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Finding a Training Partner - Page 3 Empty Re: Finding a Training Partner

Tue Jul 07, 2015 3:26 am
yens clone nodded as the mist cleared seeing the girl run by and towards the gates with joy. with that yen let go of the transformation technique and the four bugs of his landed on his shoulder as he nodded at the clone as it dispersed itself as its duties were done. if only things were like that girl then things would be interesting for sure but we are served what we are given yen thought as he smiled adressing cole alone now yen gazed at the by before speaking. "your awnsers are all strong and true as a ninja of the village. but your awnsers may change over time. what considered a simple awnser now will test your faith and loyalties to yourself, your village and your way as a ninja. but realize this, thoes were not test questions they were questions that test your heart and soul, questions you ask yourself whenever you encounter something or handle the challenge of thoes that will defy your duty as a sheild and heart of the village." yen sighed and smiled as he eased up but then nodded. "so how do you dedicate yourself as much to your training in the arts of ninjutsu or genjutsu, or medical the same way cole? you put your all in every action wether you hold back in mercy or face a challenge you give 100% because any less will not have the absolution that is needed. your techniques are not only attacks just like your fists are not lethal weapons, but tools. like the water whip for example."

Yen preformed the rat -dog- ox handsigns again to make a whip out of his chakra come to life and solidify in his left hand. all the while releasing some more chakra into the air above the two as the sky began to grey a little from the build up of chakra in the air yen gazed at the figure of cole and smiled. " so are you ready with mind prepaired to train and mold your techniques as not a ninja but cavillian of the leaf and train as hard as you can for your elements?" yen awaited coles reply as he released more chakra within the air and noted a little drop of water come from the sky just a little not enough to rain but a few drops before it stopped. i should be getting close to the ammount of chakra needed to use this technique as it will be excellent for todays training yen thought to himself as he waited for cole.


2,150/4,000 for rain tiger at will
Travin Iburi
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Finding a Training Partner - Page 3 Empty Re: Finding a Training Partner

Tue Jul 07, 2015 10:36 am
Cole would keep listening to everything Yen said. He knew that it was all true and that it was an important lesson that he would learn either now or later in his life as a ninja. He would take note of yens message to give everything all that he had, and to never give any less. Cole knew that thats what he became a ninja to do. He would become strong and he would give his all to everything he did. He would never back down from a challenge no matter who they was. If he lost then he would use it as a learning experience and come back stronger. If he won than he wouldn't let it go to his head and would continue to train and get stronger every day. Because their is always someone out their stronger then you are.

Yen would perform the hand signs for the water whip again, as the water rises up out of the air and form the whip. He would then ask cole if he was ready to train as hard as possible to gain his elements. At this cole would nod his head holding back the emotion he felt to celebrate that he had hopefully found someone to train him with his wind element and maybe help him work on his ice element.

It would rain a few drops as the sky darkens. Cole didn't think it was suppose to rain to day but o well he had been wrong before. "I am ready Yen. I want to learn as much as possible about my elements i feel as though i have the water element down, and that i should work on my wind element, so that i will be one step closer to gaining my ice element" cole would tell yen as he waited to see what he would do.
Alister Yama
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Finding a Training Partner - Page 3 Empty Re: Finding a Training Partner

Sun Jul 12, 2015 2:52 pm

yen smiled as he felt more of his chakra leak into the sky and heard cole speak. "all righty then well for the first of the step of our training i want you to make the whip of water. for I’m working on a technique just at this moment as a matter of fact that will require that massive amount of control of your chakra" yen spoke with a smile as he felt a few more rain drops fall on his skin and mentally nodded with approval already he could feel it was his own chakra in the rain drops as it was coming along fairly well. yet as yen felt the drain begin to come across him as his reserves were noticebly high even to himself this drop minths ago would’ve left him panting for air and exhuasted as of now it was minscual to him almost childs play. with a smile yen would release more chakra within the air now making it a bit more visible to cole who would if he looked carefully see the slight blue haze around yen seeping into the air above them as the rain began to fall in a more rapid pace. slowly it started as a tiny few drops of rain but at a slow pace it grew to more then a few drops to a small drizzle as yen began to release more chakra he noted that he could just in fact keep a sense of chakra within the area, even coles as it became more apparent to him the boy had a good amount. yen nodded as he released more chakra as the sky began to darken slowly and the clouds gathered a bit above as he began to mold his chakra holding up a hand sign and speaking.

"as the girl said earlier water is the essence of life, yet with wind combined as the endless as there will almost always be air so as long as there are plants there will be the essence of life. yet with this in mind you must make sure that you have your solid fundamental down before you can do your ice. i wonder if you could infact with combining your elements and some techniques such as this can you make your own snow? your possibilities are limitless and how i envy your clans abilities yet this day is a day of learning. focus your chakra around you and feel for the water scource you can find it easy enough just to make it from your own mouth and body should you posess enough but feel for it. Understand that unless you are specific you wont achieve the goal unless you give it your all and stay focused on that goal in hand." Yen spoke as the sky darkened a bit more and preformed a handsign to prepare the technique as completed. bird although he had a few techniques with the sign it meant more to him then most handsigns, a handsign of freedom and the airyness that birds posessed quiet impressive to yen as he paused a moment feeling his chakra flare up a bit.

Yen then proceeded to makr the rat handsign a followed by the ox sign then proceeding to the monkey sign, before returning to the rat sign and finally the snake sign. as he weaved the handsigns the sky darkened as the on coming rain began to spread around a mile as the smell of moisture in the air met yens nose his chakra flared up into the sky once more sending down a heavy down pour of rain from the sky and yen smiled as it felt warm within the rain and yet he could feel about everything around him as the rain continued to fall his own chakra was the rain drops easily drenching the area around yen and cole with the rain but it was all under yens control. and yen nodded at cole. "the rain may be rain but its composed of my chakra. so now comes the question. what scource of water must you find and use for your own techniques" yen asked cole as the dark sky began to spread for close to about a mile as yen observed cole and awaited his response. Yet within this rain yen felt at home perhaps it was because it was of his own chakra and that this enabled him more control. There was something about having such control that felt almost forgine to yen and perhaps it was just the fact that all of the rain was a lot to take in and he could in fact create this. Yet it was only an instant before he realized in the back of his head of the basic difficulty of such a techniquewasnt that surprising yet it was a difficult technique to handle down. Yet to test out the technique in whole yen needed to make sure he had all the rain under his thumb as he created the water whip in his hand again with releative ease as the rain basically formed it. Yen nodded again as he smiled and awaited coles response.

WC: 3,011/4,000 for rain tiger at will
Travin Iburi
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Finding a Training Partner - Page 3 Empty Re: Finding a Training Partner

Mon Jul 13, 2015 12:26 am
Cole stood watching yen. The sky darkened as a few rain drops fell from the sky. Cole was sure now that it wasn't suppose to rain, and that yen would have to be the one making it rain. Yen would tell cole to make the water whip and that he was working on a new jutsu as they spoke. Cole took the challenge he would make the water whip he had saw yen do it two times now and he knew the hand signs now having saw yen do them twice. At this point cole could tell that the rain drops was full of yens chakra, and he could notice a slight blue glow around from it.

Yen tells cole "as the girl said earlier water is the essence of life, yet with wind combined as the endless as there will almost always be air so as long as there are plants there will be the essence of life. yet with this in mind you must make sure that you have your solid fundamental down before you can do your ice. i wonder if you could infact with combining your elements and some techniques such as this can you make your own snow? your possibilities are limitless and how i envy your clans abilities yet this day is a day of learning. focus your chakra around you and feel for the water scource you can find it easy enough just to make it from your own mouth and body should you posess enough but feel for it. Understand that unless you are specific you wont achieve the goal unless you give it your all and stay focused on that goal in hand."

Cole hadn't thought about his elements being the very essence of life before, but he knew that they were as yen said it, it made perfect sense our body's are made up of mostly water and every thing needs water to live, as well as they air. Cole would remember this for with this knowledge he could do anything that he set his mind to. When yen wondered if he could create his own snow. Cole knew that he could his father had done it a few times.

The sky had gotten real dark by now and the rain was coming down pretty rapidly. It was at this point that yen would tell cole "the rain may be rain but its composed of my chakra. so now comes the question. what source of water must you find and use for your own techniques"

Cole would figure that he could use the rain to create the water whip, but with what yen said cole wouldn't be able to use the rain to make the whip. He would focus trying to find a source of water, but as he try's yen make another water whip this time with ease. Cole watched as yen did this, and it appeared that the water itself formed the whip under yens command. He managed to do it this time with out any problems at all unlike the last time yen did it. Were it looked like he had to concentrate.

“yen I will answer your question about my clan. From what I know from my father when you release the ice element the air gets colder rapidly, and with higher ranking jutsu it can cause it snow. Their is jutsu designed by my clan that makes it snow as well. I will remember you lesson about my elements being the essence of life as well, and if you want me to use the water whip jutsu I will do it sir” cole would tell yen as he took a step to the side. Focusing his chakra in his hand visioning a whip. He pushed his chakra out pulling the water out of the rain. He knew that it wouldn't be easy since yens chakra was in the rain, but if it was rain then he could use it. He would just have to filter yens chakra out of it first.

The chakra starts to pull the rain in separating it from yens chakra. The water slowly forms a whip in coles right hand. “yes I did” cole would say. He would then look at yen to see what his next challenge was. He was willing to learn anything that yen would be willing to teach him.
Alister Yama
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Finding a Training Partner - Page 3 Empty Re: Finding a Training Partner

Mon Jul 13, 2015 2:13 am
yen nodded listening to how the yuki clan worked. speaking as he focused on cole. "marvelous talent andf ability your clan posses to be able to control the very temperature through chakra makes it a very difficult thing especially for ones self. hence to ensure that you have the control nessary you must know the fact behind your techniques and apply it all together. forexample it may seem i use the water whip from pure water but in fact its water created from the very fabric of chakra. my own chakra to be exact. and as you know im an aburame, bug tamers and communicators, but most would find it unusual for someone to have insects live within them. however thats the contrary we are born with them and hence our bugs are us as we are them. we dont often tell others that because it isnt as easily understood ya see. along with the fact that our bugs are noctorious chakra eaters most would rather stay away."

Yen chuckled at this as the rain continued falling and now he felt he had better grips on the technique and noticing that colemade the whip he smiled and nodded with appproval. "there you go you were seeking a scource of water but the awnser was there all along, however you must keep that in mind its not about searching for water but knowing when its avaliable. natural rain ensures that it is always there but despite that anyone can use it. yet the fact remains that you must understand that your chakra is a tool and a part of you as an induvidual that whip is more then a weapon but can be used in many situations but gotta keep your mind open to the possibilities as water has almost infinite forms and can always gets around its blockade."

Yen would speak as he used another jutsu that he uses on an occasion preforming the snake handsign followed by a quick session of ram-horse-hare-ram-horse-hare- snake- then an ox and a nice clap, yen created an nice circualr sphere of water no more then a meter away from him with relative ease, the sphere came up almost instantly yet yen figured it was with his training that it made the speed go up at an astounding rate as his left hand was within the waterthe pressure felt alot larger then before as well as he took note that the sphere was three meters in diamiter. yen then looked over at cole and spoke up once more. "put your hand in there as it may feel like the force of a waterfall but in all simplicity it is my chakra being pretty strong that causes that. shape and volume of water changes and to get to where your techniques can reach a point of power that they may be a bit over wealming you should make sure that your chakra in the esscence be worked to make techniques much stronger. i would hope a technique never hits you for its quiet painful to be honest."

Yen chuckled at that as he recalled a fireball barely hurting but that was quiet some time ago. "well most do extreamly powerful ones that is still take note of the handsigns and preform the water prision technique. its off of your control and willing ness to trust your chakra and the scource of water. now you may say "yeah its easy when its rain made by you, but there will be times you dont have preperation and must do it or suffer this is one exercise that exibits such a situaltion, like the clone test this is a test of rescoursfulness and chakra control, using what you have at your hands and within you to make a reality is key here." yen would smile and nodd as he held up the water prision technique allowing cole to feel the power of it before letting it down. and stepping forward. "try the technique on me as it would require for you to start a know you will have it when the water forms around me got it?" yen would wait as cole responds to his request.

WC: 3,707/ 4,000 for rain tiger at will
Travin Iburi
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Finding a Training Partner - Page 3 Empty Re: Finding a Training Partner

Mon Jul 13, 2015 10:22 am
Cole held the water whip in his hand and slung it around a bit to give it a shot he kinda liked the water whip. Cole let his hand fall letting go of the whip as it fell apart as it touched the ground. He wiped the hair from his face slicking it back to were it lade down out of his face. He already had so many ideas were the water whip would come in handy even in his past battles he could see were it would have been useful. Cole would listen closely to when yen told him about his clan. He didn't think that it was weird to have bugs inside of you, and he was always interested in learning about the other clans and their abilities he would listen to yen all day. Talk about his clan if yen would spend it. Cole thought that it was interesting.

Cole would listen to what yen said about water being able to get around any barricade. Cole would agree water is like life there is no stopping it, if it wanted to get some were it would get their cold thought to himself. Yen was making hand signs as he spoke and he created a sphere of water. Yen would tell him to touch the water sphere.

Cole walks closer to yen putting his hand in the sphere. The pressure was immense it pulled coles hand in further then he had thought. It took everything he had to pull his hand back out of the sphere, as his hand got free and took a few steps back trying not to fall over.

Yen would then tell cole to perform the water prison jutsu. That was the name of the jutsu yen used. Cole would learn this jutsu as well it would be very useful he could use to keep some one out of a fight, or to end one he thought to him self. Then yen told him to use it on him. Cole thought for a min he didn't see the harm in it, it was a non-damaging jutsu after all. Plus he didn't know if one could breath in their, but they would have to be able to breath or else how could you transport people in it. Cole would walk up to yen putting his hand up in the air about three feet from yens chest.

That seemed like it was the right distance he thought to himself. Cole focused his chakra picturing a ball in his head around yen. He would push his chakra forming a sphere. He would use his chakra to draw in yens rain just like with the water whip jutsu. Cole pulled the water in and a sphere raised up around yen. Cole tried to make it the best he could to show yen that he was ready for a more powerful jutsu.

“This jutsu will be very useful yen. I can already see multiple ways I can use it, but I think I ready for a more powerful jutsu” cole would tell yen with a half smile.

(TWC-4308-1000 water whip-1000 water prison jutsu=2308)
Alister Yama
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Finding a Training Partner - Page 3 Empty Re: Finding a Training Partner

Wed Jul 15, 2015 2:08 am
Yens eyes gleamed as he took note of Cole's abilities and smiled nodding back "well so far you have kept up and with little difficulty as well. Impressive I see you can take advise as well as apply your own twist to the deal. So how about a real test." Yen spread out his arms as he took in the rain and chuckled to himself a bit as he figured that should the boy had payed attention he had just about had grips of his technique and nodded at Cole. "Our best the power of my jutsu here and make your own rain. it might be taxing but let's put a true test of your skill . Your goal is now to take mantle and perhaps overcome this rain and make your own. I assure you unless you are near as strong as me and should your chakra have the same density as well as control. Something all throes other technique s have in common you won't have a easy time." Yen spoke with a smile awaiting Cole's acceptance to the challenge.

At this time yen would keep the rain going determining if Cole had the skill he would test him personally with his own power. Yen smiled as he realized that with the technique many more doors were opened as well. Since there was so much water at his disposal yen could in fact take his techniques to the next level. Yet dispute the pride of defensive abilities yen began to focus the water around him as the water from the rain began to dance around the aburame.

Yen own personal chakra within the rain water and all around him began to resonate as he drew the water chakra from within him as the rain continued to fall rapidly yens chakra within him pulsated once more as he focused it within him and like the ephermal technique he began to create a large substantial ammount of chakra into his fingers. 

The fact remained he needed to make a more viable scource of water for this technique and weaving the handsigns for water prison again yen created a much larger then the one he showed Cole about two meters larger as yen concitrated and focused his chakra. 

A fearsome and deadly predetor was on yens mind as he began to shape and focus his chakra into his fingers shaping the chakra into the deadly and intimidating figure of a shark.from fin to nose down to the gills and the belly yen concentrated on the image as he held up the water prison. Till he felt confident his chakra left through his fingers holding the prison and a small shark came out. Yet as it reached away from yens fingers it dissolved. 


4,000/4,000 for rain tiger at will

138/ 3,000 for five shark feeding frenzy
Travin Iburi
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Finding a Training Partner - Page 3 Empty Re: Finding a Training Partner

Wed Jul 15, 2015 9:40 am
Cole waited to see what yen would say next. Cole had passed every test yen had given him and even learned two new jutsu from. He was hopping that yen would see his skill with ninjutsu, and would be willing to teach him a more powerful jutsu. He cleared his head when he started to see yen speak. "well so far you have kept up and with little difficulty as well. Impressive I see you can take advise as well as apply your own twist to the deal. So how about a real test."

with this cole got a excited he tried not to show it, but yen would probably be able to see it in his face. Cole really enjoyed learning new jutsu, and what better he was good at it. He wanted to know what yen was going to teach him next he had hoped that it was this rain jutsu that yen had been doing. That jutsu would be so useful cole quickly thought before snapping back into to see what else yen would say.

"Our best the power of my jutsu here and make your own rain. it might be taxing but let's put a true test of your skill . Your goal is now to take mantle and perhaps overcome this rain and make your own. I assure you unless you are near as strong as me and should your chakra have the same density as well as control. Something all throes other technique s have in common you won't have a easy time."

It was the rain jutsu cole had been wanting to give it a shot since yen started it. “I will master this jutsu as well sir” cole would tell yen with some excitement in his voice. Finally a challenging jutsu, and he would be able to prove to yen that he was able to do it.

Cole waited a minute before he started making the hand-signs that yen had made before. He thought back on what all yen had done. He used the hidden mist jutsu and then made the rain. He must have used the hidden mist jutsu in order to get the moister with his chakra into the air easier cole would think to himself while running his hand threw his hair. Cole would then make the hand-signs for the hidden mist jutsu as a fog started to rise up around him and yen again. He didn't make it really thick instead he focused on filling the entire area up with mist as high as he could push it into the sky and as far out as he could. This way it did two things, one got his chakra in the air around him and yen, and two made it to were from the distance him and yen could clearly see each other.

Cole would then take a seat in Indian style. Just like yen had done before, and start to make the hand signs for the rain jutsu, but before he finished the last hand-signs he would stop and look at yen “what was the name of this jutsu” he would ask yen. While also looking to see if he could tell if he was on the right track with it. Cole would then focus everything he had pushing his chakra out and into the air. Trying to use the mist as a way to get it out and high into the sky. He would then push everything he had to make it go higher then that of the hidden mist jutsu capabilities. He knew he would have to in order to affect the clouds and make it rain. He had never done anything like this before and in some ways it would prove to be even harder to learn then the rising water slicer jutsu. He had learned last week, and that was a hard one to creak.

When he felt that his chakra was high enough in the air. He focused and envisioned that it would start to rain. He opened his eyes and yet nothing was happening. He then closed then back and focused getting an even clearer sight on his target. He would make it rain if it was the last thing he did. Pushing himself trying to reach the limit. He had never failed at learning a jutsu before and this would not be the one that he failed at. It was only a B rank jutsu and he had already mastered an A rank jutsu. This should be nothing to him. He thought to himself before realizing that that was the reason. The reason he was having a hard time his mind wasn't clear he was thinking about other jutsu that he had mastered already and com pairing them to this one. When their was no comparing he had never even attempted to change the weather before.

Cole would clear his mind and try once again pushing his chakra up and out concentrating on the clouds pulling them in, and filling them with water. He would picture this in his head, as he pushed with everything he had to try and make it rain. After a few minutes he would feel a drop of water. Not much but it was a start he would feel another rain drop, and then another. Yes he thought to him self. He had gotten the jutsu to start and now he just needed to gain control over the jutsu and make it come a down pour. He would open his eyes again and look at yen to see what he had to say about. Even though it wasn't much but just a drop here and their it was a start, and cole wasn't done yet, as he made the last sign again to focus more chakra and power trying to make it rain even harder. He would watch yen looking to see if he was surprised or if maybe he would give cole some tips to push it over the edge. He watch as the rain drops fell on both of them here and their. He knew he was close to getting this jutsu down as well and he knew that he would.

(WC-1037 TWC-5344-water whip- water prison=3344)
(rain tiger at will-3344-4000)
Alister Yama
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Finding a Training Partner - Page 3 Empty Re: Finding a Training Partner

Sun Jul 19, 2015 6:24 am
A smile escaped yen as he took note of the boy's progress and spoke as he maintained focus around the flooded area with ankle deep water. "Very impressive you made the technique your own and managed to make your own rain in the progress. Construction of chakra and meshing your will among the elements to make it your own is among the hardest things to do. Reason why is simple you are reaching into the world around you and manipulating things into your own control. But you must know your limits as simple as training this will mean nothing till you understand the value principles behind them and use them in life and death. For the most part I taught you control and will but application is your goal. It's not about how powerful your technique s are but how and why you use them. Right now I'm grabbing a hold of a offensive technique but I'll challenge you. Discover a way to minipulate the wind nature that you seek. I for one am not a wind based individual but I emplore you with an Idea of what you seek. To learn a element requires more then mind but acceptance of the element and knowing your connection and role within it. Like water is your body and your soul the wind must be part of you as well. Feel it carry you and guide you. Flow with it and understand it. How do you feel? Ask yourself that as you master your element"

yen spoke as he continued working on the formation of the shark within his water dome slowly solidifying the chakra and working it as he began to notice that in fact his fingers had a much more attuned glow as he attempted again to form the shark. This time instead of one he focused on the mere formation of two taking note that to handle the jutsu he would need 5 in total but the consistency of the sharks and depth of them would have to improve to make any impact as A technique. The challenge became more apparent as yen began to throw more focus into making the sharks more apparent as he needed them to remain as constructs that would react to throes unfortunate enough to be caught in the middle of the technique. Yen smiled as the two sharks swam around in a circle around yen before dispersing. Yen impressed nodded as he took note of the progress. It was a challenging task but five sharks could be made with ease but to last that was the question that eluded yen.


572/3,000 for five shark feeding frenzy
Travin Iburi
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Finding a Training Partner - Page 3 Empty Re: Finding a Training Partner

Sun Jul 19, 2015 10:13 am
Yen maintained his focus as he looked up at yen, as the rain slowly got harder. By now it was raining a good bit, and cole could notice things that he couldn't before he could feel were yen was, as well as the animals and other living creature around. He could feel the rain hit him and it felt good. It was like the chakra was refueling him. His strength was returning from the use of the jutsu. He would stand up in front of yen. “this jutsu is amazing I can feel everything” he told yen. Cole then started to release the jutsu. The rain would slowly stop as yen started to talk to cole.

Yen was impressed by cole use of the new jutsu. He also was working on a new jutsu as well. Yen had created a ball of water close to that of the water prison jutsu, but was bigger then it. He was also creating sharks inside of the water prison. Yen told cole that it was an offensive jutsu, and cole could tell that it would suck to be inside of that water prison, and then cole heard yen mention the wind element. At the sound of this he listened to every word that yen had to say.

“I'll challenge you. Discover a way to minipulate the wind nature that you seek. I for one am not a wind based individual but I emplore you with an Idea of what you seek. To learn a element requires more then mind but acceptance of the element and knowing your connection and role within it. Like water is your body and your soul the wind must be part of you as well. Feel it carry you and guide you. Flow with it and understand it. How do you feel? Ask yourself that as you master your element"

Cole took the challenge just like he always does. He was never one to step down from a challenge he all ways meat them head on, and then beat the challenge. At this point he noticed that the rain had stopped and a cool breeze was sweeping through the area blowing the grass like the sea. Cole would focus on his chakra trying to turn it into wind. It felt the wind blowing across his face, and moving his hair around from were he had slicked it back earlier. He focused if he could just create a breeze like this one he believed that he could master any jutsu thrown his way. He stood their and memorized the feel of the wind against his body, and the force that it had behind it.

The breeze would stop after a minute, and cole would try and push his chakra out into the air. He would attempt to create a breeze. He knew that it would be nothing but if he could it would be a step closer. If he could create this breeze then he would have it under his control. “yen I have a plan if I can create a breeze here. I think I can use the wind element after that, and with that I could go on to learn more jutsu with the wind element and if this is successful ill be one step closer to getting my ice element, and with that I will be able to rise in my clan and lead it to greatness” cole would tell yen.

Cole focused his chakra after speaking with yen. He pushed it into the air and tried to move it back and forth to make a breeze. The wind picked up a little, but it wasn't enough to be called wind though. He would continue to push his chakra out trying to instead of pushing it in one direction he would try and make himself the center point and push it out in all directions instead. Cole started to push his chakra to his feet like with the tree climbing jutsu. Once he got it their he wold push it out and up. Trying to get the wind to push the grass over. Looking around he could see it pushing the grass but only the ones close to him. That wont do he thought to him self. He needed to be able to turn more than that into wind chakra if he was to be able to use any jutsu with it. He continued to push his chakra trying to turn more of it into wind nature chakra. While pushing it out further his goal was to push the grass down. He would aim to push all the grass down in a ten meter radius at the time.

Cole looked over at yen who was now trying to create more sharks this time in his own jutsu. Cole didn't know how hard of a jutsu that yen was using is, but he would complete this task set to him. He had been wanting to learn his wind element for a while now and he would not fail. He would learn this if it was the last thing he ever did.

(WC-854 TWC-6198
water whip jutsu- 1000-1000
water prison jutsu-1000-1000
rain tiger at will-2000-2000
wind element-2198-4000)
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