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Chrollo Senju
Chrollo Senju
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Finally [Nk] Empty Finally [Nk]

Wed Nov 13, 2013 6:12 pm
Saiga arrives at the gates of Shimagakure, with Shingetsu not too far behind him. The invitation given to them by the Leader of Shimagakure, was finally upheld on their end. All that's left is for the leader to greet them formally.

While waiting, Saiga observes the surrounding area. He could not ignore the obvious fact that the place was beautiful. It's atmosphere was so relaxing that it gave him the feeling of being drawn in, tempting him to let his guard down.
Kaguya Shingetsu
Kaguya Shingetsu
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Finally [Nk] Empty Re: Finally [Nk]

Sat Nov 16, 2013 8:17 am
And it was with a great unfortunate event that Kaguya tripped and catapulted directly into the ground, his neck snapping and his breathing soon shutting off which caused the rest of his body to slowly shut down and result in the death of the young male. Or at least, that's what would have happened if Shingetsu did not jump over the small ditch that he had seen and followed behind Saiga, observing the new village that he was going to destr- negotiate with.
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Finally [Nk] Empty Re: Finally [Nk]

Sat Nov 16, 2013 8:34 am
Kaede was in his office taking a nap when some random dude entered. The dude introduced himself as one of the shinobi of this village and said something along the lines of his visitors have arrived. Later than expected, but they had arrived none the less. Kaede made his way out of his office and strolled on down to the docks. He assumed that was where they were, unless they had swam to one of the islands. Perhaps it would have been better for him to check with the guy who had told him first instead of telling him to go get Naoki. It was only a short walk to the docks, as they were on the same island as the one his office was located at. Upon arriving he took note of the two foreigners that had arrived. Assuming the two of them were the ones he had invited he made his way over to them. He should of really made an attempt to look like someone with authority. Instead he was dressed like he always was. With a floral patterned crimson shirt which was of course unbuttoned, shades, sandals, shorts. Perhaps the least business like attire that one could ever wear. Not that it mattered really, he was saving his suit for a special occasion. "Welcome to the islands of Shimagakure. I'm glad that you accepted the invitation." He said as he entered into hearing distance of the two of them. His tone was obviously a friendly one, after all first impressions were everything.
Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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Finally [Nk] Empty Re: Finally [Nk]

Sat Nov 16, 2013 10:28 am
If peace existed, this is where it was - the hidden island village, Shimagakure. Oh and when I say peace, I don't mean the spiritual, static, perfect order, rather a carefree life without any real troubles. Being out in the ocean Shimagakure was fairly isolated and would rarely get dragged into conflicts and wars, also the attitude of the population made it very peaceful. It was a haven for any tired soul or war-broken warrior. This peace could now be felt almost physically, as Naoki was laying in his bed, sleeping. Outside was a spectacular and glorious sunset happening and the waves were hitting the shore in a triumphant hymn for this sight. Slowly the man's mind would start to register this sound and it would start a chain of processes. Whatever fantastic visions he was having would sink back into the darkness and his physical senses would start pulling him back into the real world. In this change, the Uchiha would regain his understanding of himself, his self-awareness and eventually the most immediate memories. Not sensing any presence nearby, the man's eyes would slowly open and his head would turn towards the open window, taking in the sound of the waves, sight of seagulls and the fiery sky in the background. There was also a palm tree growing by his house that would be in this magnificent picture. For a couple minutes Naoki would do nothing except breathe and admire the world. Then he would feel the unpleasant feeling in his mouth, as if a pack of bulls marched through and left their dumb there. It was a sensation he would remedy in a moment, grabbing an opened bottle of beer from a nearby stand and washing the feeling down his throat with a swig. Then he would jump out of bed. You might wonder what the hell he was doing in bed so late at the day, at sunset, if he was now going to get up. Well, the thing is this guy spent whole last night in a club and then accompanied two girls to their place and enjoyed their company among other things a few more hours there. So when he came back, he was dead tired, mighty drunk and it was already nearing noon. From all of these adventures Naoki now had a fair obvious mark on his chest, just below his neck, a mark left by one of the wonderful girls as she kissed him. By the way, he had not noticed it yet. Finishing his beer, the Uchiha would get to the first floor and enter the kitchen. There was no more in the fridge... at least no more beer and others he did not dare touch at the time, he planned to hit them later.

This is when he left the house to go for a walk. Closing the door behind him, he would look at the sunset and calculate there still being a couple hours of semi-light before night shrouded the islands that made up this village. Making his way through one of the housing islands, Naoki would try to remember what he had to do, as a feeling bothered that he had forgotten something, while also trying to remember what exactly he had yesterday to make is to hard. As he entered the main island, that also had a dock in it, he would suddenly remember. When it came to drinks, it quickly came back - that's right, he had ordered something quite exotic, that nobody made around here. And it was supposed to get delivered today. He did not anticipate he would sleep the whole day so hopefully the docks hadn't closed shop yet, lucky his subconscious mind knew what he had to do and took him directly there. And so with his black jeans and open black shirt with silver palm tree lining, the Uchiha would try to open the door to one of the houses, where he would normally receive his deliveries from the continent. It was locked so obviously he was late. The pick was nothing he could not deal with, but the risk of later getting into trouble for taking what belonged to him without filling out the documents first made him sigh and step away. Nah, he's not having that... and he can wait through a night, not a problem. Then he would hear a silent thud and turn around. There was a ninja in front of him, but he did not seem all that impressive. The fact that Naoki did not even notice him before suggested the guy had fairly low amount of chakra, although he had to admit his guard was lowered and if the guy was hostile it would have ended badly. The shinobi would walk up to him and tell him and the village leader calls him to meet representatives from another village here in the docks. He knew this was supposed to happen some time, but now... damn. Alright. Not exactly in the best shape or gear, only carrying a couple of blades and some utility tools with him, Naoki would nod at the messenger and turn to the part of the docks described. In less than a minute he would appear at the scene, glad he did not have enough beer to get drunk and after the sleep his condition from the morning was mostly off. Naoki would spot his superior and two unknown ninja, one with chakra levels at the same level as Kaede's, the other not too impressive in the regard. Kaede seemed to be handling them... as in talking to them, but he would not have called the Jounin if he did not have something in mind. Maybe he was to escort them. So as the leader finished his sentence, the Uchiha approached and greeted the three. "Good evening," then turned to Kaede "did you call for me, sir?" Oh, and he still hadn't noticed the kiss mark on his chest, revealed by his open shirt...

1000 w.
Chrollo Senju
Chrollo Senju
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Finally [Nk] Empty Re: Finally [Nk]

Sat Nov 16, 2013 2:55 pm
Saiga observed the man as he began to approach him. Already judging the man before speaking with him. Based on his appearance, he seemed to be more relaxed, than he expected. "No need to thank me. This is a pretty nice village, very relaxing. If I may say so." He says, as he begins to take small steps forward in an attempt to meet the man half way. Once close enough, Saiga would extend his right hand towards Kaede, in an attempt to shake his hand, at the same time he would nod respectfully towards the other man that had recently arrived. His left hand remains over his chest, clutching onto a strap that connects to a luffa shaped gourd on his back. "I'm Saiga, leader of Takigakure." He says. Greeting the man formally, since it was their first time meeting in person. His tone was serious yet friendly, he did not want the man to feel uncomfortable.
Kaguya Shingetsu
Kaguya Shingetsu
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Finally [Nk] Empty Re: Finally [Nk]

Sat Nov 16, 2013 3:05 pm
The hands of the male folded into each other as he cracked his knuckles, watching as two figures appeared and said few words of interest. Seeing Saiga greet one with a hand shake, a small smirk flickered briefly onto the boys lips and he walked around Saiga towards Naoki, holding his own hand out towards him as a sign of conjoined friendliness. He did not speak however, as he currently believed the most imposing aspect of him could be the silent monster archetype.
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

Finally [Nk] Empty Re: Finally [Nk]

Sat Nov 16, 2013 3:51 pm
Everything was going well it seemed. The compliment to his village made Kaede like this person. That was a good thing he supposed. The man stepped towards him and extended his right hand outwards. Kaede did likewise, his left hand moving forward to grasp the the man's left. He shook the hand of course. It was a firm handshake he gave, not too strong and not too weak. He smiled towards the man as he introduced himself as the leader of Takigakure. "A pleasure to meet with you Saiga. I am Kaede, the leader of Shimagakure." He had of course ceased the handshake by now and had moved his hand away to take a sweeping gesture towards his village. He was alerted to Naoki arriving and kept the sweeping gesture going, spinning around to face the jounin. "Ah just the man I needed. That is Naoki, my right hand now starting this second." He turned back to the two arrivals and smiled. "Now then, perhaps we should take this to my office." His tone remained the warm one that he had started with, as business had not begun yet. Should the leader accept the invitation to go to the office, then he would of course head there.
Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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Finally [Nk] Empty Re: Finally [Nk]

Sat Nov 16, 2013 4:12 pm
The leaders exchanged warm words and introduced themselves, then Kaede noticed Naoki and introduced him as well, entitling him as his second since this moment, which was quite new to the man. As this was happening, the other man accompanying Saiga would walk up to him and offer a hand shake, just like their leader offered to Kaede. Not seeing any harm in it, Naoki would shake the hand, not trying to be dominant, maybe even holding back a bit. He would smile, but remain vigilant. As he was introduced, he would slightly nod at both of them, given that he had already said his greeting, it was more like acknowledging him being introduced... it's complicated business. Anyways, then Kaede would offer to take this talk to his office, with the sun setting and all, it would be slowly getting darker outside.
Unless someone objected, Naoki would follow his leader to the office.
Chrollo Senju
Chrollo Senju
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Finally [Nk] Empty Re: Finally [Nk]

Sat Nov 16, 2013 4:48 pm
Saiga smiles slightly, while withdrawing his hand away from the man, and placing it onto the right strap of the gourd. He nods towards Naoki politely and decides to introduce his companion. "Ah, and this is Shingetsu." He says, motioning towards the man. Upon hearing the man suggesting they take their meeting to his office, he responds, "Indeed, we should." He follows the man, walking a comfortable distance behind him. All the while thinking, 'Shimagakure, I want it. If not as an ally then...I'll take it anyway!' He thinks this confidently, while walking behind the man, still smiling. If nothing intervenes, he would follow the man to his office.

Kaguya Shingetsu
Kaguya Shingetsu
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Finally [Nk] Empty Re: Finally [Nk]

Sun Nov 17, 2013 12:25 pm
As soon as he felt the flesh of the other right hand grasp his a sensation ran through his body, one he had experienced plenty of times over but not one he had ever thought of in such a corrupt way.. The feeling of strength. He smiled faintly and continued to shake his hand for a while, but behind his eyes he was imagining all of the ways he could have broke the mans body; one such as slamming him directly into the ground in a hail of blood and broken bones, perhaps even throw in a lariat if he felt like an art student.. But no, that did not matter as he was being tame and allowed the man to escape the hand hold, following his leader when he left.

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