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Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Fatality(Zach/Tatsuya) Empty Fatality(Zach/Tatsuya)

Thu Nov 20, 2014 11:52 am
On a very particular and dry day the Demon had called the other two failures back to the same plains they had fought on previously. It was time for retribution for their pitiful display of tactics and methods. They had all practically died the day before so they were already dead men walking, he would just solidify that today. Watching as the two arrived from their locations the Demon would activate his eternal sharingan to show them that he was serious and there was no way out of this event he had planned.

"Good evening failures. As you can tell on this nice night with the moon in the background and the stars lighting this nice field that tis will be one of your resting places. One ninja has already died here today. Yes he was one that you knew."

Pointing over to a mound of dirt in the distance with his right hand he would shoot them a smile.

"As you can tell from the blood that is on the ground it was a very brutal and of course deadly fight. Now it's your turn to show me who deserves to live more, you or your friend. You can do nothing and I will kill you. You can try to run and I will kill you. You can even try to surrender and well I will kill you. So you can either both die like dogs or fight for your survival and strike down your friend here and now."

Activating the same senju ability he had given the previous combatants he would touch their shoulders increasing their strength and health by great numbers. Once done he would walk over to a tree and lean against it looking up at the night sky.

Domri Meijin
Domri Meijin
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Fatality(Zach/Tatsuya) Empty Re: Fatality(Zach/Tatsuya)

Fri Nov 21, 2014 4:17 am
Zachariah had not slept all night as he stayed in a tree staring into the sky haunted by the fact he would have to kill some one he considered a ally at least. “Am I cursed to kill those close to me?” The boy had talked to himself not caring who heard him as he stayed staring into the sky. Zach had been preparing himself for the task a head to kill a friend as the priest would say. Zachariah knew what he had to do in his mind as he saw the sun start to rise and headed back out to the plains. Zachariah arrived to the plains shortly after leaving Tenga as he noticed the demon was already there just waiting for them to show up. Zach would walk up to him bowing only slightly as he turned and examined the battle field looking at the blood that covered the grass of the plains and noticing how dry it was out here didn't seem well for him to use his water style in. Zachariah listened carefully to the greeting of the demon as he heard no matter what they tried to do would end up in death they had no choice they had to throw everything they had at each other cause if they pulled punches and held back Youka would probably kill them too. Zachariah closed his eyes for only a moment as he needed to completely get rid of the thought of Tatsuya being a ally. Zachariah stood there as he then again listened to Youka before looking over at the mount of dirt. Zachariah thought to himself quickly as he wondered who else had to fight a friend. Zach heard the all so familiar voice in the back of his head feeding fuel to the fire that he would need to fight Tatsuya. He never thought of you as a ally its all a lie your a monster who could you help by being a ally. Zachariah face didn't show any signs of anger as his expression was more cold and calm. The boy had felt Youkas hand touch his shoulder as he felt this surge of strength unsure of what Youka had done but this power he felt surging through him now was amazing as he stood there waiting for Youka to say begin. The boy unzipped his red zip up shirt pulling his arms out of the sleeves and letting it fall as he heard the words begin there was no bow towards Tatsuya he was the enemy and he was going to get treated like such as Zachariah rushed in speed if 18 if he made it to tatsuya he would throw a punch with his right hand then duck done and throw a kick with his right leg aimed towards tatsuya legs in a attempt to knock him off his feet.
Touka Keisuke
Touka Keisuke
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Fatality(Zach/Tatsuya) Empty Re: Fatality(Zach/Tatsuya)

Fri Nov 21, 2014 10:33 pm

After the spar Tatsuya had with Youka he sent the rest of the day preparing for the match. He makes sure that he had a small stock of medical bandages. Tatsuya gets in a full meal and checks out a cheep room.
Youka had set the battle to be at night which would be perfect. Tatsuya loved seeing the moon and had not been able to watch it gleam in the sky. The next day Tatsuya rest and takes it easy but as soon and night begins to fall Tatsuya heads out for the training grounds.
They decided on meeting in the dead of night so Tatsuya first goes for a quick jog.
Soon the moon is high Tatsuya sees Youka. Keeping a steady passe Tatsuya arrives at the seen to also see Zach arrive as well. Before anything happens Tatsuya wraps his scarf around and prepares his mind and body.

Listening to Youka speak he gazes into the stars looking to how the world around him was going to change as well as noticing it was still bright enough to preform his shadow work. Tatsuya was ready to commit his own taboo and was not afraid too. He had come to terms with it and was going to do what needed to get done. Still Tatsuya would hold some resentment for the action that were to occur. Tatsuya notices that his power has increased as Youka touched him. Was it a medical technique? Or one gifted by something else?

Before the demon begins the match Tatsuya says to the demon.
“I hope this battle furthers your goals.”
Tatsuya still was not sure by how killing off members that he acquired would help him other then making an army with only the best. In a way this did make sense.

The battle begins and Zach starts off with charging at Tatsuya.
Patients is the only way, Tatsuya thinks to him self as Zach makes his charge.
Once Zach is 5 meters from Tatsuya, Tatsuya claps his hands together and touch the ground. His hand come in contact with the ground right as Zach is within the five meters.
In reality this is still a fair amount of space between them but it allows Tatsuya to make a 20 meter tall pillar that is 5 meters by 5 meters.

As the pillar moves up at a speed of 20 this should disrupt Zach's movements. Even more so Tatsuya could just move out of the way seeing as how he is faster then Zach and Zach will just fall to his death off the pillar. If Zach continues to pressue Tatasuya, then once Zach is one meter away from Tatsuya, he will make a dash to the right. Tatsuya will have his hands up to tell Zach that he is going to throw a punch when in reality he is not. Tatsuya will be doing a dash to the right and land about one meter away at a speed of 30.

If Zach attempts to jump off the pillar then Tatsuya will run after Zach before he can leave.

Once the dash finishes the pillar had reached its 20 meters in high. A strange feeling occur at this moment. It was if the surge of energy that Tatsuya once felt was now gone. Smiling Tatsuya extends his shadow to reach at Zach. It moves at a speed of 50 making it very hard to dodge. Tatsuya then wills for Zach to be still. Both stand there in the dead of night not moving. Then Tatsuya preforms
Rat → Bird seal to preform his shadow stitching jutsu. It is hard to see Tatsuya's shadows as it is dark out.

Eight tendrils are to form next to Zach wave in the air.
“I am sorry Zach.” Tatsuya says. The black spears then pierce into eight different parts on Zach's body. The spleen, left kidney, stomach, both sides of the chest and abdomen and finally one into the heart. It was quite a bloody event and it was an attack that some one could not survive. If it seemed that Zach were to survive this then Tatsuya would start slicing more part of his body.

[Moving Earth Core -10, Shadow Imitation -10, Shadow Sewing -40// 260/320]
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Fatality(Zach/Tatsuya) Empty Re: Fatality(Zach/Tatsuya)

Sat Nov 22, 2014 2:15 pm
The Demon was enjoying the brisk air that was flowing around him even in it's slowed down state thanks to his sharingan it looked beautiful beyond compare. He had blocked out the children starting their fight for survival till he saw Tatsuya start elevating the ground he and Zach were on. Well that wouldn't do. He had given them power to use and he wouldn't let them throw it away just like the other group did. It was actually quite rude if you thought about it, you were being given the ability to increase your abilities and all of a sudden you just said nah. Walking up to the pillar he would apply his chakra to his feet and begin walking up the pillar of earth till he was standing at the top of it sitting on the edge watching the fight.

Of course since he was up here the buff he had given the two boys would have been in effect since the moment he started climbing the earth core. It was funny how the boy knew exactly how high to go almost as if it was...meta to cancel the technique. Sitting on the edge of the arena now he could see the boys shadows rise and attempt to do their damage. Tatsuya seemed to be going for the kill right out of the gate which was pretty interesting to the Demon. But he also needed to know if it was because he thought the boost would put him at a disadvantage or not. and to do that well, the boost would have to stay active.

The Demons eyes were starting to really burn now that he had used the sharingan for most of the day as well as the wood release. He had used just the eyes multiple times without this sort of thing taking place. However something was different almost as if too much chakra was being poured into his eyes from a unknown source. He would simply try to push past the pain by rubbing his eyes quickly before his attention went back to the boys in front of him.
Domri Meijin
Domri Meijin
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Fatality(Zach/Tatsuya) Empty Re: Fatality(Zach/Tatsuya)

Sun Nov 23, 2014 3:15 am
Zachariah charge had came to a premature end as he made it a little past five meters. Zach watched as Tatsuya's hands clapped together before touching the ground. Zachariah a large area of the plains starting to ascend into the sky this could be his perfect time to attack the boy thought to himself but how the boy smiled to himself as the pillar was still ascending he put his hand up in front of himself as he made the hand signs of Ram → Snake → Tiger. Two poofs of smoke appeared and there was two clones of Zach standing each about a meter away from the other. Zachariah had felt the pillar had stopped moving along with the boost that the demon had given them was now gone. Zachariah watched this smile appear on Tatsuya's face as he thought if this was Tatsuya's plan or was it to get closer to the light. Zachariah shook his head this was no time to be standing around as his clones minic'd his movements this boy needed to be prepared especially if Tatsuya was to attack Zach felt like something grabbed a hold of him and he was frozen. Zach needed to break this hold on him or this would end badly Zachariah broke the hold rather quickly as he knew a second attack would be coming he took this time to make the hand signs of Tiger → Boar → Ox → Dog → Snake as his clones copied him. Zachariah got a glimpse of these tendrils as they went to strike him it would of truly been a bloody e.vent and one with not a good outcome for Zachariah as a poof of smoke happened and a handful of grass fell from the sky. Zachariah had appeared to the left of Tatsuya putting his right hand on Tatsuya's shoulder as his left hands all the fingers were pointed at Tatsuya's chest "I should be the one apologizing." Zachariah released the ten finger drilling bullets in a attempt to end this fight.

(Ap 150-30=120-5=115-5=110)

Last edited by Zachariah Kaguya on Mon Nov 24, 2014 6:03 am; edited 2 times in total
Stat Page : The Plague
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Ryo : 134237

Fatality(Zach/Tatsuya) Empty Re: Fatality(Zach/Tatsuya)

Sun Nov 23, 2014 2:31 pm
(Zach the amount of blood you would have to bleed to make a clone out of it would knock you out from blood lose and also kill you lol please edit.)
Touka Keisuke
Touka Keisuke
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Fatality(Zach/Tatsuya) Empty Re: Fatality(Zach/Tatsuya)

Mon Nov 24, 2014 10:14 pm
Tatsuya notices the feeling of power returning as Youka begins walking up the pillar. He would have to think about it later as Zach brakes from the shadows. If Tatsuya wanted he could still hold onto zach with out willing Zach to imitate  but he decides to let go of the jutsu. Having the sense of strength come back with Youka approaching Tatsuya decides on not activating he shadow sewing technique as well as Zach had formed two clones. With the added strength it would make the jutsu useless
Then Tatsuya sees the very familiar hand signs and it was one he knew two well. The substitution technique was a skill that Kasai always used  when Tatsuya was sparing with him. As Zach disappears Tatsuya's eyes flicker around quickly to try and find him. Most likely he was going to do something with his bones as it was really the only jutsu he knew or he could commit to hand to hand combat. If this were true he would substitute close by and most likely on a blind spot.

Tatsuya then feels the resting of Zachs hand onto his shoulder. This was a stupid move as it reviled were he was. Tatsuya had a fairly high reaction time (98) and so as quickly as possible Tatsuya brings his hand over to grab the hand on his shoulder. With out thinking Tatsuya grabs firmly and with a strength of 77 Tatsuya pulls Zach  over his shoulder and then grabs onto Zachs arm with his other hand.
With out a second thought Tatsuya throws Zach with all his strength and flings him off the pillar he would fly quite far and hit the ground with a large thump. Tatsuya does not think this will kill Zach but should brake at least an arm. Tatsuya also does this to test his theory about the skill boost one last time. 

As Zach fly's through the air Tatsuya takes a glimpse of the bullets in his hand. Now Zach is travailing at probably around 70 speed so it would be hard to throw them wile mid air but one must not underestimate your opponent.
And so Tatsuya does a back hand spring off the pillar then sliding down its side to reach Zach. 

[-1 surface walking, + 40: 299/320]
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Fatality(Zach/Tatsuya) Empty Re: Fatality(Zach/Tatsuya)

Mon Nov 24, 2014 11:37 pm
The Demons eyes were on fire now, his vision blurring drastically as he couldn't control the flux of chakra that was being pushed to them. This wasn't something that he could just ignore anymore, his medical abilities were not making the pain go away or lessening it at all. The only thing that was happening was piercing eye gouging pain that he couldn't control. Trying to also pay attention to the fight that was going on he couldn't see much of anything but blobs moving in slow motion back and forth.

One of the blobs disappeared for a moment before appearing again next to the other spec that was now standing still. The Demon stood from his sitting position on the corner of the pillar that had been raised from the ground by Tatsuya to get them away from his ability to raise the health and strength of those around him. He found his equilibrium failing drastically once he stood up causing him to fall again to one knee his arms bracing the earth below him. Around the time that Tatsuya or what he though was Tatsuya grabbed Zachs arm to attempt to throw the boy something happened that would mark a new change in life.

Unbeknownst to the Demon his eyes had shifted from one pattern to a completely different one all together with rings inside of rings spiraling infinitely it seemed. Raising both his hands to his eyes rubbing them quickly to clear his vision the pain shot once more through his eyes. The Demons arms shot forward in an attempt to ensure nothing was in front of him. What happened was something completely different, once the arms were shot forward a gravitational pull was released from both of his hands in the boys direction. It would pull both of the boys into his arms grasp(speed and power 100). What the hell was happening to him, where was this power coming from, he never could do anything like this before. The Demon would quickly let go of the boys throats just as soon as they had been grasped backing up slightly before realizing if he went any further he would fall off the ledge. His vision was even more clear than it had ever been in his life the pain was gone and what now hit his body was nothing but pure power.

"We....we are done here...You both are missing ninja now. I-I need to get things ready for you two..and Other...things."

Activating his shunshin his body would disappear from view at a blinding speed to their eyes. He needed to see what exactly had happened to him.

(Claiming rinnegan only needed 200 more words.)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
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Fatality(Zach/Tatsuya) Empty Re: Fatality(Zach/Tatsuya)

Mon Nov 24, 2014 11:39 pm
Approved but you have to give me one

'throws confetti and shit'

Congrats on obtaining Rinnegan!
Touka Keisuke
Touka Keisuke
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Fatality(Zach/Tatsuya) Empty Re: Fatality(Zach/Tatsuya)

Tue Nov 25, 2014 12:20 am
(I like how we are basically property to you all.)
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