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Hisashi Saio
Hisashi Saio
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Mastering Wood Release [PRIVATE] Empty Mastering Wood Release [PRIVATE]

Sun May 27, 2012 2:54 pm
Roy Zetsu travelled along the open country areas of the Country Borders. He needed to find a way to master his Kekke Genkai and Clan Element, the Wood Release. He placed his hands on the ground. "Will this work?" said the White Zetsu. "Of course it will you fool!" Black Zetsu responded. Roy continued to try and communicate with the plants in the ground. He needed to become one with them. After several hours of failure, he began to realize that he would have to recognize the plants thoroughly.

First, he looked at the trees. The strongest and mightiest plants. With this, not only could Roy make a huge piece of land for himself, but also cause destruction throughout villages by turning them into jungles for his own personal gain. "Look at this beauty!" White Roy smiled happily. "This is the face of natural destruction!" Black Roy smiled maniacally. Roy began to look through the tree. Was it the branches? Was it the leaves? Roy could not figure this out until he looked below him. "THE ROOTS!" White Roy shouted. "YES!" yelled Black Roy, replying to White Roy's excitement. Roy began to touch the roots all together. He began to concentrate hard on the different parts of the tree. Sundown was about to occur when Roy woke up from his meditation, realizing his hands were one with the roots. "ALMOST DONE!" he cried. He put his heart, soul, and strength into the roots. The tree began to grow slowly in front of him.

Roy began to continue making these trees. His time of creation became shorter and shorter as he made more and more trees. You could tell his progress was improving dramatically. To work even harder, he used his Splitting Technique to divide his White and Black half into whole beings. White Roy began to make a happy home with these trees, while Black Roy made trees to create giant impacts into the ground. Days and days of work went by. Luckily, Zetsus never felt exhaustion. Sooner or later, White Roy saw that he had built a humongous tower of trees and logs, as Black Roy had noticed that he had destroyed so many things in nature such as cliffs and mountains, that a gigantic hole formed in the ground, bottomless.

The two Zetsus formed. "Now all we need is a guide!" Roy thought to himself.

(Chakra, Speed)

Last edited by Roy Zetsu on Mon May 28, 2012 12:01 pm; edited 2 times in total
Hisashi Saio
Hisashi Saio
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Mastering Wood Release [PRIVATE] Empty Re: Mastering Wood Release [PRIVATE]

Sun May 27, 2012 5:08 pm
Now that Roy Zetsu had began using the Wood Release by forming trees and big logs, he needed to learn how to control them. First he tried his previous plan. He tried getting in contact with the roots, but only other trees would grow. "This isn't what I want." Roy thought to himself. It turned out to be an even more difficult situation for Roy than the last one. Making something was one thing. Using it was another. Roy had to think harder this time. He looked into the plants. Maybe they had something in contact. Roy touched one of the plants in front of him and noticed something.

As Roy began to touch different plants, he noticed that his hands would get tied into them. He would began to pull his arms back, and noticed that the trees would move back. Then, he would move his arms forward causing the trees to move further away from him. This was a great thing to have, but it was hardly anything compared to what Roy wanted to learn about control. He repeatedly did different forms of normal hand gestures, such as moving the arms up to make the trees rise into the air, then bringing the hands back down to have the trees smash back onto the ground.

As Roy continuously did this, he began to think about other shinobi. Their techniques, their jutsus, their HANDSIGNS! HANDSIGNS! That was it! Roy placed in hands back onto the plants, once again making a bond. He made a handsign like an Ox. As he did this, the trees would go on a rampage and start colliding with each other. He then made the handsign of a bear. The trees began to make a motion, most like a cheetah, rushing at their target in the air. Roy had them target the top of a mountain for practice. Finally, he made the handsign of a bird. The trees would float in the air and follow Roy. Roy knew what to do from here.

The three handsigns was all he needed. He became the "the conductor of his wooden orchestra." He began to run swiftly through trees as the trees he controlled followed, crashing through every tree he passed by. It had seemed as if the trees that Roy created were stronger than normal trees. Every tree he created would be able to sustain three trees it collided with. After Roy was done this, he clapped his hands together. He noticed the trees ahead of him beginning to collapse. He smiled sinisterly. Even the White Roy was proud. The two forms of Roy began to work together. White Roy would restore plants quickly, as Black Roy would have them charge at several different targets. Different combos were created. Roy even learned to make fire to strike at the opponent as a boost by being able to rub the trees together. Roy watched as the heavy flames continued to burn down nature in front of him. Never had Roy been so proud of himself in his entire life.


Last edited by Roy Zetsu on Mon May 28, 2012 12:02 pm; edited 2 times in total
Hisashi Saio
Hisashi Saio
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Mastering Wood Release [PRIVATE] Empty Re: Mastering Wood Release [PRIVATE]

Sun May 27, 2012 5:31 pm
Roy now knew how to control the Wood Release in a rookie way. Continuing his journey, he still made the quick handsigns to have the logs guide him through the wind. However, little did Roy Zetsu know, more came to this than he thought. Sooner or later, Roy became bored of what he was controlling. He let go of the logs, having them break against the ground. His hands were getting numb. Was there an advanced way? Could this possibly get any better? These were the questions that Roy would ask him as he sat there, on the ground, filled with boredom and having his other half yell at him as they did nothing.

"YOU GOT TO LEARN HOW TO WORK LIKE THIS!" Black Roy shouted. He put together different handsigns, allowing the trees to form different figures. This impressed White Roy a bit, but not enough to say he was heading in the right direction. "There's got to be a way to command and conquer..." White Roy thought to himself. How? How would this work? What am I supposed to do?! As you could tell, Roy was getting frustrated. He got so mad up to the point where he screamed "DAMN YOU WORLD!" As soon as he said this, trees would begin to constantly crash on the target that Roy was looking at. Roy finally learned the advanced version of this Wood Release; feelings.

"KILL IT!" Roy shouted in his thoughts as the logs continued to break down mountains until he could control the peaks. Once he controlled the peaks of the mountains, he used them to spear through big pieces of land, destroying them bit by bit until the peak collapsed in pieces itself. "THIS IS THE END!" Roy cried in his thoughts. This time, something miraculous happened. Like Black Roy said before, the wooden logs formed a wooden giant that punched several trees and mountains, breaking through them all. Roy was pleased once again, and became silent and emotionless for the second time.

(Chakra, Stamina, Speed)
Hisashi Saio
Hisashi Saio
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Mastering Wood Release [PRIVATE] Empty Re: Mastering Wood Release [PRIVATE]

Sun May 27, 2012 6:56 pm
Roy Zetsu was at the point where he would completely master his Wood Release Technique. At first, he struggled brutally as he did not even know how to use any source of nature. Then, he learned to make contact and communicate with nature in order to use it to make trees and almighty plants. And finally, he managed to control nature by using his feelings. These steps were going to help him become a true Zetsu, much like the one that roamed the Earth 261 years ago.

"Hey you!" dozens of shinobi called out to Roy, "Are you responsible for destroying our land?!" Roy smirked and began to laugh in a weird fashion. "Why yes, yes I am, are you going to challenge me?" he smiled. The shinobi became outraged and began charging at Roy. "Black!" White called. Black pounded the ground with his fists, causing boulders to rise in the air. After this, he pushed his hand out to have the boulders strike at the shinobi. Normally, the shinobi could escape this. However, a mushy mass began to form. It was White. He used his Spore Release to begin grasping the shinobi and taking away their chakra. The shinobi could not escape, so they were all struck but the massive and heavy boulders, dead. Great senses of teamwork crossed Black and White's minds as they successfully worked together to kill TONS of shinobi. Black looked down at the ground in awe. "I just did that?! Without any emotion or call?!" Black was shocked as he just mastered his side of the Wood Release. "Your turn White!" he called.

Thousands of shinobi began to enter angrily as a massive amount of them were already killed. They approached Black and White as if their lives were about to end. Little did the thousands of shinobi know, the true nature of a Zetsu is very difficult to handle. The huge team began to charge with all their heart and soul. Every form of jutsu was released, but only the basic ones, along with basic techniques. Storms, Cyclones, Flames, Lightning, bursts of Sand, massive Boulders, irritating sound, and tsunamis were launched at the two. White rose his hands targeting the boulders. The boulders were raised in the air and formed a dragon-like structure. After this, White used his technique of rubbing two logs together to make a huge pulse of flames. Finally, White had the dragon-like structure magically support the fire while charging into it to great a giant impact onto the ground. Hundreds of shinobi burned to death. Only the greatest remained. This is when Black and White worked together. Together, Black created a boulder spiral while White created a tree spiral, all rubbing together to make a ridiculously big source of flames, striking the rest of the shinobi. The shinobi were blown through their own jutsu, wiping them out completely. The match was over in a matter of a couple minutes. Roy was formed together for the third time in his journey. Roy had become purely evil as his final move was creating the new Akatsuki Organization. He had boulders carve in mountains, creating a giant cavern of secrets. He walked into it safely, never to return until his next journey.

(Chakra, Stamina, Speed)

Last edited by Roy Zetsu on Sun May 27, 2012 7:00 pm; edited 1 time in total
Hisashi Saio
Hisashi Saio
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Mastering Wood Release [PRIVATE] Empty Re: Mastering Wood Release [PRIVATE]

Sun May 27, 2012 6:59 pm
God of Wood and Spore Release- Zetsu

Now that Roy had used the Wood and Spore Release to conquer people's lives with nature, he needed to figure out how to use the Wood Release to restore life. Again he tried hard, using the roots of plants to try and contact the afterlife. It would not work. Being able to contact plants was one thing, as Roy was made out of them and Senju cells as well. Rain began to pour through the Country Borders. It would spread rapidly across the area that Roy was sitting in. Strangely enough, it made a weird connection. The roots became stronger as Roy Zetsu had contacted them. Roy rose his hands up in the air. This time, a devilish plant ascended from the ground. Big leaves it had, along with strong stems and hard to weaken petals. Through these petals there was a face. A face with no eyes or any parts of a face at all, except a mouth and teeth. It began to attempt to bite at Roy. Roy figured what he just created. Roy successfully made a Venus Fly-Trap, the deadliest plant in nature. Roy would move this unique plant around him, but it would not cooperate with him. It continued to become more enraged towards Roy. There had to be something about this creature that Roy needed to know. Soon after the rain disappeared, Roy began to recognize what the problem was with this plant. It had feelings.

Feelings are a strong part of a being. However, Roy never knew that a Venus Fly-Trap would have one. There had to be a connection between what he was trying to achieve, and this creature that he suddenly made. Roy looked down at the ground. He saw his hand sinking through the ground. Maybe this was a sign that he was contacting somebody from the underworld. It had to be. It must be. Roy began to dig an area with his other hand around his hand that began to sink into the ground. He saw a man rise. The man had the same feelings. Both the plant and this man were enraged about something. Therefore, both of them began to charge at Roy, both with the feelings of death now. Roy slipped back with his hand that was further away than the roots attached to these beings, and made contact with a tree. Suddenly, the stalk of the tree began to trap the man's being, and put it completely under Roy's control now. Roy understood how to tame these beings now. He tried this once more. He made several trees, each with improved strength after another as Roy had his contacting hand deep in the ground. Suddenly, about 5 shinobi awakened from underneath the ground. Roy then used his command to pull them all into the trees he created. The strength of the tree combined with the strength and statistics of the shinobi he restored turned them into mighty beings of wood and leaves. "Attack!" Roy yelled silently as he did not want to be noticed. The wooden beings that Roy now called wooden shinobi began to destroy several abandoned houses left behind in this area. It was undiscovered why these houses were there. Possibly because of all the events that occurred here. Or possibly because they wanted to enroll in an official village. It did not matter as the houses were destroyed very quickly. Roy was very proud until the wooden shinobi sank back into the ground quite suddenly. Roy began to notice the flaw of restoring these shinobi. Restoring these shinobi also had certain levels. The first level that Roy used was basic. The shinobi he used appeared to have only a duration of 10 seconds, increasing their duration as they made successful strikes on other shinobi. However, they only destroyed objects so their duration ended very quickly. Roy had to go to the second level.

Roy moved on to the second level. This time, he tried harder to pull the shinobi out of the ground. Holes in the ground began to form, revealing that Roy was making progress. However, the same thing happened. The same wooden shinobi appeared and immediately began to strike at any objects nearby until they would sink back into the holes that allowed them to appear above the ground level. Roy continued to try pulling out greater shinobi, but that was an invalid move compared to what the next level really was. The same shinobi appeared and attacked for the same duration. Roy became so disappointed that he began to pull the shinobi back himself. A strange thing began to occur. Roy looked at his hands and saw that the roots tangled around the wooden shinobi. This had to be the key. Roy practiced as he used his previous tactics from the creation of nature to these restored shinobi. He made the handsign of a bird, meaning the shinobi would begin to rise into the air then strike to the ground, then hault back into the air, and so on. Then he used the handsign of any Ox. The wood shinobi began to strike like no tomorrow, as a team with their strength increased, dealing more damage to an object than before. Roy supported this technique by using his split technique, creating White and Black. Both White and Black then used the Shadow-Clone technique to not only copy themselves, but the shinobi as well. More and more damage was being dealt. The shinobi then sank into the ground as White and Black made them, indicating that they wished to proceed to the final level of this technique.

The final move was obviously the most challenging. It contained pure knowledge, and only something special that a true being would think of. Before White and Black began to attempt to pull the stunt off, they decided to reform into Roy for further knowledge. Roy began to think, harder than he ever had done before. Just for starting the stunt, he used the second level of the technique, bursting out shinobi from under the ground once more, and controlling them from the roots attached to his hands. As you could tell, these shinobi were like puppets to Roy. Roy could do anything he wanted to do with them. He could even destroy them if he wanted to. But how would that help. These shinobi were mindless. They had no brain, no intelligence, no soul which meant no statistics whatsoever, and no heart which meant that they could be defeated easily. The logic of how to completely master these new forms of shinobi really puzzled Roy. Once again, Roy split himself into White and Black. "What if they need power?" Black thought. "What would that do?!" White replied, "Yes it would obviously make them stronger but like we said before, they could still be defeated easily. One strike and they would be eliminated! We can't have that in a real battle!" Black began to think once again. "Chakra?" Black asked once again, "Maybe that could help put a difference to these shinobi." White responded for the second time, but this time in a lower tone. "Possibly..." he mumbled to himself, "But the challenge did stat that it was something special to shinobi. It is obviously something unique to chakra, but not the true answer." Black concluded with a soft conclusion for now. "Let us just reform into Roy, shall we?" he suggested. "Good idea." White smiled as they recreated the whole being of Roy Zetsu. Roy began to silently meditate. "Speed, Stamina, Chakra, Strength, HEALTH?" That has to be it. Someone relevant to that has to be the solution. If we can manage to find this answer, we will successfully master both sides of this Wood Release. "What is health?" Roy thought to himself. Again, he began to think hard. This time, a weird voice called out to Roy. The voice belonged to his father. "Hello, Roy." Zetsu called out to Roy. Roy had no idea who Zetsu was, as Zetsu was still an old shinobi 261 years ago. 261 years ago, Roy barely existed. He wasn't even a year old. "Health is pure strength. Strength is basically another word for power. It doesn't refer to the strength of health. Health is the pure strength of the heart and soul. It holds your life sacred and SPECIAL for a reason." The voice of Zetsu disappeared, meaning that it was now Roy's turn to perform this. Roy placed his hands, attached to the roots, onto his heart. A feed of blood and white light began to pass through to the shinobi. "Blood?" Roy questionned himself, "Plants don't even have blood." White and Black split once again. "The blood is not from you, you idiot!" Black shouted, strangely smiling, "Blood is from true shinobi. Also that white light, it has to represent soul." White responded, "So in other words, we are giving true life to the shinobi!" White smiled. Black facepalmed himself as he didn't believe how stupid White was at the moment. Therefore, he just decided to reform into Roy once again. Another tactic was created. Shadow-Clones appeared before Roy as more feeds of blood, heart, and soul transferred into the shinobi. This time, they could stand on their own. The wood broke as Roy could see the real appearances of the beings. "Sakura, Sasori, Kisame, Sasuke, Naruto!" Roy shouted in happiness. He was in awe as he managed to pull these shinobi from the afterlife. But something felt awkward. Roy knew he couldn't really control these shinobi's powers in total. He began to start controlling them. He noticed that the shinobi began to become plant-like, using E and D-Ranked jutsus by themselves. Roy made a sinister look as he knew he was improving, and a true shinobi was about to change the world.

A certificate magically appeared before Roy.

Congratulations, Zetsu Roy!
Your work has successfully made a new generation of restoration and destruction
in this new Shinobi World. Use this power wisely. You may be able to use the Wood Release now.
However, improving your other strengths first will make this technique even more powerful.
Master your other skills, and this technique will become more powerful than you imagined.
Follow my footsteps, and you will be fine.
Akatsuki Member
Master of the Wood Release
Hisashi Saio
Hisashi Saio
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Mastering Wood Release [PRIVATE] Empty Re: Mastering Wood Release [PRIVATE]

Mon May 28, 2012 1:22 pm
WC: 3503

(9 Chakra, 9 Speed, 18 JP)

Mastering Wood Release [PRIVATE] Empty Re: Mastering Wood Release [PRIVATE]

Thu May 31, 2012 3:23 pm
Approved, wood release, 17 chakra, 17 JP
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