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Lingqi Rentei
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Finding a Training Partner - Page 2 Empty Re: Finding a Training Partner

Tue Jun 30, 2015 6:32 pm
"Life!" Lingqi announced assuridly, as well as quickly. "Water is the only element that can nurture life on it's own." If those words sounded a little bit too wise for our girl Lingqi, there's a reason for it. That every sentence had been bounded into her head, for almost twelve years, by her tutors back home. To the Rentai Water wasn't just another element, and was a dear and beloved friend.

Ling liked the boy's harmony answer. Harmony was good. Very element has their place, she supposed. She did want to learn everyone after all! A person with a goal like that wasn't likely to think any element less than any other. Still, she couldn't help but think that that wasn't what Yen had meant when he asked the question.
Alister Yama
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Finding a Training Partner - Page 2 Empty Re: Finding a Training Partner

Tue Jun 30, 2015 8:02 pm
yen smiled as he built up chakra and released a thick mist from his mouth enveloping the area and himself within it. before speaking. "that is correct lin was it? because when you are with your element you are with yourself. life and vitality water fuels and contains it and keeps thoes within it alive. without water we all would be husks and die. but each person can produce their own water with their own chakra. it is within that there lies our vitality. Your goal is to connect and feel yourself emerging with your element that there is your first step to learning with me" you would speak as the mist thickly envelops the boy and the girl as he smiles before moving to the left a few meters. and speaking to cole as he makes his shadow clone. "you sir are absolutely correct. to master your elelment or even learn it you must dedicate balence within your own elements. however within that you know you cannot look to the big picture before taking a small step forward. your goal before tapping into your wind atributes now is to understand what you can do with water and the depths you can go. this requires extensive training with your element and your chakra for to make a good water technique you must take in account of what is it you want to form. focus and you will make that which you seek."

yen would take a seat in the mist and build up his chakra for he would like to try something as well while teaching the genin. for thoes who were incrediably powerful with water could in fact make their own water as it was rain as yen built up his emence chakra yen would smile and speak to the girl and boy. "you both have a goal here and i will watch you here. within this mist is me and my clone. deception is your training now as my clone is my sensory. can you both get behind me and touch my shoulder? if you find the clone you must then manipulate the water around you and yell out what you want to learn to me. it will be then that you must make an attempt to learn said technique before the mist clears. this requires you pushing your creativity and your will to the maximum if this occurs. i will teach you and my clone will. and if you make it to me i will teach you all I know on water thus far as a reward. stay silent if i hear you or the clone hears you we will move show us what you learned and do not be afraid you are ninja wether genin or not and will fail or susceede even then you learn."

yen would then realize the girl had the monkey and smile as he sent 20 of his insects on the clone just in case the monkey were to be cleaver before comming to him. "If your monkey finds the clone you will have to follow the same rules as well. keep in mind that control of yourself is not only the key but keepping control of thoes with you is also the important thing. that requires teamwork." at thoes words yen would take a seat as the clone took a step to the left and headed directally to werr coles last location was. yen meanwhile would slowly start making his chakra more dense as he slowly releases it within the sky pooling up it up into the sky as the technique required an imesureable ammount of chakra in the sky. yens chakra slowly began drifting up to the sky.

WC: 619/4,000 for rain tiger at will
Travin Iburi
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Finding a Training Partner - Page 2 Empty Re: Finding a Training Partner

Tue Jun 30, 2015 9:04 pm
Cole stands their and listens to what Yensung and the girl had to say. Cole agreed with the girl on her answer, and accepted what Yensung said about his answer. Yensung then took a step back and made a few hand signs and a mist rises up taking away almost all vision in the area. He would hear Yensung tell them that their goal was to make it past the clone get behind him and touch his shoulder. Cole knew that this would not be easy seeing how if he made a sound he would fall the test, but that was not the part that had him worried it was the fact that the clone was out looking for them as well. Plus it was obvious that Yensung was a lot stronger then both of them, but the fact that he would teach cole new jutsu was more then enough motivation to get him to give his best.

Cole would make a few hand signs and say water clone jutsu in his head, as two clones lift up and take form on both sides of him. He would send one clone straight ahead and they other to his right while he went to the left. He figured that Yensung would have moved and with making a circle while moving in a straight line he would cover the most ground. On top of that if any of his clones ran into Yensungs clone it would simply disperse. Plus with Yensung only making one clone it would lesson the chance that Yensungs clone would find the real him. If this worked he would hopefully b able to place his hand on Yensungs shoulder.

Jutsu link- water clone jutsu
Lingqi Rentei
Lingqi Rentei
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Finding a Training Partner - Page 2 Empty Re: Finding a Training Partner

Tue Jun 30, 2015 11:36 pm
Ling both in real life and in character was finding it  incredibly difficult to concentrate at the moment. She wasn't entirely sure what she was suppose to do. However! This guy was using the hidden mist Jutsu! She recognized it immediately. That's exactly what she was after. She ran headlong into the mist, ready to get a look at it inner workings.

Again she wasn't too sure on the urles of the game, but she knew that there was a clone somewhere in here, and that Yen was the base. When she entered the mist she spun around and took the whole cloud in. It was so pretty, and she couldn't see a thing. This was a super dooper important Jutsu for her to learn. "Hidden mist jutsu!" She declared happily as she danced around, with little regard if there was other people to run into or not. She activated the first stage of her Eyes, and let the water chakra flow through her body. Her body and the mist around her hummed with the same energy. 

Yeah she was getting a feel for it now. A high concentration of chakra, over a large space. Keeping it thick, and stopping the dissipation effect. That was an interesting idea. "Thanks eyes." She whispered turning them off. 

She recalled him saying something about the game being over when the mist cleared, but if she made the mist stay around, they could play forever. She scrunched her forehead and tried to dig up what handsings she'd seen Yen use to prepare it.
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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Finding a Training Partner - Page 2 Empty Re: Finding a Training Partner

Wed Jul 01, 2015 6:27 pm
yen smiled as the mist thickend and chuckled as the girl shouted out the name of the jutsu. good she should learn to make the technique then as well yen thought to himself as he released more chakra from within him into the air as he decided to sit there and await silently listening for the foot steps of the boy. there were a bit more of a distinctive footsteps that could be heard creaking and breaking of the grass. his clone also picking up the noise guessed they were aboout five meters to his right and decided to trot a meter forward and then go 6 meters to the right before going diagnally from his original path 7 meters in order to intercept the person. Yen in the meantime cfocused his chakra and smiled as he felt the rush of his chakra leaving him in slow interviewals as he decided to make a small large clumps of it resonate off his body and float up into the air building up into a slightly larger mass of chakra that begun to go into the sky as the chakra stayed put up there building up the moisture in the air above the hidden mist technique.

Yen began to rack his brains for how to further enhance the technique as it would be reckoning with a force of nature all the while be full of his own chakra for his own use. the greatest challenge that seemed to be moderately handled for him was the work that was required to make the technique work for to make rain the chakra of the user needed to be shaped and able to stand as a base for the technique. yen smiled as he figured that with a greater push for his technique it would just simply require him to release even more chakra into the sky. with that in mind yen focused as he began to up the technique's paremeters by releasing more chakra as a base to enable it to begin raining as yen began to take note of the foot steps of his clone to the left comming up behind the set of footsteps nearing his position. yen decided to play a bit as he released about 5 insects and transformed himself into one with the transformation technique as they hummed and yen hummed along with them flying and joining them as they flew through the thick mist towards the sound of the footsteps.

Wc: 1,032/4,000 for rain tiger at will
Travin Iburi
Travin Iburi
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Finding a Training Partner - Page 2 Empty Re: Finding a Training Partner

Thu Jul 02, 2015 9:33 am
Cole was trying to stay silent in the mist while letting his clones make a little noise as to not give the real hims position away. When he heard the girl scream the name of the jutsu. Well then if she keeps doing that i won't really have any competition cause he will find her quickly he thinks to himself as he continues to move. His other two clones getting to closer with him to the original spot were yen was standing. Cole figured that he had to be getting close, as the clone that went to his right came to a stop having heard movement in the mist. Cole and his other clone also came to a stop to make sure if that was they position of the clone or yen himself, as the mist cleared out a bit while yens clone came closer Cole's clone could see that it was walking around, and remembering what yen said he quickly disperses the clone before he got any closer. because yen had told them that he would be sitting still and his clone would be moving around to stop them from getting to him.

Now knowing the position of yens clone, and having a ok idea were the girl was he thought he had figured out were yen would have to be, so cole sent his clone first encase it was a trap meant to catch them off guard. Cole would wait about 5 meters from were he thought yen would be as they clone moved in, but as the clone got closer he started to hear a buzzing sound. Cole didn't think much of it at first and continued to get move in on they location, but when his clone got their yen was gone. 

Dam he had to of moved i was sure this is were he would have to be cole thinks to himself, and then it hit him the buzzing sound that he had heard would have to be coming from yen. Yen was a member of the Aburame clan, and they used bugs. Cole didn't know how it worked or how they used them, but in this world it wouldn't be to hard for someone that works with bugs to turn into one he thinks to himself.

Cole would then have his clone move directly over to were his last clone had dispersed. He had came up with a plane he would use his clone has bait and being as quit as he can he would follow the clone. he figured that if yens clone found his clone that yen himself would come out, and if that worked he would walk over and touch his shoulder.
Lingqi Rentei
Lingqi Rentei
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Finding a Training Partner - Page 2 Empty Re: Finding a Training Partner

Fri Jul 03, 2015 1:03 am
She did it! She totally misted this place up! Oh my god! That was so awesome! The mist just popped out of no where like it was magic or something! Well if she didn't take anything else out of this training at least she'd managed to learn a cool new jutsu. Oh my god she was going to become the queen of hide and go seek with this Jutsu on her side. Good Lord, Hiru didn't stand a chance. She could already hear his groans of misery he'd let out as he looked for her.

Now time to finish this game.

She closed her eyes and spun around in a circle, before stopping abruptly. She opened her eyes, and she'd charge forward in whatever direction she ended up facing. "Hiyaaaaaaa!" She'd giggle as she charged forward... but charged into what?
Alister Yama
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Finding a Training Partner - Page 2 Empty Re: Finding a Training Partner

Sun Jul 05, 2015 4:59 am
yen flew forward as an insect as the mist thinned and there stood before him the boy cole and his clone right behind him. deciding to test the boy yen stopped as he mentally told his insects to hold there posistion the insects held there spot in place as they flew around in a random circle as yens clone attempted to place a hand no cole as it spoke. "Sometimes deception les right before you or in the big work of things you might come up with an idea of what is true and what is false. the real thing about training is that if your willing to reach your potential then you must in my opinion be willing to sacrifice as much as it takes to get forward."

the clone sat down on the ground behind cole as it closed its eyes taking a breath before speaking in a serious tone "After all you gave your heart and soul to your home and village taking hold of the headband, that there signifies not some rank but a life of ever growing responsibility of your life and the villages. so tell me. why do you think gaining power ensures a missions suscess? i can tell you that no matter how fast or strong you are no mission will susceed with power nor can i tell you that you will come back the same. you walk the fine line between life and death ever tethering in its shadow, and unless you seek to drink an unquenchable thirst then you should tell and show me that your words are not words of vain. My last mission the girl no older then you layed down her life for a man who lead a group of genin such as yourself. they followed him like an animal to water, and the girl rather choosing to surrender took her life on the blade of my comrad. i want you to stand and reflect not the possibilities but the reality of the world before you. we train every day by the day to steel ourselves for the world yet we are only mortals within the skin and mind, tragedy and death affects us all. the skeletal sight of thoes incenertated by a fireball still catch me at night. and unless you can look before your path i want you to look to the experience that i share before you, evaluate, and meditate on your actions. when your helpless and the one who protects what you belive in and thoes in your village. what do you take first? when your being cornered and overpowered by an enemy will you back down to that enemy? will you strike with a cowards cry? will you falsify your courage and stand strong with no spine? tell me what is it you will do?"

the clone gazed at the boy with intense deep yellow eyes as it let its words sink into the boy. "the ninja world is riddled with liers and decivers that is our world as it is and yet there is the world of peace and prosperity, it is the human world and human perception of our world. some may blind themselves to the realities of the world, but im here to teach and open your eyes as you will face not only people beyond my capabilities but that as history has shown can shake your world alone with merely a glance, you are a genin and yes you may ask why am i hitting you over the head with this? i am telling you because unless you are prepaired to stand in front wether medical, or warrior, or an ambassidor, all the roles you take will lead to the reality of our world. and if your not strong and dont share it you won't be able to even take a step in the real deal."

The clone spoke loud enough for everyone to hear within the training ground yet gaze was strictally on cole as the giggling of the girl was running around in the mist awaiting for the boy to awnser and should the girl take interest respond.

1,723/4,000 to rain tiger at will
Travin Iburi
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Finding a Training Partner - Page 2 Empty Re: Finding a Training Partner

Sun Jul 05, 2015 9:26 am
Cole was waiting for Yen you show up and get his clone when he felt a hand get laid on his shoulder. Dam he thought realizing that Yen had found him, and that his plan had failed. He would listen to Yen as he talked. "Sometimes deception is right before you or in the big work of things you might come up with an idea of what is true and what is false. the real thing about training is that if your willing to reach your potential then you must in my opinion be willing to sacrifice as much as it takes to get forward" Yen would say. Cole took a moment to think about this he knew that the world was not a good place and bad people lived in it, but Yen set down and continued his speech and as he would start Cole would also set down and listen.

Yen would go on to say "After all you gave your heart and soul to your home and village taking hold of the headband, that there signifies not some rank but a life of ever growing responsibility of your life and the villages. so tell me. why do you think gaining power ensures a missions success? i can tell you that no matter how fast or strong you are no mission will succeed with power nor can i tell you that you will come back the same. you walk the fine line between life and death ever tethering in its shadow, and unless you seek to drink an unquenchable thirst then you should tell and show me that your words are not words of vain. My last mission the girl no older then you layed down her life for a man who lead a group of genin such as yourself. they followed him like an animal to water, and the girl rather choosing to surrender took her life on the blade of my comrade. i want you to stand and reflect not the possibilities but the reality of the world before you. we train every day by the day to steel ourselves for the world yet we are only mortals within the skin and mind, tragedy and death affects us all. the skeletal sight of those incinerated by a fireball still catch me at night. and unless you can look before your path i want you to look to the experience that i share before you, evaluate, and meditate on your actions. when your helpless and the one who protects what you believe in and those in your village. what do you take first? when your being cornered and overpowered by an enemy will you back down to that enemy? will you strike with a cowards cry? will you falsify your courage and stand strong with no spine? tell me what is it you will do?"

Cole after listening to Yen knew what he wanted to say. He wanted to tell Yen that he would give his life for the village but he had never seen real battle yet only spars and training he hadn't even took a mission yet, so cole looked down deep in him self in order to come up with a answer that he knew was the right one, but all that he could come up with was the same thing he knew it in his hart, and just because he hadn't seen real battle didn't mean he didn't know what it was like. He had seen his father come home after battle wounded and tore up, and he had seen that his father would do it again and again. With this cole knew what his answer was going to be he set up straight and looked Yen in the eyes when he begin to speak, but Yen would start again as he went to open his mouth. He would set and wait to hear what else Yen would say.

"the ninja world is riddled with lairs and deceivers that is our world as it is and yet there is the world of peace and prosperity, it is the human world and human perception of our world. some may blind themselves to the realities of the world, but im here to teach and open your eyes as you will face not only people beyond my capabilities but that as history has shown can shake your world alone with merely a glance, you are a genin and yes you may ask why am i hitting you over the head with this? i am telling you because unless you are prepared to stand in front whether medical, or warrior, or an ambassador, all the roles you take will lead to the reality of our world. and if your not strong and don't share it you won't be able to even take a step in the real deal."

Cole would think on this as well and his answer still hadn't changed with this last bit of info that Yen would give him. He knew that Yen was giving him info on how the way life is not only outside of the village but in the village. Cole knew that people lied and got people to do what they wanted, but he wouldn't let them convince him of something he knew was right, and would still do his mission as well as keep his village safe. Cole would straighten back up and say "I will fight for the village no matter how strong they are i will not give up. i will fight for the village, people, and my comrades, and no matter what people tell me i will always do what i know is right, and i will do the best i can to get stronger because strength is like a weapon, and you need a weapon in order to protect those that you love" cole would tell Yen with determination.

(sorry couldn't get the quote wouldn't work)
Yasuki Terumi
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Finding a Training Partner - Page 2 Empty Re: Finding a Training Partner

Sun Jul 05, 2015 4:33 pm
"RAAAAAA!" Lingqi giggled as she continued in a straight line out of the mist, and down the street, through a crowd out people, and all the way until she git the village gates. She had no idea what those guys were going on about but it seemed very serious and she didn't want to slow them down! She had fun to have, and games to play. If these guys were going to be adults then she'd just have to skip out on them!

(Thanks for the Thread!)
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