were melted away when she would mention the possibility of becoming friends. His eyes would brighten and his face would contort slightly at the confusing idea. He was sure that she was not interested, but yet she offered. He would lean forward in his seat, paying her even more attention now. "Friends?" He would say. "I would like that, truly." He would smile. Maybe he wasn't going to be the worst at talking, or maybe she was showing him pity. He wasn't sure. But he was appreciative of the words she was speaking.

She would continue speaking, but of course Akira would only be able to understand portions of it, she spoke with an understanding that he just didn't have. He would nod and feign confidence with this conversation moving forward, the best he could. She looked at the books that were laid out before her and speak on them as well. He still barely understood what she was talking about. But then she would bring the attention back to Asuka and himself, and he would look at her in the eyes to show he was totally listening, without a doubt he hadn't lost track of what she was talking about.

She spoke on what she could do to support both of them, and in return they could support her in ways that she couldn't. He wasn't entirely sure just what it was that he would be able to teach her as she seemed to have that figured out already.

"I think I can speak for both of us when I say that we would love to be your friends and would love even more to help you in any way that we could. I am unsure just what I can provide your growth as a person or a shinobi, darling. You seem to have excelled far passed me in both regards. But I know that we can at least be friends, and should you think of a means that I could provide to you, you can trust that I would do whatever it was that you needed."

He would look to Asuka, then back to this new friend of theirs, "I would also like to apologize. I am not very versed in things of this nature. Or in any nature that involves books and learning. My skills lay upon an area of social situation..." He looked around the library, "In circles that don't revolve around places such as this, if that makes sense. If there is anything you need help in ways that aren't revolving around books and the learning found within, then I would certainly be someone to keep in mind, dearest friend." He would look to Hikari. "Oh and by the way, I don't believe I actually told you. My name is Akira Namikaze. It is truly a pleasure to meet you, dear." He would stand and bow to the woman before looking around. "Now you suggested a change of scenery, did you not? Where shall we go!" He would hold out his arm for his darling Asuka to take, and he would look excitedly towards their newfound friend. He was ready for wherever the day would take them.

WC: 679
TWC: 2436
Asuka Hyuuga
Asuka Hyuuga
Stat Page : Recipe Book
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Growing Tales - Page 2 Empty Re: Growing Tales

Mon Mar 18, 2024 9:35 pm
Asuka would give an excited nod as Hikari suggested a change of scenery, she immediately would think of this small cafe on campus that had outdoor seating. She figured some fresh air and a nice cup of tea may help ease everyone’s mind. Hikari then would seemingly offer an olive branch to Akira as she mentioned them working towards becoming friends. She would pat Akira’s thigh gently and smiled happily as he seemingly agreed with the idea. Asuka didn’t know too many of the village shionbi and was excited to meet somebody with as much potential as the young woman infront of her.

Hikiar then would apologize for potentially coming off as rude, then would explain that due to her upbringinng she was socially inept at times. Asuka could empathise with this, due to her time at the orphanage she had picked up a few odd personality quirks. As a child she would usually let Akira speak for her seeing as she found interacting with the other kids to be difficult. Even now as an adult Asuka rarely will speak in large groups, and usually takes on more of a follower role. While working with Akira, he still takes lead most of the time due to the massive amount of anxiety that rushes through her mind while interacting with others.

However in this moment their Asuka and Akira’s roles were swapped. Where she found comfort in the scrolls and books around her, he found it to be quiet dreadful. She felt as if she could discuss reading material all day with Hikari, but knew that it would potentially kill Akira of boredum if they stayed around. Asuka wished that Akira would be interesting in reading, even just a little bit though. That was another reason why she wanted to visit the library in the first place! She had a plan to find some books she believed he’d enjoyed, then offer to read it to him instead of making him so it alone.

She’d listen as Hikari explained that her specilizations weren’t too well known about within the village which drove her to continue her research into them. Also she would tell Asuka and Akira that she believed it would benefit the village to have knowledge of various kinds of shinobi arts. With a nod and a smile Asuka would agree with her statements, and couldn’t help but be curious about some of Hikari’s research. Though that conversation could happen at another time seeing as Akira seemingly disliked deep diving into various notes and paperwork.

Asuka would clap her hands quietly as Hikari mentioned that they could potentially be able to support each other. She couldn’t help but daydream about the two of them happily doing some late night studying while Akira made them all dinner. It was comforting to think that the three of them could potentially climb the ranks together within the village. Though it wasn’t exactly Asuka’s dream to become the strongest or anything even close to that, she knew that she wanted to be able to aid the village in one way or another.

Akira would speak for the both of them and perfectly explain what she was also thinking. Asuka wasn’t sure exactly how they would be able to help Hikari, but was willing to help her out in whatever she requested from them. He would then go on to apologoze to her as well about being potentially off putting do to some social anxieties. Asuka would snicker slightly as she realized the three of them were just a bunch of socially awkward people trying to make a good impression on each other.

Once Akira was finished speaking he’d hold out his arm for her which she would take immediately and stand beside him. Asuka would listen to Hikari if she made a suggestion for a spot, but if not, she would speak up instead. Her voice was warm and inviting.

”How about we visit one of the cafe’s on campus? Theres one I often stop by at when I come to visit. They have some amazing brews, and some cozy outdoor seating. What do you guys think?”

If they agreed, Asuka would begin guiding them towards the cafe. If they didn’t agree however, Asuka would just follow their lead.

Total WC: 2163
Hikari Kobayashi
Hikari Kobayashi
Stat Page : Hikari Kobayashi
Mission Record : The Kobayashi Records
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Growing Tales - Page 2 Empty Re: Growing Tales

Tue Apr 16, 2024 5:35 pm
Hearing and seeing Akira and Asuka's reactions to the conversation, Hikari took the thoughts that stirred in her head to herself for the most part now. She understood that everyone had their own thing that they excelled at and for her it was definitely her attentiveness to details within literature and studies. With Akira stepping into the scene a lot more, Hikari smiled at his response. It was good to hear that the man was not as insecure in the place to the point of fleeing from the setting. From that point, she appreciated the change in demeanor from the beginning of their encounter.

Akira's concerns and appreciation were heard by Hikari as he spoke. There was a shift in the man's confidence that was something she took note of for later. "Growing comes in many forms. Like how different ingredients can be used to make bread as much as it can make bread. The difference between a party and a meeting is really just subject material after all." She said in hopes of allowing a degree of comfort in concepts to be heard by the two. "Growth also comes from experience and the best way to gain experience is with others. Even just interacting with others allows oneself to grow." She declared to the two looking to ease the idea of being helpful to Akira. Receiving a proper and full introduction from Akira, Hikari gave a bow of her head in recognition. "It is great to meet you Namikaze-san."

When the idea came up of moving to a new location and destination, Akira looked to her and it was Asuka who brought up the idea of going to one of the cafes. Hikari gave it a thought and nodded as it appeared to Akira and Asuka that she had a full debate within her head before concluding that thought herself. Hearing that the cafe had outdoor seating gave her the final nail in the proverbial coffin of thought she had. Hikari rose before collecting the books on the table and moving them to a return cart for staff to handle putting them back. "I would like to offer a token of apology before we depart for this cafe Asuka-san, Namikaze-san." She bowed before the visage of her form began to shift from the trendier outfit that was on her to robes of a deep amaranthine color. Her brown hair shifted to more of an orange or amber color as fox ears became visible and tails began to spread out from behind her.

Kitsune Form/Present Appearance:

Hikari's change in form finished as she rose from her bow, "I am Hikari Kobayashi of the Kitsune clan here in Kumogakure no Sato. It is a pleasure to formally introduce myself to you two and I hope that they have a good chai." She announced as she awaited to see which direction this cafe that Asuka tended to go to when she visited the campus. As a genin with a studious nature and now visible thick glasses, Hikari was excited to see what this cafe offered that would bring a fellow shinobi back again and to invite others to join them there. A few that Hikari had been fond of she slowly stopped going just due to her general tendency of being stuck in the books she selected so her drink of choice would end up watered down, lukewarm, or worse untouched by her due to the obsessive nature she possessed.

Hikari knew she could have brought the books she grabbed with her, but intending to hopefully ease some of Akira's tension, felt that bringing them might detract from the idea of keeping things simple. There was always room to grow and giving people more active attention was one that she felt would be a good opportunity to learn as most conversation with others tended to be Hibiki and Minami at Kumogakure Fried Chicken instead of a cafe at Thunderpeak Campus.

WC: 650, TWC: 2,900
Akira Namikaze
Akira Namikaze
Stat Page : The Kage's Shadow
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Growing Tales - Page 2 Empty Re: Growing Tales

Fri May 10, 2024 6:32 pm
The woman before them seemed to have a debate within her mind about the prospect of them going to a cafe. He wasn't sure if this was the type of activity for this young woman, or maybe it was an he just had a bad read on the woman. His thoughts were cut short when she began to speak to them. She spoke of an apology, something he wasn't sure as to what she was referring. Had she done something needing an apology? He had been so wrapped up in his own plights and problems, that he had barely been able to pay attention to the social interaction that he was having.

Her body began to shift, and as she rose from her bow, she had suddenly grown ears and a tail. Her color was a bright orange and red like color, something that had caught Akira off guard. "Ahh I see. You are part fox, then?" She explained that she was from the Kitsune clan. He nodded and spoke again, "I see...." his voice trailing off slightly. "The Kitsune clan... right." He looked her up and down once more. "So they are part fox? Also. What's with the multiple tails? Do they like... sway when you're happy?" He was beginning to realize that he was rambling once again, and likely asking way more questions than he should. He didn't know much about his own clan, let alone the clans of others. He was realizing that he was quite out of touch, so he ceased speaking at this point.

If Asuka would jump in and stop him from incident, then he would allow her gladly. He wasn't sure just what it was about this place, this damned library, but it seemed to have some sort of hold on his very soul, preventing him from being able to make a coherent thought and statement. He allowed Asuka to once again take hold of the situation, realizing that he was out of his depths. Wherever Asuka wanted them to go, he gladly would go with them.

WC: 345
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