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Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Roll Call (Open, Tengakure Ninja) Empty Roll Call (Open, Tengakure Ninja)

Mon Feb 16, 2015 12:39 am
Haru, his mask now removed, sat on a rail overlooking a street, near the middle of Shimagakure, holding himself in place with his foot, his other leg hanging loselt towards the ground, his arm wrapped around a support. He had called (As himself, of course, not as an ANBU) for the ninja of Tengakure not occupied with other duties to meet in this area, for Haru to do a sort of roll call. It was completely informal, and not required, more just for Haru to keep a mental note of who had arrived. 

He waited there for ninja to arrive, particularly a friendly face.
Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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Roll Call (Open, Tengakure Ninja) Empty Re: Roll Call (Open, Tengakure Ninja)

Sat Feb 21, 2015 1:29 pm
Altar was busy exploring when he heard that Haru had called a meeting of Tengakure ninja for a sort of informal roll call or get together type of thing. Well, while Altar had never enjoyed being in any crowd of people, he was glad to hear that Haru had made it here, and made it fast. And in all honesty, Altar was getting bored of walking around the vast expanses of sand, sand and more fucking sand. So, he decided to make his way towards the center of town.

Altar would take all of five minutes to get there, and sure enough there was Haru, sat atop a rail that overlooked a street below. The rail was nicely nestled in between a mirror store and a...bakery? What the fuck was it with Tenga nin and bakeries? Anyways, best to greet his friend. "Hey, Haru. Nice to see you made it here, too. Though I haven't seen many more Tenga nin around here, and it seems like i'm the first to arrive here." Altar would say.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Roll Call (Open, Tengakure Ninja) Empty Re: Roll Call (Open, Tengakure Ninja)

Sat Feb 21, 2015 1:41 pm
Haru looked down at Altar boredly. He was glad to see that his protege had made it here safely, although he had yet to hear about his own family arriving. 
"Yeah, it's all a huge bother. Have you heard anything about why they abandoned the village? I can't make any sense of it." He would say, dropping down from the rail. "And it seems like half of our ninja have gone off on their own little adventure on the way here, from what I've seen. The lack of discipline being shown is shameful." He said, visibly frustrated. His job was to lead the citizens here, and it was a difficult job to do with half of your ninja jumping ship along the way. "I'm going to see about getting a search party started for them if they don't turn up soon." He said, crossing Altar, now looking at the sea. This was a very different place from where he had grown up, or any place he had been before. The heat wasn't all that bad, but the air was salty and the sand... Ugh, it got everywhere.

Turning back to face Altar, he began speaking again.
"If I get to go, do you want in- HOLY SHIT!!! Altar, your hair is white!" He said in surprise, noticing the boy's hair had brightened to a color similar to his own.
Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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Roll Call (Open, Tengakure Ninja) Empty Re: Roll Call (Open, Tengakure Ninja)

Sat Feb 21, 2015 2:08 pm
"I have no clue why we left, but they didn't just abandon it. If you didn't see, they tore the entire place down. It's nothing but rubble and dust now." Altar would say. Images of the ruins of the giant skyscrapers that used to decorate his home village flashed in his mind, and he would shudder. He was glad he had seen at least his sister out of that mess, and he was sure she was here already. If she wasn't, he'd need to hunt her down himself.

From what Haru said, most of the Tenga ninja weren't here, or even on their way here. That was bothersome, as he said he wanted to start a search party to go look for those that had abandoned the train to Shima. He was obviously pretty pissed about this. "Well if you're serious, you can count me in. Negligence and abandonment are two things I despise most, so it'd be nice to get a shot at those that have practiced in both." Altar would say.

Then Haru went crazy. He turned around, and made some exclamation that his hair was white. What? His hair was black, Altar loved his black hair. So, Altar would walk over to the window at the front of the mirror store, and look to one of the many mirrors that resided inside. "What the fuck are you talking abo-HOLY SHIT MY HAIR IS WHITE" Altar would say, jumping back from the mirror. What the hell had happened? Maybe his time in the sun of Shima had bleached his hair? Whatever. His new white hair was just as good as his old black hair. Maybe he'd keep it like this instead of dying it black. Once you go white, you never go back...or something like that.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Roll Call (Open, Tengakure Ninja) Empty Re: Roll Call (Open, Tengakure Ninja)

Tue Feb 24, 2015 5:55 pm
Haru shook his head.
"You know what, let's go now. I'm sick of waiting around. I'll write a report later." Haru said, walking towards the gates. "Come on, Altar."

Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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Roll Call (Open, Tengakure Ninja) Empty Re: Roll Call (Open, Tengakure Ninja)

Tue Feb 24, 2015 8:36 pm
Altar would follow suit, walking after Haru towards the gates of Shima.

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