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Domri Meijin
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Zach's genin exam  Empty Zach's genin exam

Mon Oct 06, 2014 2:40 am
Thoughts rushed through Zach's head as the night raced forward as tomorrow was the day he was going to take the genin exam. Zach sat there on his bed looking at the moon wondering how hard this exam could be before getting a thought to sneak into the academy and find a document on it but Zach didn't move as it passed by. Zach got out of his bed slowly walking over to the closet then putting on a pair of black pants and a different zip up red shirt as he turned around and opened the window heading out of it as he thought just getting some fresh air would clear his head. Zach sat on the roof outside the window looking up at the moon watching as it slowly before the same thought popped in his head as before he slowly picked himself off the roof and found himself heading towards the academy he looked at it the ninja academy from a tree making sure no one was there before he would make his move. Zach didn't notice anyone so he snuck into the ninja academy being careful not to make any noise as he carefully went down the hallway then opened the door slowly to the classroom just enough to peek in and make sure it was empty. Zach didn't see anyone in the classroom and proceeded into it he headed towards the desk and searched carefully on the desk and through the draws being careful not to misplace anything or leave a trail as he put everything back in the same order that he took it out he wasn't finding anything but he continued he wanted to know what he was up against with this exam. Zach let out a sigh as he got frustrated but realized he had to get out of there or he was sure to get caught Zach went out the same way he came in being quiet and making sure no one would notice him as Zach reached the outside he looked at the sky seeing the moon lowering but the sun wasn't coming up yet so he headed back home making him self some food and a glass of water as he read up on his jutsu some more before heading to the Ninja Academy with only thoughts of success in his mind but his eyes told a different story as the eye bags from not sleeping were noticeable. Zach opened the doors to the ninja academy then headed down the hallway slowly pausing as he got to the room he placed his hand carefully at the door before he opened up the door slowly. Zach had a confident stride as he headed into the room he kept his stride until he stood in front of the examiner's desk. Zach stood at attention like you were supposed to if a instructor had entered the room. “Zachariah Kaguya I'm here for the genin exam.”Zachariah said quickly with confidence in his voice as he stood there waiting for a response.
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
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Zach's genin exam  Empty Re: Zach's genin exam

Mon Oct 06, 2014 11:42 am
An older ninja was sitting at the desk, head in his hands and a cup of brown liquid sitting in front of him. The expression on this man's face was in a word morose. His eyes had dark bags underneath them, and his skin was slightly pale, like a man who had not had sleep in a very long time. The smell of coffee could barely be detected, showing that this cup in front of him was once warm, but no longer. At the sound of the boy stating his name, the teacher looked up. "O, ummm yes your here to test?" He said almost more like a question than an actual statement. His mind was on his beverage that had once been warm, promising him a morning of delicious happiness, but now was simply a let down of brown muddy cold water.

Clearing his throat and attempting to snap himself back to reality, he continued. "Well then, please perform the three basic academy jutsu for me...." That was all right? He was thinking trying to make sure he didn't forget anything. He would never live it down if he passed another student when they didn't even know how to perform the clone jutsu. Tapping his forefinger on his chin, he added, "And get me a hot cup of coffee while your at it, and we can get you this shiny new headband." He said opening his drawer and pulling out a konoha head band. Sitting back in his chair, he awaited for the boy to demonstrate the techniques, and hopefully brighten his day with a better drink.

(do the 3 starter jutsu, 800 words, and get me a cup of coffee )
Domri Meijin
Domri Meijin
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Zach's genin exam  Empty Re: Zach's genin exam

Tue Oct 07, 2014 1:43 am
Zachariah examined this man who was running the genin exam from his head down to his shoes that he had on as Zach had stood in front of the man he could tell a lot about him and at this point it didn't seem like he even cared about the exam just the coffee that seemed had went cold and he wouldn't drink. Zachariah almost let out a shocked expression as he heard the man say as  "O, ummm yes your here to test?". This was the man who determined wether he became a genin or not it threw Zachariah off for sure especially when he told him back of the his exam was to get him  a coffee. Zachariah thought this was either a joke or he just got the oddest request in genin exam history but Zachariah already had a strategy for what he would do seeing how he had no idea where he could get coffee he would perform the jutsu's he could maybe doing more then this proctor had asked would make him forget the coffee Zach had hoped. Zach took a step back away from the desk as he got ready to make the hand signs of Ram Snake and Tiger then with a poof a smoke two more exact copies of Zach appeared. Zach grinned towards the proctor as he thought to himself this is just my opening act as Zach didn't hesistate to start making handsigns again this time it wasn't only him but his clones as well as he had his eyes closed to concentrate on every little detail of the proctor. Zach then performed the handsigns of Dog, Boar and Ram as all three of the Zach's transformed into exact replica's of the proctor. This is too easy Zach thought to himself there had to be some trick to all this if it was this easy why hadn't everyone passed this test yet. Zach shook his head getting these thoughts out as he canceled both the clone technique and the transformation technique then thought about what he should do next. Zach walked to the wall of the classroom looking up it then started walking until he was upside down he was secertly hoping he didn't fall as he stood there  with a determined look on his face as if he wouldn't give up on this exam no matter what ridicoulous request the proctor would ask him. Zachariah then noticed that someone had thrown something towards him it was time to show off he thought as this object grew closer Zachariah starting making hand signs in rapid secession he didn't need to think about them with how many times he had practiced this one technique. Tiger, Boar, Ox, Dog, and Snake.  It looked like Zach was hit but then a cloud of smoke appeared and Zach appeared right in front of the proctors desk again as he sighed before he thought about it he still needed to get the proctor a cup of coffee. Zach hadn't even thought of asking the proctor how he liked his coffee as he was in a hurry to get this over with Zach thought and thought about where he could get a coffee from but it came up blank so Zach looked at the proctor. “I'll be right back.” Zachariah had left the classroom he was almost growling in frustration as he left the classroom and headed down the hallway how hard could it be to get this guy a cup of coffee he thought to himself. “Its almost embarrasing I dont even know where to go.” Zach made it to the end of the hallway in a rush but wasn't even sure where to start looking as he made his way into town he heard people talking but any of them he went up to ask would just turn away or plan out right ignore him so Zach continued passing buildings until he smelled something  that had the same smell as that mans coffee it wasn't far away if he could smell it so Zach found a small stand where they were making coffee he then thought to himself how does this man get his coffee a question Zach never even cared about until right now.  A man looked at him from behind the stand would you like a cup of coffee. Zach nodded quickly but then explained to the man why he was getting the coffee and who it was for and that he didn't even know the mans taste for it. The man laughed and handed Zach a cup of coffee  and told Zach to hurry back before it got cold.  Zach had to be extra careful he couldn't spill a drop of this coffee as he headed back in a rush to make it back to the academy Zach made it there in just a few minutes he opened the door to the academy then flung open the door to the classroom and put the coffee on the proctors desk as Zach had sweat running off his forehead and was breathing deeply to catch his breath he stood there and waited to see what the proctors response would be. 

word count :867
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
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Stat Page : Takeshiyama
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
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Zach's genin exam  Empty Re: Zach's genin exam

Tue Oct 07, 2014 7:49 am
Looking up he watched the boy.  He did remarkably well, and might make the leaf village proud someday.  However what made him most happy was the coffee that now sat in front of him.  Taking a large sip of the molten drink he reached out grabbed the head band and tossed JT towards Zach.  "See you around....genin". Is all the Procter said.

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