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Ditching Shima Empty Ditching Shima

Wed Jan 29, 2014 8:43 am
Kaede ran a hand through his mess of blonde hair. He had been doing some thinking recently. He had deemed his village to be at a decent enough level to warrant him reuniting his family. Of course there came the dilemma. The man needed to track them down. There came the problem. To hunt down his family he of course needed to leave the village. The problem there was that he was the leader of the village. So he had made one last order before gathering up his things. Until further notice Naoki would be running things. Kaede hoped he made the right decision on this, he had not known the Uchiha for that long and thus was wary about handing control to him. While he did not like the idea of coming back to ruins, he decided that he had no other choice. Because the man didn't wish to delay any longer, he had simply sent a letter to Naoki's home explaining the situation. He had also informed all the relevant people whom needed to know of the temporary change in power. An announcement of some sort would probably go out to all active shinobi within the village at some point. But for now it was time to piss off.

The Uzumaki had left his home rather early in the morning, perhaps a little too early. The sun had risen only a couple of minutes before he had left his house. He had a bag slung over his shoulder, filled with several supplies that he felt like he needed. The prospect of having to go to colder places Kaede had not forgotten, so he was not currently wearing his usual summer-like attire. Instead he had actually gone for his only non-summer like clothing he had in his possession, which was actually a black suit. He had gotten the suit only for having something appropriate to wear during diplomacy with other villages. Kaede reminded himself that he needed to get some suitable clothing when he next arrived at some sort of town. He had borrowed a coat from a friend, which he was currently wearing despite the heat. Having always found his sense of hot and cold was slightly different from that of others, he actually did not feel all that hot in his attire. Wrapping the coat around him, he made his way down the stone path's that served as pathways through the islands. He took his time when walking, making sure to take in the scenery of the islands one last time before he took off.

It was of course quiet during this time of day. The only sounds Kaede could hear were the sounds of the ocean and also the sounds of his shoes as they made contact with the stone floor. He spent the next twenty or so minutes walking around the islands, before making his way over towards the docks. Because of the fact that Shimagakure was a cluster of islands, the only way off of it was by boat. This was quite annoying, as Kaede would have to spend the next several hours on them. Of course he could either swim or become Jesus and walk across the water, but he decided that it was far too much effort. He had managed to get one of the fishermen to give him a ride to the 'mainland', surprisingly enough for free. Perhaps it was because of his popularity amongst the people that he managed to get such treatment. Whatever the case was, Kaede would soon be boarding the ship and heading off on a grand adventure. Of course he would take a few more minutes to walk around the islands, because he needed a higher word count for stats wished to try and get a lasting image of his home in his head before heading out.

Fifteen or so minutes later and the man realised he was running late. Thus the soon to be former leader of Shimagakure found himself running towards the docks. It was a rather ungraceful way to be seen leaving the village. But Kaede would rather be seen running like a fool than missing the boat and having to wait however many days until he could get another one. He dashed across the bridges that served as connection points for the islands. One island served as a sort of trade hub for the people. It housed the marketplace and the docks, which is why Kaede had to push his way through a crowd of people who had gotten up. He ignored most of the weird looks he was getting from the dock workers, perhaps because of the clothes he was wearing or the fact he was pushing past them. Finally after much effort the man managed to get to the boat he needed. With a sigh of relief Kaede slumped onto a seat within the boat, and relaxed as it carried him off to the mainland or something like that.

[Exiting Shimagakure]

Total Wordcount: 829ish

4 Stats because running is hard work
8 JP
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Ditching Shima Empty Re: Ditching Shima

Thu Jan 30, 2014 4:52 am
Approved, Naoki is in charge till further notice.
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