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[Mission]: C Rank : Village Status Empty [Mission]: C Rank : Village Status

Mon Jul 30, 2012 9:41 am
Laxus wandered around the road humming all along, ignoring of the people smiling and waving him, that some of them even shouted out in anger because Laxus acted as if he's now neglected them, yes as if they don't even exsit. For some reason, he doesn't feel like bothering around with everything around him for the current time being. Why? Because he's distracted to the song he listened earlier in the morning, the very idiotic song that every ears could be tore open just because the song is too horrible, yet it became Laxus's favorite song in an instant. "Argh! This song is too damn great,mit now stucked inside my mind and i can't dismiss it from mind dammit, i'm such an idiot. It's a pain listening to a song in the morning because it always stuck in my mind. Oh talking about morning.." said Laxus before showing a serious face and raised his right hand which is holding a piece of paper. From the appearance it seems to be a request paper, perhap some sort of mission. "I took this mission this morning, and walked away for some ramen. It seems to be interesting but wait, i completely forgot about the content" said Laxus.

He read it all over again before laughing out loud. "Haha! This thing is so funnt! Do we even have a gate to begin with? Oh wait..we do have one, argh i'm such an idiot. It's all because of that song!" said Laxus before turning to the other side of direction heading straight at his destination, to complete this mission as soon as possible then spent it right away on some ramen--yet again. He has that disease...the "Alway-want-to-eat-ramen" disease, come to think of it the infamous Legendary Naruto also has that disease.

He took some time just to get to the gate before noticing many repair men and some shinobi already there. "Oh Laxus, you're here for the rapiar too?" asked one of the rapir man smiling. He wiped away the sweat over his face with the towel hanging on his neck. "You sure are reckless, you don't even bring any towel to wipe away the sweat. You know you might stink and oh alway did anyway, ahahaha!" joked the old man. It seems that his mouth just slipped into some really good line, he always wants to take revenge on Laxus for messing around with him last time.

"Oh really?" asked Laxus smiling, his hand rubbing at the back of his hair. His face seem to be happy, he's glad for some reason when the man said he smell bad. "It's not a compliment, you jerk!" exclaimed the man in anger over Laxus's stupidity. Laxus's mouth widen and he show a really shocking face. "It's not!?!" shouted Laxus. "Don't let me go over there just to punch you in the face, now get to work already you bastard!" shouted the man.

Laxus raised his eyesbrow before wakking over to one of the old, dusty table lie right ahead of him. On top of it there's a black bag and soem inventory next to it. Laxus searched for some tool that he can use for his reparing job from the black stuffed bag. After a few minute he smirks as he held some of the reparing inventory such as hammer, nail and stuff. He walks over to one of the broken spot, which is needed to be rapairing, it's his mission today after all. 

Sweat guahed out of his body as time passed from the activities of hammering, fixing, reparing, and all that stuff just to reparing this one huge gate. Now that we look at it closely, Laxus's face become serious all of the sudden. He may not looks like it but when it come to doung mission, eh always take it seriously, and complete it without fail at any cost. He may goofed off a little from the begining but once he started doing the mission, he's now unable to stop. It seems like he changed into a completely different perosn, someone who takes his job serious and aim for the perfect completion. That's what his client like about him.

Laxus has something in mind for the reason why he likes to takes his mission seriously. To him, a mission is one part of his life, part of his ninja way. Thus...he wouldn't do something stupid to something he admired and liked the most. He likes Ninja, and noe that he's one, he's going to be the Perfect Ninja just like that man, Naruto.

The sweat stopped gushing from the body with less energy remained inside. Laxus fall back onto the ground smiling. He looks up at the sky before grinning. "Man, i never thought such a lame mission like this one would be fun. Ninja is fun" said Laxus. He has successfully, completed his mission. He's on his become a really good ninja, and become one of the legend. To become the one who would be able to change the world.


Words Count : 850/800
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