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Travin Iburi
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Finding a Training Partner Empty Finding a Training Partner

Mon Jun 29, 2015 11:52 pm
It was mid day when Cole decided that he was not going to wait any longer. He couldn't wait for a new hokage to be selected. He had training to do so that he could get stronger. If they village would not select a hokage so that he could be placed in a team he would look for other genin and maybe even a chuunin or jounin to lead. He had heard of a mission that he could take that would give him the rank of chuunin but in order to take it he would need to find a team, so that he could do some mission and have help with his training. He knew that he could not just go up and take an A rank mission by him self especially seeing how he had never taken a mission before to begin with. 
He figured that they best way to find other shinobi would be to look for others that had the konoha village head band. He knew that it was a sign that they had graduated from they academy and was a shinobi. The downside was that he wouldn't know what rank they was. Either way he wouldn't find any one just standing around here, and he starts to walk around the village looking at every one he could see. Hopping that he would pick someone out with a village headband.
Lingqi Rentei
Lingqi Rentei
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Finding a Training Partner Empty Re: Finding a Training Partner

Tue Jun 30, 2015 12:06 am
Out from an alley way came a young girl, clad in a yellow and brown outfit. She ran from the alley rapidly as a red Monkey chased her through the streets. As she burst out from the alley and over a garbage can she'd run right into Cole knocking him on his but and sending the two genin crashing on the floor. 

Before Ling could say anything, the monkey pounced on her. It gave her a quick kiss and the cheek and jumped to a nearby rooftop before it did a little dance of triumph. It pointed in Ling's direction and spanked it's bottom to mock her.

"No fare! You made me run into this kid!" She shouted at her monkey companion Hiru, even as her limbs were intertwined with cole's. "All right! You find a place to hide and I'll count to one hundred!"  She unspooled herself from the kid and got to her feet.

"Sorry about that!" She giggled offering her hand to help the boy up to his feet. "We were playing Tag! I didn't mean to hit you like that! Do you wanna play with us?" As a gust of wind flew through the streets they lifted the girl's long blue bangs away revealing a leaf headband hidden underneath. "My Name's Lingqi!"
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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Finding a Training Partner Empty Re: Finding a Training Partner

Tue Jun 30, 2015 12:52 am
yen walked along the grounds and with a smile noted two of the genin standing by seemingly in a meet up. miss the days i was one and nedded to find the value of team mates. still do though yen thought to him self as despite his size of being 4 feet he wasnt a push over. yen walked over towards the two genin casually and smiled with a tip of his hat as he spoke up to them. "how are you guys doing today? need a hand for anything or such guys?" yen would offer genuinly as he was curipus to what would the two do and be willing to learn at the time being. despite the case of him being an aburame yens insects buzzed around him and landed on his shoulder as he offered a hand to the girl with the monkey. yen then offered a handshake to the boy and nodded. "so what shall we do today guys!" yen asked with eagerness.
Travin Iburi
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Finding a Training Partner Empty Re: Finding a Training Partner

Tue Jun 30, 2015 1:24 am
Cole was walking down they street looking for other ninja when a girl getting chased by a red monkey runs into him knocking both of them down. Cole sets their for a sec trying to figure out what is going on when he hears the girl yell at they monkey that he was not playing fair. He figures that they was playing some kind of game. Cole would look up to see the girl already standing and offering him a hand and apologizing for knocking him down. He would take the girls hand and stand up to his feet brushing away the dirt from his black leather jacket and cargo pants. 

The wind blows through the street lifting the girls hair up reveling that she wore the leaf headband, as she tells him that they was playing tag and invites him to join, but before he could tell her he would another man walks up. Cole looks at him noticing that he had a few bugs about him no pun intended he thinks to himself as he lets a half smile. The man would ask if how they was doing.

"i'm doing good looking for other ninja to train with and maybe make a team" Cole would tell the man as goes to accept the mans hand shake. He could tell the man was eager for something but he couldn't tell if he just liked meeting new people or was just one of those people. Either way both of these two seemed alright in his book so far, and hopefully he would be able to get a team together he thinks to him self, but either way knowing his luck even though the man was only 4 feet tall for all cole knew he could be here to try for the hokage spot, and the girl could be a super ninja genius jounin, but either way he would try to get a team or at least some training.
Lingqi Rentei
Lingqi Rentei
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Finding a Training Partner Empty Re: Finding a Training Partner

Tue Jun 30, 2015 2:08 am
"GROSS!" Lingqi screeched jumping at least four feet into the air. This guy was crawling with bugs! That was so nasty! Gross, gross, gross. Was he just disgustingly dirty? And this was coming from a girl who'd spent a year in a jungle, without a single shower! She landed several feet away from the fairly friendly bug guy. 

She bent over, and feigned a dry heaving spell for a moment. 

Meanwhile her cute little monkey would jump from the roof top, and land on his shoulder. He'd pick one of the bugs up and plop it into his mouth.

"Hiru!" Ling shouted. "You can't just clean people without asking! Besides you're suppose to be hiding! I could totally tag you right now." The monkey jumped from the bug dude back onto her head. "Any way, I'm tototo-totally up for some training! No teams though, I'm no good with teams. It's not that I'm not a good team member, I just can't stick with them, ya know. There are just so many amazing people in this village, how could I ever just pick two ya know? There's drac, and Jason, and that other Jason, now's there's you, and you over there. I mean what am I suppose to do, pic favorites? No no no I love everyone. That doesn't mean I don't want to train with you because I totally do. I mean it did take me like sixteen years to become a Genin so it's not like I'm not in need of practice! hahaha I was sooooo old in the academy it was so embarrassing, but that's what happens when you go native for a few years...." She will continue to talk, with similar rapidity, and even less sense until interrupted.
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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Finding a Training Partner Empty Re: Finding a Training Partner

Tue Jun 30, 2015 2:37 am
yen would listen to the girl speak and nodd. well he wasnt ignoring and glanced at the monkey with a frown. "well for one im yensung aburame, bug tamer and extrodinar, and two your monkey might not want to keep eating the bugs as they well dont take kindly to thoes who threaten me and themselves at the manner. and i see you met the other chuninn well done." yens attention went to the boy as he went to explain that he was in search of a team. yen smiled and nodded as he took note of both seeking a way to grow on their path as ninja. "hm well i can perhaps lend a hand and by most cases its not as much as building a team or finding teammates as it is to stay a team or keep the goal in mind. the only way to do that is to be a team yourself. that means take certaincy your actions are absolute and not off a whim."

yen finished his speech and noted the girl took 16 years to get through the academy that was a first for yen as he smiled not discriminarotly but with openess. "well you both have made genin and through a way or anoother seek to further your life as ninja. i assure you if you train with me i can't give you power as power is figureative, but understanding of your duty and sight on what is it you seek in your life, along with techniques and such." yen furthered demostrated his point by weaving a few handsigns rat-dog-ox to create a long whip of water that he wrapped around his shoulder.

yen then smiled as he continued speaking "to first bring up our lesson here you two well the question is obvious isnt it. what is it you guys seek to learn as ninja? or to better phrase it what is it that you seek to understand within yourselves and take as a margine and a goal as a service to this village?"

Yen would take a seat on the grass as he gazed at the boy and the girl along with monkey awaiting their awnser all the while the insects would retreat within the folds of his jacket and enter back into his skin.
Travin Iburi
Travin Iburi
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Finding a Training Partner Empty Re: Finding a Training Partner

Tue Jun 30, 2015 9:04 am
As cole shook the guys hand the girl would jump back screaming about bugs. While her monkey would jump down on the mans shoulder and eat a bug before he jumped back over on top of her head. The girl would start to rumble on about being 16 and they academy and teams and then about boys. 

The guy would tell them that his name is Yensung Aburame. Cole had heard of the Aburame clan, but he didn't know much. All he knew was that they used bug in their jutsu, but he had no idea how. He just figured that it was a kekkei genkai like his ice release was he thinks to him self. 

"My name is Cole Yuki" he would tell them after the guy finished. Yensung then made a few hand signs and created a water whip and wrapped it around his shoulder. Cool cole thinks to himself. If he can do that jutsu then he must have they water element cole thinks to himself. Next the guy would ask them what they seek to gain as ninja.

"I want to learn the wind element of my clan so that i can then unlock the ice element we have, so that i can become they strongest ninja in my clan. That way i can be able to take on harder mission to help the village grow, and to protect it from any that would try to harm it" Cole would tell Yensung. 

He now knew that Yensung was at least a chuunin by the way he was talking, and that the girl was a genin just like him he thinks to himself as he watch's the two.
Lingqi Rentei
Lingqi Rentei
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Finding a Training Partner Empty Re: Finding a Training Partner

Tue Jun 30, 2015 9:31 am
Ling rubbed her chin in a sagely fashion. It seemed people of this village put much more stock in what clan they cam from then they did back home. Then again she didn't recall ever meeting someone who wasn't from the Rentei until she joined up with this village. Maybe they all did it to express their own individuality. Well she didn't have much time to consider it, because as it so often did, the veil of her mind drew close. 

Her eyes clouded over from her moment of reflection, before brightening up with her usual happy gaze. She listened to the both speak and wiggled in place with excitement as they talked of such fun things. "Yeah, yeah! I want to learn wind too! And Ice too! And that wood stuff that Jason does! Oh and fire! But you know water too? Me too! You could totally teach me something! I can already summon this big ol' water monster! He's like Errrrr, graaaaaa, SMASH! It's so cool."

"Oh you mean goals?" Ling dropped to her butt, and placed her hand on her chin, stroking it. Her monkey sat criss crossed on her head, and repeated the gesture. "I don't really have any plans!" She announced with a giggle! "I guess to find my momma and my pappa again! But I know where they are, so it's not like there's anything keeping me from it. I just want to see all my friends grow and be happy! Right Hiru?"

Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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Finding a Training Partner Empty Re: Finding a Training Partner

Tue Jun 30, 2015 12:24 pm
yen listend to both of their awnsers and noted the girl again. "i see your eyes are hungry for the world just beware that the world is much bigger and even hunngrier. sometimes you will see the bad and the good but that will only determine off what your willing to sacrifice to gain" yen spoke gazing at both the girl and boy considering on what to teach them. " so far i see that you as a yuki disires to tap into your element. yet you must not forget your own element as well. its easy to be blinded by the insanity with growth and power thats why its important to remember your roots and stick to them. but to start with ill test your proficency with water and your knowledge shall it be hewen into your heads and known" with that yen would hold the tiger sign before speaking again to the girl. "what is it that makes water element diffrent to the other elements? and why is it that?" yen would ask the girl for he was positive the boy cole knew already as he had a question in mind for him.

"cole which element is more important in ice creation?"
Travin Iburi
Travin Iburi
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Finding a Training Partner Empty Re: Finding a Training Partner

Tue Jun 30, 2015 4:28 pm
Cole would stand their giving his answer first, and he would listen to what the girl says, and he would wait to see what yensung would say. He asked the girl what made the water element different from they others. Cole thougth for a sec and figured that their was a lot of answers to that, and it would depend on the person for what makes they element different. 

Yensung would then ask cole what part is more important to the ice element. Cole would stand for a min and think about it that was actually a pretty hard question and he had not thought of it before. 

"The most important part of the ice element is the fact that it is made of two elements, and neither is stronger than they other. Plus in order to master the the element of ice you must first master both the water and the wind element, and find the true balance between the two elements" cole would tell Yensung as he waited to see what the girl would say about her question and what Yensung would say about his answer.
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