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Training [Open to Tengakure Ninja; NK] Empty Training [Open to Tengakure Ninja; NK]

Tue Feb 05, 2013 4:40 pm
Xyxer found himself swaying through the grassy plains of Tengakure, his hands held outwards and his arms straightened as he welcomed the soft touch of the grass against his skin. It had been so long since such a minor feat had been achieved by him; recently he had been walking around purely in his armour and it had became a new set of skin to him, but he had decided to change that. Smirking as he looked down at his hand and admired the shark ring that coiled around his ring finger, he nodded once in admiration of it. He wandered upon a rather large lake that unrolled about 10 meters horizontally and 5 meters vertically. This would do for now, Xyxer thought, as he performed the water walking technique and walked onto the face of the lake.

The white hair of Xyxer clutched gently against his face and covered his eyes, he also wore bandages wrapped around his Sharingan which coiled around just under his hair so it was pretty well hidden. A grey long sleeved shirt adorning his torso along with some rather loose fitting jeans. Looking around the immediate area, he'd wonder on if any of the shinobi of Tengakure came around these parts, if they did, he'd be sure to at least attempt to help them; they were the closest he had to Kirigakure at the moment.
Yoshida Uzumaki
Yoshida Uzumaki
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Training [Open to Tengakure Ninja; NK] Empty Re: Training [Open to Tengakure Ninja; NK]

Tue Feb 05, 2013 4:50 pm
Yoshida was inside his apartment looking out the window as he saw the other ninja wacthing him, yoshida was going to be on house arrest for an while so he had to let the other ninja know were he was going at all times he then grabbed his long dark jacket in he grab his folding with a kunai after that yoshida grab his bang shuriken in then he walked out his door looking at the other ninja standing right there he then turn to him telling him that he was going to the plains to get some training in... The ninja then let yoshida out with a grin under his mask he then walk off heading for the tengakure plains he walked pass the academy students looking at how they was training he then walked up on the plains looking at an ninja that was there already yoshida then walked up behind the ninja asking him if he wanted to train."Hello there want to train" Yoshida said as he stood behind the other ninja 3 meters away...
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

Training [Open to Tengakure Ninja; NK] Empty Re: Training [Open to Tengakure Ninja; NK]

Tue Feb 05, 2013 4:53 pm
Takeo made his way out through the gates of Tengakure at a slow pace. His hands were inside his trouser pockets and his gaze was up towards the sky. Once again he didn't really have anything planned for today, so he had decided that it was about time to went out to the plains once more and had a walk. He walked out into the plains and kept on going for about five minutes before he came across something strange to him. He had walked past this stretch of water a few times before on his recent strolls, but today there was a new addition to the old sight. A person was standing out in the middle of the water. Takeo squinted his eyes and noticed almost immediately the distinct white hair of the boy, white hair seemed be have become quite a common thing in Tengakure, perhaps it was a new trend. Takeo having nothing better to do made his way towards the person, he stopped at the waters edge and called out to the person. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed another person doing a similar thing, "Hello there."
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Training [Open to Tengakure Ninja; NK] Empty Re: Training [Open to Tengakure Ninja; NK]

Tue Feb 05, 2013 5:19 pm
Turning his head from side to side, Xyxer acknowledged a boy standing not too far away from him and another boy standing on the other side of the lake. How weird, these Tengakure citizens were much more trusting than the ninja of Kirigakure. Also much more polite as he had not been attacked out of the blue. How marvelous it must be living in a village with low crime rates, something he'd have to adjust to. No longer able to use brutal force on people who steal little pastries. The good days seemed to be gone now. Letting out a sigh at the realization, he turned his head as he tuned back into the real world, hearing the two greet him. With a single wave of his hand he walked opposite the two of them, turning around on the face of the lake so that he could see them both clearly.

He spoke with purpose, his amber eye rolling over the two boys as he silently appraised them, "Hello, prized shinobi of Tengakure. I am unsure on how you do things in this village, but from where I'm from, we do things properly. As such, I hope you'll allow me to train you both, for now of course. And before we get into any actual training I'd like to remind you.. no pain, no gain." Truth be told, that last sentence was to try and simply see if these males felt fear, something Xyxer thrived off; his eye scanned over the two boy's faces to see any release of emotion.
Yoshida Uzumaki
Yoshida Uzumaki
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Training [Open to Tengakure Ninja; NK] Empty Re: Training [Open to Tengakure Ninja; NK]

Tue Feb 05, 2013 5:35 pm
Yoshida stood there looking at the young ninja then he saw another ninja that show up now there was three tengakure ninjas ready to train.. With a quick wind that blew pass yoshida hair he then heard the ninja say that he was ready to train both of the ninjas.
"Hello, prized shinobi of Tengakure. I am unsure on how you do things in this village, but from where I'm from, we do things properly. As such, I hope you'll allow me to train you both, for now of course. And before we get into any actual training I'd like to remind you.. no pain, no gain."
"Wait before we do all of this we need to know each other names right I like to interduce my slef before I train so let me start this off. My name is yoshida uzumaki and I leave inside tengakure now it is you guys turn"
Yoshida said as he stood there then he ran to the left so he can see both on the ninjas movements... With a grin under yoshida mask as he waited for the ninjas to reply to him...
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

Training [Open to Tengakure Ninja; NK] Empty Re: Training [Open to Tengakure Ninja; NK]

Tue Feb 05, 2013 5:47 pm
Takeo listened to what both of the males said and remained silent for a minute or so. He didn't really care much for what the second person had said and instead focused on the person who spoke first. It seemed that this guy was the sort of brutal trainer type. This would be a slight problem. Takeo wasn't really interested in having his head kicked in just so he could get slightly stronger from it. He turned his head and opted on leaving but decided against it, he really didn't have anything else to do.

"I'm Takeo." He decided to reply to the second person after all, he ran a hand through his hair and glanced between the two males. One of them appeared to have a mask and the other appeared to have bandages on his face. What an odd pair. Takeo shrugged to himself and waited for the other person to introduce himself. He also changed his stance slightly, moving one foot backwards and removing his hands from his pockets. The guy with the white hair seemed to be the type to randomly attack people.
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Training [Open to Tengakure Ninja; NK] Empty Re: Training [Open to Tengakure Ninja; NK]

Tue Feb 05, 2013 6:00 pm
Xyxer looked between the two with an amused look on his face, they truly were the politest people he had ever met. Introducing yourself before getting down and dirty.. is this what the world was like outside of Kirigakure? Shrugging his shoulders, he began his own introduction so he wasn't the odd one out, "I'm Xyxer Gyojin from the village of Kirigakure. I have not yet joined your village completely, and I remain a missing ninja because of that. Do not fret however, as I was an ANBU previously. I'll be enough of a challenge for the two of you." He smirked after looking at the two of them, observing them carefully, "Now, I like to do things head-on, with a mild chance of death. So good luck!" And with that, Xyxer slammed his palms down onto the surface of the water, water jumping upwards as if it was a fountain before seeming to fall back down, however, it did not fall down simply as mundane as it had went up; sharks the size of baseballs were now dropping down from the sky towards the two ninja, gaining velocity on their descent so that their speed was constantly increasing. With a diameter of 10 meters, the rather large sharks continued to plummet mercilessly downwards towards the two. This was simply a warm up exercise, and Xyxer looked forward to see how they'd defend themselves from this attack.
Yoshida Uzumaki
Yoshida Uzumaki
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Training [Open to Tengakure Ninja; NK] Empty Re: Training [Open to Tengakure Ninja; NK]

Tue Feb 05, 2013 8:02 pm
Yoshida heard what both of the ninjas said and then he saw xyxer preform an jutsu that had sharks coming at them he then hop to the right were the other ninja was standing passing the ninja up takeo, he dodge the the jutsu but he was thinking about takeo the ninja that had to dodge the jutsu yoshida then got started to think what if he could help the other ninja out but since he didn't know him very well yoshida got back and he prefrom the jutsu mulitple shadow clone jutsu... With clones of yoshida all around he then saw how his jutsu worked he then pull his arm back aiming his bang shuriken at xyxer right leg if the bang shuriken work it will blow xyxer knee cap off...

Jutsu yoshida used:

Mulitple Shadow Clone
Daruma Sarutobi
Daruma Sarutobi
Stat Page : Stat Page
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Training [Open to Tengakure Ninja; NK] Empty Re: Training [Open to Tengakure Ninja; NK]

Wed Feb 06, 2013 2:14 pm
[Yoshida's post is void he doesn't have the required chakra to do an A-Rank, I also suggest a mod look at his stats because they seem to be a bit messed up currently due to him adding boosts to his stats from Chakra Chains.]

When Xyxer had slammed his hands into the ground, Takeo was in the midst of moving backwards. When the water shot up, Takeo decided it was best to jump back instead of walk backwards. He pushed off the ground with his feet and jumped backwards so that by the time the sharks had started to rain down, they simply landed on the ground infront of Takeo. His eyes moved upwards to look towards Xyxer and he waited for the jutsu to end. Perhaps this was a test? When the jutsu ended Takeo stepped to the lake before lunging forward, his fist clenched and his right hand balled into a fist which swings towards the face of Xyxer. This would be followed up by his left leg swinging around to kick towards the white haired boy's ribs.
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Training [Open to Tengakure Ninja; NK] Empty Re: Training [Open to Tengakure Ninja; NK]

Wed Feb 06, 2013 2:27 pm
And just like that, Xyxer's hopes for Tengakure had quickly began to shatter into a thousand pieces as he realised that one of their shinobi could not defend themself from such a simple technique being used in such a simple fashion. A single scream of pain filled the ears of Xyxer and he immediately stopped the jutsu, looking upwards to see that multiple sharks had impacted on the body of the boy wearing the mask, Yoshida. Xyxer immediately dashed over to the boy and examined the multiple flesh wounds on the boy; small craters that lacked flesh had now covered the back of the boy, something Xyxer found extremely irritating. Not even a week into the village and he had already managed to inadvertently damage one of their shinobi, this was not going to look good. Shaking his head, Xyxer simply lifted Yoshida up onto his shoulders and darted towards the nearest hospital, leaving the body of the injured child there before returning to the scene where he was training. Surprised to see Takeo still there, and none the less the boy attacking him.

Deciding to dodge this in a fashion that exposed the flank of the boy, he simply jumped upwards as soon as the arm of the boy fully stretched outwards, Xyxer screwing up into a ball in mid air as he traveled above Takeo in a roll of some sorts. His hand stretched outwards and attempted to clutch the undefended fabric on the back of Takeo, and if that was to be accomplished he'd land back down on the ground and use the momentum of his movements to throw Takeo across the lake and most likely into a tree. If these events unfolded like this, Xyxer would fold his arms over his chest and smirk at the boy, speaking as if it was a funny situation, "At least you didn't become food for such a jutsu as the other boy. Leaving yourself for the real shark." Once more, Xyxer was using his words to try and attempt to leave the boy scared, making the spar that much easier for Xyxer. It was always good to train weak spots.

[Yoshida's now out of the topic and in hospital]
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