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Jason Fredriksson
Jason Fredriksson
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Mon Feb 02, 2015 2:08 pm
Jason arrived at the village gates and staggered a bit to stop before he tripped and hit the waters. Jason walked up to the gates with his hands in his pockets and was whistling a tune. as Jason then stood in front of the gates and waited for someone to open the gates and let him in. after a while, Jason got a bit annoyed and knocked on the gates. surely, somebody would hear the knocking and come and answer.
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Mon Feb 02, 2015 10:49 pm
Another day, another hangover. Kaede wished it had been the case, alas from his home within one of the islands of Shimagakure he had finally received some grave news. It seemed during his time partying and not giving no damns that the village had been taken over? And by someone he had never heard of no less! What a terrible thing it was. He had arisen the day after, not a single drop of alcohol had been drunk, and this put Kaede in a foul mood. His door flung open, and out he trudged. For the first time in what seemed like months he was out in the early hours of the morning. Kaede still had several people who held loyalty for him, he had after all brought the village back into a golden age of prosperity, for a minor village anyway. He received word of a stranger arriving at the gates of the village, one of a couple that seemed to be streaming in this direction. Migrants apparently, Shimagakure was about to get a large influx of visitors it seemed. His body flickered out of vision, moving himself across the islands at a vast speed and arriving a top the gates within a minute to gaze down at the one who dared come to his village unannounced. "You." He called to the male below him, an aura of chakra flaring up around his body high into the sky. The rage of Kaede could be seen throughout the islands, the aura taking the form of some sort of beast as he showed the power he possessed to the trespasser. "What brings you to my village boy? Answer quickly, before I leave you nothing but a bloody stain on the shoreline."
Jason Fredriksson
Jason Fredriksson
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Mon Feb 02, 2015 11:12 pm
"well, sir.." Jason started. "my name is Jason Fredriksson. i am a shinobi of tengakure village. or i used to be, since tengakure is leveled to the ground. and i was told to go to this village, since it is going to be my new home. may i please enter, sir? my parents are inside, and i want to go home to my parents. i have nowhere else to go, and i'm starting to get a cold here. please let me through." Jason begged the man to let him enter. Jason would now, unfortunately wait for a response, and hoped that he would be let in.
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Tue Feb 03, 2015 4:22 pm
He listened to the boy's...tragic...ish....tale with a neutral face. That isn't to say it wasn't fairly obvious he was still pissed, considering the aura that continued to surround his body. Tengakure was one of the five 'major' villages, so the news of it's destruction surprised Kaede somewhat. "Boy, who was it who told you to come here?" Once the question was asked, he paid no mind to the pleas off the filth that stood so far below him. He held no doubts that the person who was responsible for 'claiming' rulership of Shimagakure was the one who was directing all these people from Tengakure to this location. After all, it was quite a trek to get here, it would make more sense for them to go to one of the neighbouring countries not to venture across the sea.
Jason Fredriksson
Jason Fredriksson
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Tue Feb 03, 2015 4:34 pm
"it was the ruler of tengakure himself, xyxer, who told me so." Jason responded with courage in his face. if the man up at the walls would come down and kill him, then Jason wouldn't go down without a fight. Jason stood there and awaited patiently for the man's response, and hoped that he wouldn't be even more angered.
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Thu Feb 05, 2015 5:49 pm
A name unfamiliar to him, thus he did not care for it. "This Xyxer does not have the right to send people to my village boy. However, I will grant you access to the village for the time being. If I hear of any incidents, you'll be immediately thrown out of the village in a body bag. Welcome to Shimagakure." With that said and done the aura disappeared, Kaede's rage finally having a target for him to take it out against. As such with a wave of his hand the guards, who still had no idea who the fuck was in charge anymore, quickly opened the gates to the stranger. Kaede walked off somewhere, likely to get a drink because god damn was this a pain in the ass.

Jason Fredriksson
Jason Fredriksson
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Thu Feb 05, 2015 11:32 pm
Jason smiled as he was entering his new home. thank god it was over. man, was that intense. though Jason knew that he'd do no such thing as an incident. Jason wasn't like that. he was no shinobi who would do any incidents. As Jason was walking in to the village, Jason took a look around and smiled. this, was his new home, and he was gonna enjoy it. in a good way, and not in a "kill everybody and escape" kind of way. his new life was just starting.

(exit, topic closed.)
Midori Terumi
Midori Terumi
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Sun Feb 08, 2015 11:12 pm
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