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The Rise of the Age of Puppets [Private, Training] Empty The Rise of the Age of Puppets [Private, Training]

Wed Jan 09, 2013 3:43 am
Valpula always enjoyed going out and doing things with his puppets. He was always encouraged to make new things and try to make them special to him because those were the only things that were. Anything that was living was meant to die his parents always told him that they live in this world to do their damage and then after a while they die of old age or war. Either way what they did in their lives was insignificant when a puppet that you make could last forever, with the power of ages and the strength and durability of the strongest weapons puppets are often the last things that we can see from worlds past. The puppets of the world have many masters over the course of their long lifetimes, because of the many people that wield them. One day they could be in the hands of the missing ninja who was deemed a genius during his time because of his skill as a puppet master, the next day the puppet could be given to a merchant who wanted to sell it when the genius was killed in battle, and then moved on to another owner who could be a young and idiotic child and did not know the world he was just stepping into. And still the journey of that puppet would not stop, one day that kid will be killed and the puppet will move onto another owner and so on and so on, leading up to the day way later when they finally meet their demise, either it be from a fire technique or lost to the bottom of the ocean, who knows, maybe the puppet was sold to a merchant to took it apart for parts for his wagon, but one day it will be destroyed. However for most that day comes late in the lives of many, when the people who created them are centuries old and forgotten, and the puppet is still around. That is what was so amazing about puppets to many people, was that even though they did not know where the came from some of the times, the history that the puppet brings to the table to the new ninja could be vital to the village that it was in. It could lead to information one day for the blueprint on how to deal with puppet masters or it may be able to show people how to make puppets when all the other puppets are gone. It was a masterful time in the age of puppets, and Valpula believed that one day the age of the puppet masters would arrive and take over the world with their creation. However with each puppet that it made, not matter how big or small powerful or weak evil or good there must always be something that must be done before it can shine. It must first be created. Creation of a puppet is a long and tedius process when a person tries to make it. Although some people might think that it is easy it actually is not, as Valpula father told him a long time ago when he was young, and still eager to learn everything:

“Now son, when you have a puppet that is going to destroy your enemies you cannot make something that it crap, you have to make something great and powerful, it should be a representation of who you are as a ninja. If you go into the battle with something that looks like a piece of crap then you are going to be joke and might as well have gone into the battle with nothing but a kunai and no clothes, your puppets are your weapons, they are your jutsu, they are your life. Treat them like they are your life, if you lose one then you can lose the entire battle. Do you understand me son. Look at the puppet you made, it is nothing, when I was your age I made a puppet that the puppet core used for several years in battle and they still use it to this day, but what is this. You left no room to put your strings and you just made it something that you can play with. Why? You do not make puppets to play with them, you do not make puppets just for the fun of making them, no. You make puppets to survive. I should make sure that you don’t join the academy for this insolence, but your mother and I cannot have a dead beat for a child. Now go, learn how to make a real puppet and come back to me when you are a real man.”

That was when Valpula was just 5 years old and he had made a small wooden puppet, it was meant to be a play tool for him and not as a weapon, and his father hated it. When his mother tried to ask him why he made the puppet the young boy did not answer, and instead of grounding him for what he had done as a sign of weakness in his parents eyes was just throw it into the fires of their home. Valpula was crushed for a five year old, when his only creation was destroyed by his parents he thought that he was weak and vulnerable, but knew that he could not show it. He had learned his lesson and within the following weeks of that he made a puppet that was worthy of his father’s approval. His father never showed any love or care for the boy but only in battle. He stressed the fact that although he was making a weapon for destruction there was still a way for it to be a work of art.

“Son, now that you have made a puppet that does something of value I need to tell you something more. The puppets that you make are first and foremost the weapons that you will use to defeat the enemies of the sand village, but that is not the case all the way. Sure you may think that it is just a weapon, but you must also understand that it is also a work of art. Art flows and moves and is beautiful. Death by a puppet should be an art form as well, for several reasons, but for now I will only go over one. When you make your puppet a work of art it flows and moves and everything about it becomes easier, fighting I mean. When you fight with a piece of crap puppet that is not a work of art you may have something strong but if it is not art then you are doing it all wrong. You must flow and be in sync with your puppets at all times, you must do something that blows their minds but also destroys them in the same process.You might actually think that it hard but it is not, if a puppet is well made then it will work better and be a better weapon than if you just do things with that in mind. Remember that and you may be a good ninja when you were older.”

When he was a young boy he learned that everything that he made was a work of art and a weapon at the time. He realized the facts of how to make them and made puppets and poisons to go with them. When he was about ten years old he had the experience of making puppets of somebody that had 4 times the amount of experience that he had because that was all that he did. If not for his time in his coma he could have been the greatest puppet maker in the sand village but fate was not meant to happen that way. No he was meant to lose all of his ability to have any emotion and lose sight in his eye instead, losing everything along the way. Although that did happen the new Valpula could not remember the emotions that he had before but could remember to goal that he had. He needed to be the best puppet master in the world and he needed it to happen sooner or later. Valpula needed to become great either in a sand village or somewhere else but it needed to happen. After several weeks and months of getting back on his feet and doing missions Valpula was ready to go back into the world of doing what he needed to do achieve that goal. He had done several C and D ranked missions now and he was ready to get the materials that he needed in order to make his first puppet. During the time that he had doing not mission it was spent in his house doing the thing that he did best, making puppets, which was harder now, and it was frustrating. Since Valpula was not somebody who had the ability to show emotions anymore he found that he could not make art with his creations. His ideas all came out wrong and he knew that he would have problems with his abilities had he made the puppets, he would have died the first battle without much hassle from the other person. It was something that needed to be fixed but could not, and Valpula could not show the emotion that he needed to in order to show his anger. He just sat there and tried again as if he was just another mindless worker. It was as if he did not have a brain at all and there was nothing he could do about it. Valpula was known around the town now as the boy that does not feel emotion or dream because nobody had ever seen his sleep. It was true that he had not the need to sleep because he did not dream so he did not. HE just kept on working and then passed out from exhaustion for a few hours one day only to get right back up to work again. HE found that was a good way to get work done and it was. In the weeks that he had spent doing the missions and working on his creations he had made several designs that did not work, more than the average ninja could dream of in a day. His creations all had abilities and techniques that were amazing but were garbage in the end. Although he could not see or have emotion for the love he had of his father he still kept by the guidelines that his father placed in him when there was time to make puppets. You had to make it art. The weeks went by and it just was not clicking for him because he could not put the emotion he needed to into making art. He needed the passion and the love and hate and everything else in order to make it perfect, and he noticed that he might be sitting there for the rest of his life without anything to show for it. He would be a failure in the eyes of his parents and Valpula did not want that. When he realized that he found that although he could not show or make any emotion at all, he could still have an motivation. The motivation for him not to become a failure in the eyes of his dead parents was the point that he had to make to himself. He had to be the best ninja and the best puppet maker and master in the world so that meant things he must do. Although he did sometimes hate the fact that he had to use that as motivation it worked, he finally made a puppet that was a work of art as well in due time. With that completed and the blueprint made he found that he needed to work in the dark to also work on his night Vision. As he was working in the night he found this out early on in his process of making puppets.

About a week after Valpula made it out of the hospital and began doing the missions that he needed to do he started to see that he could see the outlines of certain objects and materials around him with his right eye. He knew a lot of how the eyes work and what he should see and what he should not be able to see. The clarity that was created allowed for Valpula to see and do things in the night better than many other people because they did not have the ability. Although some would consider this a dojutsu Valpula noticed that it was not, rather it was an after effect of the poison that had blinded him. After reading up on the unfinished formula of the poison it was something that meant to blind people for good if they got it in their eyes but then it would found to be very deadly to make. The herbs and the procedures that needed to be used to make the poison were hard to mix with and often created explosions that were deadly to most. Mistakes were unaccpectable in the field of poison making and Valpula’s parents knew all too well.

“Listen son you are going to working with me and your mother for a long time because you are son, but I want to know what we are trusting you with. You know the line of work we are in and what we are dealing with, but your grandparents did not know that. My dad was the greatest poison maker in the sand village, better than I was by a long shot and your grandmother was the best mixer in the world. Over the many years that they were around they created the poisons that destroyed villages and the items that saved lives over and over again. They were geniuses and often had me work on things, but they were reckless unlike me. I was always level headed and smart but my parents were stupid. There were not willing to look at what was right in front of them and stop what they were doing before they got killed and I had to step in when they were stupid like that. IT was the one time that I did not step in, the one time that I did not help them that my mother was reckless and in her pride thought that that she could do anything with any item and not destroy everything. My father was gullible and weak when it came to you grandmother and would do anything for her. They were making something great in their labs and did not have me come in. IF they did they would know that the materials they were using made a reaction that could blow up a block in the village. Thankfully I was not the village that day as I was on a mission while I was a young Chuunin. When I got back to the village I found out that the people that I called my mom and dad were on the floor dead covered in green ooze that used to be their blood. They had tried to do something great and failed. I tell you all of this because it is important for you to know that we are making that exact same poison that killed them all those years ago and you are going to do it. You are going to be the one that makes it and you are going to succeed, if you don’t then you die. So be it then. “

Thankfully Valpula was smart enough to know what goes in where and made the poison with relative ease and he began his work as a ninja for his family. Sadly the day that Valpula had been given the rank of Genin his parents did not take the advice that he was given so long ago. They had been using ingredients that were meant to blow up and instead of doing what they needed to do to stay safe they ended up dead. As time went on Valpula begun to understand what had happened when he came back. As he was in his crying state a log that was a size of three ninja came crashing down on the young genin and shattering the bones of his back, as he was injured and his life was destroyed in an instant his right eye fell in the acid that was below and he was given the effects of the poison on that eye. All the other prisoners who had the poison on their eyes were not given night vision because they did not stay on the poison for very long. Although the suna workers and guards are good at what they do it still took them over 6 hours for them to find the young sand genin. Meaning that he was on the poison for 600 times the average amount of person a person would be on it. That was the reason why, and if he had been on the poison longer the effects would have been better and better indeed. He was working on finding out how to use the effects of the poison again by recreating but that was for another day.

The night had come for Valpula to finally begin making his puppet that he had created. Although he was not creative with the name he gave it he was still liking the ability that it had. He had named it the dispenser because of the ability it has to dispense kunai out of itself at a fast rate. This is due to the sands ninjas work with springs and metal objects to make it more interesting for the opponent. The next night as Valpula walked through the streets of the sand village he went to an old warehouse next to the building of the kazekage to make something of brilliance, now to make something this great Valpula needed to make sure that the items he used to make it were the best. One thing that his father told him again was very useful in this situation.

“Valpula, when you are making a puppet you will never go for the materials that are cheap, you idiot. The last puppet you made was made out of crappy material that made your puppet break and you had to make it over and over again. When you make puppets you must always make it out of the best work and metal otherwise it is not going to work. The wood must always be need when you make the puppet and glossed perfectly when you make the puppet with it. Your puppet must always be a work of art and sometimes that means taking years just to make a puppet another person used only to make days. Although you might think that the work is stupid and long it is not. Your puppet will be stronger and more durable the ones of others because they do not know what they are doing. Your puppets will always be of the best quality because I have all the best wood. When you become a puppet master then you will understand what I mean, you must learn to respect the art of puppet making if you are ever going to surpass me and your mother.”

Sure enough the wood that Valpula needed was still, a man still came by and gave the best wood to the family that he said that he would do a long time ago. The wood was stacked and great in the warehouse from the years that had passed, and the man was good to his word for every day. Valpula checked the wood and found some from every single day that he was gone which meant that he did come. Valpula took the wood that he brought from just a few days ago back to his house and left a small note in the warehouse, saying that he should continue to bring wood for the Yi clan because it would now be used.

As he was walking a back to his house he finally realized what his eye had done, while in the night Valpula could see everything that normal human could see except for the colors that they could out of his right eye. Was this the extent of his night vision, Valpula did not know nor did he care at the moment, he wanted his puppet to be made and his chakra threads to be on it for the first time. Valpula took very little time to create the puppet because of the blueprint that he had was so detailed and outlined, and before the sun came up the ninja had begun to use it for the first time. As he put his chakra strings to the puppets he found that his training and mastery had improved a lot since the last time he used the technique. He found that the ninja was able to make threads that were invisible and threads that could stretch over 50 meters without any issue at all. He had truly begun to make the start he needed to become the best puppet master in the world. After a few minutes of playing around with his new toy he suddenly passed out on the floor. Exhausted from the work that he had done the past few days he was now ready to rest and work on the new puppet he was going to make.

[WC 3608, Chakra Threads Levels 1,2, and 3 mastered, Night Vision Level One mastered, The Dispenser Created, +18 Stats, 36 JP]

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The Rise of the Age of Puppets [Private, Training] Empty Re: The Rise of the Age of Puppets [Private, Training]

Wed Jan 09, 2013 3:44 am
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