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Kiran Hoshigaki
Kiran Hoshigaki
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : Child of the Storm
HP: 300
AP: 1,105
Vigor: 100
Chakra: 20
Speed: 30
Strength: 150
Mission Record : Kiran's Stone Tablet
Taijutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 1500

The Finer Fins of Life Empty The Finer Fins of Life

Sat May 25, 2024 9:21 am
Meanwhile, within Tsukigakure-no-Sato's stalwart walls…

While You Read:

As the Fish-Gilled Kunoichi embarks on her inaugural journey through the enigmatic Village Hidden in the Moon, her sky-blue orbs are immediately enveloped by an otherworldly ambiance that set this village apart from the others of yesteryears. The village, bathed in the ethereal glow of a perpetual twilight, showcased a landscape where the lines between reality and dreams seemed to blur.

The village's architecture displays an exquisite blend of traditional and fantastical elements. Buildings crafted from a shimmering, luminescent stone appeared to pulse with an inner light, casting gentle hues of blue and silver across the cobblestone pathways. This mystical illumination, complemented by an array of bioluminescent flora, exudes soft glows creating intricate patterns on the ground, guiding Kiran's steps like constellations fallen from the sky.

Above, the moon loomed larger and more radiant than Kiran had ever seen, its light filtering through the translucent leaves of ancient, towering trees that surrounded the village. These trees, with their bark appearing almost crystalline, whispered secrets of a long-forgotten past as the wind gently rustled through their branches. The air was crisp and carried a faint, sweet fragrance, reminiscent of night-blooming flowers that thrived in this perpetual twilight.

Kiran's senses were heightened by the subtle sounds of the village: the soft murmur of flowing water from hidden streams, the distant calls of nocturnal creatures, and the occasional laughter of villagers, whose faces were partially obscured by the shadows cast by their hoods and masks. Their eyes glinting with a mix of curiosity and recognition as they regarded the newcomer, hushed tones singing and whispers afoot as the Hoshigakan sidles by.

As she continues her transitory exploration, Kiran encounters several enigmatic structures that piqued her curiosity. Among them stands a grand spire centered at the heart of the village, dedicated to the moon, and its entrance guarded by intricate stone carvings of mythical beings. The tower itself ascends majestically over the river, its commanding presence symbolizing authority and unity. Waterfalls cascade down its sides, merging with the river below, while arched bridges link it to the bustling streets.

"Wow," Her thin lips sigh. "Sea Sister Junko has much done. A big home for a sister with a big dream." She simpers, looking at the quarry on her shoulder as she purses her lips. "Perhaps my tidings yield small appreciation for Sea Sister Junko's efforts... More game, I shall hunt for as further gratitude. But, not now. First, I am wanted!"

With the subdued clicks from her heels, she approaches the doorway that leads further in the building, however, her path is intercepted by what she only presume to be a slender-looking, white-haired guard, given their stature and attire. The guard stands slightly taller than Kiran herself, a few inches difference between them, and dons a mostly dark-colored outfit that nearly cloaks her physique from the tower's casting shadow. Although she cannot thoroughly make out their physiognomy, she can partially deduce the figure before her possesses a queer pair of horns protruding from their forehead and a pair of silver-tinted eyes.

"イランカラㇷ゚テ!" She greets, adjusting the weight of her trophy accordingly. "May the Sea Mother bless our kinship. I am wanted of Sea Sister Junko. May I have your entry to see her? I am to cook her good tidings as celebration for keeping my life in one piece."

WC: 560
TWC: 560
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

The Finer Fins of Life Empty Re: The Finer Fins of Life

Sat May 25, 2024 9:31 pm
It was a bright beautiful day over the village of Tsukigakure as Junko tended to the various paperwork that had now covered her desk. Various trade deals, construction permits, and countless other requests now consumed most of her thoughts as she attempted to work through them. She was unsure when the last time she managed to actually get out into the village and enjoy her beautiful creation, but for now, she was needed at the tower. Thankfully due to the suite she had installed above her office, she was never too far away. It had been quite some time since she visited her actual home, and believed that Hasu along with a few others still inhabited their walls.

A brief knock at her office door along with the announcement of Nariko pulled her concentration away once more. She’d beckon her inside, and once the door was closed, Junko would greet her. Since they had been spending most days together, Junko had grown rather comfortable with having her stoicism. After they were done greeting one another, Nariko then would address the reason for her intrusion.

”Lady Tsukiko, Sakoshi has sent word that an acquaintance of yours by the name of Kiran Hoshigaki would be arriving soon. I believe she has a dead shark with her, though I wasn’t told why.”

As she finished speaking she’d offer Junko a quick bow before standing up straight once more. A look of excitement filled Junko’s face as she quickly began to hide the paperwork within her desk.

”Oh, my Sea Sister as she calls it. We found her washed up on the shore, and after saving her she ran right back into the ocean! We all looked at her rather astonished when she returned to us, carrying the shark on her back. I believe she intends to prepare a dish for me from it, so would you please be a dear and assist her in bringing it up here?”

With a neutral look on her face, Nariko would simply nod her head, accepting Junko’s request. After offering her one more bow, she exited the office and began making her way down to the entrance of the building. She was unsure of what to think of this “Kiran” woman, and couldn’t help but be a bit suspicious of her. Though she was like this with anyone who sought to speak with Junko, so maybe it was paranoia getting the best of her. Once she arrived at the tower entrance, Nariko silently awaited the arrival of the shark girl.

Once Junko was left alone in her office, she’d finish tidying up the room before opening the large, sliding paper doors that were placed on each of the four walls. This would reveal a balcony surrounding the entire outside of her office, that allowed one to overlook each part of the village. Momentarily her eyes would scan the room, looking for any imperfections among the various trinkets and knickknacks that were displayed sporadically throughout the room. Once seemingly satisfied, she’d sit behind her desk once more and await the arrival of her friend.

Thankfully it didn’t take Kiran too long to arrive, and soon Nariko found her approaching the entrance. A neutral expression remained on her face as she moved to intercept the woman before she could get too far. Nariko would offer Kiran a deep bow, and her long white hair would dangle slightly in her face before then laying gently on her shoulders as she stood to her full height once more. Her sliver eyes would take in the sight of the woman before her, but she wouldn’t express any amount of shock or fear. A black dress clung snugly to her torso but poofed out a bit around her waist and stopped roughly above her knees. Her posture was a bit rigid and straight to the black, tight corset that held the dress nicely in place.

Kiran then informed Nariko that she had come to meet with Junko and that she intended to cook her a meal as a thank-you for saving her. Nariko simply offered her a nod before speaking up in a rather monotone voice as she looked slightly down at the woman before her.

”Kiran is it? Mistress Junko has been informed of your entrance to the village and is eager to meet with you. She requested that I escort you to her to ensure nobody gives you any problems. You may call me Nariko. Do you need assistance in carrying that, we have some rather long stairs to climb.”

For the first time since her approach, Nariko would offer Kiran a small smirk as she awaited a response. Admittedly she found herself a bit impressed that the woman before her had carried her “good tidings” this far. Though Nariko would have no issues doing the same, most of the shinobi in the village wouldn’t be able to accomplish such a feat.

Kiran Hoshigaki
Kiran Hoshigaki
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : Child of the Storm
HP: 300
AP: 1,105
Vigor: 100
Chakra: 20
Speed: 30
Strength: 150
Mission Record : Kiran's Stone Tablet
Taijutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 1500

The Finer Fins of Life Empty Re: The Finer Fins of Life

Sun May 26, 2024 3:32 am
Seeing the bodyguard perform a deep bow, Kiran reciprocates with one of her own—mindful to keep her meal away from the cobblestone ground—making sure to display the glimmer of her trident-shaped crown on her forehead faces forward toward her before rising upright. With the guard's approach, Kiran catches the finer details of her visage. She looks quite young, perhaps an agemate, and her attire resembling a dress tailored from possibly a bygone era, quite similar to Sea Sister Junko's, actually. Kiran always found herself amused by the variable, cultural costumes many Overdwellers wore. Judging by her posture and body language, Kiran surmises this woman may be a bit more formal than most of the other Overdwellers she's met thus far.

"エ!" She answers with her lips curled. "Hoshigaki Kiran, first daughter of Hoshigaki Yuhi of the Trident Tribe and the 'Child of the Storm' among my people. The joy it brings to know my Sea Sister has strong arms to safe her keep. You, too, may partake in her good tidings! Food eaten in good company tastes the best."

Kiran's ear twitches when she hears Nariko propose to assist in carrying her quarry toward the high-levels of the spire. She doesn't answer immediately, but instead, she lets her eyes inform her of the decision she should make. And although there's little to assess given the moonlight's vestiges over her body, she could at least deduce that Nariko may be capable of handling the tail-end of the great white she carries, at best. However, her stoic disposition itself may, also, be beguiling and Kiran would know this well: as strength takes upon many forms, sometimes hidden beneath the most feeble-looking pups.

After a few moments, Kiran shakes her head in refusal. "No need for such trouble. I am quite capable of carrying this on my own." Kiran replies with a tinge of pride in her voice. "I am eager to meet with Sea Sister Junko and eager to learn more about this village of yours. And of you, Nariko! Please, lead the way." Thereafter, Kiran follows the guardswoman to the spire's peak. Along the way, Kiran takes note of the various structures and rooms she passes by, as well as the Overdwellers who occupy them. She also notices that many of them seem to be staring at her with either awe or curiosity in their gazes—she can't tell which. But she doesn't mind. It's not uncommon for Overdwellers to gawk at her kind.

Shortly before their ascension, Kiran pardons Nariko as to where she may store her quarry to cook for later and, should she oblige, will store it someplace safe where it may maintain its freshness without the risk of spoiling. If not, she will gladly heave the jagged-tooth behemoth up to Junko’s quarters when they arrive.

"Pray tell, Nariko," She starts, now climbing the stairway's toward the tower's top at her escort's walking speed. "Sea Sister Junko, may our exchange be brief, told me not of more friends she knows. You are one of them, yes? What brings you to this beautiful village?" Kiran would listen to her answer, should Nariko decide to speak on the matter, but if not, Kiran nods knowingly and lets the echo of their footsteps reverberate throughout the tower hold their own conversations until they eventually reach the spire's end.

And when they do, she finds the entrance way leading inside the room, Kiran's jaw proverbially clamors against the floor. The interior of the suite is far more extravagant than what she had imagined it to be. She expected something akin to her own home—sparsely furnished with only the bare necessities for comfort and survival—but instead, she finds herself surrounded by conspicuous opulence and overt luxury unlike anything she's ever seen before!

"By all the tides!" She exclaims in awe as she sets down her quarry near the doorframe. "What kind of place is this?!" Her eyes widen as she takes in every detail of the lavish decor around her. From the ornate furnishings to the exquisite artwork adorning the walls, it's clear that whoever lives here has a taste for the finer things of life. And judging by the size, Kiran guesses that this must be a room for a person of great importance, one that would rival to her chieftain's back home. But, no amount wonder could bestow her any greater joy when she finds Junko sitting across from her at a desk.

"Sea Sister Junko, ヘ!" Without a second thought, Kiran, would suddenly drop her trophy with a floor-creaking thud if she still possesses it, rushes over and dives across the desk toward Junko. With Kiran's arms outstretched, she wraps them around her shoulders and buries the side of her face along Junko's sternum, where she may hear the rhythmic drums of life march and play to the beat of their own while being careful to avoid prodding her crown against her form. She remains like this for a moment longer before she slowly peels herself away and gently pats her hand against her bosom.

"Your heart sings to me that you are healthy! What joy the Sea Mother brings me to see your face, once more! Oh! And your tidings, I have brought to eat at this tower's bottom!" She hurriedly slides off the desk's top, adjusting and dusting her garments. "Your Nariko is most helpful. A most resourceful guide across this spire's strange creation. And the stairs, Sea Sister! So many! How do you climb them all? The ocean's currents are far easier to navigate than these!" Kiran chuckles. "But, I am glad we found one another again." She says while taking a step back. "To think, I would find you in a place such as this! In my travels, I have seen many things, but nothing like this village! It is a home fit for a chieftain!"

Kiran takes a moment to look around the room once more before she turns her attention back toward Junko. "I am eager to hear of your tidings, Sea Sister! Tell me, how you and our Blood Brothers fare since our parting?"

WC: 1,020
TWC: 1,575
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