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Clan Focus : Venomous Heritage
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 20

An interesting meeting (Zach/P/NK) Empty An interesting meeting (Zach/P/NK)

Sun Jan 18, 2015 12:48 am
Megami had decided to check out the plains, she heard they were beautiful in the evening. Beautiful was an understatement! This place was breath taking! She s ighed as she looked at the gorgeois exotic flowers and smelled a flowery sweet scent.
"Wow..." she said with her eyes wide and trying to take in the scenery! "This place is so beautiful! " she exclaimed as she walked across the soft grass as it rubbed against her ankles.
Domri Meijin
Domri Meijin
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An interesting meeting (Zach/P/NK) Empty Re: An interesting meeting (Zach/P/NK)

Sun Jan 18, 2015 6:00 am
The boy had just barely left the village heading on the path to the plains a spot he often was it was a way to disconnect himself from this village as some nights he would just lay in the field all night gazing at the stars in the night sky. Zachariah had made it far enough down the path he noticed the figure wondering what they were doing here he moved off the path hiding behind some trees as he was trying to determine if this person was hostile or not. The kaguya did his best not to make a lot of noise before wondering why he was even hiding as he advanced towards this figure as he tried to make it seem like he was calm. The boy now could tell that it was a girl he was approaching coming within 5 feet of the girl but stood so he could look at the view of the plains and the stars in the sky above. my name is Zachariah what is yours? The boy voice said softly as he looked at her out of his peripheral vision awaiting a answer as his shoulder length white hair blew in the wind his bangs covering the scarlet dots on his forehead until the wind hit. 
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Clan Focus : Venomous Heritage
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 20

An interesting meeting (Zach/P/NK) Empty Re: An interesting meeting (Zach/P/NK)

Sun Jan 18, 2015 12:31 pm
Megami was a little startled and skightly jumped because she was not paying attention, abd as she looked at the boy she saw the dots on his forehead. A kaguya, one of Sephoras other clans members. He seemed polite, and well, cute!
"Megami, it's nice to meet you Zach! Are you from here? This place is beautiful. " She introduced herself and asked. Something about him made him really cute, maybe it was the hair, or the eyes, or the mood but she couldn't stop staring!
Domri Meijin
Domri Meijin
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An interesting meeting (Zach/P/NK) Empty Re: An interesting meeting (Zach/P/NK)

Sun Jan 18, 2015 5:29 pm
Zachariah noticed the girl jump and wouldn't let this girl out of his sight as if he was suspicious of her. The kaguya listened to the girl speak as he turned his head to face her as he heard her questions. I am nothing special i am just from a small village i got lost and ended up here. The boy voice staying calm as his jaw made a small popping sound.  The boy made sure the scarlet dots on his forehead were covered as he turned the rest of his body to face this girl. What brings you to this place? Zachariah was curious about what could've brought this girl to this place. Zachariah trying to ignore more of the fact that she had been staring at him since she noticed him. Zachariah had cared less for the view but this girl seemed like she was interesting. The boys green eyes glowed in the night sky as he stood there awaiting her response.
Stat Page : Megs Stats
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Clan Focus : Venomous Heritage
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 20

An interesting meeting (Zach/P/NK) Empty Re: An interesting meeting (Zach/P/NK)

Mon Jan 19, 2015 1:12 am
She couldn't tell him the truth, she was kidnapped and now working for a crazy girl! Maybe she could just tell him a similar story, yeah that would work. Besides, her real story would ruin the mood.
"I am from Konoha but I am visiting here. I heard this place was beautiful, a friend recommended It!  So are you staying a while?" She asked him. He was rather nice looking, the white hair kind of had a luminescent glow to it.
"If you aren't leaving, we could hang out together if you want!" She said looking at him. She had never really liked a guy before, so this was new to her.
Domri Meijin
Domri Meijin
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An interesting meeting (Zach/P/NK) Empty Re: An interesting meeting (Zach/P/NK)

Mon Jan 19, 2015 2:35 am
Zachariah stood still looking into this girls eyes so she could see that he was actually listening to her as she told her story that and asked more questions to him. I have been here awhile now and i still have yet to figure out why i stay or where i want to go. The boy tilted his head at the mention that she was from Konoha as he tried to remember seeing this girl before but couldn't remember ever seeing her before but instead of calling her out on the lie he stayed quiet about it as it would ruin his lie along with it. Why would you want to hang out with me it's not like i'm that interesting really. The kaguya closed his eyes for a second before opening them slowly as if he had been in deep thought about this situation. The boy moved entering the tall grass as he made it a good distance away he turned to face this girl again. Are you just going to stand there. The boys voice was a mixture of being serious and mocking this girl. Zachariah motioned for her to hurry up as he stood there his eyes never leaving the figure that was this girl as he stood there.
Stat Page : Megs Stats
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Clan Focus : Venomous Heritage
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 20

An interesting meeting (Zach/P/NK) Empty Re: An interesting meeting (Zach/P/NK)

Tue Jan 20, 2015 4:45 am
"You seem interesting, besides two people,chance meeting, ended up here the same way, way, maybe we were meant to meet each other!" Megami said to him. "Sorry, I tend to get caught up in my words when I speak, I'm following you. Lead the way oh wuse one!" She joked nervously following Zach. "Where are we going anyways?"
Domri Meijin
Domri Meijin
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An interesting meeting (Zach/P/NK) Empty Re: An interesting meeting (Zach/P/NK)

Thu Jan 22, 2015 2:30 am
Zachariah listened to the girl as she seemed to follow him asking him where they were going as her tone seemed to be joking. You will see when we get there. Zachariah kept his voice calm he didn't want to scare her away. He continued walking through the tall grass as he stopped and waited for her to catch up he lead her here so no one could hear them. The kaguya spun around quickly grabbing the girl by the neck before using his leg to sweep her legs out from under her. I've never seen you in Konoha before what's your real story? Zachariahs voice took a harsh tone as he started to growl before he quieted himself he could hear a large amount of movement he quickly ran back to the path they had met on seeing people heading away from Tengakure. What's going on? The boy sounded confused as he talked.  The Tenkage has ordered everyone to leave Tengakure and to head to Shimagakure. A elderly looking man explained before he disappear in a quickened pace. Zachariah headed back into the tall grass without thinking as he made it back to the girl and looked at her. Sorry. It's not important what your story is but we need to get out of here is there any place safe you can think of to go to?
Stat Page : Megs Stats
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Clan Focus : Venomous Heritage
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 20

An interesting meeting (Zach/P/NK) Empty Re: An interesting meeting (Zach/P/NK)

Thu Jan 22, 2015 10:06 pm
"I'm from Konoha originally, but I went to a birthday party and was kidnapped. I was originally an orphan,my clan head. I am a Kuoga clan member." She said as he held her There! Megami was in shock! He had figured out her lie! Well, the truth was better anyways.
"Yeah, I know a place we can go, its in Volcano Village!" She said taking his hand and leading him towards the gates.
Domri Meijin
Domri Meijin
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An interesting meeting (Zach/P/NK) Empty Re: An interesting meeting (Zach/P/NK)

Fri Jan 23, 2015 4:23 am
Zachariah looked into the girls eyes as she told her story he could tell she was telling the truth this time and also knew he blew his cover by exposing her lie he exposed his own as he awaited her to question his story. The kaguya nodded as she said where they were heading next before feeling her taking his hand. The boy let her lead him as he was certain she knew the way far better than he did and prepared himself for the long journey that was ahead. It seemed like time had slow downed well they traveled as if it completely stopped at points as the boy had realized this wasn't the first time they were holding hands but the second he barely knew this girl but was trusting her to lead him someplace safe as he thought if she was going to kill me she would've already done it he would just enjoy the peace in the time he would be on this adventure to somewhere new.
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