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Mission Record : Mission Log
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Starting the Fuse Empty Starting the Fuse

Sat Apr 13, 2024 3:49 pm
It was the first time that Reiten would wake up since the academy with a day free to do what ever she wanted, not having any missions due, or anything else. This was the perfect moment to get to the Dojo of the hidden star village and to train, get her skills to a higher standard and simply rise to the greatness she wished to attain, as well as attain the goals she set for herself, following the tracks of her parents too. She would prepare herself at her uncle house, get dressed and geared up, and leave with a small lunch box running from excitement, pumped and motivated to give her all at the training grounds. After a few minutes running into the streets of the village, she would finally arrive at the dojo, and would pass the doors of the training facility.

Here lied the immense room for training all kinds of jutsu, weapon techniques and other types of abilities to the capacities of all, as well as some gear that could be used and borrowed. What interested Reiten was to practice her usage of an explosive arsenal and to control her ways of fighting with them to only cause the necessary damages, not injuring anyone else like allies of civilians in the process, and not causing any collateral damages either. Accessing the armory of the training grounds, Reiten would take a whole stack of explosive tags, looking like a brick in her hands, containing easily two hundreds tags that could be set to explode at any second if triggered by Reiten's chakra signature. At first, she wanted to mix it with her mastery of the earth element, her own elemental affinity, an heritage from both of her parents and from her cultural origins of the village of Iwagakure, the village hidden in the stone. Getting concentrated, Reiten would close her eyes and join her hands in a handseal to gather her own energy and chakra, and channel it trough the earth. At the same time, she would try and use her dexterity to manipulate subtly the stack of explosive tags in her pocket to slip trough her clothing and follow her body all the way down t oher ankle and subtly sink into the ground, getting carried by her earth manipulation toward the target, a random dummy at the training ground.

The technique was not yet perfected, but still, she would try and make it reach all the way to the target. This practice was extremely taxing to her chakra reserves, and the explosives didnt reach the target and would explode mid way there, creating large rumbling of the ground and deflagration half underground, causing dirt and dust to rise up in her perimeter with loud bangs and fire emerging a bit from the cracked up ground.

''Dammit! This is going to be hard. Alright, lets try again...'' would say out loud Reiten, exhausted and breathless from her efforts of channeling her chakra into this complicated technique.
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