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Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Broken(Tasuya/Zach/Iburi?) Empty Broken(Tasuya/Zach/Iburi?)

Sat Nov 08, 2014 7:57 pm
The Demon sat in the plains waiting for the two he had put into a team to come. He would first see what it was they could do before engaging them in combat. He had to know what they offered in order to be able to rank their power levels and stack them against each other.

"I grow impatient, they were right behind me. Hurry up you miserable humans, I must break you in order for you to be reborn."
Kemuri Iburi
Kemuri Iburi
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Broken(Tasuya/Zach/Iburi?) Empty Re: Broken(Tasuya/Zach/Iburi?)

Sun Nov 09, 2014 2:12 pm
Having fallen behind due to waiting on Zachariah and Tatsuya, Tatsuya having been unconscious when they left the building, Kemuri would slightly hear Youka a decent distance away claiming that he were going to break them. Although Kemuri knew well that Youka were more powerful than he was, he wasn't sure how much more so, and was still fairly cocky about how much progress he had made in his last training session. All in all, this left Kemuri feeling that with the other two's assistance that he could at the very least be a match for him, though he still didn't know just how powerful either of his partners would be. This could prove problematic if they were both lackluster ninja as he himself were not a day ago since himself and two others of roughly his level had fought someone else and had lost to him easily.

Approaching Youka, he would glance back to see how far Zachariah and Tatsuya were behind, presumably not very far. Looking back at Youka, he would essentially just stare into his eyes for the time being, as he wasn't entirely sure what to do yet, seeing as Youka hadn't done much aside from insult them already and tell them he were going to defeat them and badly, though not in those exact words.
Touka Keisuke
Touka Keisuke
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Broken(Tasuya/Zach/Iburi?) Empty Re: Broken(Tasuya/Zach/Iburi?)

Sun Nov 09, 2014 2:44 pm
Tatsuya now regaining his consciousness sees that he would be splitting off from Makussu and Kasai. This would be unfortunate as Tatsuya would prefer to stay with them, but no matter.  At this point Tatsuya is able to walk with out assistance from Kasai. Giving Kasai and Makussu a wave good by Tatsuya catches up with Kemuri and walks next to him.
They both arrive were Youka is located. Tatsuya sees that Youka looks slightly irritated and so Tatsuya quickens his walk to get to Youka.
"Sorry Youka for our tardiness. I did however come up with the goals you wanted us to create when you left Zach and I as well as the skill you wanted us to show you."
Tatsuya was indeed filled with excitement about what he might learn in this day of training. But Tatsuya did still wonder what his skills were going to be put towards. Bringing in a new era would be interesting to say the least but how they were to do that was what worried Tatsuya.
Tatsuya did did come to a conclusion that even if Youka's and Xyxer's motives were dark as they probably were, Tatsuya had a chance like no other to make astounding progress on his skill and motive in life.
Youka did indeed have much knowledge and Tatsuya could learn much from him.

"I am all yours." Tatsuya says to Youka. "Brake me down and rebuild me into a powerful shinobi." 
Domri Meijin
Domri Meijin
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Broken(Tasuya/Zach/Iburi?) Empty Re: Broken(Tasuya/Zach/Iburi?)

Mon Nov 10, 2014 3:17 am
Zachariah had made it out of that sword wielding manics torture room just to be dragged out to a field to fight like he needed to get beat more then he did in that room. Zach let out a sigh as he picked his head up realizing he had lost Tatsuya and Kemuri. Zach stopped moving as he looked around not knowing what way to head he figured it would be easy to figure out maybe he would just sit here and wait for them to come looking for him or maybe they would just figure that manic had killed him. Zach just started walking hoping he would end up in the right place as he came to the plain and noticed everyone else was already there “I got lost.” Zach started rubbing the back of his head before turning his attention to Youka who seemed bored sitting on the log. Zachariah had watched the display by Tatsuya. The kaguya made his way so he was 10 meters away from Youka. “Do what you will but if you can get me the power I desire I will follow you.” Zachariah had planned to attack but knew they had no chance against this man acting alone.
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Broken(Tasuya/Zach/Iburi?) Empty Re: Broken(Tasuya/Zach/Iburi?)

Mon Nov 10, 2014 4:37 pm
"Very well, spit it out, I don't have all day. Tell me exactly what it is you can do and how it benefits me. Based on your answers I might rip you in half hear and now. So I hope you both have had ample time to think about this. Iburi, I do not require an answer from you, I will test you directly and see for myself."

Looking over the ninja in front of him he would wait for them to intiate their abilities. He hoped for their sake it was something nice to look at otherwise, well they were dead and useless. Listening in on what his other half was doing he could hear that he had met with Kenshin and Tank. A smile crept on his face as he was told what was being said.

"Iburi, you have a rather talkative friend in this Kenshin fellow, I hope he's as good as he thinks he is. Otherwise he will be of no use to me and I will kill him now. He seems to miss you however, were you both lovers at some point?"
Kemuri Iburi
Kemuri Iburi
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Broken(Tasuya/Zach/Iburi?) Empty Re: Broken(Tasuya/Zach/Iburi?)

Mon Nov 10, 2014 7:34 pm
Now firmly disappointed in both Zachariah and Tatsuya's responses to Youka, Kemuri brought his gaze slightly towards the ground out of a mixture of anger and really simply not caring much. Listening to Youka speak of how they were to show their abilities to him excluding himself, he began to look around the field, noting several trees dotted along the field, but not much else. It was rather obvious, to him anyway, from the way that Youka felt the need to individually test him that he found more interest in Kemuri than the others right now. This of course more than likely increased his probability of not being killed by his captors, and he only planned to further increase the interest in him to make it even less likely he were to die. Surely no one else in the ragtag group of genin that Youka had gathered so far were capable of what Kemuri were, and he planned on using just that to further increase his value to them, even if that did mean he would likely be more closely watched.

After taking in the environment of the field, Kemuri listened to Youka speak of Kenshin and his accusation of the two having a relationship of sorts. Though this meant nothing to him, Kemuri felt it would be best if he answered rather than stay quiet as he had so far after the moment of his kidnapping to show some kind of respect, albeit it being forced. "No." He said in response. And that was all he said before looking towards Tatsuya and Zachariah, eagerly awaiting their responses, as so far he only knew them to be submissive weaklings from the time he had seen them in whatever place it was they had all been gathered to.
Touka Keisuke
Touka Keisuke
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Broken(Tasuya/Zach/Iburi?) Empty Re: Broken(Tasuya/Zach/Iburi?)

Mon Nov 10, 2014 9:11 pm
Tatsuya smirks to what Youka said about Kenshin. Not so much about them being lovers but more the thought of Youka not showing any mercy on him. It would be unfortunate if Kenshin died but if Tatsuya were being truthful , Tatsuya really didn't like him one bit. He was rood and quite full of himself. Kasai and shared these feelings with Tatsuya only reinforcing his feelings.
But oh well it is what it is. Tatsuya thought. the thoughts spent on Kenshin brings his attention to Kemuri. Tatsuya did not know much about him. Was he just as stuck up and full of him self as kenshin was or was he a nice respectable man who was just quiet.

After Kemuri said his short response Tatsuya would continue to share what he knew as a ninja, unless Youka decides on progressing his conversation with Kemuri.
"My self as a ninja i posses support skills as well as some offensive skills. My nature is earth and im sure to find a new one soon. As I am from the Nara clan I have the basic Shadow Imitation Jutsu and Shadow neck binding jutsu allowing me to detain my opponent. Along with this I have some more defensive juts such as Temporary Paralysis Jutsu,Cloak of the night and Body Flicker. Although I would like to see my self heading in a more offensive direction as well as mastering my goals with nature."
Tatsuya talks quickly so he does not waist too much of Youka's time. Tatsuya also does not share what he means by his goals with nature only because some may see them as ridicules unrealistic goals. As well as Tatsuya must learn more about how nature works as well as nature energy its self before he can make a full detailed description.

Waiting for a response and hoping that Tatsuya's ambition and skills will be of use. He thinks about what strange jutsu Zach must have after watching Zack's brake down in that dark pit.
Domri Meijin
Domri Meijin
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Broken(Tasuya/Zach/Iburi?) Empty Re: Broken(Tasuya/Zach/Iburi?)

Tue Nov 11, 2014 1:29 am
Zachariah had been listened to the demon who seemed like he was going to be testing them as Zach let out a yawn he thought they had come out here to train not to be lectured as Zach let out a chuckle at Youkas comment of Kemuri and Kenshin being lovers. Zachariah stood still listened to Kemuri's response before he listened to Tatsuya go on about what he could do before letting out another yawn. "Well this is boring but if you insist." Zach couldn't keep his mouth shut about it anymore. "Let's see where to start." Zach started thinking putting his hand on the back of his head. "Well as a ninja so far i guess i have mostly offensive skills. My chakra nature is Water and am a Kaguya so i can manipulate my bones to come out of my body. some of the techniques i learned so far are the water clone jutsu, ten finger drilling bullets and taijutsu shunshin." Zach sorta shrugged not really caring if he was useful to this man or not he wanted there to finally be action here.
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Broken(Tasuya/Zach/Iburi?) Empty Re: Broken(Tasuya/Zach/Iburi?)

Tue Nov 11, 2014 3:21 pm
Well now was the time to actually see how the kids fared in actual combat. He had tested the other group previously and learned where their faults were. He would do the same with this group except maybe at a more accelerated rate as there were three of them and he needed to be able to keep all of them on their toes. The two boys that were Zach and Tatsuya did not tickle his fancy at the moment. The toy he wanted to play with the most right now was Iburi, he needed to see why Kenshin was so adamant about finding this one over all the others. Did he have anything special about him? Could he do anything that would appease the curiosity of the Demon? Or was it more a less a relationship of comradeship where if the other was gone they were missed?

Without notice he would close the distance on all three of them as they were a mere two meters away from him. His first and primary mission was to destroy Iburi. Take him out of commission as quick as possible without giving him the chance to do anything in response. His next movement was simple and to the point a straight forward rabbit punch to the boys chest(speed70/strength50). He cared little for what the others could do, a Nara he knew he could destroy. Their holding techniques were usually based on strength to hold which the Demon had plenty of. The other boy would be the wild card as he hadn't fought something like that yet so he would enjoy watching the child perform.
Kemuri Iburi
Kemuri Iburi
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Broken(Tasuya/Zach/Iburi?) Empty Re: Broken(Tasuya/Zach/Iburi?)

Tue Nov 11, 2014 4:52 pm
Listening to both Tatsuya and Zachariah tell Youka everything of interest there were to know about them, he would let a notable scowl come across his face if not for his mask. He thought as they seemingly had no idea what a secret was, this being further proven by the fact that one or both of them for all he knew had told Xyxer exactly where they were from. Still having almost all of his attention directed to Youka, he would notice that he had begun to run towards them rather quickly, his own speed clearly being superior to Kemuri's based upon the acceleration, though not by too much for him to handle.

Noticing that Youka's target just happened to be him, Kemuri would rather rapidly jump off to the side in the opposite direction of both Zachariah and Tatsuya, moving out of the way of his first attack just in time to avoid being struck, feeling the wind from Youka's punch as it went by him. He thought as he landed several meters in the direction he jumped in, turning back towards Youka as he landed, jumping back once more to gain some distance before reaching into a weapon pouch on his thigh and pulling a kunai from it, holding it tightly in his hand. Watching Youka for his next move, he would hope that the others at least knew how to work somewhat in tandem with each other, as unless it were absolutely necessary, he had no intentions of trying to protect either of them.
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