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Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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Oh boy... forgot my pina colada [P, NK] Empty Oh boy... forgot my pina colada [P, NK]

Mon Nov 18, 2013 3:08 am
The walk was not long as they were already in the same island as their destination. Nonetheless, Naoki got caught up in his thoughts and did not pay much attention to the way, following almost unconsciously. His mind was focused on something else. He had recently created a technique which allowed him to produce miniature explosive seals that appears a tiny glowing orbs, that in a fleet looked like a swarm of fireflies. His guard, surprisingly was still kept up and yet his attention was split on two things. First was production of more seals, so far he had made only a few and that appeared to be a product of his powerful chakra, but it seemed to hit a limit after a while and then it required more effort to produce more. The second thing was various ideas that were swirling in his mind, mostly about how he could improve the technique, how to use his knowledge of advanced space and time ninjutsu to make it even better.

Just like that the time flew by and he realized the group were right in front of the doors to leader's chambers. Naoki had been to this place a number of times before, but never really went inside. His thoughts faded into the background as his attention returned here - he was curious what could be behind this door. Stopping in front of it, he would step aside and let the others enter first.
Koharu Yuki
Koharu Yuki
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Koharu
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 17000

Oh boy... forgot my pina colada [P, NK] Empty Re: Oh boy... forgot my pina colada [P, NK]

Mon Nov 18, 2013 8:34 am
Kaede arrived first. This was because of the fact that two of the people here had no idea where they were going. While the other seemed to have started day dreaming. Thus it was up to Kaede to lead the way, not that he minded, he was the leader after all. He had attempted to entertain all three of them with some small talk. Mostly talking about some random trivia of the village, such as the number of islands that make up the village. Though for most of the walk he spent his time thinking about how things will proceed from here on out. As the first diplomatic meeting the man has had as leader he was slightly nervous. His thoughts were ceased by their arrival at the door to his office. "Ah! Here we are." Being the one who owned the office is was only natural that he be the one to enter it first. So he stepped forward to the door and opened it outward, making sure not to smack anyone in the face while doing so. After that grand opening he entered into the room. It was a rather plain looking room to be honest. Having not been in charge for that long Kaede had not had any real time to decorate the place. A few filing cabinets were stuck in the corners of the room, with various decorations left behind from the former leader. Basic things, potted plants, paintings, things like that. There were a few chairs scattered around the room, in case of any visitors. The desk was located at the back of the room, a straight walk from the door. The man made his way over to the desk, taking a moment to glance out the window to take in the view of the islands. Kaede had to admit that it was quite a nice view. He spun around away from the window and sat himself down in his own chair. Motioning with his hand for the other three men to take a seat he waited for them to get comfortable before beginning.
Chrollo Senju
Chrollo Senju
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Oh boy... forgot my pina colada [P, NK] Empty Re: Oh boy... forgot my pina colada [P, NK]

Mon Nov 18, 2013 11:38 am
Being new to the village, Saiga did not know the specific location of Kaede's office. So he depended on the man to lead him there. In the mean time, as the walked, he listened to Kaede, as he explained the number of islands which made up the village. Intrigued by this he also threw in a few compliments on the man's island as they walked. When suddenly, he remembered something. The entire time while he was traveling to Shimagakure, it was actually during his 20th birthday. The young man had not realized this, at the time his mind was occupied with business affairs. A sense of nostalgia passes over the man as he reminisces on his childhood memories. Caught up in deep thought he does not even realize that he is now standing outside the office of Kaede. He calmly walks in behind the man taking a seat in a chair positioned in front of the man's desk. While seated he observes the plainly decorated office, similar to his own, while waiting for their meeting to begin.
Gilgamesh Uzumaki
Gilgamesh Uzumaki
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Oh boy... forgot my pina colada [P, NK] Empty Re: Oh boy... forgot my pina colada [P, NK]

Mon Nov 18, 2013 2:20 pm
Following along the trio, Shingetsu's mind still ran amok after the words he had been told by Saiga, his quite obviously untainted village leader. His village had a bloody past and yet for some reason he could not fathom, he had decided to not walk that path.. That would need to change shortly. Sitting inside of the office on one of the chairs, the one that was at the far left to be exact.
Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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Oh boy... forgot my pina colada [P, NK] Empty Re: Oh boy... forgot my pina colada [P, NK]

Mon Nov 18, 2013 2:27 pm
As everyone entered, Naoki would proceed inside and close the door behind him. He would look around for a bit, then follow everyone else to the seats. As Shingetsu took the far left seat, Naoki would let Saiga claim the middle one, so he'd be directly facing Kaede, while the Uchiha set to Saiga's right. He was eager to see and hear how these talks would progress.
Koharu Yuki
Koharu Yuki
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Koharu
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 17000

Oh boy... forgot my pina colada [P, NK] Empty Re: Oh boy... forgot my pina colada [P, NK]

Tue Nov 19, 2013 4:03 am
Waiting for everyone to be seated Kaede shuffled some papers about on his desk. None of them were important enough to warrant him looking at them anytime soon. Speaking of papers he had not heard from that boy he had let go on an adventure yet. Perhaps he should look into that when he had the chance. For now however, it was time to focus on the meeting at hand. Once everyone had settled down he took a few seconds before speaking. His voice remained the warm and friendly one it had been when he had greeted the two of them to his village. "Now then. Let us begin with something rather simple." He paused once more, perhaps for some sort of dramatic effect. "The fact that you accepted my invitation suggests that you are also willing to form an alliance between us." Or maybe they wanted to assassinate him and take over the village? Now that would be a strange turn of events, Kaede had not really thought on that happening too much. Though he doubted they would try and risk it right now. "Said alliance would be something like, 'come to our aid in a time of need' and vice versa." Another pause. He was waiting for the words to sink in and a response to be given. If none were he would continue on. "I suppose trading being established between the two villages would also be helpful. I assure you some of our more exotic foods are quite rare." With the foundations of the meeting set, now all he had to do was iron out the details. That is unless they out right refused him. Which would be quite a problem.
Chrollo Senju
Chrollo Senju
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Oh boy... forgot my pina colada [P, NK] Empty Re: Oh boy... forgot my pina colada [P, NK]

Tue Nov 19, 2013 11:14 am
Saiga watches the man closely as he speaks, a more serious atmosphere taking over the room, compared to when they were walking around the island. "An alliance, certainly. Though Takigakure is slightly different in our ways of dealing with things like this. I'd like to think of us as Mercenaries..." He pauses, almost as if he were attempting to find words. "Meaning we would like a compensation of some sort, let's say fifty percent of your villages weekly income." Saiga knows that fifty percent is probably too much to ask for from a newly established minor village, but he still threw the number out there. Testing Kaede to see if he would really accept such a ridiculous request. In all actuality, he only expected to receive ten percent from the village at most. After saying this, he continues his request without pause. "Though I've taken a liking to Shimagakure, so I'm willing to negotiate these terms." After saying this, Saiga looks over towards the window, staring out at the islands. He only does this for a brief moment before turning his focus back towards Kaede. He hoped the man was willing to negotiate, and wouldn't out right refuse his request.
Kaguya Shingetsu
Kaguya Shingetsu
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Tue Nov 19, 2013 1:36 pm
The hands of Shingetsu brushed briefly over his lap as the negotiations happened, not much of what was said would mean much to him. Instead, he carefully observed the muscles as they tensed in his hands and forearms, a cruel desire flushing over him to experience the slow fading of life when the throat is greeted by less than welcoming hands.. He looked around the room to spot the others once more.
Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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Oh boy... forgot my pina colada [P, NK] Empty Re: Oh boy... forgot my pina colada [P, NK]

Tue Nov 19, 2013 2:15 pm
The negotiations would begin as Kaede opened them, being quite straightforward and immediately proposing an alliance between two villages. Naoki's eyes would jump to Saiga as he gave a bit unexpected reply. Being a mercenary was quite normal for a ninja, as they all were that in a sense. However, what Kaede proposed was equal rights to summon the other party for help in time of need. If both sides had this right, yet one received a payment for the treaty itself, it would effectively make it the superior and the other its protectorate. Mercenaries received payment for their services, in this case - protection, yet Takigakure would receive protection from the Islands as well. In other words, this was not a balanced treaty, the condition of payment weighing it in favor for Takigakure and the number...
Naoki was no expert in finances was he disclosed to such knowledge about the village's income, but 50% sounded like a big sum, it would effectively half Shimagakure's potential to expand and improve. It was clearly no way to treat an ally and he did not expect Kaede to agree to this. Even if say the sum was to be made reasonable, it was still essentially tipped in Takigakure's favor and balancing required Shimagakure to add conditions of its own. But what would they ask for? Stationed troops, in the islands? Weapon shipments?... what would be the point? It's not like they are building an army here. Secrets might be worth it, but Naoki did not know any to ask for. And after all, this was not his battle. He would turn to Kaede to hear his leader's response to this.
Koharu Yuki
Koharu Yuki
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Koharu
Mission Record : Mission Log
Remove Remove Bukijutsu Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 17000

Oh boy... forgot my pina colada [P, NK] Empty Re: Oh boy... forgot my pina colada [P, NK]

Tue Nov 19, 2013 5:06 pm
Kaede smiled at the words of the man known as Saiga. Him calling his village mercenaries Kaede found particularly amusing. He had assumed that all shinobi were essentially that, mercenaries. Though the fact that they wanted to be paid for an alliance made Kaede not as amused. Though the idea of paying for services seemed like an interesting proposition. He didn't talk for a moment though, listening to the closing statement of the man opposite him. Throughout his smile remained on his face, his expression not changing since having greeted them at the beach. Maybe it was coming off as a bit creepy? Not that Kaede cared that much, business came before making good impressions. A hand moved up to his shades, pulling them off from his head and placing them on his desk. His eyes, one amber the other grey, peered over towards the leader of Takigakure. "That is interesting proposition. However there are two issues with this. The first is obviously the price you seek. While my experience in this field is relatively new, fifty percent is far to much. I propose five percent. Now the second issue to be raised is this seems fairly one sided. For that reason I propose the following," The young man paused, checking for the reactions of the man across from him before continuing." This payment will count for both of us. If either village requires the aid of the other, then they will pay the 5% for it." Kaede wasn't exactly sure if that seemed reasonable or not. Already he was wandering if he should of brought an advisor with him. Maybe he should have asked Naoki for his thoughts before replying? Oh well, the time had past.
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