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Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach)

Jason Fredriksson
Touka Keisuke
Domri Meijin
9 posters
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Stat Page : The Plague
Remove Iryōjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach) Empty Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach)

Wed Oct 29, 2014 11:38 am
Walking up to the gates Youka would inform the gate guard that he was returning into the village and to let Xyxer know he would be using the mans torture room to house his two companions. The guard would nod and quickly delegate the message to someone else to take to the crazed man.

Once that was done the Demon would turn to the two and nod in a direction that translated to follow him and stay close. Once they made it past the gates and into the village he would make a beeline for the same route that he took when they were leaving the village. If no interruptions happened they would reach the room with dried blood and various torture devices littered around on tables and the trademark cross in the middle of the room with a single light illuminating it.

"Alright, we can talk here, this is where you both will stay for awhile till I gather the rest of your worthless friends. I wouldn't recommend touching anything here or trying to leave. The man who owns this room will gut you where you stand."
Domri Meijin
Domri Meijin
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Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach) Empty Re: Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach)

Wed Oct 29, 2014 8:09 pm
The boy watched as they approached a gate to a new village. Zach hadn't been to any other villages that he could remember as he watched the demon priest talk to the guard. Zach didn't even glance over at Tatsuya as he silently followed Youka when they reached the room. Zach's eyes widened at the sight of the dried blood as the boy started to hyperventilate and knew he couldn't hide this from Youka as he turned his head towards Tatsuya. Zach started hearing the words monster in his head as his vision blurred and the boys body fell to the ground.
Touka Keisuke
Touka Keisuke
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Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach) Empty Re: Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach)

Wed Oct 29, 2014 9:06 pm
Tatsuya looks at the large gates of the village and listens to Youkas words. He nods showing that he understands what Youka said. As Tatsuya enters the village he keeps his head low and settles his body so that he dose not draw much attention to him self. Looking around there is definitely something strange in this village as they walk to there destination. What would Tatsuya and Zach learn here and who would be the person they would soon meet. The words spoke about the rest of there friends makes Tatsuya feel even more worried as more genin would soon join them including Kasai. What was the true purpose of them being brought here? Were they truly going to be trained or just used as simple meat shields? In hope all these questions would have and answer.
Stat Page : The Plague
Remove Iryōjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach) Empty Re: Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach)

Wed Oct 29, 2014 9:46 pm
Watching the boy faint from the sight of the blood and the other torture devices the Demon couldn't help but smile. Tatsuya didn't seem to understand his predicament and the area he was in as all he did was watch and look around as things happened.

"Hmm I will be leaving to gather the others and bring them back here. While I'm gone I want you both to be thinking about what your goals are and what you both can provide. When I come back I will be asking you to show me what your best asset is and I will conduct a small questionnaire as well. Leaving Zach to lay on the ground face first in semi dried blood the Demon would turn and face Tatsuya.

"When he wakes up tell him what I've just said."

Touka Keisuke
Touka Keisuke
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Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach) Empty Re: Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach)

Thu Oct 30, 2014 12:22 am
(wow for some reason i totally skipped over what happened to Zach, my bad.)
Touka Keisuke
Touka Keisuke
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Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach) Empty Re: Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach)

Thu Oct 30, 2014 1:06 am
Tatsuya watches as Youka leaves that then serves the room. First Tatsuya kneels down to make sure Zach still has a pulls. He feels that his heart rate is still elevated so he will wait and decide what to do. As well as he opens one eye lid to make sure that Zach doesn't have a concussion. Tatsuya takes a deep breath oh relief. Tatsuya Takes off his ninja pouch and places it under Zach's head. It is only filled with some medical bandages so its soft. He will only wonder about one meter away from Zach too glance around and try to pick up as many details as he could but making sure not to touch anything. It was definitely a creepy room as looks like one that is home to a serial killer. Looking at all the blood Tatsuya wonders what they could be sacrificing for.
Walking back to Zach Tatsuya kneels down again and places his hand softly on his shoulder as if the comfort presented would rid Zach's body of the sudden shock. Tatsuya decides not to wake Zach up for his body needs time to return back into homeostasis and walking him up could stop that from happening. Tatsuya dose not want Youka to walk in with Zach still asleep so in about 5 so minutes Tatsuya will begin to try and wake Zach up slowly.
Waiting at Zach's side Tatsuya already know what his goal is and its one that he has a for a very long time as well as Tatsuya begins to think about what skills he will present.
Tatsuya dose hope that Kasai shows up soon as he will feel much more complete with him but wonders about Makussu and what will happen to him as he was not marked. When Tatsuya has time he will ask Kasia if they came up with anything.
Tatsuya was sure that Makussu and Kasai would probably want to get all of them out of this shit hole. but Tatsuya did want to see what this new world order was going to be. From what he has seen it looks like it will be something quite dark. Then again there would be no concept of light with out dark and maybe there was a glow of light much like the one on the cross that Tatsuya could not see yet.
Domri Meijin
Domri Meijin
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Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach) Empty Re: Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach)

Thu Oct 30, 2014 1:27 am
The boys head ached as his eyes started to open on there own he had felt that Tatsuya was trying to get him up. Zach sluggishly made his way back to his feet scanning the room as he only saw Tatsuya in the room with him now what had happened he thought to himself as looked to Tatsuya his eyesight would go blurry for a second then return to normal as every breath he took all he could smell and taste was the dried blood in the room as Zach would make his way to the opposite side of the room from Tatsuya his pace still slugglish as his balance seemed to be off and he had to stop a few times to regain his footing. "What...What happened?" Zach placed his hands on his face that hit off the floor when he fainted.
Touka Keisuke
Touka Keisuke
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Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach) Empty Re: Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach)

Thu Oct 30, 2014 1:45 am
Tatsuya steps aside as Zach walks up he gives him a moment before speaking.
"As we entered the room you fainted, most likly from the sight of the blood. Pausing for a moment to wait for Zach to fully regain his awareness.
"Youka left to retrieve the rest of the people who were marked. He told me that before he returns he will want us come with goals we want to achieve as well has he will have us present our best skills"
Tatsuya will remain seated, siting up straight with his legs filed under him. Tatsuya if uninterrupted will close hie eyes to gather himself. He would picture the scenery he carefully observed as they entered the village and then would construct a fuzzy map in his mind of how they got there. Tatsuya as well calms his mind and becomes a part of the room, distant and dark. As if he had been sitting there for quite some time. Removing all questions he had in his mind, and become him self and just him self nothing more.
Domri Meijin
Domri Meijin
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Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach) Empty Re: Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach)

Thu Oct 30, 2014 4:29 am
Zach's eyes were focused on Tatsuya's mouth as he could hear the words coming out of it but wasn't completely a hundred percent as he nodded to let Tatsuya know he understood what he said. The boy lifted his left hand up feeling where his head had hit the floor it was a minute or so before the boy moved his hand infront of his face inspecting it as to any one else it would appear normal to him it was covered in blood as he couldn't get it to go away. Zach eyes had widened again but he wouldn't allow him to faint for a second time right now he needed to focus and this wasn't helping matters. The boys eyes were playing tricks on him so he closed them as with every breath he took all he could smell and taste was the dried up blood. Zach kept his eyes closed as he moved until he felt something at his back and sat down he could see a ray of light in his eyes he must have been sitting at the cross in the room as his eyes shot open to find he was right. Zach took in a deep breath before getting the taste and coughing for a moment as his eyes looked around the room it was still just him and Tatsuya as he started thinking about Goals and his best moves that he could demonstrate as he thought he could hide the fact that he was a Kaguya but knew either this demon priest had already known this fact or would find out anyway. Zach never had set any goals as long as he had gained new power he was content. Zach thought as to what goals he could say to the demon priest and what move he could present to Youka. Zach thought about it his best moves were really the water clone jutsu and ten drilling finger bullets. The boy hadn't time to make a scheme as he started couldn't win if he kept his eyes open they would trick him if he closed him the haunting image of his own care taker that he had killed ended up popping into his head as Zachariah continued to breath it started not to matter whether his eyes were open or not either way he was hallucinating as the image called him a monster over and over again as there was no sign of it stopping. “Why? Stop!” Zach had began yelling as his hands instantly rushed to cover his ears as he slumped over the boy had't a way to escape as if this was his own personal torture. It had been minutes since Zach had moved from the slumped over position before his head violently jolted up as he grinned “I'm a monster.” Zach mumbled as he spoke and sounded as if he had finally lost it before he made his way carefully over to Tatsuya. “You wanna see how I'm a monster don't you?” The boy had waited for no response as his right hand had reached up and unzipped his shirt then he took his arms out of the sleeves and threw it on the floor that was covered in dried blood. Zach backed up at least 10 feet away from Tatsuya as he stood there for a moment letting his bones pop out of his skin and form spikes along his body first was his shoulders then his knees then his back and his chest as the boy looked to Tatsuya awaiting a response.
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Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach) Empty Re: Cargo drop off(Tatsuya Zach)

Thu Oct 30, 2014 9:26 am

Xyxer Gyojin. That was a name scarcely spoken, even in the village of which he resided and terrorised the civilians. You see, this person had developed a small reputation, albeit it was very small at the moment. You see, people believed that Xyxer in fact, was not truly a human nor was he truly a person, but an incarnation of evil and wrath; a demon in the skin of a lion. Some people even believed that if you continued to speak of him, he'd actually appear, much like Beetlejuice or Bloody Mary and what have you. Now, I know what you're thinking.. is that true? Not in the slightest, of course. Xyxer was a gravely disturbed mortal whom tread where he pleased, and didn't appreciate being tread on. Currently, he had received news of the entrance of Youka and two beautiful apprentices. Xyxer had his own apprentice, in actual fact, perhaps a play date could be arranged! Xyxer had vacated the torture room where the trio would have been resting, instead having gone about doing some of his own things to allow them time to settle, but well.. Xyxer was pretty quick and had sorted out his frayed knots almost as soon as he had noticed them, which meant he now had time to attend to the people whom were so interested in his chamber of secrets. So it was, that Bane trod down the corridor which lead to the torture chamber, whistling to signal his approach. His whistle was quite catchy, if he did say so himself, he'd have to inquire to Jason about it at a later date and if the boy knew what was good for him he'd compliment the whistle. Regardless, Xyxer made his slow movement towards the torture chamber. Once he had reached the metal door that hid the chamber, he soon opened it simply and moved into the room, studying the two people inside if they were still to be there with Jason hopefully soon behind him. Looking over the two doe eyed people, he smiled warmly to them.

"Hi, I'm Xyxer! Now to make sure today isn't boring, one of you secure the other to my cross and be quick about it. After all, if neither of you are on it within a minute, I'll have Jason behead you both."
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