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Kairo Uchiha-Valtor
Kairo Uchiha-Valtor
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

A Fresh Start New Dreams Empty A Fresh Start New Dreams

Wed Jun 12, 2024 10:33 pm
Kairo had finally made it he thought as he walked up the steps of the massive gate. Every step with purpose every movement sharp and pristine. His current state of dress was more so tattered. He was covered in dirt wearing purple pants. A heavy sigh as he pushed his fake glasses up the bridge of his nose. A practiced habit despite not needing his glasses. His shirt was ripped and white pants covered in dirt and green stains.

His mind flashed back to everything that led to this moment. Back in his homeland or at least adoptive homeland. His face hardened at the bloody memories. The land of birds and everything he learned. The many vagabonds hired and tutors to teach him chakra and jutsu. What was more was figuring out this eye of his. He knew the trigger was his anger the pain. His mother bore witness to these eyes. And then there was his training.


Kairo was breathing heavily as he stood in the jungle. His heavy labored breaths as he wiped his brow. "Ha...hah...damn I still need to learn these techniques." His hands dropped to his knees as he keeled. Spitting on the ground he looked at the area around him. A massive patch of grass was dispersed in the open 30m clearing. He had spent many hours here practicing his sealing jutsu. He always had a great deal of chakra and even more affinity for sealing. He knew it was his best specialty and needed to focus on it. The barrier seal was one of the first jutsu he ever learned. His specialty of defense was something that he especially excelled in. Sealing jutsu was more utility based and supportive in nature. But he could easily create a massive defense. Stacking barriers on top of barriers.

"I will become a bastion against any attack.. it will all falter before me!" Preforming the following hand seals in succession. Monkey ,Ox , Snake ,Ram ,Tiger ,Horse , Boar. With the completion of the seals he activated the seal.This jutsu was one of the ones he memorized from his training scroll. The scroll every person who ever taught him had left a jutsu behind. He was lucky to carry it with him when escaping. It was one of the few treasures still ever lasting in this world for him.

Extending his palm he made the seal form on his palm. Exerting his will and chakra he activated the effects of the seal.This specific jutsu was a last resort not being able to nullify damage. However it created the perfect opportunity for a counter.A small half meter barrier of chakra expanded around him. He focused his breathing and smirked  while being able to maintain the barrier until it dissipated.Having completed his jutsu training for the moment. Kairo looked to the hill and nodded to himself. " Get your shit together Kairo." He whispered before starting his session of hill sprints. Instead of using the momentum of the hill to simply carry him downward he opted for keeping up right. He still ran at full force but focused on keeping his weight balanced.

The dirt underneath his feet tugged and fulled and occasionally would cause him to slip. However he made to sure to shift his weight to keep his footing. This was how he prevented himself from rolling down the hill like a wild tumbleweed. This part of his training effected his speed and balance. He over time learned the essence was be light,yet firm, and don't think just react.

Darting through trees and bushes he felt more comfortable in his skin. A confident smirk was plastered on his face throughout the entire run. The breeze of the wind flowing through his hair, cooling his face. He finally made it to the bottom of the hill before immediately using the last 3m to slide. His right foot, he allowed to slip and shift further out widening his stance. Spinning around to land on the flat ground he took a deep breath and dropped to the ground. Dropping into a pushup position he began moving the earth.Each push up was explosive as he held it at it's top. He focused on squeezing his back and maintaining focus in his muscles.

The quick constant explosive movements with holds helped with his overall strength. However a sudden scream broke the canopy of trees. It sounded like a young woman. Bursting from the ground Kairo began explosively jumping through the trees towards the sound of the scream. A glimmer of steel and silver flashed into his view. The light from the sun blinding him but he remembered their position. His first thought  was to slide but it would leave him open with no counter attack. He ducked and jumped combining the two movements for simultaneously fluidity. No longer blinded and his sight restored he was able to get to cover and collect his bearings.

He placed multiple seals back to back before jumping upward into the tree tops. He focused on the sound of the woman and assumed the enemy was near. There was also the possibility that she was bait or even a decoy. Regardless he would save her. If he couldn't manage this how could he ever hope to be a shinobi. He cursed himself for his lack of offensive ability. He was already somewhat weak hence the training in the first place. But even he could lift a decent amount of weight on his own. However he was just as capable with ninjutsu as he was sealing.

Weaving more seals he burst from above with the element of surprise. Landing next to the young woman he stood behind 4 bandits who had her encircled. Pushing his glasses he put a hand on her shoulder. "Your safe now." Baiting the bastards into attacking he kept his hand on her shoulder.  Opening his palm he activated his defense as a barrier expanded warding all efforts of their feeble attempts. "You sick bastards seem to think such behavior is acceptable. How dare you make me shed blood in front of a lady." He said with pure venom in his voice. The bandits were scared and he capitalized on this behavior. It had seemed they weren't capable of jutsu as of yet.

Weaving another set of seals he set another seal on the woman's shoulder."Forgive me Ms." He would say activating a second barrier and leaving his first. Rushing to the first target he did not focus on his striking. He was too weak however even he could use leverage. With his full force he faked and overhead  right before shifting into an extended step with his lead foot. It was something mixed of a slide and a hop before kicking out his now rear leg to send the first bandit fallng. Kairo used his falling body as a quick shield.

Grabbing 2 kunai from the body as it the ground he targeted the throat of 2 others. Gurgling blood and clutching their throats they fell not before he was rushed by the final man. He immediely ducked while not focusing on his guard. He would reach with his open palm using momentum to throw a fierce elbow into the man's throat. A soft cruch as he reached for his wrist in the air snapping it with ease. Kairo allowed the bandit to flail wildly in desperation . "Look away." He commanded to the woman meeting her gaze. He completed a few more seals channeling his fire style nature chakra.

"Become purified you monster." Releasing a flaming stream of fire the screams of the damned filled the air before a soft thud. With a sigh he walked over to the woman and released his jutsu on her. Extending a hand he would help her to her feet. "Come with me we'll head somewhere safe."

[Flashback Over]

Looking to the woman behind him he could relax now knowing they had made it to the gate. For what it was worth it was a good dead and a good chance for practice. But he knew he was still far too weak. Of course someone with magic powers could beat simple bandits.He didn't even get time to try and master this eye of his. What powers did it hold? More research would be necessary.

WC: 1,382
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

A Fresh Start New Dreams Empty Re: A Fresh Start New Dreams

Thu Jun 13, 2024 11:17 pm
Posting as Anya Hyuuga

It was a cloudless, bright, early afternoon in the bustling and busy streets of Tsukigakure. As normal, people moved in and out of the gates while various guards controlled the flow of the crowds. Anya Hyuuga found herself on gate duty for the afternoon and attempted to keep everything running as smoothly as possible. To any who examined her, they’d see a young woman with blue-grey eyes and raven-colored hair. She wore what looked to be the guard uniform, though she wore her headband around her neck instead. Her expression was neutral as she checked people into the village, but spoke with a kind, soft voice.

As she gazed amongst the crowd, she’d have her byakugan activated, along with mind's eye to ensure nobody would be able to sneak past unnoticed. Anya’s attention to the next person in line as she watched a young man who looked to be dressed in distressed-looking clothes. He seemed to be a bit dirty in comparison to the others who had recently made their way into the village. She’d offer him a bow as he approached, holding a clipboard to her chest slightly as she dipped. Standing up to her full height once more, she gave him a warm smile as she began to welcome him to the village.

”Welcome to Tsukigakure stranger. What’s your name, and what’s your intentions here within the village? Do you have any form of identification I can give a look at, just to verify who you are?”

Should the young man comply with her request, she’d take a moment to look at a list on the clipboard to ensure he wasn’t wanted by anyone publicly. Unable to find the man's name, she’d continue with the normal entry procedures. If he handed over his identification, Anya would look it over for a few moments, ensuring they weren’t forged. Should he pass all of the tests and procedures, Anya would return his paperwork to him with a welcoming smile. If he refused to cooperate, she would turn him away and not allow him to gain entrance.

”I appreciate your willingness to work with me and hope you find everything you’re looking for within the village. Should you need any assistance in settling, make your way to the Kage tower and request some aid there. I wish you the best of luck friend.”

Stepping to the side, Anya would give him a bow as she motioned for him to enter into the busy streets of the village. Her attention would quickly turn to the next person in line as she continued to check people in.


WC: 440

WC Claims:
Moving 4 stats from Speed to Chakra making it 41 Speed and 104 Chakra
1211/2750 Seal of Absorption 1x Mastery for Power previous training (pending approval) here

[Giving permission to enter Tsukigakure]

Last edited by Junko Tsukiko on Tue Jun 18, 2024 4:28 pm; edited 1 time in total
Kairo Uchiha-Valtor
Kairo Uchiha-Valtor
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

A Fresh Start New Dreams Empty Re: A Fresh Start New Dreams

Fri Jun 14, 2024 8:48 am
He pulled out his remnants of identification as an official from the Land Of Bird. "My name Is Kairo Valtor my Mother arrived previously before  but a few days ago. Our home was burned down and destroyed so we fled here. I'm looking to join as a shinobi." He would say to the woman giving her a bold up and down look. His head didn't move simply his eyes. He wondered if all powerful people gave off such a strong aura. Meeting her eyes once more as she handed him back his paper work.

He folded it away neatly into a proper square before tucking it away. Watching her bow and hearing his welcome he returned the same. "Likewise comrade." As he walked past to enter into the village. He turned to look at the woman he had walked with. Even though he didn't have to he had promised to keep her safe. It was only fitting to escort her inside officially. A new day and fresh beginnings for the two of them.  With a silent exchange as she was allowed through he simply turned and walked by her side. With all of this settled he would now need to go find his mother. And possibly a new change of clothes.

If his mother had not already gotten a general layout of the village he would do so himself. They had promised to meet at the Kage's Tower tomorrow morning It had been too long since he seen her. Considering the destruction of their home and death of his father. He hated that he left her alone like that but he had ensured she would be safe here. He needed to continue to push himself and achieve heights never seen. He needed strength and even more power but he wondered if his current methods would even prove useful. With all this new access to proper training ,teachers, even an academy what could he learn and master?

[Exit into Village]

WC:326 TWC: 1,708

Claiming Stats

17 Points to Chakra

Lightweight Fabric Smoke C Rank WC:1000

False Perception Technique D Rank WC: 500

Mist Servant D rank : 208/500

Last edited by Kairo Uchiha-Valtor on Fri Jun 14, 2024 9:20 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Claims)
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
Stat Page : Link
Remove Taijutsu Remove Bukijutsu Remove Remove Kanjutsu Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

A Fresh Start New Dreams Empty Re: A Fresh Start New Dreams

Fri Jun 14, 2024 12:15 pm
Kairo Uchiha-Valtor wrote:Claiming Stats

17  Points to Chakra

Lightweight Fabric Smoke  C Rank WC:1000

False Perception Technique D Rank WC: 500

Mist Servant D rank : 208/500

Himari Hyuuga
Himari Hyuuga
Stat Page : Stats' Link

Health: 300
AP: 1,250
Vigor: 25
Chakra: 100
Speed: 150
Strength: 25
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Slugs of Shikkotsu Forest
Salamanders of Rain Country
Living Clones : Hisaki
Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 194150

A Fresh Start New Dreams Empty Re: A Fresh Start New Dreams

Fri Jun 14, 2024 7:46 pm
Junko Tsukiko wrote:

WC: 440

WC Claims:
Moving 4 stats from Speed to Chakra making it 41 Speed and 104 Chakra
1211/2750 Seal of Absorption 1x Mastery for Power previous training (pending approval) here

[Giving permission to enter Tsukigakure]

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