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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Far from done, just starting Empty Far from done, just starting

Wed Sep 30, 2015 1:45 am
It was midday and the sun was high in the sky. Ita was now holding a small piece of paper in his hand holding it between his face and Sai’s. The two of them had just witnessed Ita’s paper be cut exactly in half and fall to the floor and burn up into ashes and float away just moments before. Ita’s expression changes on his face. His eyes looked almost devious as he thought. “Lightning release? This is going to be very interesting.” Sai was observing Ita and was thinking at the same time about what had just occurred. Sai knew him most contact his former pupil to have him train Ita in his ways. This would be the final stage of Ita’s training with Sai and afterwards the two would part. Ita would be ready to rejoin his classmates as a genin and climb the ninja ranks. Sai would allow Ita to move freely until the time had come to take seek him out, but that was a long ways away. Ita could not begin to think about what was next? Who would teach him? Ita knew that Sai was not versed in lightning style so how would he continue to gain anything by continuing to train with Sai? Ita knew he must get stronger, but he was unsure of what was next.
                Sai turned to Ita and and spoke in an almost cheery tone, “Well, that enough for today. I must say you were once of the smartest pupils I’ve ever had. Well one of the very few, but I have a good feeling about you kid.” Sai placed his hand on the shoulder of the boy and gave him a smile as he closed his eyes. Ita felt weird by this embrace by Sai. He was almost sad that the two had recognized that there time together was coming to an end. Even thought they had only known each other for only a mere few months, Ita could not help but feel that some type of bond had formed between the two of them. Ita was very greatful however of his Sensai’s kind gestures over their time together. Behind Ita’s calm complexion, he felt as though something were missing and his knew lust for power was slowly filling the void, however he still would feel a longing for real friendship. Ita shook his head for a moment to get his thoughts off of his past and focus on what was occurring now. Ita then asked Sai, “What is next?” Sai smiled at the slightly sad complexion on the boy’s face and began to speak, “Oh don’t think you are getting rid of me that easily, Ita. You may still stay here with me, just you won’t be seeing me as often. Our time here together has not yet come to an end, but has just merely started.” As Ita heard the words Sai spoke to him, he could not help but feel uplifted by the words. “So what does Sai planning on doing?” Ita thought to himself as he inquired from his sensai, “So what does this all mean?” Sai spoke to the boy once more, “well boy, luckily for you I have an old pupil of mine who happens to be very well familiar with the lightning release…you are just going to have to wait and see for yourself, however I warn you that he is not as lenient as me; so be prepared.”
                Ita couldn’t help but feel excited about the situation. This meant he was getting a new teacher, a new chance to learn more powerful techniques to add to his arsenal, to fill his void. Ita eagerly asked questions to Sai about the man and how he was and what he was going to teach him, but Sai eventually became annoyed with Ita and ended the conversation. “That is all for today.” Sai said to the boy. Ita couldn’t help be feel annoyed by Sai’s response. He wanted to get right to work, but he decided that it was best to wait until the next step in his training. Sai spoke, “He will be arriving in a few short days and living here with the both of us for a while. Until then, try and get some rest because the time ahead of you is going to be rough and paved with obstacles. By the time all of our time together is over, you will be ready to go out on your own and fulfil your destiny and bring this village to new heights. You may become acquainted with my former pupil when he arrives, until then, rest.”

                Sai turned his back to the boy and walked towards the house. Ita stood still for a moment and thought before following Sai back home.  
claim: 4 stats, 800 towards raiton
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Far from done, just starting Empty Re: Far from done, just starting

Sun Oct 04, 2015 4:01 am
Ita departed from Sai as told and went back to the house where he rested for a little bit. Ita figured the training he was about to endure was going to be rigorous and he wished to accomplish it as soon as possible. For being so young, the boy showed signs of great ambition, mostly from the loss of his parents. All his life the boy had been a victim of loss and it was beginning to manifest into something else deep within him. Regardless, it had changed him for the better, in terms of the shinobi world that is. Ita was on a war path to becoming one of the most feared ninja this world had ever seen, it just required a bit of work. The boy was still naïve to the ramifications of becoming such a force, but for Ita it was enough for him; anything that took away the pain the boy felt was good enough to him. He secretly longed to be accepted even though you couldn’t tell by looking at him.
                The boy was sitting on his bed and looking at the picture of his dead parents and him when he was a child that he had picked up off the floor. He whipped it against his chest to remove the dust that had been left behind by his footprint. He examined the picture for a moments more and began to think deeply. Ita was questioning what his role in the village was and if it was right for him to continue to stay amongst them or to leave once he was strong enough. For no he would continue to stay in the Leaf and make it as far as possible so that he could learn as much information as possible.
                Ita took a deep breath and then exhaled while blinking his eyes slowly. Ita thought when this person who was supposedly Sai’s former student and a master of Raiton was going to arrive. As Ita was about to stand, he heard a knock on the door. “Hmm, what a coincidence.” Ita said as he made his way to the door, the boy figured that it was the man that he was speaking about.
                Ita placed his hand on the door and opened it, as he opened it, Ita felt the pressure from an outside source, a hooded figure was pressing on the door and opened it completely, causing Ita to move to the side. The hooded man entered the room and eyed the boy who had now stepped back. Ita was wearing a a loose black shirt and black pants at the moments. The man completely disregarded the boy and only inquired of where Sai was. Ita suggested to the man that he did not know, but then asked for his name. The man continued to eye the boy and told him that his name was “Dante”. Ita nodded and the man did not ask for the boy’s name.
                For a few moments there was an awkward silence. Ita continued to watch the man’s actions as he made himself at home for a while, even going into Ita’s room and laying in his bed for a while as though he had been there his whole life. Ita was standin in the kitchen and then he heard a noise outside. The door swung open and entered Sai. Sai could sense Dante’s chakra and was thrilled that he had arrived safely. Dante came out of the room and began to speak with Sai. Sai, who seemed a lot happier than Dante, lead the man into another room where they spent time catching up. During that time, Sai explained to his old pupil what his situation was and tried to convince the man of Ita’s potential. The man wasn’t buying it. The two of them entered the room and stood in front of the boy. Dante spoke, “So where is this student of yours, Sai?” he inquired. Ita felt a bit awkward and then spoke before Sai had a chance to answer the man. “Ita, Ita Uchiha is my name.” Ita was making direct contact with the man and the man was caught off guard a little bit. Upon observing the two men in front of Ita, Ita concluded the two were exact opposites. Dante was more stern and tense while Sai was laid back, it almost didn’t make much sense to Ita because Dante was Sai’s student, but he didn’t speak about it. Dante turned to Sai, “An Uchiha, huh? What makes you so certain this kid has what it takes to be my student Sai?” Sai chuckled at what the man said and gave a sarcastic remark which the man didn’t find funny, but Ita could tell the level of respect between the two of them was great because he did not question Sai any longer. Sai spoke, “You know Dante, and the boy reminds me a lot of you when you were just a boy.” Dante’s face made a scowl as Sai spoke, but then he shrugged it off and turned his attention towards Ita who was just standing before them listening to them converse. “So Uchiha, Ita. Are you ready to learn the most powerful lightning techniques ever? It is going to be a lot of work and it won’t be easy. I personally don’t think you have what it takes, but you are lucky that his old man is vouching for you.” Sai laughed and then seemed sort of offended. Sai didn’t look old, but Ita wasn’t sure of his age either. Dante continued to speak to the boy, “I won’t be as lenient as Sai. I expect you to work hard, and my way. That is it. If not I will walk, do you understand boy?” Dante finished speaking to Ita and was curious as to how he would respond to this. Ita replied, “Can we start right away?” Sai was caught off guard by his response as well, but replied with a smile.

Claim:1000 towards ration + 5 stats
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Far from done, just starting Empty Re: Far from done, just starting

Sun Oct 04, 2015 4:05 am

Approved <3
Stat Page : Howl's Fat Stats
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Far from done, just starting Empty Re: Far from done, just starting

Mon Oct 05, 2015 2:11 am
“Let us waste no time then, Sai let us go downstairs; shall we?” By the way the two of them motioned towards the entrance of the underground sub terrain training facility, Ita could tell the two of them must have spent a great deal of time down there together. Anyways, Ita was ecstatic to begin his ration training. The three shinobi began their decent into the depths of the facility bellow to begin Ita’s training. Sai had nothing to do for the day and thought it would be fun to accompany the two of them. Realizing that Ita was no longer his student, but just another graduated pupil of his, he could not help himself but to continue to watch over the boy and track his progress.
                The two now lowered into the middle of the arena where there was an open space not cluttered by rocks. Dante turned his attention towards Sai and asked for Sai to produce several wooden barriers only about an inch thick. Dante spoke to Ita and informed him on how they planned to start his ration training. Ita would first have to focus his chakra into his hand and try to replicate an electric current, allowing his chakra to take the form of lightning. The idea of his practice is to get a better control over his affinity release and practice it by trying to utilize its control to piece the wood. Dante had no doubt that Ita was capable of piercing the wood if he wanted to, aside from this technique, but there was a catch. Dante spoke to the boy, “Ita try focusing your chakra into your hand, allowing it to manifest itself in the form of lightning, try to think of it as a current, or a wave of energy over your hand.” Ita looked down at his hand as the man spoke to him. “Then I want you to try and pierce these pillars of wood, using ur lightning release as a buffer.” Before Dante could continue speaking Ita hand thrusted his hand towards one of the wooden boards and put his hand right through it completely, without any sign of ration about his hand. “That was easy.” Said the boy. Dante shook his head and began to speak to the boy once more. “Not like that son, you think I’m stupid enough to not know that you could do that? The catch to this technique is that you must hold your fingers only an inch away from the board. That is all the room you will have to gain momentum. Now I and Sai will catch up while you train. Don’t bother us until you are done.”

                Ita practiced trying to pierce the board while holding his hand only within an inch away for hours on end. He was having a hard time producing ration around his hand enough to pierce the board. Ita finally came to a point where he had been hitting the board so many times that it had withered down and his fingertips where bleeding. Ita was disappointed in himself that he could not perform such a task. Eventually, Ita was able to produce a slight current of electricity about his hand. Ita was mad at himself for being so weak. How could he accomplish his goals if he could not even pierce a thing piece of wood? Ita clenched his eyes shut and let out a shout, catching the attention of Sai and Dante. The boy released a large amount of chakra and thrusted his hand into the board, piercing through the board cleanly
Claim: 600 towards raiton, unlocking raiton. 3 stats
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Far from done, just starting Empty Re: Far from done, just starting

Mon Oct 05, 2015 5:06 am

Approved <3
Stat Page : Howl's Fat Stats
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Far from done, just starting Empty Re: Far from done, just starting

Mon Oct 12, 2015 11:14 pm
Dante was pleased to see that Ita was making progress. He thought to himself that maybe Sai was right and this boy might actually possess some type of talent comparable to no other. Dante also thought that it would be best not to waste anymore time and get right into the boys training teaching him one of the most powerful jutsu he knows. Once he taught the boy this technique, his job would be done and he would leave. What he did with it from there on would be up to him, either way, Dante had made a promise to Sai and he had every intention of fulfilling his promise.
                Dante and Sai stood off to the side as they watched Ita continue to train. Every time Ita would strike the wooden board, he would grunt. The two of them could see the determination inside Ita’s eyes. An electric current was now rippling around Ita’s hand with every thust, but only slightly. They could also see the boy’s frustration. Ita continued to hit the board, but with no luck, his hand would not pass through. His knuckles where bloody and the board was starting to whither down. Where he was punching was also covered in the boy’s blood. Ita then cocked his hand back and thrusted it through the board with great might out of frustration.
                Dante and Sai both knew what was next to come. They walked over to Ita, Sai putting his hand on the boys shoulder, which seemed like a tender gesture, but was just the result of Sai moving the boy out of the way. Sai then quickly prepared some hand signs and up came a large wooden poll which was about a foot thick. Dante began to speak, “This is a jutsu passed down from generation to generation from my great grandfather, it is my most powerful technique, and because of Sai, you are going to get to learn it. Now you must understand, this technique is lethal and should only be used for good. Do you understand?” Ita wasn’t really listening to what the man was saying, but was caught off guard by how powerful the jutsu he said is. Although, only being a young age the young boy was a master at manipulating his feelings already and it was very hard to read him so when he responded, “yes.” It seemed sincere enough to Dante.
                Dante stepped towards the wooden pillar and began to weave several hand signs, ‘Ox -> Rabbit -> Monkey’. Before Ita’s eyes, the man thrusted his hand downwards, holding onto his wrist with his opposite hand. Ita then heard the sound of what seemed to be birds chirping as a blue lightning appeared in the man’s hand. Dante then cocked his arm back and thrusted it towards the wooden pillar. Ita was mesmerized by the power of the man’s jutsu and couldn’t help but wonder.  The man’s hand then accelerated towards the thick wooden pillar in front of Ita’s eyes and broke the woods surface. Ita’s eyes did not blink but calmly observed the awesome power before him. Dante’s hand did not only pierce the wood cleanly, but literally left a large hole. Dante retracted his hand and left a cloud of smoke coming from the pillar. Ita watched as the smoke died down and was approached by the man. ‘That is what I am going to be teaching you.’, said the man as he continued to walk past Ita to converse with Sai. Dante and Sai began to speak and Ita could make out some of what they were saying to each other. Sai was talking to Dante about how Dante’s genin would be returning from his conjoined mission today and that he should join Ita in training. Ita was interested to see who this boy was, but did not think about it too much. Ita thought it might be nice to have someone else to speak to besides these two men, someone who might have similar views or of the same age. Ita couldn’t help but wonder more but then decided to focus his effort on learning new jutsu.

                The night was coming to an end. Ita was wide awake lying in bed. The room was dark except for the light of the moon that was able to sliver in past the folding blinds on the window. Ita was staring at the ceiling and the moon’s light illuminated part of his face. “Who is this boy?” Ita thought in his head while staring off blankly. He tried to visualize the boy’s face in his mind, but it was no use. Now that Dante’s student would be joining Sai and him, Ita felt a little weird. For the first time in a while, it would be almost like if Ita had a small, weird family. Who better to be surrounded by then strong ninja who he could learn from? Ita closed his eyes slowly and began to think for a little, shaking his head lightly as he thought that he shouldn’t get too attached. In his past, becoming attached has only left him alone; for some reason everyone Ita has come into contact with has died. However, for the time being, Ita would continue to train and see where this path could lead him; he was only a boy and had nothing else to live for, maybe the village was his true calling; but maybe he soul yearned for something else. Regardless of his feelings, he still had much to do and decided that he should get some rest since the arrival of his team mate would be tomorrow and he figured after training, the four of them may venture out on a mission. Ita was excited and hoped that they would, he wanted to meet this boy and show off his new skills to his teachers in a real life scenario, anyways Ita was beginning to get sick of staying at Sai’s house all of the time.
WC: 1000 towards chidori, 5 stats
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Far from done, just starting Empty Re: Far from done, just starting

Mon Oct 12, 2015 11:22 pm

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