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Touka Keisuke
Touka Keisuke
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Broken(Tasuya/Zach/Iburi?) - Page 2 Empty Re: Broken(Tasuya/Zach/Iburi?)

Tue Nov 11, 2014 5:39 pm
Tatsuya watches as Youka makes his move towards Kemuri. He was fast and he was certainly strong. Tatsuya's shadow imitation jutsu would probably not work one bit but the shadow strangle was much stronger. It could hold Youka if he did not use his full straight. For now Tatsuya will hold off on using his shadows manipulations.
Youka was sure to come after Zach and Tatsuya sooner or later so he must be ready. Tatsuya jumps back a couple of meters to give him more reprocess time between him and Youka. If Tatsuya decides to come after Tatsuya in a smiler way then Tatsuya will make a swift doge and roll towards Zach so they they stay together. As seen in nature when a predator is going to catch its pray they always try to separate one from the group. Hopefully if they stay together there chances of succeeding in this spar will be higher. Depending what Youka does after his attack Tatsuya may throw in a moving earth core but he will hold off for now.

Tatsuya doge will only happen if Youka actually comes for an attack after Tatsuya but if his focus on Kemuri continues then Tatsuya will wait to get evolved until he has more information. It had seemed thought that Kemuri was more skilled then Zach and Tatsuya so maybe this aspect will have Youka be more focused on Kemuri and thus Youka will probably will get worn down a bit.
"Alright Zach we can do this but we have to work jointly. Just hope we can get out of this with out too much damage to our body's."
Tatsuya says to Zach.
Domri Meijin
Domri Meijin
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Broken(Tasuya/Zach/Iburi?) - Page 2 Empty Re: Broken(Tasuya/Zach/Iburi?)

Wed Nov 12, 2014 12:13 am
Zachariahs had been watching the spot where youka was as he couldn't keep up with this demons movements. Zach's eyes widened as he felt a strong wind pass by his body from something that was obviously passed by him at high speed. The boy turned his head as he saw Youka looking like he just launched a attack. How the hell were they going to survive this Zach thought to himself as he looked over to see what Tatsuya had done seeing him approaching and listening to his words. Zach nodded as his arms raised straight up so they were lined up perfectly with his shoulders then the boy had his hands so his palms were to the ground and his fingers were extended as he aimed all of them at Youka the boy let out a grin as he hardened the bones from his finger tips before shooting them out of his body towards The demon if this was allowed they would be moving at a speed, health and power of 40 (If I'm correct.)

(ap 150-30= 120 left )
Stat Page : The Plague
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Broken(Tasuya/Zach/Iburi?) - Page 2 Empty Re: Broken(Tasuya/Zach/Iburi?)

Wed Nov 12, 2014 1:16 pm
The Demon stood still where he was after watching the only one that he didn't know what could happen move out of the way rather easily he might add. His speed must have either matched his own or was a little bit under as there was no counter attack, which was a wasted opportunity to give the three of them initiative. The Demon chalked it up to the boy wanting to play the lone ranger and battle on his own while the other two did their best at flailing in the background. Very well he would just have to keep testing the child to see just how fast he was.

For the sake of distancing and since none of them actually said how far away they were with all of their movements the Demon noted that both Tatsuya and Iburi had moved a fair 6 meters in opposite directions of him. Turning his full body to the only one that had dared to stand their ground and attack he would wait patiently to see what the boy would do. He noted a nice smile on the kids face, semi twisted with maybe a little malice towards him but it was a nice smile indeed. The boys arms were raised both pointing towards the Demon and the tips of his fingers started to open. This boy was a weird one indeed, what came next was pure exstasy for the Demon/ Tiny blunted digits were being fired at him at point blank range almost as he was only a meter away from the boy. They hit home, each one pegging into his skin producing a nice slapping sound. As each one fell from its initial hitting location the Demon would allow them to fall into his hands Never letting his eyes stray away from Zach. The Demon was smiling right back at the boy the entire time till he he had all ten bullets in his hands. He was lucky he had spent so much time hardening his body to the point were physical force was pretty much negated against his skin.cherepahka

Turning his back to the boy as that should be enough to throw him off his game for a while he pocketed eight of the bone fragments. Looking at Iburi, he wanted to test just how fast the boy would be able to react and see if he was right about his previous assessment or if the boy had just moved on instinct. With his full strength and speed he launched one of the bullets with his left hand towards the boys abdomen(speed120strength60). If the boys speed was the same as his own normally then he should be able to barely see it coming and have enough time to maybe dodge it from the short distance they were away from each other. If the Demon was wrong well then Iburi would now be bleeding from the stomach and wouldn't be much use to anyone anyway thus making his initial separation from the group pointless. Turning his attention to Tatsuya if he were still standing where he was the Demon would slowly start tossing the other bullet in the sky and catching it while he walked closer to the boy closing distance ever so slowly...waiting
Kemuri Iburi
Kemuri Iburi
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Broken(Tasuya/Zach/Iburi?) - Page 2 Empty Re: Broken(Tasuya/Zach/Iburi?)

Wed Nov 12, 2014 2:13 pm
Having separated himself from the group now, and somewhat intentionally at that, Kemuri watched as Tatsuya practically did the same thing he did and Zachariah made the bold move of launching an attack. Though this attack rather obviously had no effect on Youka seeing as he simply allowed them to strike him and grabbed them mid-air afterwards, at least it showed that Zachariah were capable of doing something offensive. It was however incredibly strange that Zachariah's finger tips just opened up like that and shot out bones so fast, so much so that it made Kemuri's finger tips feel strange just watching it. Regardless of how he felt on the ability, it was something which he felt would be a good addition to a team were he to be paired with others by Youka, and he planned on surviving everything this man were to put him through so he would need good partners.

As Youka turned back to face him, Kemuri would note that he put away eight of the bone fragments, rather clearly showing that he were about to use the other two in some way. This assumption was of course confirmed by the fact that Youka threw it, and incredibly quickly at that. His eyes widening, Kemuri saw the bone be flung in his direction with a speed he had never seen before from anything, yet he did still see it coming even if just barely. Not being quite fast enough to get out of the way of the projectile, Kemuri knew there was no other way for him to get out of the way of this attack than to use what he knew best. Carefully assessing the bone's trajectory as best he could with the short time he had before it struck, Kemuri would turn a portion of his abdomen, all the way through his body and just larger than the bone itself, into smoke fast enough for it to pass straight through without harming him. After the bone were through he would transform the spot back into it's regular form at the same speed(130), hopefully fast enough and used in a small enough area that youka wouldn't see it, or at least wouldn't get all that great a view of what exactly had just occured. Meanwhile, as and just after the bone were passing through him, Kemuri began to run back towards him, throwing the kunai which he had been holding directly towards Youka's throat, that area clearly being his favorite place to strike with how often he did it.
(Not sure how the throwing rules work, so let's just say he's throwing it as fast as he can given his stats.)
(280 AP remaining)
Touka Keisuke
Touka Keisuke
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Broken(Tasuya/Zach/Iburi?) - Page 2 Empty Re: Broken(Tasuya/Zach/Iburi?)

Wed Nov 12, 2014 4:54 pm
It was truly amazing how Zach was able to extend his bones in such a way. They looked sharp and deadly but it was no surprise to Tatsuya that Youka had caught them. Then seeing some of the bone fly at Kemuri it was again amazing to watch how his body transformed. Both Zach and Kemuri could be feared by the common folk for the abnormal abilities. 
Tatsuya now had more problems of his one. If Youka decided on throwing the bone at Tatsuya he could always substitute out but were was the fun in that? And so as Youka you calmly walk towards him Tatsuya brings his right leg back and then shifs his right shoulder farther away from Youka then his left. Now by only using a single bit of chakura Tatsuya activates his ring. 
It then extends into a one meter long blade katana  that has a sharpness on 45. Tatsuya holds it up covering much of his upper body preparing for what Youka will do. 
If Youka was just going to merely charge Tatsuya then Tatsuya would engage in simple combat but if Youka decides on throwing the bullets then Tatsuya would attempted to deflect them. Tatrsuya was sure that the katana would slice the bullets but it was more a matter of Youka's speed at throw them. No matter what, Tatsuya could probably make contact with some of the bullets thrown but no matter they would probably at least craze him making a nice cut.
Making a note to the distance between him and Zach, once the bullets have been thrown Tatsuya would then proceed for a counter attack. It was still not clear what Youka was going to do with the bullets but Tatsuya plans on making some kind of hit on Youka. 
With Youka having the bullets in hand Tatsuya still wanted to keep at least a minimum of one meter between them. If they were right next to each other, reacting to the bullets would be much harder. 
If Youka does get close Tatsuya takes only 3 step back giving more distance between him and Zach. Perhaps Zach could blind side Youka (as Youka walks pass Zack) and make for the same attack on Youka. Youka did have very fast reaction time and speed but this idea could still work. Tatsuya would like to whisper this to Zach but Youka was too close to them for it do go un noticed.

[-1 for trans-metal katana. 209 left]

Last edited by Tatsuya Nara on Sun Nov 16, 2014 2:34 am; edited 1 time in total
Domri Meijin
Domri Meijin
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Broken(Tasuya/Zach/Iburi?) - Page 2 Empty Re: Broken(Tasuya/Zach/Iburi?)

Thu Nov 13, 2014 1:20 pm
Zachariah smile kept on his face as he watched and heard the sound of his attack hitting Youka. The boys smile started disappearing as he noticed his attack had no effect on this demon his eyes not leaving as he watched him catching the bones looking at the twisted smile on the demons face. Thoughts started rushing through Zachariahs head as he stood only a meter away from Youka. What is he made of. That should of hurt him. Is this what it means to be a shinobi. Zach wasn't moving as if he was frozen to that one spot watching the demon look towards Kemuri he watched Youka throw something but at the moment of release he lost sight of it. Zach eyes couldn't keep up with everything well he watched the demon turn his attention to Tatsuya. Zach clinched his fists as he argued with himself in his mind. Should I attack, Should I run away. Zachs smile now was completely gone as he watched Youka passing by him the boy waited for him to go by before as he looked at Tatsuya seeing the blade in his hands now. Zach pulled left arm back as he lunged towards Youka in a attempt to distract him.
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Ryo : 134237

Broken(Tasuya/Zach/Iburi?) - Page 2 Empty Re: Broken(Tasuya/Zach/Iburi?)

Thu Nov 13, 2014 2:39 pm
(Throwing is the average of your strength and speed+40, so you are throwing the kunai at a speed of 80 and sharpness of 80)

What a interesting thing that Iburi could use. The Demon wasn't able to see exactly what happened, but he knew what didn't happen because he couldn't hear the screams of a child in agony. Leaning his head over in the direction of Iburi he was not only closing the distance but also throwing a kunai. Well damn, that didn't bode well for Tatsuya as the angle the boy would have to run at to get to his location would put the shadow user on a collision course with the kunai.

These kids couldn't plan at all, they were more than likely used to fighting their own battles not needing the help of one another. Or they had done nothing but train by fighting each other. Either way Tatsuya was about to catch a kunai to the throat it seemed, or it would be Zach as he was now lunging at the Demons back, maybe he hadn't seen Iburi throw the Kunai. The joys of using the information around you to your advantage was always something the Demon enjoyed doing. Especially if he could get others to do all of the work for him.

As the Kunai grew closer and Zach was lunging at him the Demon made his most well though out and expertly executed move. He knelt down rapidly. Not only would this cauze the Kaguya to fail at his lunge and over reach but it would put him in the awkward position of who gets hit with the Kunai. He could possibly stretch mid air and take the hit to his head more than likely killing him. Or he could allow the Kunai to travel into the other genins throat. Tatsuya's life was now in his hands, of course he might be able to use that bullet technique again to try and knock the kunai of it's trajectory.

None of that mattered to the Demon though, standing back up Iburi should have closed all the distance that was between them and should be attempting to launch an attack. He was eager to see how the boy fared in close range combat, as it was right now, he had more than likely only succeeded at killing one of his teammates.
Kemuri Iburi
Kemuri Iburi
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Broken(Tasuya/Zach/Iburi?) - Page 2 Empty Re: Broken(Tasuya/Zach/Iburi?)

Thu Nov 13, 2014 4:09 pm
Whilst running towards Youka, Kemuri saw that Zachariah had lunged towards him, and at a painfully slow speed as well. This was sure to end badly for him if he really planned on going into a battle of taijutsu given his speed, though Kemuri by now had really already made up the distance to Youka and was there alongside Zachariah, yet in a considerably better position than him. It was after getting into this position that he noticed the kunai he had thrown was on a direct course for Tatsuya now. He didn't really much care for Tatsuya, but he was his ally for the time being and surely he didn't want someone that were trying to help, even if not by much, to be harmed, especially if it were by Kemuri's own actions. Unfortunately, there wasn't exactly much he could do about it at the time. Hopefully Tatsuya were fast enough to at least get partially out of the way of the blade, as now were probably the best time to strike Youka in taijutsu. The reason of course being that he were crouched down at the moment and Zachariah were also attacking.

Maneuvering himself around to the side of Youka rather than trying to strike through Zach, which would also lead to an unwanted outcome, Kemuri began to focus his chakra throughout his body, turning his flesh a dark brown in color as he rose his arm into the air and struck down with all the speed and force he could conjure (70 speed/ 41 strength). He wasn't quite expecting much damage from this strike of course since Zach's bones couldn't do anything against Youka's bare flesh. However, he did hope that it would at least show that Kemuri were a ninja of a considerably higher caliber than the others he were with if he could actually land a strike and thus hopefully increasing his chances of survival during his time with Youka. All in all, that was the entire goal of this session to Kemuri. If he couldn't prove his worth then he were sure to be killed off given the ninja that kidnapped him clearly had some kind of plan to use them all for something, presumably to make a small army of capable ninja, as any man desiring power is liable to do in this world.
(-30AP from Earth Spear, 250 remaining.)
Touka Keisuke
Touka Keisuke
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Broken(Tasuya/Zach/Iburi?) - Page 2 Empty Re: Broken(Tasuya/Zach/Iburi?)

Fri Nov 14, 2014 1:12 am
Tatsuya watches as Zach falls over the demon and Kemuri approaches. As this happens Tatsuya's sight is brought upward. Looking to the side of Zach in Kemuri direction Tatsuya see the kunai flying through the air. Tatsuya has to react quickly and with out thinking he drops his sword and extends his shadow. Wile doing this Tatsuya thinks about what Kemuri was thinking. He certainly presented him self as a powerful shinobie but he put his comrades in danger. However it was true that all three of them were not working the best together. Tatsuya would try to make more of an effort to change that. Tatsuya needed to learn to work with others. He was so used to working with Makussu and Kasai that it was hard to transition. Even though he liked Zach and  Kemuri it still made it hard.
With his shadow extended it reaches Zach in no time as they are closer to each other then the kunai was. Tatsuya moves to the side which move Zach as well but because they are moving at the same rate the kunai still make contact with its fast speed. When it hit it makes a deep cut into both Zach's and Tatsuya's right shoulder muscles as the kunai wizes past Zach and Tatsuya.This was unfortunate but it is much better then what it could have happen. Tatsuya releases the jutsu as soon as the kunai passes them and he stumbles to the ground.

The cut burns with fire as Tatsuya brings his hand up to it. And looks over to Zach then Tatsuya stand  up quickly to reaches over for his sword, then returning it back into a ring. Hopefully a move like that will not happen again but it was a mistake and Tatsuya forgives Kemuri for his action.
"You okay man?" Tatsuya says to Zach as he walks a bit closer but then stops as an idea pops into his head.
Tatsuya's speed was only slightly lower then his chakura but if he throws in a body flicker then he could move quite fast and Youka was pretty close to him. Right before he make a move he calls out.

"Alright Zach and Kemuri im moving so direct an attack at this demon if you wish!" With that Tatsuya does the ram sign and moves at a speed of 75 to the side of Youka with Tatsuya's back facing the open field. Tatsuya wanted to make sure he did not get in the way of an attack if Zach or Kemuri decided on an offensive move.
As soon as he was next to Youka Tatsuya puts one ounce of chakura into his sword and  then drives his sword at a speed of 35 speed into Youkas stomach right under his diaphragm. 

Now Youka was definitely strong but they were only a single meter apart and Tatsuya moved at a speed of 75. Tatsuya would also look up too see if Zach and Kemuri did respond even if it was a bit short notice.
Tatsuya would like too see how Youka would respond. Would he bring a shit storm onto Tatsuya or will he react differently.
Even if Youka was going to destroy Tatsuya thats what they were there for, to get trained and by shedding some blood and braking some bones would be a good way to go about build a good shinobi.

In a way Tatsuya has accepted the pain that was to come, for it would allow Tatsuya to become stronger.
Besides he could not let Makussu and Kasai surpass him now could he.
In a funny way all Tatsuya wanted was too land a hit on Youka to begin with. Tatuya knew that the wound inflicted by his sword was not going to impede Youka's actions too much but it was a start.

Sadly Tatsuya realizes that he as well is now really close to Youka and now Youka had the chance to do the same thing if carrying the appropriate tool.
Domri Meijin
Domri Meijin
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Broken(Tasuya/Zach/Iburi?) - Page 2 Empty Re: Broken(Tasuya/Zach/Iburi?)

Sat Nov 15, 2014 3:55 am
Zachariahs gave a confused look as he missed the demon with his lunge as he looked up seeing the kunai where the hell did that come from he thought to himself now analyzing the field none of this was good they were doing everything Youka wanted to do this wasn't a time for him to be losing his temper he had to think more than just the next move this was about surviving. Zachariah saw kemuri on the other side of youka how the hell did he get in close so fast as his attention shifted away from the kunai. Zach feels something almost like he was grabbed a hold of before feeling himself being moved it must have been something Tatsuya did. Zach winced feeling the kunai making the deep cut into his right shoulder feeling the blood start to come out before Zach falls to the ground. Zach makes his way quickly back to his feet before nodded as a answer to Tatsuya. Zach stood still for a moment as he watched Tatsuya attack he could of used his distance attack again but not with both members of this rag tag team being so close. Zach needed to get a running start for what he planned as he back up about two meters just watching to see if he had a opportunity to strike.
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