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Mich Hozuki
Mich Hozuki
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Feeding His Pets! Empty Feeding His Pets!

Sun Apr 05, 2015 6:25 am
Mich strolled through the streets of Kirigakure, His hands interlocked at the back of his head using it as a make-shift pillow, strolling through the streets without a care in the world and ignoring all "negative energy" directed towards him by some of the people. Mich continued his stroll "hmm Maybe i should take a mission, I'm feeling helpful today" he said as he strolled to the hokage tower for a mission. Mich scanned the mission board for something he could do, something between E to C-Ranked, He kept scanning until one mission caught his eye "Fast Food" Mich said silently as he didn't want to disturb anyone, he continued reading the contents of the mission "Looks like the Mizukage's pets have run out of meat, Mission For The Mizukage?, mmmm Me Likey!" Mich said as he continued "Scratch my back AND I'LL SCRATCH YOURS?!!, OOOOOOH!!!" Mich Shouted as he snatched the Mission from the board!, "YOU HEAR THAT?!, I'M SCRATCHING THE BACK OF THE MIZUKAGE!!, VERY SOON Y'ALL GONNA BE SCRATCHING MY BACK" he shouted to everyone present at the office as he knew he was gonna be Mizukage some day, "Get Out of here!! You crazy little Porcine!" one of the staff members said, as Mich ignored him and ran out the office.

Mich ran through the streets of Kirigakure clearly in a hurry "Okay so I'm getting food for his pets, Sooo a pet store or a restaurant" Mich said while weighing his options "Well his pets aren't like swines, they maybe some high class pets who deserve quality treatment, Okay so a restaurant it is!". Mich continued his sprint as he found a nearby restaurant, "Target Acquired" he grinned ear to ear as he barged into the restaurant, Ignoring the stares, He ran to the counter, Slamming his hand on the table "I need 2 barrels of meat pronto!" he said, "And might i ask why young man?" the waiter said, "No time just get me the meat" he said, "O-Okay" the waiter said reluctantly, "Send in 2 barrels of Meat!" He said snapping his fingers, In an instance 2 big barrels of meat appeared right infront of Mich, "Wow that was fast" He said as he did the tiger handseal "Water Clone Jutsu" He said as a replica of Mich stood stood beside him "Help me with these barrels, I'll take this one and you take the other one he said pointing the other barrel as the clone obeyed.

Mich and his clone proceeded in pushing the barrels, but was stopped by a cough, Mich smiled as he knew what the waiter was about to say, "Umm sir i think You forgot to pay" the waitor said "Ooh money, Heh i was hoping you ask"ich then dropped the mission paper on the counter "You know just doing missions for the Mizukage, And bringing him some meat hehe he said with pride, "The Mizukage wanted meat? and he sent you?, Oh well here it states that the meat is for his pets, Now i see why you took the mission, its more,....whats the word? umm yea "befitting", You know the relationship, You , Pets , You and Animals, hehehe yep thats it" The Waitor Chuckled, Mich scowled at that Haha very funny, NOW GIMME THAT! he shouted as he snatched the Mission Paper from the waiter as he and his clone proceeded to push the barrel out of the restaurant "That guy is totally on my Prank List"

Mich and his clone pushed the barrel to its destination as Mich called one of the bodyguards "Hey!, This is the meat for the Mizukage's pet, oh and my name is Mich Hozuki, Make sure u tell it to the Mizukage! Okay? Okay. Mich then used his hands as a make-shift pillow as he began his stroll home "Today was a good day Indeed" Mich said as he brought out a notepad and wrote a new agenda "Prank the Restaurant Waiter", "A really good day indeed" he said grinning mischeviously followed by a sinister laugh that echoed round Kirigakure.

Word Count : 681
Reward : 350 ryo
The Mission

Last edited by Mich Hozuki on Sun Apr 05, 2015 7:39 am; edited 1 time in total
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Feeding His Pets! Empty Re: Feeding His Pets!

Sun Apr 05, 2015 7:34 am
The reward is stated to be only 350 ryo. You do get 1 AP however for completing an E rank mission. <3
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