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Isamu Hayato
Isamu Hayato
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Link
Remove Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 13700

Teleportation Within The Nation  Empty Teleportation Within The Nation

Fri Apr 12, 2024 10:21 pm
Isamu sighed, resting in the soft cushions of the estate of a noble within the lands of Moon. He wasn't sure how The Masked Man had gotten to know this women, but he was thankful to finally have a nice place to stay. As much as Isamu liked Sota and his wife he had struggled to deal with their adoption center falling apart around them and having to rebuild it for them. At this large estate it seemed that there were plenty of servants to take care of the simple work and he was able to focus on tasks better suited to him like guard duty and learning more about augmentation. He could even relax more easily, able to eat fruits without having to pay and relaxing on a balcony.

The artificial man knew that his brief moment of relaxation was coming to a close soon however, apparently once Hasumi got in touch with them The Masked Man planned on entering the village and offering Isamu's services as a Juinjutsu user to anyone she thought worth risking the procedure on. The middle aged man was also alarmed about his first procedure, apparently Hasu was going to be the first recipient of Isamu's mark. The Masked Man said that the girl's odds of survival were as high as they could possibly be, but the artificial man didn't like the idea of risking her life at all. He'd rather she just stay safe, but the artificial man was starting to understand that safety wasn't a sure thing in this world. The Masked Man seemed convinced that the girl would need the ability if she was going to be able to protect herself, as she'd yet to show the level of ability that Isamu had begun to display.

Isamu and Hasu used their telepathic link to stay in contact as they prepared for their reunion, both hoping that it wasn't going to be short lived. Though Hasu seemed terrified by the procedure she seemed to be willing to agree to it, it seemed she shared the same sentiment as the Masked Man that she needed the boost in power if she wanted to protect herself from the likes of Kurogane and the molemen who had kidnapped her before. Isamu had tried to dissuade Hasu, to at least let him try the technique on someone else first, but Hasu simply informed him that she'd rather take the risk than someone else.

Finding his relaxation ruined as he ended up fixating on the terrifying task ahead of him, Isamu let out another sigh and got out of the  cushions he'd been resting on. Figuring it couldn't be long now, Isamu recovered his equipment and got himself ready. He opted to keep his helmet removed and tucked under his right arm, so that Hasumi and anyone else present would be able to see his face. He also wanted to be able to see his sister with is vision unaltered by his visor, worried that it might be the last time he saw the girl who had walked out of the portal with him into this world.

Making his way through the estate, Isamu found himself alone as most of the servants were occupied preparing a meal. As much as he wished to stay Isamu knew that they'd leave before it was ready, so he just went straight into the basement of the estate that his creator was currently residing in. Isamu wasn't sure exactly why The Masked Man liked being underground so much, it also seemed like the strange man had an affinity for closed in spaces or something like that. Isamu found himself walking down the single short, narrow stair way that led into the basement. After arriving down there Isamu went through a few more doors and then found the small room The Masked Man stayed in, a square space that was 7 meters in each dimension. Knowing that they'd be leaving soon, Isamu would reach for the man and try to touch his shoulder so that they could teleport together.

[EXIT once teleported by Denkiteki]


818/1,000 toward Water Element (50% discount using Memory Link with Denkiteki), Previous Training here
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Living Clones : Isamu
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 271700

Teleportation Within The Nation  Empty Re: Teleportation Within The Nation

Sat Apr 13, 2024 11:59 pm
Denkiteki sensed Isamu as he approached via his Adaptive Deprivation, the blind man keeping in touch with Hasumi as he focused in on her chakra. The girl had sent the man mental images of the place he intended to teleport to, helping him figure out where he would teleport to in relation to Hasumi so that he wouldn't find his feet stuck in the floor or anything silly like that. Petting the small dog that sat beside him on the floor of the room he currently stayed in, Den decided it was time and performed the hand seals for Instant Transmission with his other hand. As he finished the seals he put his fingers on his forehead and continued to focus on Hasu's chakra signature.

Dressed in his Ronin robe and simple wooden mask, Denkiteki was still dressed in his Takehiko persona. While he had every intention of assisting Junko with her village he still didn't want to reveal himself to her. The former Tenkage didn't want to force the Village leader of Tsukigakure to have to deal with the political ramifications of one of the country's former Kage being in the area, and on top of that Den was concerned about possibly drawing the ire of Hoshigakure as well. He hadn't had contact with that village in some time, and could only imagine what they would do if it was discovered that The First Hogokage was still alive.

As Isamu entered the room and put his hands on Denkiteki's shoulder, the blind man was finally able to begin the actual teleportation process. The former Kage, his dog, and Isamu would quickly fade out of existence at 150 speed as they teleported into a large room Hasu and Junko were waiting in.

[Exiting with Isamu, Teleporting into this topic by concentrating on Hasumi's signature. Using Password to bypass Interdiction Seals, password acquired via Telepathy here]

-75 to teleport self, and 38 each for Isamu and Lady (non statted dog) with Instant Transmission

WC: 291


WC Claims
796/1,125 Devouring Sphere, Previous Training here. (25% discount)
Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

Teleportation Within The Nation  Empty Re: Teleportation Within The Nation

Sun Apr 14, 2024 1:53 pm
Isamu Hayato wrote:
[EXIT once teleported by Denkiteki]


818/1,000 toward Water Element (50% discount using Memory Link with Denkiteki), Previous Training here

Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

Teleportation Within The Nation  Empty Re: Teleportation Within The Nation

Sun Apr 14, 2024 1:54 pm
Denkiteki wrote:

[Exiting with Isamu, Teleporting into this topic by concentrating on Hasumi's signature. Using Password to bypass Interdiction Seals, password acquired via Telepathy here]

-75 to teleport self, and 38 each for Isamu and Lady (non statted dog) with Instant Transmission

WC: 291


WC Claims
796/1,125 Devouring Sphere, Previous Training here. (25% discount)

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