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Hikari Hyuuga
Hikari Hyuuga
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Ryo : 75700

Uchiha and Hyuuga! A New Training Partner! (Kouse) Empty Uchiha and Hyuuga! A New Training Partner! (Kouse)

Mon Jul 13, 2015 5:56 pm
It was an early, sunny morning when Hikari arrived at the training grounds. She loved to start her day off right when the sun rose, that way she would have all day to train and become stronger. There was a slight breeze blowing, carrying the scents of freshly bloomed flowers around with it. The training grounds were empty, besides Hikari. 

"Just the way I like it. Now I can train in peace, with no distractions. I wonder what jutsu I should learn today, ot if I should just continue practicing with everything I already have? I could use my Byakugan, or my fire jutsu. Maybe I will train my chakra use, my speed, or any other skill that is within my body." She had a bad habit of talking to herself out loud when no one was around, it helped her make decisions when she could hear her options.

With a smile upon her lips, Hikari walked over to the nearby trees area. She knew how to climb them because of her academy training, chakra control. She wondered if she should climb the tree and try out her Byakugan from above, something she had yet to do. "Why not? I have nothing to lose, and it could be fun!" With those words leaving her mouth, she focused some of her chakra to her feet and started her way up the tree. Once she made it to the top, she activated her Byakugan and searched the grounds below, having a bird's eye view of the scene.

"This is kind of nice, seeing the world from a new view. I kind of like this, just watching. It is kind of calming." She sat down on the branch she as on, waiting for people to start showing up. Until then, she was watching the birds fly around her, knowing how many were behind her without even having to turn around. That was the unique ability of the Byakugan.

[WC: 325]
Kouse <3
Kouse <3
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Uchiha and Hyuuga! A New Training Partner! (Kouse) Empty Re: Uchiha and Hyuuga! A New Training Partner! (Kouse)

Mon Jul 13, 2015 6:34 pm
Uchiha kouse wasn't the type to dally about.. He awoke to the birds singing cheerfully in the trees. He didn't particularly notice this cause it was more or less a constant routine now. He took care of his hair everymorning before he left for training . no one wants to know how he keeps his long hair shiny and smooth, they just admire it and expect to see it that way everyday. He went to his drawer, fished out his comb, hair cream and hair spray and proceeded to use them. 
He left his room and joined his family at the breakfast table. They were all hurriedly eating, each person having their destinations they need to get to.. His eldest sister to the hair saloon, the second to the flower shop and the youngest to school. His father to work as miner, his mother as a nurse in the hospital. 
He smiled brightly as he stepped out of his home.. The day was bright, sunny and clear.. He knew he would do some serious training today. 
Kouse walked calmly to the training grounds attracting, as usual, girls attention.. He had learned to live with it though, he wasn't pestered at their regular advances. 
He laughed as he remembered the day his second sister had comments home fuming, at first he thought she got duped or something, but what made the entire household laugh was that the cause of her distress was the way the girls at the flower shop had gathered round the picture she had placed on a vase that she wanted to give kouse as a gift and said weird things about him. 
He shook his head, no problem with him there,just don't stalk me. 
Kouse got to the training ground, it was empty. 
He took a stand and was about to get down to business when the birds singing caught his attention, it was the same song that woke him up daily at home.. He looked up at the tree in which the song came from

Kouse was surprised to see a rather good looking female with white hair on the tree right above him. 
"Hello, what are you doing up There?" kouse asked the strange female up in the trees.

Hikari Hyuuga
Hikari Hyuuga
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Uchiha and Hyuuga! A New Training Partner! (Kouse) Empty Re: Uchiha and Hyuuga! A New Training Partner! (Kouse)

Wed Jul 15, 2015 6:34 am
Hikari had been able to sense the boy approaching thanks to her Byakugan, so even while her back was turned to him she wasn't surprised when he spoke up to her. Heh, he probably thinks I am crazy. Oh well, who really cares? She thought to herself as she leaped from the tree, doing a flip in the air to stand her body upright. Then she landed next to the dark haired boy, a small puff of dust flying away from where her feet had impacted with the ground. She had to straighten herself out, since she had to bend her knees when she hit the ground.

With a smile gracing her lips, she replied to his question, "I was looking around and testing out my Byakugan. It's a very lovely view up there too. By the way, my name is Hikari Hyuuga and it's a pleasure to meet you." She wondered what this guy was doing up so early, she thought only people like herself would train at basically the crack of dawn for most shinobi enjoyed to rest a little while longer.

[WC: 509] (Sorry it isn't as long, talking posts for me always seem to be shorter and I don't know why :/)
Kouse <3
Kouse <3
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Uchiha and Hyuuga! A New Training Partner! (Kouse) Empty Re: Uchiha and Hyuuga! A New Training Partner! (Kouse)

Wed Jul 15, 2015 2:33 pm
Kouse saw the girl look at him when he spoke then jump down from the tree..He chuckled quietly.. She must have felt embarrassed or something... she was most likely a ninja though. 
She landed beside him and he saw her eyes... Yeah she was a hyuuga alright.. She had introduced herself as hikari hyuuga, he was friendly too as much as kouse could tell.
When kouse heard she was testing her byakugan he had a mixed feeling.. He knew he had a doujutsu in his genes too but he hadn't gotten it yet, he had read in a book that his father had given him that to activate the sharingan one must go through pain and sorrow.. he had scrunched up his nose and decided the sharingan wasn't worth it.. But how cool would it be to have his own doujutsu activated and they could test out both doujutsu's. 
All this passed through kouse's mind. 
He returned the smile she gave to him to her.. "my name is kouse.. Uchiha kouse.. Nice to meet you too hikari" he added
"so what are you doing here so early in the" kouse asked.
Hikari Hyuuga
Hikari Hyuuga
Survived 2021
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Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 75700

Uchiha and Hyuuga! A New Training Partner! (Kouse) Empty Re: Uchiha and Hyuuga! A New Training Partner! (Kouse)

Wed Jul 15, 2015 4:54 pm
So he is an Uchiha huh? I wonder if he has activated his Sharingan, and if he knows Ryugia Uchiha as well, he was one of the ninjas who has helped me train along with Mitsui and Cole. Maybe I should as about his Sharingan, but then again if he doesn't have it activated he might feel bad because I've activated my Byakugan. Hikari thought to herself as he introduced himself as an Uchiha. Truth be told, even though she had her Byakugan activated she was unable to use the Gentle Fist Technique at the moment, meaning she couldn't use her Byakugan to it's full potential.

"Yes, I always train this early in the morning. It gives me the whole day to train, and I get to have the serenity of the area while no one is around. Do you always train this early as well?" She asked, then thought of a great idea. She didn't wait for him to reply before she asked her next question right after the first one. "Oh! If you would like, we could train or spar together? I always find it way more effective to train with others, especially those who are stronger than yourself!" 

[WC: 710]
Kouse <3
Kouse <3
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Uchiha and Hyuuga! A New Training Partner! (Kouse) Empty Re: Uchiha and Hyuuga! A New Training Partner! (Kouse)

Sat Jul 18, 2015 10:42 am
Kouse smiled at her, she was really the excited and eager type.. . What he needed to make his day.. He knew she was considering if he had activated the sharingan yet, it was a normal thing for any uchiha to receive that reaction.
Kouse was grateful to her though for not popping the question.
Then she had asked if they could train together.. He considered this.. He was still getting used to sparring and this would be his first time training with a hyuuga...kouse's excitement grew but he made sure not to show it... Kouse nodded.."of course.. You took the words right out of my mouth,but let's start with taijutsu only first".
Hikari Hyuuga
Hikari Hyuuga
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Ryo : 75700

Uchiha and Hyuuga! A New Training Partner! (Kouse) Empty Re: Uchiha and Hyuuga! A New Training Partner! (Kouse)

Mon Jul 20, 2015 11:55 am
Taijutsu only first? He must think I know the Gentle Fist technique and all the eight trigrams techniques. I hate to break it to you kid, er guy, but I don't know those. Heck I only know one fire ninjutsu. I'm a terribly weak Hyuuga, I can't use my Byakugan to it's full extent...This Kouse guy will be very disappointed. Wait, maybe he knows some Taijutsu that he can teach me? It's slim, but still worth a shot at asking! Hikari hated to disappoint people, which she seemed to be doing a lot lately since she became a ninja. She had to learn all her jutsu from other people, she wasn't able to do it by herself, which frustrated her. 

"I am sorry to break the news to you Kouse, but I do not know the Hyuuga's signature Gentle Fist techniques. I know no taijutsu, only one fire ninjutsu technique. I mean if there are any jutsu you need someone to practice the move on, I can do that. Or if there are any taijutsu you can teach me, there is always me learning as well. I really am sorry I can't be more helpful..." She explained to Kouse, feeling terrible for being so useless to him and all the other ninja out there. She believed she was only weighing people down, not helping them like what she dreamed of doing. 

[WC: 941]
Kouse <3
Kouse <3
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Uchiha and Hyuuga! A New Training Partner! (Kouse) Empty Re: Uchiha and Hyuuga! A New Training Partner! (Kouse)

Tue Jul 21, 2015 6:46 pm
Kouse uchiha heard all that Hikari said and understood, he too wasn’t good at taijutstu in the least, but he had expected her being a hyuuga to be good in it and had anticipated learning some new tricks.                                                                                                                                                                                                            But after she had cleared that up with her explanation kouse smiled… well then it looked like they would have to teach each other, they were both new genin after all.                                                                                                                                                                                                          “alright, I understand.. do you know any non-elemental Justus? That you can teach me?” kouse asked, “I can teach you chakra sensory, we teach each other a technique or do we just try to learn our elemental Justus?” kouse added.                                                                                                                                                                                                  He adjusted his head protector “I’m an earth style user” kouse looked back at her “the options are we could either teach each other one non-elemental jutsu each or one elemental jutsu each. It’s your call” kouse winked at her.                                                                                                                                                                                        He wanted her to make the decision because he had been forcefully reminded by a recent argument with his sisters that just because he was ready for any outcome didn’t mean others weren’t. So he had decided to try his best to let others make the choices…he folded his arms awaiting hikari’s reply.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                WC(203) TWC(720)

Last edited by Kouse Uchiha on Thu Jul 23, 2015 6:53 am; edited 2 times in total
Hikari Hyuuga
Hikari Hyuuga
Survived 2021
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Uchiha and Hyuuga! A New Training Partner! (Kouse) Empty Re: Uchiha and Hyuuga! A New Training Partner! (Kouse)

Wed Jul 22, 2015 5:12 pm
Hikari was thankful that Kouse understood her position. She still hated that she was not of more use to him as a ninja, but she knew that a new Genin would not be able to be a strong teacher, not yet at least. "We could do the elemental jutsu, but I am a fire element user while you are an earth user. How can we learn an elemental jutsu if we are separate elements?" She was still learning how things worked in the ninja world, and this was one of the things she needed to know. It had happened once before, with a water user named Cole, although he did know how the fire jutsu worked and how to perform it. Even if it did work, I do not know of any earth jutsu nor do I know of anymore fire jutsu. I haven't had time to go to the library to research yet...

She was slightly confused as to why Kouse winked at her, nothing he had said required there to be a wink. She wouldn't ask him about it though, as she thought he was just trying to act cool or something of the sorts.

[WC: 1,138]
Kouse <3
Kouse <3
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Uchiha and Hyuuga! A New Training Partner! (Kouse) Empty Re: Uchiha and Hyuuga! A New Training Partner! (Kouse)

Thu Jul 23, 2015 5:06 pm
Kouse smiled at her . he knew that for them to learn how to use a new element..It would take more than a day of practice and they simply didn't have the time to do so just now. He once heard of someone who took a whole week just to start using another element.. He too wanted to learn fire Techniques but it wasn't possible just yet.
" that was my original choice too,  but it would take days for us both to even start using another element and we don't have that time just yet,  maybe if we can become really close and practice regularly together we can get to that" kouse said "but for now let's stick with non-elemental jutsu" 
Even if he was the one that said it, he was disappointed, reality could be a thorn in ones side at times "I can teach you the chakra sensory jutsu if your interested".
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